Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Woo hoo, I saw it too Nicole :wohoo: congratulations! f&tx for you tomorrow!

Thank you for your welcomes. I don't know how you all keep up with so many replies, should've called this group SuperAphrodites :kiss:

MommyMichele - Good luck with the BDing to catch that eggy. Are you the 'naturale' gal? I think I read you may have O'd early? That happens so often, maybe you O'd twice in a cycle if you have a long one? I really admire natural methods too, hoping I can do the same but I'm 39 maybe not (eek). People are shocked when I tell them they swear I only look 29. I just say I'm immature ;-) fx my body is too. Signs are all saying I'm ok. Mega EWCM this cycle for 2 days. Been off pill for 4/5 yrs now. DP is 27 but I don't feel like a cougar - just a tiger haha. We decided to try bef I turned 40 and it's a relief, v.excited to even be hopeful for a BFP first try, for our first, at my 'age'.

Britt - Thank you. I feel very welcome, I could see how supportive you all were, imo it's quite rare online. Fx for your BFP v.soon. BTW I had really bad AFs as a teenager too and was why I went on the pill. I've always been super regular though and learned the Billings Method which makes it easier now although it did take a year to recover after coming off the pill. I guess your gonna test tomorrow and the next day... haha ;-) I'm in exactly the same boat as you. 13dpo no BFP no AF, have headache this morning, just had a wave of sickness come over no brekky yet, spotting stopped, still wipe v.sm light brownish (ew first time wrote that, TMI!). But headache not good, temp down (only started temping after o'd). But on the plus side, I never spot only on day due and then get cramps within 1 day, so i def implanted, just hope its a sticky tiger bean. AF due Mon/Tue. So I feel for you, we will both see...

Joli - Im a tad old than you ;-) but I having many friends younger than me - they youngest is 21 and she's the best. And yes, it's a Tiger team, AITT! I remember reading about your DH prob and really felt for you. It's so great you're onto it though and getting double the injections ;-) It will make it even more special when you get that BFP methinks.

2016 - haha had to laugh at you're 'planning' your first in another 6 yrs!!! We were 'planning' end of this year then 'bam' that idea was gone ;-) sometimes you wonder if it really is 'your' decision or planted there by the powers that be lol. Thanks for the welcome and adding me to the list - woo hoo. Have to go look. Hmm, looked at your O'd issue and wonder if there's any other way you can check ie CM - do u get EWCM?

Hibiscus - so sorry to hear about your AF. You can def be happy your LP is 14 days. If it helps, I visualise perfect eggies and perfect baby - I need all the help I can get lol. Any neg thoughts I cancel haha. It's good your DH is considering what he wants now - better than much later for guys I think. I totally agree with the girls they need to feel the provider, it's a big responsibility having kiddies so he's obv thinking about it in the right way. My DP is changing jobs too, he's wanted to step up for a while so he is. And I also agree there's never a 'perfect' time to have a family. We're building a house, hasn't even started yet lol, will be hectic if i get a BFP but makes life interesting.

Phew, sorry its so long. Just have to finish with a wee story, my poor DH last night came home from work and got cuddly and I've been nervous about BDing in 2ww so we haven't! He was so cute and said softl 'you were all for it almost everyday it was great and now nothing, he grinned and said 'it was like you used me...' aw, i felt so awful and hugged him and said it won't happen again. Lucky he saw the funny side and wasn't that hurt. How bad am I huh.

Congrats again Nicole - so thrilled for you :kiss: Good luck team.
Nicole!!!!!!! I see the line!!!! omg, how fantastic!! Congratulations :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Britt - I think you sounds like you are having some symptoms... I've been having sticky cm, but this morning, it was really creamy - so really similar to you... I still feel no different, but you never know! I was strong and didn't test this morning...tomorrow (Sunday) will be 13dpo (or 14?!) and if temp stays up, then I can be hopeful, otherwise, I'm out for this cycle! Fx'd for us!!! If you don't get your BFP this cycle, then I would def consider doing temping next month, it makes things so much easier to follow, and then I can temp stalk you! :flower: I keep my themometer under my pillow, and set the alarm for othe same time every day, even on the weekends (then I just fall asleep after) - I have been known to fall asleep with the themometer in my mouth! haha - but the temp on mine will stay until I re-set, so I don't need to write anything down until I'm ready to get out of bed. FF is pretty interesting as well!

