Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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you girls just made me cry, you are so incredibly sweet.....Its so hard this TTC thing isnt it? It takes every once out of you...sorry, its tough and I know you girls are all going through the same thing and are so strong. I never thought it would be like this.
We have been trying for 6 months now and next month will be #7, i was on the pill mostly since i was 17 (couple very small breaks) and came off a week before the wedding but I'm telling you- 3 of my close friends my age, all on the pill for almost as long as me got pregs within 3 months (one of them 2 cycles only).
I guess I just thought it would happen right away....
I'm 32 turning 33 this year, and i have had a couple of nosy women tell me I'm not pregs yet because of my age....it was so hurtful.

anyway, enough ranting, thank you so much for the positive words. I guess it aint over until the fat lady witch shows up:winkwink: so who knows.

2016 my cycles are normally 28 days, so due tomorrow but the last 2 cycles my p came on the 27th day, so today. I have never been late only early, so i guess i will know for sure by tomorrow afternoon as the witch will likely be here.

You ladies are so wonderful thanks again for the positive words

Awww I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down. Believe me, I know how it is. I'm actually the exact same age as you! 32 going on 33 this year. I've always been worried I couldn't have a baby because I'd never been pregnant until last year, which, as we know, ended in MC. My mom had a terrible time getting pregnant. Her first, my brother, arrived when she was 36, and I arrived when she was almost 41! My parents almost gave up and were even looking into adoption when she found out she was preg with me. For the 1970's, 40 yrs old was super old to have a baby!
Anyway, because of her difficulties, PLUS the fact that I have NO cousins, and NO nieces or nephews made me think my family is just not fertile haha.

I, too, had been on the pill since I was 19 yrs old. But I also thought that there would have been a slip-up at some point along the way, so assumed I could never get pregnant. I guess birth control pills really do work!

Even though I just got the BFP, I can't say I feel much better than you at this point. They don't seem to want to stick, so I'm not out of the woods for quite a while. I'm really worried I will never have a sticky baby.

Keep it up! We really are all in this together here!! :hugs:

ahhh hon, thanks.
I think this will be sticky for you. I guess the research shows that most first and even second pregnancy's dont stick, but the next should. I have no doubt this will be it for you. My best friend from high school had a story like yours (she m/c at 8 weeks, heartbreaking) but she now has a gorgeous 5 yr old girl and a beautiful 6month old boy.
I am really happy for you, this thread is soooo lucky!!!!! I love 2016 for setting it up!!
Hibiscus...now now hunny none of thus "they don't seem to want to stick" talk. :hugs: it is unfortunately quite common to have a loss, very unlucky to have two but highly unlikely to have 3! You need to keep the PMA and believe that this one is different! I have a very good feeling about this and I will send you extra sticky cyber :dust: every day! :hugs:
Britt..... I'm almost 31 so age is irrelivant! Lol I felt out like you do and I didn't get a BFP on frer until I was 2 days late on a 26 day cycle! So don't count yourself out just yet. I hope this is your cycle hun x x;)

hibiscus..... I had a mc before my 2 boys at around 12 weeks and it was awful at the time and had to have a D and C and stay over in hospital. Kinda put me off having anymore but I think it was just my bodies way of getting used to being pregnant. All has been well since but I am still paranoid this time!!!!! I hope this little beanie is a sticky one for you hun x x
Britt..... I'm almost 31 so age is irrelivant! Lol I felt out like you do and I didn't get a BFP on frer until I was 2 days late on a 26 day cycle! So don't count yourself out just yet. I hope this is your cycle hun x x;)

hibiscus..... I had a mc before my 2 boys at around 12 weeks and it was awful at the time and had to have a D and C and stay over in hospital. Kinda put me off having anymore but I think it was just my bodies way of getting used to being pregnant. All has been well since but I am still paranoid this time!!!!! I hope this little beanie is a sticky one for you hun x x

you are such a sweetie, thanks. I had no idea that you didnt test positive until later with a FRER. Thanks girls I guess there is still a bit of hope. No af yet, I usually get it in the morning...so by tomorrow morning we'll see.
I do have cramps though and a pulling feeling in my side. I have a wicked back ache which i always get at AF time....
Hiya ladies!!

Back from the appointment.. and everything is just perfect!! I am smiling ear to ear!!! got to see my lil PANDU.. with the lil heart beating away.. they pushed me 2 days forward so today is exactly 9 weeks!! YAY!! I will post a pic soon too.

I was in there for awefully long though, they did all the tests in the world i think.

