Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hi girls, here I am, thanks for asking. I've been enjoying a lovey dovey romantic weekend with my man and getting lots of new house stuff we need to do. No time for computer. Happy Valentines Day for yesterday too! I'm day 6 I think so boring. I had a longer period so might O later around CD13/4 this time.

Wowwwweeee!!!!!!!! Your're pregant hibiscus, Congratulations hon, soooo happy for you xoxox but nooooo stay away bad spotting only want good spotting. Please keep picturing that beautiful babe in your arms, or a HUGE baby bump and forget all about any MCs. What is MC anyway, never heard of it, doesn't exist, erased from memory forever more... lol. Stay positive and flowery like your name!

Ohhh Britt, sorry to hear AF is here. I know how you feel, at least we'll be on similar cycle together with Joli not far away... anyone else?

2016 I loved all that baby dust, woo hoo, we'll save it for this cycle ;-) and hmm, yes i think there is a bit of a gem in there ;-) you're too wicked.

And how could i forget?!?

HAPPY YEAR OF THE TIGER - WOO HOOOOO!!!! We got 3 or so months to go to get our Tigers girls, still plenty of time.

Britt...darn it! I am sorry about :af:. Can't believe I managed to miss your post about it especially since I was looking for it! :dohh:
Will move you on the front page later just can't do it on my iPhone.

Tiger4me...you always make me :rofl:. Glad to hear you are doing well :hugs: I agree the early days before ov are BORING!!! :hissy:
Britt..... So sorry to hear witchy got you! I really hope this is a proper period for you and that next month is your lucky month. Good luck hun xox :)
Hi girls, here I am, thanks for asking. I've been enjoying a lovey dovey romantic weekend with my man and getting lots of new house stuff we need to do. No time for computer. Happy Valentines Day for yesterday too! I'm day 6 I think so boring. I had a longer period so might O later around CD13/4 this time.

Wowwwweeee!!!!!!!! Your're pregant hibiscus, Congratulations hon, soooo happy for you xoxox but nooooo stay away bad spotting only want good spotting. Please keep picturing that beautiful babe in your arms, or a HUGE baby bump and forget all about any MCs. What is MC anyway, never heard of it, doesn't exist, erased from memory forever more... lol. Stay positive and flowery like your name!

Ohhh Britt, sorry to hear AF is here. I know how you feel, at least we'll be on similar cycle together with Joli not far away... anyone else?

2016 I loved all that baby dust, woo hoo, we'll save it for this cycle ;-) and hmm, yes i think there is a bit of a gem in there ;-) you're too wicked.


Thanks :hugs:
Trying to remain positive, not worry about it either way. Spotting went away by last night and there's a light tinge of brown this AM.
I hope it's just that the baby aspirin is making me more prone to it, and that's all it is.

Good luck making it through the first TWW! I always find the first two weeks way worse than the last. Soooo boring...
I am doing my best to stay chilled This cycle but my stupid bodys not helping! It would seem I am spotting a tiny bit today- had 2 red dots when checking Cm and now pink a couple of times when I wipe. Not oving so it's not that.... so WTF is my silky body doing now???? Have an appointment with the new doc on weds evening so might mention it if it gets worse. :shrug:
thanks girls for the posts.
This IS a proper period finally, heavy (yeah) and cramping and all the good AF stuff. Thats a full 6 months off the pill before getting a period I used to get. Honestly I dont think I o'd last month, I had tons of mid cycle spotting as well as an almost non-existent period.

Well, things are changing for me this month girls....I think you might notice my new sig, I'm ditching the temp thing. It was great for last month and it showed me that I am behaving like a perfectly normal woman, I mean I have a text book 28 day cycle O on the 15 day (exactly what those computer charts said I would) and 14 days later a period will start, so i really dont need or want to follow it every month/EVERY day. It was soooo nice waking up this morning, when I wanted to and not worrying about a temp. I never want to have 4 days of insomnia again b/c I'm worried my temp will drop...lol

hello all!! how are you?

Im doing well! not sleeping well but at least the sickness has gone, apart from th eodd surprise vomit after smelling something yuck!! lol
evening ladies, hope everyone is ok. Well it's finally THAT week of the month to get down and jiggy with it. Seems to have taken forever to come around this time cause the first week or so of the month is just soooo boring isnt it.
Started the opks and still using the cbfm, nothing to report yet but its still early days, prob another 2 or 3 days at least before I ov.

