Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Good morning beautiful, lovely ladies.

So as you can tell by the title of my post its not good today.

Coles note version- I went from serious cramping an entire day and a half ago with the wierdest pink/orange cm (tiny bit) to absolutely nothing. No spotting or even a speck during this time, AND all the cramps disippated!! Then this morning (i slept solid until 630am) out of the blue AF was there in full swing. So either I am one day early for AF or one day late (15dpo), so who knows. I was in complete shock and needless to say could not go back to sleep, hubby was amazing as I cried my eyes out.
Anyway, I dont think I'm going crazy that i would have these bizarre very tell tale signs and then just simply get AF, I really think something might be trying to take but cant. Regardless this spotting i have had 2 months in a row after O isnt normal, so i will be seeing the doctor. I thought I read something about having a lack of Progesterone will cause spottin after O, anyone know?
Well we are on cycle #6 and my doctor has agreed to refer me if i want to a FS even at this tme b/c she is so sweet and loves me...lol (she told this to me at 4 months trying) We do have a good relationship and she is a very good thorough doctor, I am lucky. I just want to make sure that all is okay with me, and not leave it a year before I start looking into things.

anyway, girls I have my fx'd for the rest of you, including Joli and Nicole, hope the tests are darker.

Tiger4me- sorry AF got you but love the PMA wish I had that right now but today is a very bad day, i'm sure things will get better.

2016- I had a look at your tests, the first one is a positive and the second one is negative for sure. Even with the smiley face OPK's when they come up positive for me, i notice that the lines are the same colour and that the test line is never darker for me. Are you sure that you didnt ovulate? i dont take temps, but do you always have to see a thermal shift?

Michelle- hope this is a good cycle for you

Hibiscus, Iwantababy how are the rest doing? and of course our new mommies.

Next cycle will be interesting for me as I am leaving to the Dominican right at O time, so not even sure we will be able to catch it.
anyway, I might be a little quieter on BNB for a bit but I will definitely be checking for updates and hoping the rest get their BFPS!

You ladies are wonderful and thanks for the support :hugs:
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for commenting on my thread and being so kind in general. :) It's really nice to be part of this team. I tested with a dollar store test and thought I saw something but I think it's wishful thinking. I got a FRER but DH threw out my pee...I'm unreasonably mad and he's with DS at his mother's house so I can't even yell at him. I know there's no point to test anyway, I'm bleeding now...not too heavy as far as the amount on the pad but its deep red. I've had lighter periods since I got my cycle back after the ectopic so I'm pretty sure the witch is here. I'm still going to use the FRER as I had a seemingly normal period with both ectopics and just want to see that it's negative now.

Tiger4me: I'm so sorry AF got you! :dust: for next cycle. Hope you're feeling okay. :hug: Thanks for asking about the party, it went well. They had a ball pit so DS had a lot of fun and I got to talk to some high school friends. It's great that you are trying FF, it's quite a bit of fun!

2016: Your opks looks pretty close to positive if not positive. That's really weird...you must be so confused. I hope the FS can give you another ultrasound to see what's going on. I wish I could be more help, but I'll keep hoping for you eggy to come. :flower:

Britt: It looks so promising for you! The wet feeling is a great sign! I keep seeing that when I take a peek in first tri and I remember having to wear a pantliner when I was pregnant with DS. Hope the witch stays away!

Joli: I'm sorry your temp dropped but you're not out until the witch shows! Fx'd for you! Sorry if you said already but is AF due today?

mommymichele: So glad you're entering the 2WW! Lots and lots of :dust:
Britt: I'm so sorry the witch got you!! I was writing when you were...I feel terrible that she came! It's so nice that your DH is so supportive. Let us know what the dr. says. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
Hi All!
No real news here. Day 3 of AF, which is pretty light now. Looking forward to O!
Nicole, still keeping my fingers crossed for you.

DH is feeling a little better than a few days ago. He's thinking he's definitely going to go the teaching route, and not continue with the MBA classes this semester. That actually makes me feel a lot better. I always thought he was doing the MBA to follow in his dad's footsteps, but never had his heart in it.
He did his undergrad in History, and loved it, so I think he's cut out for teaching History. I hope he continues to feel good about this decision.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend. We're set to get ANOTHER snowstorm tonight. SO sick of it. Really ready for our honeymoon, which is in about 4.5 weeks--woohoo!
hibiscus...Good to hear DH is getting his future plans in order :thumbup: its always best to do something you enjoy and not feel pressured to live someone else's dream. Where are you going on honeymoon?