Tiger4me, your story with your DH is so cute - I have wondered whether it's a good or bad thing to DB during the 2ww... anyone have any theories on this? That's so fantastic that you have implanted!! When will you test??

Off to the gym now (it's Sat morning here!), as you're probably all thinking about your Friday nights and curling up in bed - sweet dreams! x
Thank you all so much for your replies! I'm feeling more optimistic than last cycle and the line is fainter I think, so I'm hoping it's a good sign.

2016, Thank you so much for tweaking my pics!

Britt: It sounds so promising that you only spotted at 5 dpo! Did you end up getting a better test? I'm 12 dpo and AF is due Tuesday.

Hibiscus: I'm sorry AF got you! Sounds like a rough time for you, I hope you and your DH can talk it out and make a little bubba this cycle! :hug:
Thanks Joli! it's not giving me the option of thanking for some reason! I'll try later. Hope your temp stays up!! I'm just going to bed now, it's past my beditme! night :)
Hey girls,
just wanted to drop a note as i just got home from going out with a gf.

Tiger4me- you are way too cute and thanks for the lovely post, its nice to have a new Aphrodite to the team. Its a great team! Wow that sounds like you have a ton of great signs, and IB...woo hoo, hope its a sticky.

Nicole-so incredibly happy for you, and cant wait for tomorrows test. Ok, your turn for the 2ww girls, symptoms hon :) Thanks for letting me know about the dpo, you are ahead of me with a bfp, so not sure where mine is....lol

Joli- the cm is a good sign, good for you for not testing! when is your af due? Hope she stays away and doesnt show up for 9 months!!

Okay girls, here is my update tonight, its a very wierd/confusing one:

as i am getting ready to go out earlier tonight, i feel this serious type cramping in my lower stomach, so I'm like okay what is going on? Is there somethign good happening or is this AF showing up early (3 days early) because I O'd early. Anyway, i let it go for another 10 mins and thought well as long as there is nothing when i go the bathroom i'm okay. Well, there was a little bit (couple wipes...sorry tmi) of light pink ORANGE cm- I'm not kidding about the orange. Anyway, i broke down in the washroom by myself and balled my eyes out- I know i shouldnt be so emotional but was really hoping this was my month, and its starting to wear on me as this is my 5th cycle. Anyway, there was no more, so i calmed down and thought- late IB is it possible?? but i had pink at 5dpo. I havent had anymore since and that was a few hours ago, so we'll have to wait and see.
Girls, either AF is going to come on really bad and strong tomorrow morning or maybe possibly i will have a BFP- it could go either way. I still have some cramping as I'm typing this.
I still dont fully know my period as i have only been off the pill for 5.5 months so maybe these cramps are normal.

I will definitely post the update here tomorrow, this is scary... keep your fx'd for me girls

Awww, Britt, babe, don't be sad... think about Nicole - she got some spotting, and it looks like she has a BFP! And plus, orange is not bright red AF! Don't lose heart yet - let us know how you go tomorrow ok? We're all here for you!! If you haven't had cramps the last few cycles, then this could be a good sign! Whatever the outcome, you can count on us :)
MommyMichele - Good luck with the BDing to catch that eggy. Are you the 'naturale' gal? I think I read you may have O'd early? That happens so often, maybe you O'd twice in a cycle if you have a long one? I really admire natural methods too, hoping I can do the same but I'm 39 maybe not (eek). People are shocked when I tell them they swear I only look 29. I just say I'm immature ;-) fx my body is too. Signs are all saying I'm ok. Mega EWCM this cycle for 2 days. Been off pill for 4/5 yrs now. DP is 27 but I don't feel like a cougar - just a tiger haha. We decided to try bef I turned 40 and it's a relief, v.excited to even be hopeful for a BFP first try, for our first, at my 'age'.

