Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hello Ladies :flower:

Sorry i havent been on lately. I went to the wedding fair this weekend and have gotten so wrapped up in starting to get everything start that i havent had time to obsess like I normally do. lol. I'm hoping that maybe with less obsession on TTC and focusing on the wedding that it might happen sooner! Fx'd (wishful thinking i know lol)

Well i am on CD10 hopefully will O within the next 4days! I took a nap tho after I got home from work and since i woke up i have felt like complete shit. i hope i am not coming down with something that would really make me angry!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: to everyone!!
Hi Jaxvipe - Im exaclty the same we have started to plan our wedding too and it certainly does help not to obsess too much over TTC - and they always say that it comes when you dont expect it, so FX that BFP will sneek in when we least expect it to :thumbup:

Are you in the UK? which wedding fair did you go to? Were off to the wedding show in London in Feb - not been to any wedding shows or fairs yet so very excited - are they worth doing do you think?
Hey Britt - we're really lucky in HK, no one waits for anything! haha. You don't need referrals here to see a specialist, so a friend recommended this FS, and I literally called and got an appointment the next day! Fab! :thumbup: For me it was really liberating, because I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere on my own, and my GP was putting me on clomid, but not giving me any guidance - she didn't even tell me what it was for! So I'm must happier now that there's an action plan. I know it's still beyond my control, but I feel like I'm somewhat taking more control than just letting fate take its course. DH and I were joking yesterday that if we were stuck on a desert island, and we were the last 2 on earth, there wouldn't be much hope for mankind!!! :rofl: I hope your GP can be more helpful than mine was! You could always suggest to your GP that you want to see a specialist, sometimes they will just give you a referral without making you wait for a long time, especially if you've been TTC for a while already.

2016 - the needles are more like a pen, but the needle is still an inch long and it goes into my stomach under my belly button. It left a small mark this morning, and I was worried I was going to have a ton of red dots on my stomach - DH laughed and said he'll make me a smily face of red dots :haha: Fx'd on your being 1dpo! I'm sure the opk's will be right :) Now the dreaded 2ww... will you be doing anything these 2 weeks to take your mind off the wait?

iwanta8a8y, I went to some wedding shows in HK when we were planning in 2009, and they were fantastic! They'll give you a ton of ideas and often they have discounts on the day and special offers. Totally worth going to!
iwanta8a8y, thanks for the iphone app! I'm going to download it tonight when I get home! Fantastic that you're now 6dpo. I have read some women don't experience a large shift in temp, some as little as 0.1 in average temp - but FF apparently has analysed so many charts, so I think it should be fairly accurate. What day do you usually O?

Yeah i cant believe it, as 2016 says, I am half way thought the TWW now :happydance:

Well from my recordings my cycles were around 33days give a day or two Ovulating on cd19, but then the last cycle was 40days, so looks like this one is about 39 also now so i have changed my app to give me predictions on a 40 day cycle now...But then i wasnt temping then so i am not sure, this is the first month, so at least i can get some more acurate indications now

Why are our bodies sooooooooooo confusing...

Hope everyone is ok today, im off to work now - talk to you later x
I know - isn't it funny when you're a kid, you're taught that you can get pregnant pretty much if a boy kisses you, and now we want one, our bodies are doing all sorts of strange things, and getting that BFP really isn't that easy!! I've been on pretty long cycles too, my last one was 37 days. I'm hoping the Gonal-F I'm on will make me O aroudn 14dpo like a normal gal! x
I know - isn't it funny when you're a kid, you're taught that you can get pregnant pretty much if a boy kisses you, and now we want one, our bodies are doing all sorts of strange things, and getting that BFP really isn't that easy!! I've been on pretty long cycles too, my last one was 37 days. I'm hoping the Gonal-F I'm on will make me O aroudn 14dpo like a normal gal! x

lol Maybe I should kiss DH more!

Morning ladies!
ahhh your so cute 2016, I LOVE your pma. Great work on the higher temp, so now the countdown begins!! I guess its important to stay less stressed during the 2ww hey...hmm, maybe i should try that :) Are you doing acupuncture tx's right now? If so, how do you like them?

well the good news is I wont be sicker than a dog on my 8 hour flight to the Dominican at the end of this month AND i get to drink Daquiri's on the beach with my colleagues and tan to my little hearts content :) I have my apt in a few hours, am soo looking forward to it, keep your fx'd that she refers me now and doesnt ask me to wait another 6 months.

oh and finally some more spotting today after a couple day break, which is good.

thx for the feedback Joli, oh how do you get your FF ticker to go to your charts? I did one the other day and it just went to a circle chart.
Hey Britt! Ok:

Ticker - to get your ticker, go to 'my chart', then click on 'tickers', then click on 'customize your charting ticker', then I use 'ruler/slider', then select your design. When you're done, you'll get a bbcode URL - cute and paste it to your signature, and voila!

Wheel vs Chart - If you go to 'wheel' on the top of the page of FF then you'll get the circle chart, but if you go to 'chart' you will get the normal temp chart.

Your homepage - If you go to 'my homepage' on the left, then 'my homepage settings' on the left, then on the top you will get your homepage https address. If you click 'get sharing code/buttons', then it will give you your bb URL address which you can cut and paste into your signature on b&b so that we can chart stalk you!

I hope that makes some sense!? If not, let me know and I'll explain it better!