Britt...so sorry the evil witch got you. On the flipside at least you've got proper AF so your body is up and running again properly

Hibiscus.. glad the spotting is calming down, like Tiger says, we only want good spotting, Im sure things will sort themselves out and beany has just buried itself good and proper.

Tiger..so glad everything ok with you, sounds like you had a great valentines with OH. It's hard work managing to get to the computer sometimes isnt it, I have to push the kids off to be able to get on it!!!!

2016..spotting is a bit odd isnt it, hope it sorts itself out soon. Fingers crossed for your docs appt, lets hope you see someone nicer this time, you deserve it.

Tinkerbell..I had a look at the ingender website, some interesting reading. You have to let me know if you had any success with the 0+12 plan. Ive been looking through the FF gallery for pregnant with girl charts and it seems the pattern of BD'ing doesnt really have any relevance. Seems to me that PH is the big factor. Mind you Ive probably buggered things up for myself this month by having too much chocolate and salty stuff. Never mind eh!
Hi girls, just a quick hello, have to rush to work so speak when I get home xox

PS Britt, I'm feeling the same way about temping, just doing it this cycle for 2 months as I seem to have a short cycle then a normal one. But feeling better not stressing as much.
Just a QUICK check in! I'm so far behind with the posts--I'm only on pg 118! I'll have to come back tonight to read more and catch up with what's going on with you all.

I'm doing okay...should have ovulated around the 14th or 15th but I don't think it has happened yet. This is very frustrating! On Valentine's Day I started feeling nauseated at the restaurant my sweet hubby took me to (as soon as we walked in) and fought off throwing up for the rest of the evening. Finally, at 4am I woke up and could no longer fight it off. YUCK! I thought maybe it was O time and hormones were causing the sick feeling (I do feel nauseated sometimes around O day, but don't throw up), but my temp was low this morning so I don't think it happened yet. Today I feel so "hormonal" AKA "BICTHY". I can't even stand myself!

I hope you're all doing well! Any new BFPs????
If you look on the front page you will see the new graduates....
Don't know if you were here for iwanta8a8ys bfp and now hibiscus is preggo too! :yipee:
Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately, I've been reading all of your updates. I have been having a hard time, I have this dull sad feeling that I can't seem to shake. I can't believe that this happened again and it's been two weeks already. My hcg levels had dropped to 51 last Tuesday, so that is good. I haven't heard from the dr's office about Friday's test yet. I'm going to call later and see about getting an appointment set up. Hope everyone is doing well!

Joli: I am so happy that you got to do the IUI!! You're almost back! Hope you had a good trip. I'll be looking forward to hearing about the trip and how the tww is going for you!

Britt: I'm very sorry that AF got you. I hope you're feeling okay but it is a very good sign that AF is normal again! I'll be sending you lots of baby dust! :hugs:

2016: I can't thank you enough for listening to my crazy ramblings. I hope your appointment goes well, can't wait to read the update. I'm on my way to catch up on your journal. Your positivity this cycle is inspiring.

hibiscus: Huge congratulations!!! :happydance: I'm glad the spotting stopped. I had a bit of pink spotting at around 6 weeks with DS and everything was okay.

tiger4me: I'm sorry AF got you, but glad to read that you're more relaxed! Lots of :dust: and :hugs:
sorry if I missed anyone, it's been awhile and I have trouble catching up sometimes when it's only been a couple of days!

iwanta8a8y: Not sure if I said yet but Cogratulations!! So happy that you got your BFP!! :wohoo:
Morning, all-
How is everyone today??
TaeboMama and Nicole--great to hear from you!! Glad to hear things seem to be going ok now...

I got the results of my first blood test back. My hCG, at 15 dpo, was 102. My progesterone was 29.4. My NP said those numbers are great, but I'm a tad concerned about the hCG. If I got a positive test on 10 dpo, that means my number then was probably at least 20. Wouldn't it be higher now?? Anyway, trying to keep chill about it. We're leaving tomorrow for our honeymoon, so I won't be able to get a follow-up test until March 1. She said I would be able to get an ultrasound the week after that--yay!