No I have a shorter cycle, 26 days now, and I've always O'd a bit early from what I remember. As for the natural part... kinda. I'm on one med to regulate my prolactin level so I can ovulate and I'm taking Soy isoflavones to aid with ovulation. I don't chart because I have chronic insomnia and I'm choosing not to use OPK's right now, just another pee stick obsession! I start showing fertile signs around CD 8 and I think my O is on Sunday, not sure yet. I've been fiddling with my calendar and I think I had it wrong by a few days.

Nothing wrong with your age hun, just takes some of us 'more mature' ladies a bit longer but not always. DH says keep 'practicing' and you'll get it down soon enough. Nothing wrong with practice! With a baby in the picture, there isn't much time or energy for all that!

As for how I'm feeling today, things are getting a little stronger down there, cramps and ewcm! Good signs I'm hoping but I've no PMA this time. Totally feel blah about the whole thing. It's not that I'm giving up but cycle 31 pretty much sucks. Going to try and keep up the baby making every other day till Friday. Just not exactly happy with DH at the moment.
I updated on my thread. I'm pretty sure I'm getting AF early..my test was negative with FMU and barely a line with SMU and I'm spotting pinky red now and my temp went down. I'm also cramping. I have to go to a birthday party now, I really don't want to now.

Britt: I think the orange could be a good sign, orange doesn't seem like AF at all, kind of weird. But weird things happen in pregnancy. Hope you got your BFP this morning. I'll check when I get back.
I'm going to NINJA the witch if she bugs you Nicole and Britt!
nooooooo Nicole... I am sooooooooo sure I saw a line in your frer yesterday! Did you test with a frer with your FMU and SMU?
Yeah FMU was negative and SMU had a fainter line than yesterday. I've been having cramps since I woke up. The pics are in the pregnancy test gallery.

forgot to put the link

Ooh!! I definitely see a 2nd line! Congrats! Fingers crossed for you that it continues to get darker :)
Hey girls, finally able to log onto BNB, had to drive DH to pick up his vehichle this morning as he came home stinkin drunk at 330am....men hey? at least he didnt drive

anyway, first off thanks for the kind words and I know you guys are here for support, what a great group of ladies.

oh Tiger4me, we are going to send tons of PMA and baby dust for you to get that BFP before 40. :dust::dust::dust:

Nicole- just had a look at the gallery, its definitely there, and frer's really dont have many false positives, fx'd its a sticky. My gf who is currently pregs had spotting, lots of it and all is fine- for a lot of women that is normal

Michelle- good to hear from you and sorry you are feeling down but its understandable being on cycle #31, i really hope that BFP comes soon for you hon.

Joli- okay so you are now about 13dpo, any symptoms hon???? whats going on

Ok so here is my update, its a good news/bad news type scenario

Bad news- BFN on a FRER this morning

Great news- absolutely no AF or anymore spotting. :happydance::happydance: I literally had only that little bit of pink/orange (lol) last night with the cramping. DH and I BD this morning too and I thought maybe it would bring it on but nothing. I am having mild cramping today but its not as bad as it was yesterday with the spotting. Can you have cramping with IB? is that possible? Anyway, so i am technically 14dpo to my calculations and AF isnt due til Monday, but I may possibly have my O date off by a day or so who knows... as far as other things, I am very "wet" so to speak, definitely not normal for me and boobs are a bit sore today. So its anyone's guess, this is definitely a mystery..... I guess just keep testing, I'll try again tomorrow.

How are the rest of the girls?
2016- did you guys get down to lots of BD to catch that eggy?
Britt - that's fantastic news!! things are sounding great for you!! It is absolutely possible to have cramping during IM - I'm keeping my Fx'd for you!! :)

Nicole - are you going to do another frer tomorrow morning?