Britt11...so sorry af came for you! Your spotting sounded quite promising...good thing you are going to see the docs. Let us know how you get on. x

nicole...How frustrating this must be for you. Another bfp and af comes again when she's not welcome :hugs: I agree best to test and make sure its not ectopic. A fear you and I will both have to live with forever. So upsetting! Why can't trying be less, well trying!!!! :cry:
hibiscus...Good to hear DH is getting his future plans in order :thumbup: its always best to do something you enjoy and not feel pressured to live someone else's dream. Where are you going on honeymoon?

We're going to Cozumel, Mexico! Can't wait.... :D
hibiscus...Good to hear DH is getting his future plans in order :thumbup: its always best to do something you enjoy and not feel pressured to live someone else's dream. Where are you going on honeymoon?

We're going to Cozumel, Mexico! Can't wait.... :D

Woweeee! Luuuurvely! :dance:
Colour me jealous!!!! :blush:
Morning everyone! Right on time, AF is showing up... brown spotting this morning, which I'm sure will be full AF by this afternoon <sigh> so count me as CD1! Going to make an appointment to see the FS tomorrow, will let you know how it goes! I suppose I don't feel so bad this month, because I really wasn't expecting to get BFP with DH's poor spermys...I was hopeful, but doubtful... I think I'm going to have a lot more hope this cycle after we can talk to FS and see what we can do to improve our chances. I'm hoping whatever he puts me on will make me O on CD14, as waiting for CD21-24 is agony!! Depending on whether FS says it's ok to travel, we plan to be in South Africa during the 2ww, which will hopefully make time go by faster.

Britt - I wish I had more words of comfort for you... I'm so sorry about AF. I think it's a great idea for you to talk to the doc, particularly beacuse of the spotting. We've been trying for 9 months (although for 7 of those months I wasn't O!). A break in Dominican sounds perfect - just relax, and enjoy yourself! :) Keep chatting with us anytime you feel like you need to unload ok?

Nicole - thanks for sharing with your update...is there anyway a doc can check for sure whether you had an ectopic?

Hibiscus - Cozumel sounds wonderful! The mayan temples are amazing, as are the beaches! I know you guys will have an awesome time - happy honeymoon!! We had ours in April 2009, and it is a break together than you'll never forget! Lots of romance for BD too! :)

2016 - looking forward to hearing your update tomorrow after you chat with FS - fx'd your eggy is just round the corner!!
Morning lovely, gorgeous, sexy, intelligent and talented Aphrodite ladies! :hugs:

Well the temp is down more and the EWCM is back in abundance so maybe the old oestrogen is back and my body is going to have another go at this ovulation saga....just feel exhausted today and don't want to go to work :nope:

Just thinking about honeymoons *sigh*...semms so long ago now. We had to save up for a long time for our so only went on our 5 year wedding anniversary. On our actual wedding night we spent the night in a small old english hotel and watched the Eurovision song contest! (among other things) :rofl:
Anyway, our honeymoon was well worth the wait. We went to the Seychelles for 2 weeks and it is a blissful time I will never forget. That was 3 years ago now :cry:

Look at me at the pity party! :blush:
Hey ladies,

I just wanted to pop on in to say hi. I'm fine, 2016, thanks for asking. I haven't been on BNB much and now I'm seriously behind in all the posts. I had to do some speed-reading to check up on you all!

Welcome Tiger4me! :wave:

Britt, I'm sorry the witch found you.

Nicole, I thought I saw a faint line. I think you should go to a doctor, especially since you've experienced an ectopic in the past. And some women do bleed even in a healthy pregnancy. I think you should make a call.

Well, it's after 2am so I really should go to bed.

Take care, all!
Good morning!

michele: How are you today?

Hibiscus: Have fun in Mexico! That's so exciting. Glad to hear DH is doing better, must make things a little easier for you.

2016: :happydance: for your eggy!

Joli: How are you doing? I'm very sorry that AF got you,:hugs: keep us updated on what the FS says.

