Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hey Joli, I am leaving on CD15, due to ovulate on the 14th (15th by some calendars) but lately I have O'd much earlier, if i had to guess, i probably will ovulate on CD12 or 13....:happydance:
oh, did another temp this morning, 36.64....yikes that seems high, mind you DH was being a typical annoying guy and making fun of me and poking me as I told him not to touch me while I'm taking my temp...lol. Boys hey??
so whats suppose to happen, will I have a dip before ovulation and then a temp increase into my leutal phase?
thanks so much
I'm neutral on this cycle, nothing bad really. Just ppphhhttt. Doesn't bother me either way and that's a good thing for me. We'll have to see what the next few days bring.
Hi Britt - that's great that you'll be chilling out on a lovely beach during your 2ww! We're flying to South Africa on CD17, so I'll hopefully be able to take my mind off the 2ww - but then again, if I can't, I'll miss writing to everyone in Team Aphrodite!!

You're right about your temp, you should get a dip, then after 3 days of raised temps, FF will give you a coverline and will also a cross on the day you O. Ideally you should use opks, then when you get a positive, BD like bunnies, and once you see the dip followed by a rise (which is usually a day or so after your first +opk) you will know that you have O, and ready for the 2ww. Your temp changes so far have been really small - if you take a look at some of the other girl's charts, you'll see there can be some big variations from day to day. For me, even if I sleep in by 30mins, my temp will change. I think the longer you sleep, the higher your temp will rise. That's why I try to take mine the same time every day. DH is usually dead to the world when the alarm goes off, so he doesn't bother me - but omg, my kitten is alll over me and thinks it's a game to bite the other end of the themometer! haha
yeah, i use opk's and get positives every month so that part is good. I woke up at 0400am this morning and temp was lower, 35. something...so your right and it makes sense... I have been able to sleep until about 7am usually so i thought that would be the best time to chart. I do usually get up earlier at different times for a middle of the night bathroom visit, but those times vary...lol. (should i be taking it earlier though, or as long as its the same time, it doesnt matter?)
we'll see what happens.... cm is already starting to gear up for Ovulation...lol,

have fun in SA, should be great. I will have my laptop and will log in from time to time, but not too much, i am there for work and also fun and relaxation :) lets hope this helps me for the 2ww

thanks again for the advice :)
thats cute about your kitten
Morning Britt! I think temping at 7am every day is fine, or earlier is ok too if you prefer, so long as it's the same time every day - I do 7:30am every day (including weekends, then I just call asleepy again!). There's a temp adjuster on FF in case your time is totally off, but I haven't had to use it yet. AF spotting should finish today, so looking forward to cm getting geared up too! :)

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi girls!!! Sorry for not responding much...I have been lurking :rofl:

Michele...Meh, Blah and Pffffft is the way to be! Much less stressful than going on the TTC rollercoaster each cycle.

Jaxvipe...I have put you down as 1dpo because that is what I am guessing from your chart. It is good that you are keeping distracted and relaxed. :thumbup:

Britt...your temps look fine. I always try temp at the same time in the morning every day but it doesn't matter what time you choose as long as its immediately after waking. I do vag temping because it makes my chart less erratic. Did an experiment one cycle where I took my temp at 6.30am and 6.30pm every day and, funny enough, my temp was almost exactly 1 degree higher PM vs AM. Strange as you would think having a day at work etc. would affect the PM temps differently! :shrug:

Joli...where abouts in SA are you going? I was born in Johannesburg but spent most of my life in Durban. Last time I was there I was getting surgery for the ectopic so luckily I am not itching to go back right now :rofl:

Girls...I have invited a lovely lady Charliemarina to join the group. I thought we could give her a special Aphrodite welcome in case she is lurking deciding if we are "safe" :rofl:
She has been through a lot and I told her that you were the most lovely caring ladies I have met round here. :hugs:

Me...I am on a high today because my temp shot up! :wohoo: I woke up wondering if I was going to get a dip and :af: today like me last crap cycle but, instead, what a lovely surprise. :dance:
Hey everyone, I couldn't get back to sleep after I took my temp so I'm up early for a Saturday but it gives me time to post before DH is over my shoulder trying to see what I'm writing...so nosy! I always take a test a week after AF because of my paranoia and got what I think is an evap but in 5 mins. So I'm going to try another one later but also go to the clinic like I should have done last week.

Britt: I'm so glad you started temping! Do you enjoy it? I hope you have a great time in the Dominican, that's so exciting! I'm jealous in a good way! If you said before I'm sorry but where do you work?

Joli: Everyone is going away! Have a great time, I think it will be just the thing to get your mind off of the tww! That story about your kitten is so sweet!

hibiscus: Hey glad you're peeing on sticks again! The healthy eating should help, that's great you're cutting out all of the bad stuff. I've just started eating healthy again in the last week, I feel like I might stick to it more if I start before I'm pregnant and as you said might help things along. :)

michele: Thanks for the comment about DS :) makes me giddy. I think the symptoms you have so far and your indifference this cycle could be a very good sign! Keep us updated!

2016: That's such great news! I think things look so promising for you this cycle.

charliemarina: Welcome!! Glad you are thinking of joining us! I'm sorry you are having a hard time but 2016 is right, everyone on here is wonderful! :flower:
Morning Ladies!