As for me, I'm 13dpo, and I think I'm going to be out this month. My temp dropped today (exactly the same time and degree as last cycle), and I am 99% sure AF is due tomorrow, so I didn't even bother testing today. Oh well, that will mean back to the FS for me on Tuesday and we'll see where to go from there!
Hey ladies, I'm out too. Cramps came 7pm last night and AF came early am. Cramps are still going (but not as bad) and it's almost 2pm the next day :-( going to have panadol. On a positive note, I def implanted so am happy we caught eggy at around the right time and know I have a standard 14 O'd, 28 day cycle so now can chart on FF for a whole cycle and i'll be on the elevit for 2 months. Still moping though.

MommyMichele - haha, I agree with your hubby practice makes perfect ;-) and can you ninja the witch for me too? I will feel MUCH better. But I cannot complain, you poor thing, I can understand your fedupness at cycle 31, i'm praying it's your time next. Hopefully you have had it wrong by a few days and now that correction is all that's needed :sex:

Britt - I read orange cm is ok too, is it part of some sort of mucous plug or something? if you're getting more cm it makes perfect sense that a little bit of pink and possibly yellow cm will turn orange. I'm a designer, i'm good with colours ;-) and yes, cramping with IB is common, apparently it's the bean diggin in. I felt a poke with a short sharp pain - v. wierd feeling, never had it and next day had IB :dust:

Nicole - oh hun, so sorry to hear it's lighter, but hopefully it's not over yet? I hope the bday part was ok. I was hoping to come on and hear some good news. I hope it's a sticky for you :hug:

Joli - sorry to hear your temp dropped hon. I'll join you next month. I'll have a look online to see about BD in the 2ww x

Good luck to all the other girls Oing and BDing :kiss: :dust:
Nicole...commented on your other thred - I really hope and pray that your bfp gets darker. :hugs:

Britt...yep definitely heard orange is a good thing :thumbup: Good luck!

Tiger4me..."I'm a designer, i'm good with colours " :rofl:
Sorry AF got you tho :hugs:
Never fear, at this rate you might have ov'd again before I get my first chance :cry:

Joli...I see what you mean about the temp drop but I still hope :af: stays away for you :flower:

Michele...is that your actual name? Sure you put it down earlier on but I can be a bit stoopid! Are you in the tww yet?

Ella? Taebomama? Heacate? Iwanta8a8y? You girls alright?

Devi...happy 5 weeks!

Well my temp was definitely down this morning so no more pretenting I might be in the tww...nope ov is still to come for me. Looks like I will be calling the FS on Monday and asking for another scan. It was a nice dream to think I would have a "textbook cycle" while it lasted tho :cry:
I just don't understand why it didn't happen. He said the biggest follie was 14mm and they grow 1-2mm a day and when they reach 16mm they will pop! That was on CD12 and now here I am 4 days later and nothing! Not even a dark OPK to hope with! He said, once it reached 14mm it was like a runaway train and it would DEFINITELY happen in 2-3 days after the scan. :dohh:
Yup, Michele is my real name! Um, you can put me in the 2 WW on Monday, Jo.

Can any of you lovelies help me decipher this nightmare I am having with the old ov tests???

The first one is positive Jo, the other one is close. I've seen a chart like that, the woman's Dr even told her she didn't ovulate, HA I told her she was pregnant and I was right. I say you did O hun according to the first OPK.

Our bodies do funky things hun, we don't always do the same exact things every month. I went from super fertile to infertile and it bothers me. The only thing we can do hun is take it one day at a time. If I was there, I'd be giving you a big hug!
Tiger4me - sorry about AF...looking forward to us getting through the next cycle together!! That's fantastic that you know you implanted - can you tell me how I can know for my future info - is there any way to tell if there is no implantation spotting?

2016 - I think talking with the FS will be a good idea - I think it's possible for the eggy to take a longer period of time to mature....whilst on clomid, I didn't O until CD21-23. Apparently going on injections will be more effective in helping the eggy to mature faster (i.e. CD14).

Britt, how are you doing today? 15 dpo, that's fantastic!!

Nicole, I can't wait to hear about your testing today!
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