I'll check with the grads to see what they think about the hCG. I don't think it's that great...
hibiscus: I think your hcg numbers sound great! I used the doubling time calculator and counted back, used today's date and friday's and your doubling time if hcg was 20 is 2.12 days which is wonderful. I think it could have been lower than that because a lot of tests are more sensitive than they state. I think everything is looking great for you!
well I realized I should have used yesterday's and thursdays but it's the same number of days either way
hibiscus: I think your hcg numbers sound great! I used the doubling time calculator and counted back, used today's date and friday's and your doubling time if hcg was 20 is 2.12 days which is wonderful. I think it could have been lower than that because a lot of tests are more sensitive than they state. I think everything is looking great for you!

Thanks so much for those reassuring words! It really does make me feel better :)
I have to rant. First of all the doctor's office said they would call me Tuesday, I phoned this afternoon because I didn't want to wait anymore. My hcg was at 14 Friday, which btw I had a faint positive on a dollar test Friday, my last positive. So they are good for testing with low hcg levels. :thumbup: I am not seeing the ob-gyn that said he would do my follow-up. I have to have one more beta next week and that's it...I can try again after 1 cycle. I'm really confused I don't understand how I can have 3 ectopics and no one thinks it's a problem really. I'm booking another appt with my family dr to get a referral to someone else. I'm debating calling my ob-gyn but I couldn't get into her when I was pregnant, so I don't think I have a great chance now. She's got a crazy waiting list too, unless you're pregnant with a healthy baby and then you can get right in. :doh:Other than a very quick appt. with my family dr that I already had booked I haven't seen anyone. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get any tests done but I really did want to talk to someone and see what they think. I've found the whole thing quite frustrating this time. I don't know why I have to act like a crazy person to get anything done. I also don't understand why with my first ectopic I was told to wait until the hcg levels reached zero, last time 2-3 months and this time 1 cycle after the blood test is negative. I saw a different ob-gyn each time. So I guess my point is that I'm annoyed...This is what happens when I spend two weeks not really talking to anyone I think... long long messages. sorry. I'm done now :blush:
I have to rant. First of all the doctor's office said they would call me Tuesday, I phoned this afternoon because I didn't want to wait anymore. My hcg was at 14 Friday, which btw I had a faint positive on a dollar test Friday, my last positive. So they are good for testing with low hcg levels. :thumbup: I am not seeing the ob-gyn that said he would do my follow-up. I have to have one more beta next week and that's it...I can try again after 1 cycle. I'm really confused I don't understand how I can have 3 ectopics and no one thinks it's a problem really. I'm booking another appt with my family dr to get a referral to someone else. I'm debating calling my ob-gyn but I couldn't get into her when I was pregnant, so I don't think I have a great chance now. She's got a crazy waiting list too, unless you're pregnant with a healthy baby and then you can get right in. :doh:Other than a very quick appt. with my family dr that I already had booked I haven't seen anyone. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get any tests done but I really did want to talk to someone and see what they think. I've found the whole thing quite frustrating this time. I don't know why I have to act like a crazy person to get anything done. I also don't understand why with my first ectopic I was told to wait until the hcg levels reached zero, last time 2-3 months and this time 1 cycle after the blood test is negative. I saw a different ob-gyn each time. So I guess my point is that I'm annoyed...This is what happens when I spend two weeks not really talking to anyone I think... long long messages. sorry. I'm done now :blush:

Have all the ectopics been in the same tube, or have both tubes been involved?
If you look on the front page you will see the new graduates....
Don't know if you were here for iwanta8a8ys bfp and now hibiscus is preggo too! :yipee:

I didn't know about hibiscus! I just read all the posts and was able to go through the drama of the first faint lines and the not knowing (but I already knew because of your post! LOL). It was very exciting to see it unfold as the lines got darker!

hibiscus: :happydance: Congrats! :happydance:

Britt: Sorry this wasn't your month. On to next cycle! With each new cycle your chances for pregnancy increases (90% of couples experience pregnancy within 18 months)! You mentioned you were going to stop temping because it messes with your sleep. I can SO relate...although I'm not giving it up yet. I have to know if this old lady is still ovulating every month, and if I'm timing things right. But I would love to not have to worry about taking temps every morning.

Joli: how are you feeling about things after your IUI? Did you ever get a clear indication of when you O'd?

nicole: I'm so sorry you're having to go through this! Keep us updated--and "rant" as much as you like!

We will get there, ladies!:thumbup:
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