PAP, thyroid, breast, pelvic, H1N1 shot (it hurts like hell), urine took almost 7 viles of blood for routine tests, then last was the scan!! it was so much fun.. hahah.. YAY YAY YAY!! & lil Pandu was wriggiling around saw the heart thumping away!

We are finally going to call our parents and tell them today.. both sets of parents live thousands of miles away from us on different continents .. they are gna be soooo happy..

Congrats Hibiscus !! H&H 9 months Hun!!

Britt - dont be so sad.. It aint over till AF comes.. & it will happen soon.. dont worry.. stay healthy & dont stress ..
Whoo hoo hibiscus!!! Bfp...yay!!! so pleased for you Hun. I'm looking forward to seeing those darker lines. Totally understand how cautious you are and I'm sure this'll be a sticky bean, got everything crossed for you x

Hibiscus - congratulations!!! Omg, I am soooo excited for you! If all goes well (which I'm sure it will!), when is your due date? You must be soooo happy :)

Britt - I am totally understanding where you're coming from - I had so many people tell me I would get back to me normal cycles within 6 months of coming off the pill... We have now been ttc for 10 months now. Finding 2016 and the rest of you gals has been such a God-send. Honestly, I think I would be going mad without being able to rant and support each other! We're all here for you, and you're not out yet this cycle!

As for me, I had my IUI today!! We were really tired cause we had to get up super early to get to the clinic. DH had a washed sperm count of 15 millon. FS said 20million would have been ideal, 10mil is no good, and 15mil is kind of in between, so we'll see! It wasn't painful, just felt like a pap smear. I don't think I had O'd before IUI since my temp hadn't dropped this morning, but FF says I should override the ovulation day, because of the trigger shot, so I guess tomorrow will be 1dpo. Finally!! Ovaries on the left (with follies) have felt very heavy all day, so I think that shows I have O'd. We will BD again tonight just to cover all bases!! A bit worried that bb's are not sore (they usually are during O), so progesterone may not be quite there yet...but am hopeful...sooooo hope this will work. 15 million, surely one can find an eggy?!?!
Devi, yeah what an exciting wonderful update, cant wait to see the pics!!!!! thanks for sharing hon and checking in on us.

Ladybird, 2016, how are you both doing today? i know there has been a lot of support and talk with the rest of us but would like to hear whats new with you guys as well.

Joli- oh my gosh, i was totally thinking of you today!! What an amazing procedure....the coolest feeling has got to be knowing that you guys could have possibly conceived!!! yeah!! I know dont worry about the sore boobs, i dont know about you but I usually get it after I O'd like the next day or a bit later... If you have a heaviness feeling, there is definitely something going on hon. Cant wait to hear the updates and i agree BD is a good idea tonight as well.

How is Tiger4me?

as for me, well my body is whacked out right now it seems. I have had cramps all day and no sign of AF yet, just keep going to the washroom and expecting to see it on the TP at any moment. I have some EWCM as well, which is wierd, i have been quite dry for the last few days.
Anyway, lets hope the witch doesnt make her way over night....tomorrow AF is officially due.
Thanks girls, it aint quite over!!
Thanks for the good wishes, everyone!

Joli--I guess my due date would be about October 25. Eek.
I'm so glad to hear your IUI went well! Fingers crossed that you will be joining the graduates in a couple of weeks :)
Joli....I was thinking about you ALL day! Glad it all went well. 15 million sounds jolly good to me! Shoot me for saying - it only takes one! I wouldn't worry that things aren't like your normal ov. With all the drugs controlling the show your body will probably behave differently to normal. I noticed that last cycle your temp didn't dip on ov day...it was actually on the way up so similar pattern maybe :shrug:
I really would recommend that reflexology at V&A welness centre in your 2ww. You will feel like a new woman! :thumbup:
Not to wish your holiday away but when are you flying home?

Britt...EWCM is a sign of increased estrogen which like a lot of things can mean pregnancy or :af:. Since it is not normal for you, I am guessing and hoping pregnancy. I am ordering the :witch: to pass you by this month! :hugs:

hibiscus...Lovely time of year for a bubba. Esp in Boston with the incredible fall colours!

Not much going on my end......CD12 B-O-R-I-N-G. :rofl:
I am enjoying this R&R though. Only temping if I am up and BDing when we feel like it. I really needed a break. Am doing my own electroacupuncture at home and just trying to be healthy and relax.
Morning Michelle, I am up early on a Saturday because i cant sleep...agghhh, have woken up 3 times since 0100am and having a hard time getting back to sleep. I am totally bagged AND i have a headache...