Good luck with your appointment! Make sure you tell your GP what you want, don't be shy, and I'm sure you'll get the referral to the FS :) Let us know how it all goes! Dominican sounds awesome!!! When are you going, and how long for? I'm totally going to enjoy myself before my IUI, ate some sushi tonight and having drinks on Friday. Gotta enjoy the little things when we get a bfn right?? :)
thanks Joli! no, that explains it, i was able to get the code pasted, its just the share settings I probably need to change so you guys see a chart. Took my temp today for the first time, 36.61...thinking thats a normal AF temp...lol
BTW, I think you meant to say BFP not bfn lol.... we need to get our BFP;s!! :)
Hey britt your trip to the Dominican sounds lovely especially the Daquiri's on the beach haha

Hope you got your referal?
hey girls, I'm back from the GP. Well, first off, she was not really concerned about 5 cycles of trying or my strange period this cycle or the mid cycle spotting...lol. She was good however and said even though I am under 35 and technicaly just at around the 6 month mark she will still refer me to a FS. BUT, just like I guessed, it will likely be around 6 months before even get my first apt with FS. Got to love Canada, healthcare may be free but it sure is lousy at times!!!
She gave me CD3 bloods to get done....anyone heard of that? Of course I am CD4 so i have to wait another month to get that done and based on the hormone results will be how quickly i get in to see the specialist. And of course she said just keep at it :)

anywhoooo, how is everyone else?

I have one temp on my chart, anyone want to stock it?...lol just kidding

Yeah! Britt, I can click on your chart now - fantastic :) 36.61 is very normal temp :thumbup: Make sure you take your temp at the same time every day, this will help so it is not all over the place! I keep my themometer under my pillow so I hardly have to move! sorry about my terrible typo :dohh: Of course I meant BFP!! I have had CD2 bloods twice now - they'll be testing your LH and other hormone levels (and I remember them saying CD3 was ok as well). My AF has pretty much gone to spotting today, so it only lasted for 3.5 days!? very short... hope that's not a bad thing...or that the gonal-F corrects it! I honestly can't believe it takes 6 months to be seen!! That's terrible! How much would it cost to see a FS privately? Probably an arm and a leg!
hey hon, yeah she said that CD3 should be heavy flow...but ahh, this month i head zero on CD3, i might go CD2 like you did, would be more accurate i think.
Yes, to see a FS on my own would be outrageously expensive. It really is still early days, maybe the thought of having an apt in the back of my mind will take the stress out and help me.
3.5 days that is strange for AF...how long are you normally? i had the big 1.5 days this month skipped a day and a half and spotting today...lol. what is going on with you and i??

thx for the temping advice.

Had a nice dinner out tonight with a colleague and a nice glass of vin, something i havent had in awhile.

Morning ladies!

Just dashing off to Solihull in Birmingham (how exotic :rofl:)

A bit more of a temp rise for me today :wohoo: so I am 75.68% sure I ovulated 2 days ago. I put in my own crosshairs for now because I am impatient (as usual) :rofl:
Something looks a bit different with my temps this cycle and I wonder if it's the accu because I am not doing anything else. So when should I test (assuming :af: doesn't come in 2 days)? The longest I have had after ov is 10 days so I am thinking 9dpo/10dpo....what do you girls think?
Hey Britt - my AF is usually around 5.5 days. Today is day 4, and it's super light. Very strange! Before I went on the pill, AF used to be 8 days! but I suppose that was a looonnggg time ago now!!

I'm really lucky, I get private health insurance through my company, so I've been able to claim everything back so far (you seriously don't want to be going to the public hospitals in Hong Kong - in a lot of places they don't even speak English, or the English is really bad! so expat companies have to give you private medical). I don't think I'll be able to claim for IUI (or IVF if it gets to it) - but apparently interest rates are really low right now, so we could consider getting a loan out if we get to that stage.

It is early days still...but I can't help but feel so impatient!! Glad you were able to chill out - I'm out for drinks on Fri night too! :flower:
Hey 2016 - I think your chart is looking good!! Temp is clearly up - I think you O 2 days ago as well. I think whether you test 10 or 12 dpo depends on how getting a bfn might make you feel - if you would be very upset, I think you should wait for 12dpo, but if you can just take it as it comes and try not to expect too much, I think 10dpo should be fine if you use your sacred frer!
Hey 2016 - yeah I'm with joli see how you feel but try and wait as long as possible I (at the moment) don't feel the need to poas which is great I normall have by now - perhaps it is because in my mind I am only like 3dpo as I didn't know I had ovulated until a few days ago! Hopefully I can hold off...

See how you feel and if you get the urge to poas, but don't want to, let us know and we will talk you out of it :flower:

Britt glad you have now been referred you never know you could get an earlier appointment if there are some cancellations but otherwise like you say you can relax a bit knowing you now have an appointment.

have a good day all xx
Hi everyone! I haven't been on as much, I decided to catch up on all of things I should have done during the tww. My period was light again but I am going to the dr. Feb 11th, he's going on holidays soon and is really busy. I'm going to see when he's in the walk-in clinic though. One day of actual bleeding and then spotting, if he doesn't do anything I'll make an appointment with my ob-gyn.

2016: Test early!!! I vote 10 dpo! but keep in mind that I'm a bit of a pee stick pusher.

Britt: Glad that your appointment went well! The waiting times are long in Canada but hopefully you'll have your BFP long before the appointment. My ob is booking over a year ahead for new patients (non-pregnant ones) It sucks that AF is acting strange, one of the many perks to TTC maybe.

Joli: I'm a bit behind with your news. It's great that you are trying IUI. I don't know anyone personally that has had success with it but a woman in my friend's baby group got pregnant with her daughter with IUI. I hope so much that it works for you too!

iwanta8a8y: Yay!! what a wonderful surprise! 8 dpo already! :)

taebomama: :happydance: Good luck! how's the tww treating you?

hibiscus: glad you and DH got to bd! Hope you have lots of luck this cycle!
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