Kiss that boy of yours! I would happily squish his cheeks all day!
Welcome Charliemarina! This is the loveliest group on B&B, I'm sure you will enjoy chatting with us! :)

2016, we're going to Cape Town, then we'll be doing the Garden Route. I'm really excited, I haven't been anywhere in SA except for CT and the winelands. I've heard Durban is gorgeous, I'm not sure if we'll make it that far up, but I've heard some great things about it! I'm sorry you had your surgury there...I hope the next time you go will be to celebrate some good news! :)

Morning Nicole! Are you going to the clinic today? How long will it take them to have results?
:dust:Good morning lovely ladies,
great to hear the updates.

First off welcome Charlemania

Michelle- I also think thats great pma to just a lax approach to the cycle, i am really going to try and do that this month, hopefully Margaritas on the beach will help :rofl:

2016-oh hon, I'm getting a really good feeling about you this cycle, an increased temp when you normally get AF, sounds good. Not to mention you really figured your cyle out this month. good luck to you!!!!! :dust:

Hibiscus- ohhhh exciting, is it poas time yet? fx'd for you hon

Nicole- thanks for the temping advice. I do like it, i will try orally for awhile, i think DH might get wierded out if i do it the other way :) I think it will take the guessing out of if AF is coming ect.. at the end of the cycle. Question for you, so i slept deeply until 0600am this morning and my temp was 36.38, but i have normally been taking my temp at 7-730am so I fell back asleep and i took it again at about 740am and it was 36.48. I charted that one, seems closer to what it has been for me, is that right?
Oh, I am a medical sales rep for western Canada, its a great job. I sell neonatal ICU equipment to hospitals. Isnt that fitting hey? So I sell premature high end infant incubators, phototherapy, baby warmers, L&D fetal monitors- so yes, I am in this environment all the time :) funny hey? We just happen to have our sales meeting in the Dominican this year, I guess a reward for a great year :)

how about the rest of you lovely ladies, care to share what you do?

oh and sorry hello Joli!!! my fellow CD7 good friend!!
how are you hon?
Hey Britt! You're sweet, don't worry, I wouldn't have felt forgotten :) I think you're right to take your second temp! That is a very fitting job, what great knowledge too. Thanks for sharing! DH and I are both lawyers (I always joke that we're either going to have really boring kids, or they will be complete rebels!)...but we met acting - we were cast as husband and wife on stage. Talk about life immitating art! I'd love to know what the rest of you gals do (only if you're happy to tell of course!). How about hobbies ladies?

2016 - sorry, I forgot to say congrats on your temps - it's looking really good!! :)
ahh thats too cute, meeting on stage as husband and wife- I love it!!
great career as well, I originally wanted to be a lawyer...still would have loved the chance.
I didn't go to the clinic, I thought I might have an evap but 5 dollar tests, a FRER and a digital later I have decided that it looks like I'm pregnant. The digital said 1-2 weeks and it really should be 2-3 so that concerns me a little.
The lab is closed now so I have to wait until monday anyway, should get the results Tuesday if I go to the lab where my ob-gyn is but if I have any bleeding or pain I'll go to the hospital. My temps have been going down, up a bit today. I don't really know what to think.
Wow Nicole! That is all so strange. I wouldn't worry about the digi not being exact. My friend had the same thing and she's now 12 weeks. I really hope that all is fine and that this is a sticky bean. Why don't you join last cycle and this cycle's chart together because you now aren't finished this cycle yet :dance:
So are you going to go on Monday for bloods just in case?
So hopeful for you. x
I didn't go to the clinic, I thought I might have an evap but 5 dollar tests, a FRER and a digital later I have decided that it looks like I'm pregnant. The digital said 1-2 weeks and it really should be 2-3 so that concerns me a little.
The lab is closed now so I have to wait until monday anyway, should get the results Tuesday if I go to the lab where my ob-gyn is but if I have any bleeding or pain I'll go to the hospital. My temps have been going down, up a bit today. I don't really know what to think.

How strange--I just took a look at your chart. I see you had a pseudo-AF not so long ago. Confusing! The digitals are pretty accurate, though, from what I understand.
Fingers crossed for you!
Hi All!
I started POAS today for the CBFM. I'm "low" at CD9, no surprise there. Hopefully, I will O in the next week...and I hope we can BD 3 or 4 times--yay!

2016--your chart looks great! I feel good about this month for you. After last month's 3-day LP, this is already way better! woohoo
oh my gosh Nicole, I had a feeling!!!!! I had asked you in one of my posts if you had tested again due to your strange AF, and then I thought to myself oh maybe I shouldnt have said anything and kept it to myself.....but yeah!!!:happydance:
Thats amazing, so incredibly happy for you. Yes definitely go to the docs and get a blood test to see how high your hCG is. I know its hard not to worry, but the HCG doesnt always metabolize right away in your urine, so levels could still be high but not registering on hpts.
Hello again! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Thanks again to everyone! I was wondering if maybe it's possible that I got a couple of bad FRERs. I am finding it strange that I got the positive on the digital and the line on the FR is so pitiful I didn't even post it. I was reading a thread about faulty FRERs although mine were in the white wrapper.

2016: Thanks, I hope I am having a similar situation to your friend! That would be wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing your temp in the morning! and if your opk is still positive!

Joli: That's so impressive that you're both lawyers! and the story of how you met is so sweet. I've got 2 electives left to take for my visual arts degree and right now just staying home with DS although soon I need to find something part time.

Britt: I meant to answer you! sorry! I had negatives earlier in the week and since my period has been getting lighter every cycle since the ectopic I thought it was normal for my new period. Your job sounds great! I think it's so nice that your company appreciates their employees.
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