So ladies, here is my update:
temp is slightly up from yesterday, 37.12 and no period so far!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
since I have been off the pill I have always gotten my period by now....so not sure? cramps are lighter this morning, I have creamy cm (sorry tmi) :shrug:
so i did a blue dye test this morning as i am 13dpo and there is a scant thin blue line, but i have gotten this before and been an evap. I bought it yesterday b/c they were 2 for $10 and the FRER was startch white yesterday morning and bothered me...
I have a CB digi....should I try it? I mean at 13dpo and the day of my period, the test should be totally positive by now shouldnt it?
Hibiscus have you tested again today?

I hope someone else is up soon
just did the CB digi, "Not Pregnant" - heart wrenching- i will be chucking this in the garbage never to be seen again :)
so either levels are low or AF is just showing up a bit late this month...

Ahhh girls, this is so tough,
ohhh crap news!! is it too early to test with a digi? they are not very sensitive!
thx Littleaurora, I am hoping this is the case that its too early for a digital.
I have another blue dye test that I guess I will take either later tonight or tomorrow morning to see if it gets darker.
Morning Michelle, I am up early on a Saturday because i cant sleep...agghhh, have woken up 3 times since 0100am and having a hard time getting back to sleep. I am totally bagged AND i have a headache...

So ladies, here is my update:
temp is slightly up from yesterday, 37.12 and no period so far!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
since I have been off the pill I have always gotten my period by now....so not sure? cramps are lighter this morning, I have creamy cm (sorry tmi) :shrug:
so i did a blue dye test this morning as i am 13dpo and there is a scant thin blue line, but i have gotten this before and been an evap. I bought it yesterday b/c they were 2 for $10 and the FRER was startch white yesterday morning and bothered me...
I have a CB digi....should I try it? I mean at 13dpo and the day of my period, the test should be totally positive by now shouldnt it?
Hibiscus have you tested again today?

I hope someone else is up soon

Hi Britt--try not to get discouraged. It's still early! Temp being up at 13 dpo is a really great sign. Do you have previous months' charts posted on your FF? I'll go check. I'm curious when your temp went down previous months.
I might hold off on the digital. Those things have always let me down; if it's negative, it might make you feel bad.

Yes, I tested again today (because I'm crazy). And the lines are darker on both the blue and the pink. I still wouldn't call either one dark, but def better than yesterday. I'm so scared that they're gonna get lighter and AF will arrive. Eek. I'll post the pics later.
Temp's up a bit, too, so that's good.
Morning Michelle, I am up early on a Saturday because i cant sleep...agghhh, have woken up 3 times since 0100am and having a hard time getting back to sleep. I am totally bagged AND i have a headache...

So ladies, here is my update:
temp is slightly up from yesterday, 37.12 and no period so far!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
since I have been off the pill I have always gotten my period by now....so not sure? cramps are lighter this morning, I have creamy cm (sorry tmi) :shrug:
so i did a blue dye test this morning as i am 13dpo and there is a scant thin blue line, but i have gotten this before and been an evap. I bought it yesterday b/c they were 2 for $10 and the FRER was startch white yesterday morning and bothered me...
I have a CB digi....should I try it? I mean at 13dpo and the day of my period, the test should be totally positive by now shouldnt it?
Hibiscus have you tested again today?

I hope someone else is up soon

Hi Britt--try not to get discouraged. It's still early! Temp being up at 13 dpo is a really great sign. Do you have previous months' charts posted on your FF? I'll go check. I'm curious when your temp went down previous months.
I might hold off on the digital. Those things have always let me down; if it's negative, it might make you feel bad.

Yes, I tested again today (because I'm crazy). And the lines are darker on both the blue and the pink. I still wouldn't call either one dark, but def better than yesterday. I'm so scared that they're gonna get lighter and AF will arrive. Eek. I'll post the pics later.
Temp's up a bit, too, so that's good.

Hey Hibiscus, yeah :dance::dance: So happy the lines are getting darker, you must be so thrilled. Definite sticky bfp!!!!!!!!

This is my first month charting so I have nothing to compare it to.
The thing that is very different is I am like clockwork in getting my period, I have always gotten it by this time.
I have a slight pulling feeling in left and right side again this morning, it feels wierd. Cramps are minimal or not really there today...

So what are your symptoms and what have been your symptoms Ms Prego?? :) your turn to list symptoms from the Aphrodite grads
Morning Michelle, I am up early on a Saturday because i cant sleep...agghhh, have woken up 3 times since 0100am and having a hard time getting back to sleep. I am totally bagged AND i have a headache...

