Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hi ladies :hugs: long time no speak eh (well it seems like forever, lol) wow, there is some catching up for me to do...Havent been around to log on and join in lately so i will need to sit down and read up on how everyone is doing, Devi - great to see you got your BFP, what fantastic news, Tinkerbell, i think i knew about yours and congratulated you last time i was on here, but if not congrats to you also, such wonderful news for you both - cant believe we have had 6 BFPs already...thats awesome!

Not much happening with me, CD30 today and still no Ovulation (just updated FF for those who are interested in looking) I have been keeping track with an app on my iphone while i have not been here.

Right im off to read and catch up on all about whats been happening with you guys xx
Glad to see you are back iwanta8a8y...I looked at your chart....hope you ov really soon. x
Thanks for the kinds words Ella- hope you get your BFP soon!
Off to the FS now... will write back in about an hour! x

Welcome back iwanta8a8y!
Hi All!
Nicole-sorry to hear about the tests! Maybe it was a chemical. Several of those pics you posted definitely looked positive to me!
2016--Good luck with O time! Fingers crossed for you...
Joli, Britt--Boo about AF arriving! Such a drag. It gets old, yeah?

Well, I have some positive news to share. DH and I had successful BD tonight for the first time in a month! He went off his med for a day to see if he felt any different and..BAM...he definitely does! He's hoping to switch to something else this week...phew.
I'm only on CD4 right now and I should O anywhere from CD 14-20 (ugh...big range there). Feeling more positive now, anyway.
Hibiscus, that's great news! My dad suffers from depression, and I know that he had to try several different types of medication before they found the one with the least side effects for him. Maybe it's just a case of your DH finding which best suits him...very positive news! :)

So I've just been to see FS - we both got some blood work done, and I'll be started on some hormone injections either later today or tomorrow (depending on when blood work comes in). We're going to be trying IUI this cycle <eek!> because of DH's poor morphology, the doc says this is the best way for now. He suggests we try this for 3 cycles, and if it doesn't work, we need to move onto IVF. But fx'd IUI will work!!! Anyone know people who have had experiences with this?
hibiscus...yay for successful :sex: :thumbup:
Joli...so happy to hear all went well with the FS :hugs: Keep us posted! I am due to be sending my DH's sperm off when I get to the TWW.
I don't know anyone with experiences of IUI, but I know many people who have been referred for it and then got pg while trying in between :thumbup:
The ladies on the LTTTC thread are very nice and would probably know a load about it!

Saw on another thread that aread got a bfp about a month ago...think some of you might remember her from the old old thread. She's not on this one because I only moved across people who specifically asked cos I didn't want to p*ss anyone off. :flower:

Think today might be finally ov day for me! :wohoo:
(or 5dpo if you want to go with the FS :rofl:)
Hey girls,
well Joli, it sounds like your doctor is very proactive and gets going on stuff every single month for you guys, which is great. Sorry to sound uneducated but what is IUI? I am hoping you get your BFP soon.

2016- yeah 5dpo!! wish I was, I have dpo envy....lol... We will stock your symptoms :)

As for me, got in to see my GP on Wed morning, but things move at a snails pace here in Canada, so it could take awhile to get simple blood work or even get an apt to see a FS, if thats what she agrees to.

Oh, i joined FF and my sig leads me to a pie chart...lol I was hoping for it to get to the main page with temps. I bought a thermometer, so I will start temping... joy :)

night girls
2016 - thanks for the info! I will have a chat with some of the girls in LTTTC to see how they might have got on with IUI - at least it's an action plan! Word of advice for DH getting tested, make sure he gets lots of sleep, fruit and veg in the run up, and hold off BD together (or solo!) for a full 48 hours beforehand. He'll get the best result then, otherwise, it might be sorely inaccurate. Apparently a test is just a snapshot of how DH's health is at the time of the test. No go catch that eggy!! :)

Britt - IUI is artificial insemination - when I'm O, they take DH's spemys and 'wash' them, so that only the best ones are there, without all the debris and with a long tube they go up into your cervix, and they inject the spemys right in front of the fallopian tube so that they have a smaller distance to swim. For the lady, apparently it just feels like a pap smear, there's supposed to be little discomfort, and you can carry on with your day. Doc says it's a lot more natural than IVF, and less intrusive. There's only a 10% chance of it working, but that's higher than us just trying on our own in our situation! That's great that you're going to be temping - you'll see, it will hopefully take out a lot of the guess work on when you O and if you might get that BFP! Best of luck with seeing your GP on Wed!
Morning Ladies! I'm some what better today, I found out what made me ill. I've a pinched nerve in my neck again. ICK! Loads of heat and stretching today, been through this before.
iwanta8a8y - I've just taken a look at your chart, and FF seems to think you O on CD25! and with the exception of the dip on CD29, your temps do look higher since O. It looks like you are 6 dpo! :) Can I ask what app on your iphone you've been using? It might be really helpful when I go on holiday!
Good morning ladies,
hope you are well.
Michelle- that must be so painful, hope you start feeling better soon hon.

2016- I hope you catch the eggy, did you O today?

Iwantababy- I hope you O soon or that you already did. I dont temp so dont really understand it. Well i'm starting now but i already forgot this morning, lol...