I'm going to make an appointment when the dr's office opens. I'm not really sure I should go, I got BFN on my last FRER so I think I either had a chemical or dodgey tests. If I keep going and getting negative bloodwork I'm scared he will stop taking me seriously. This will teach me, next time I have a faint line I'm going to the walk-in clinic to get the bloodwork because by the time I get into him it might be too late. I'm starting to think there might be something wrong but he told me last month that I'm "very fertile" so I doubt he will do more tests. Sorry this is so long, I'm just quite upset today and tend to ramble when that happens. On a somewhat brighter note I'm having cramps while I'm bleeding finally, the last few cycle I've had three days of cramping after my period. I hope everyone has a great day. :flower:
Hey Nicole - you could always go to another doctor if you're worried that yours may not take you seriously? I am having cramps today as well...I was supposed to have a netball match tonight, but I just don't feel like running around, so I'm sitting on the sofa, eatting pizza and watching 24 with DH :) I'll let you know for sure what FS says tomorrow! Fx'd for all of us in the next cycle! We have had at least 1 lucky momma each cycle, so I'm sure one of us will get lucky this month! x
Not feeling very good right now. I won't go into detail lol but I'm not vomiting! May have caught a bug or something. It's going to be a lazy day today I think.
Joli: That sounds like a good night! I used to love 24, is it still good? I think I only watched 4 seasons on dvd. He does take me seriously and he's a really good dr. but I'm just scared he's going think I just don't know what a positive test is or something so I guess I'm just being silly and not wanting to ruin his opinion of me if that makes sense. He told me last month to never be embarrassed to come and see him and now I'm freaking out for no reason again.
michele: I hope you feel better, does sound like a lazy day is in order for you.
Nicole - your doc sounds awesome! You should def at least talk with him on the phone or drop him an email, he seems really understanding, and you totally have a valid question to ask! :) 24 is still great!

Michele, take it easy today! :)
Now I'm nauseated! Great..... I don't think there will be any baby making any time soon. I'm not down about this cycle, it's just not bothering me one way or another.

I'm hoping my toast and tea will settle my stomach but either way I'm not doing much today at all. I'm feeling really sick!

Keep your fingers crossed ladies that I am not getting any of those wicked bugs going around! Last time I caught one, I ended up in the hospital for a week 8 hours from home on a vacation without DH. When I get sick, I get VERY sick.
Good morning ladies,
I'm back.... :)

Michelle- hon, hope you feel better soon and that its nothing serious.

Joli- sorry your having cramps but your right its better during. You know its going on to 6 months off the pill and my periods are still different each time. This is the first period with heavy flow and cramps which might be a good thing, the other ones were literally tiny spotting for 5 days.

Nicole- sorry your having a hard time. Just so you know i have only had evaps only one cycle on blue dye cross tests, i have never had a hint of a line on a frer or pink dye test. So i'm thinking its probably starting to take and then maybe not? i really think you should talk to your doctor about it and like he said dont feel bad. It could just be your body needs another cycle or 2 to stick as well.

2016- things sound very positive on the ovulation side :)

Good to hear from you Tabeomama

as for me, looking forward to making an apt with my GP today.

Good morning beautiful, lovely ladies.

So as you can tell by the title of my post its not good today.

Coles note version- I went from serious cramping an entire day and a half ago with the wierdest pink/orange cm (tiny bit) to absolutely nothing. No spotting or even a speck during this time, AND all the cramps disippated!! Then this morning (i slept solid until 630am) out of the blue AF was there in full swing. So either I am one day early for AF or one day late (15dpo), so who knows. I was in complete shock and needless to say could not go back to sleep, hubby was amazing as I cried my eyes out.
Anyway, I dont think I'm going crazy that i would have these bizarre very tell tale signs and then just simply get AF, I really think something might be trying to take but cant. Regardless this spotting i have had 2 months in a row after O isnt normal, so i will be seeing the doctor. I thought I read something about having a lack of Progesterone will cause spottin after O, anyone know?
Well we are on cycle #6 and my doctor has agreed to refer me if i want to a FS even at this tme b/c she is so sweet and loves me...lol (she told this to me at 4 months trying) We do have a good relationship and she is a very good thorough doctor, I am lucky. I just want to make sure that all is okay with me, and not leave it a year before I start looking into things.

Next cycle will be interesting for me as I am leaving to the Dominican right at O time, so not even sure we will be able to catch it.
anyway, I might be a little quieter on BNB for a bit but I will definitely be checking for updates and hoping the rest get their BFPS!

You ladies are wonderful and thanks for the support :hugs:

Oh, Britt :flower: we all understand! Sending you :hugs:. Let us know what the dr. advised... assuming nothing happens this month (which I'm assuming) I'm on to drugs for the next three months, then if those don't work, to the FS -- a reproductive endrocrinologist.

Ain't life a kick in the head?

Take good care, and be good to yourself! Go get stinkin' drunk and make OH drive you home.

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