well good morning lovely ladies, yes, I slept in from a really lousy sleep last night, total insomnia.
2016- wow lots of stuff going on. Increased urination without an infection, hello pregnancy sign!

My friend said when she was pregs exact thing, overwhelming urge to pee, but sometimes not that much.
I looked at your tests but i am not familar with that brand (we dont have it here) so I am not sure where to look for the line, sorry. I did look at your temps, they are the best/highest yet and you should have had AF by now right?? 10dpo is still very early, wait til 12dpo, i think something has to be going on!!
Nicole- I was smiling reading your posts, I just had a good feeling to be honest. i think you are going to have a happy and healthy 9 months, however still stick around on this thread for a bit, we dont want to loose you just yet

The numbers are classicly doubling and not going down, you are brewing a nice little bean. Late implanters happen all the time, thats why 2016's 10dpo may still be early.
as for me, thanks for asking Nicole about if I have tested since my "period" i was wondering that too but no one had suggested it, so didnt want to look crazy

I have felt strange since then and have actually taken a few preg tests and negative. That being said, i bought a 2 pk CB last night, took one last night and got a faint positive but now I realize its an evap. This morning i did the second one and no line was there (didnt have as much urine, but still). I mean it would be ridiculous, i would be like 23/24dpo today, something would have shown long time ago. Oh something undeniable and unusual, my boobs have been so big since last cycle and the are very dark and the aerola is larger, I think I have some sort of hormonal imbalance happening, hopefully the doc can sort me out.
as well, no +ve opk this cycle yet and look at my temp this morning,lol....can anyone tell me where the autoadjuster is on FF? i took the temp over an hour later than ususal and a very restless sleep.
sorry for the rambling