So ladies, here is my update:
temp is slightly up from yesterday, 37.12 and no period so far!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
since I have been off the pill I have always gotten my period by now....so not sure? cramps are lighter this morning, I have creamy cm (sorry tmi) :shrug:
so i did a blue dye test this morning as i am 13dpo and there is a scant thin blue line, but i have gotten this before and been an evap. I bought it yesterday b/c they were 2 for $10 and the FRER was startch white yesterday morning and bothered me...
I have a CB digi....should I try it? I mean at 13dpo and the day of my period, the test should be totally positive by now shouldnt it?
Hibiscus have you tested again today?

I hope someone else is up soon

Hi Britt--try not to get discouraged. It's still early! Temp being up at 13 dpo is a really great sign. Do you have previous months' charts posted on your FF? I'll go check. I'm curious when your temp went down previous months.
I might hold off on the digital. Those things have always let me down; if it's negative, it might make you feel bad.

Yes, I tested again today (because I'm crazy). And the lines are darker on both the blue and the pink. I still wouldn't call either one dark, but def better than yesterday. I'm so scared that they're gonna get lighter and AF will arrive. Eek. I'll post the pics later.
Temp's up a bit, too, so that's good.

Hey Hibiscus, yeah :dance::dance: So happy the lines are getting darker, you must be so thrilled. Definite sticky bfp!!!!!!!!

This is my first month charting so I have nothing to compare it to.
The thing that is very different is I am like clockwork in getting my period, I have always gotten it by this time.
I have a slight pulling feeling in left and right side again this morning, it feels wierd. Cramps are minimal or not really there today...

So what are your symptoms and what have been your symptoms Ms Prego?? :) your turn to list symptoms from the Aphrodite grads

Ooh the pulling could be a good sign!!

I actually just added my symptoms to the big thread of early pregnancy symptoms last night. Here's what I posted:

"1 dpo-now: mild, dull cramps throughout lower abdomen, hips. Also, like a painless pressure/bubble feeling around my uterus. This is a big one: Creamy CM ever since ovulation, with two quick incidents of EW-looking CM on about 6 dpo and 9 dpo.
4 dpo: intense headache. I almost never get headaches. Went away with naproxen.
5 dpo-now: occasional nausea, nothing major.
10 dpo, AM: woke up with more intense cramps, pressure, felt like AF on the way. Constipated. BFN in the AM on FRER.
10 dpo, PM: lying on couch watching TV, starting getting stinging sensations in my boobs. I knew I had to be pregnant, decided to break down and take another test 12 hours ahead of time (yes, I'm impatient!). Faint BFP on the blue dye || Walgreens test.
11 dpo (today): BFP on FRER and another on Walgreens test. Cramps ALL day, took tylenol and didn't help much. Mild nausea, mildly sore, harder boobs. Constipated, which is unusual for me.

This is similar to my last pregnancies (which ended in MC, unfortunately), except that I think I had the pressure/cramping earlier on (even pre-implantation, which I don't understand) and I didn't have sore boobs until 10 dpo. I believe my boobs were sensitive from about 4 dpo-on last time."

Also, Britt, I posted my symptoms from my previous BFP a few pages back on the aphrodite thread. Did you see it? It was a little different this time vs last.
Britt...I wish I was on earlier because I would have said DON'T USE THE DIGI :hugs:. They are all very well and good to get reassurance and see those beloved words but they are only half as sensitive as a FRER. I would also say try hold off testing tonight (if you can, and I know it's hard...I tested AM and PM from 9dpo last cycle :dohh). As Tink said, she was getting bfn up until 15dpo I think then a bfp at 16dpo.

Hibiscus...yeah! so glad the lines are getting stronger for you. Please post more pics cos I love to see a :bfp:.....living vicariously you see!
Please don't worry if the lines don't get precisely darker every day. My BF got a reasonable bfp at 10dpo then the next day it was pretty much bfn and it was the same brand of test. She thought it was all over but the line was back the next day and she is now almost 16 weeks with no problems. This one is going to go all the way hun! :hugs:

Michele....morning! 6 weeks for you tomorrow! :yipee:
thanks Hibiscus, no i didnt see that thread from before, thanks though
I had really bad cramping in the Dominican at 3-5dpo but thought it was something I ate.
I have no sore boobs and just a wierd pulling/stretching feeling on the sides of my stomach. I have had headaches for the past 3-4 days, and today's is a doozy.
I am very tired and am having insomnia for the last 3-4 days too...wake up and cant go back to sleep

aghhh, lets hope the witch stays away for me!!!
when was your AF due?

how are the rest of the ladies??
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