Hibiscus- thanks for the kind words, yes AF gets REAL old :)

Joli- Oh that sounds promising, and definitely a good chance. My colleague in Toronto is getting that done next month i believe, but her OH had bladder cancer so they froze his sperm like 8 years ago pre-tx. So crazy how they can freeze it and then years later still become pregnant, nature is unbelievable!! fx'd for you guys hon

As for me, well get this one, I had a day and a half of pretty intense cramps and fairly heavy flow than all of a sudden nothing! Like seriously what the heck?? First the wierd spotting twice this month than AF comes on very strong and ends abruptly early last night. ITs been about 12 hours and nothing but going to see if she comes back later, I have always had 5 days of AF....even if its spotting t/o the day. I will be discussing this with my GP tomorrow as well.

well I had an intense fun game of soccer last night, was good to play again

iwanta8a8y - I've just taken a look at your chart, and FF seems to think you O on CD25! and with the exception of the dip on CD29, your temps do look higher since O. It looks like you are 6 dpo! :) Can I ask what app on your iphone you've been using? It might be really helpful when I go on holiday!

Hey Joli, thanks for looking at the chart, i hadnt noticed that it had changed to say i had Ovulated so thats great! whoopwhoop - although when i was looking at it i didnt think my temps had changed very much that for it to be ovulation, but hey I guess they know better than I do, this is only my first month on temping...

2016 - can you put me down for 6dpo today then please - how exciting! - hope your ok and you catch that eggy today - your probably :sex: now lol

Joli, i am really pleased to hear the docs are doing something for you, FX IUI works for you both - you must be excited to try something now that could work for you, its great news.

Hope everyone else is ok today x
Sorry Joli, the app for the iphone I use is Woman calendar - Its a fab app and great for use when your away and at home I have my phone next to my thermometer at night so the result of the temp in the morning goes straight in there, then I transfer to FF when I get time - https://triplecreeks.com/womancalendariphone.aspx

iwanta8a8y...Yay! 6 dpo already in one foul swoop, have changed the front page :thumbup: No BDing just yet for me...almost bed time :rofl: I will be downloading that app for sure! There is a fab preggo app I want to download but am resisting until I am actually pregnant :blush:

Britt11...I am hoping I O today. Will have to see what my temp does tomorrow. I normally ov the day after my first positive OPK. Things are looking most slippery down there so its likely but who knows with my body :shrug:

Had another acupuncture session today. How relaxing! Hurt a bit more than last time but it made me feel good :dance: No worries, clear headed just zen dude! lol

My BF and DH keep trying to pummel me into submission that I ovd on CD15 and that the FS is right. They say that he has more experience than I do and so must me right. While I accept I could well be wrong, I may not have 25 years experience in fertility, I have 5 months experience in MY CYCLE which I think must count for something. Everything in my body is screaming ov is coming!!!!! So I am going to listen to it and keep BDing.

So tired from the accu so I am going to dash off, shower and get those :spermy:!
Hey you go girl :spermy:

i too have been looking at pregnancy apps...:blush: i wont let myself until i am pregnant though, so i say...lol

Night girls, x
Hi ladies!

I got a + OPK! Wish me luck!

2016, good luck to you! :dust:

Good luck to all of you! :dust:
2016 - I think listening to your body is a good idea - there are just some things a scan can't tell us! Plus the +opks are a good indictation too! :)

iwanta8a8y, thanks for the iphone app! I'm going to download it tonight when I get home! Fantastic that you're now 6dpo. I have read some women don't experience a large shift in temp, some as little as 0.1 in average temp - but FF apparently has analysed so many charts, so I think it should be fairly accurate. What day do you usually O?

Hey Britt - glad you got out there and enjoyed a game of soccer! You must be really excited about the world cup. AF sounds very strange for you this month... when I went to FS yesterday, he did a scan (yup, with AF - yuck), and he said that my lining didn't look that thick, so I'd have heavy AF for 1-2 days, and then it would start clearing up...so maybe you have the same sort of thing? When I asked him whether there was anything I could do to improve the lining, he said that the Gonal-F injections (which I was put on yesterday) would help.

DH gave me my gonal-F shot this morning (I have needles!), so it was very good of him to step up! So far, no side effects, which is good news. Bad news, I can't book my holiday until 1 week before I go, since I won't know how my eggys are reacting to these hormone shots for another week!

Taebomama - congrats on the +opk! Go get that eggy!!!! :)
Hey Joli, thanks for the update. How long did it take you to get into see your FS? sounds like they have something going every month for you which is great, i think it would be months to even get into one to have an initial conversation. Anyway seeing the GP tomorrow so hopefully she can shed some insight.

Yes very strange AF, the thing is I have been 5 days AF since coming off the pill straight away (every months chart), and 5-6 days on the pill and about 6-7 days pre pill. This just ended abruptly after a day and a half, no spotting nothing. So yeah maybe there is hormone change or like you said something with the lining now, very strange.

Hope all goes well with the injections and there are no reactions. Yes your hubby is wonderful

Temp rise this morning. Not enough to get my crosshairs and confirm ov...but enough to hope :thumbup:

Michele...so we are near-enough doing the TWW together :hugs: ....assuming my temp stays up of couse. I must warn you I only got 3 days of 2WW last cycle tho :cry:

TaeboMama...So is today big O day or was it yesterday do you think? Go get that eggy honey! :wohoo: :bunny: :sex:

Britt11...it is very odd about :af: ....hmmm all I can say is that the human body is a weird unpredictable thing sometimes. I had a very weird period last cycle, normally have 3 days of fairly light with spotting either end. This time it was much heavier - clots the lot! - and several days of stop starting and brown sludge?!?!?
Hope your GP is good and gives you some guidance. x

Joli...best of luck with the injections. No way my DH would step up to that! Is it a proper long needle or more like a pen?

Speaking of pens, I found an electro-acupuncture pen you can buy yesterday and I am tempted to buy it to top up my zen-ness between sessions!

Love, luck and :dust: to the rest of you lovelies! :flower:
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