Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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hibiscus: The last two were in the left tube. I can't remember what side the first was on, it was in 07 and I keep getting confused because it was on the opposite side than I thought. I'm pretty sure it was also the left. I have to find out from my gyno's office because my family dr. doesn't have a record of it for some reason.

I'm feeling reasonable again :blush: not so annoyed, the dr. I was supposed to see has the worst rating on rateyourmd.com out of the three I've seen so maybe it's better that I go to someone else.
Glad you're feeling better Nicole. Rants are good! :-D

Hi girls, another quickie, will be doing house stuff for the next couple of nights so will be reading and sending good baby vibes if I can't get to post longer. And I'll be buys BDing too haha.

Nice to hear from you that have been absent. Hope you all have a great day/night and can't wait to hear about your trip and get into your 2ww Joli! You're back today, woo hoo.

hibiscus: The last two were in the left tube. I can't remember what side the first was on, it was in 07 and I keep getting confused because it was on the opposite side than I thought. I'm pretty sure it was also the left. I have to find out from my gyno's office because my family dr. doesn't have a record of it for some reason.

I'm feeling reasonable again :blush: not so annoyed, the dr. I was supposed to see has the worst rating on rateyourmd.com out of the three I've seen so maybe it's better that I go to someone else.

Interesting. I wonder if you don't ovulate from the other side? And is there a way to encourage ovulation in one ovary but not the other? Probably a stupid question, but I wonder...
I'm bbbaaaaaaaacccckkkk! :) Happy Year of the Tiger!!

Hi Ladies! I've missed you! My blackberry died the last few days of our trip, so I couldn't even read your posts - I've been enjoying catching up with all of you though.

Ladybird - my DH is desperate for a girl to (though of course we'd be overjoyed to have a boy too!) - apparently the both of you should be eating alkaline foods - believe it or not, oranges and lemons, once they hit your stomach, become alkaline (so long as they're not mixed up with other foods) - so we've been having freshly sqeezed orange juice this morning. No idea whether it will work, but it tastes yummy!

Britt - Cycle luck 7! I hope this will be a great cycle for you. It sounds like your body is in tip top shape for ttc, and you must be all nice and relaxed after your holiday. Fx'd for you :)

Nicole - I wish so badly I could drag you here to take you to my FS. Maybe next time I see him, I can mention what he thinks about 3 ectopics and why it might be happening and what you might be able to do... if AF comes at the end of next week, then I'll be seeing FS in first week of March - I know it's a bit away, but I'll ask just in case you don't get any satisfactory answers in the meantime. You are totally in your right to get some answers!

Tiger - "house stuff" huh? hehee.... have fun BD'ing!!

2016 - I think you mentioned you had an appointment with the doc yesterday, or was it for Wed next week? How's the spotting?...really hope it isn't AF gone psyco...fx'd, fx'd, fx'd, fx'd!

Hibiscus - Have fun on your honeymoon! I know you're going to have such a fabulous time - take lots and lots of pics, you'll love looking back at them :)

Aurora - sorry that you're still getting sick...I hope it eases up soon!

Taebomama - it's good to hear from you! I'm not sure exactly when I O'd... my temp didn't dip like it usually does, and I think the +opk was from the HCG shot, so I'm not actually sure where to put my cross lines. FF seems to think I O'd on CD27, but I had my IUI on CD26, and was told to test 14 days from CD26, which makes me think that's when the doc expected me to O. So I guess I should be 6dpo today (or 5dpo according to FF without overriding!).

I had a fantastic time in CT... since I last wrote to you, we hung out in Camps Bay on the beach, ate lots of seafood, went back to where we got engaged and petted my beloved cheetah cubs, and we went swimming with the penguins at Bolders Beach. It was an awesome trip, although I'm sooo sleepy today! We landed this morning at 6am after a 16 hour flight, and we had to shower and come straight into work, so I'm shattered!

I got my sore BBs a day after my IUI (yeah!) and they're still here. I also had some very mild soreness in my left ovary (where I will have O'd), and I swear I could feel something, either the egg or follicle(!?) making its way down the tube, cause the feeling got slightly lower each day, and seems to have gone now. I did a google search, and it says that you can get O pains in your ovary if the release of the egg causes a bit of blood or fluid which eventually dissapates, but that's only supposed to last for 24 hours, and mine lasted for 4 days...strange. I usually get O pains in the relevant ovary, but it usually lasts only 2 days, and I certainly don't notice it moving down each day! Any ideas what this might be?

I forgot to mention that whilst DH's washed sperm count was 15 million, his morphology was still only 4%, so that doesn't leave me with a lot of hope for this cycle... I think if we are successful, we will be very very lucky. I know you can improve a man's count and motility, but I don't think there's anything you can do for morphology. <sigh> We'll see! I think I'll test 12 dpo! My temps seem pretty irratic this month with all the travelling, and it seems my average temp was higher in SA, probably because the weather was a lot warmer.

For those of us still (im)patiently waiting, I really really really hope we get our BFPs soon!! xxx
hibiscus: The last two were in the left tube. I can't remember what side the first was on, it was in 07 and I keep getting confused because it was on the opposite side than I thought. I'm pretty sure it was also the left. I have to find out from my gyno's office because my family dr. doesn't have a record of it for some reason.

I'm feeling reasonable again :blush: not so annoyed, the dr. I was supposed to see has the worst rating on rateyourmd.com out of the three I've seen so maybe it's better that I go to someone else.

Interesting. I wonder if you don't ovulate from the other side? And is there a way to encourage ovulation in one ovary but not the other? Probably a stupid question, but I wonder...

Nicole - just an idea, can you go for scans up to your O date? If so, your doc will be able to see which ovary is growing the dominant follicle which will release the egg, if it's the left, then you will know that you might experience some difficulty that cycle based on your previous experiences, but if it's the right, then you should be in the clear for that cycle....?
Hi Joli! So glad to see you back :hugs:
Can&#8217;t decide whether you ovd on CD26/27 either :shrug:. Suppose it doesn&#8217;t really matter although I think the SA temps might have made your coverline much higher than normal so don&#8217;t worry if the post ov temps aren&#8217;t much above it or if they dip to the line. I wouldn&#8217;t worry too much about the morphology etc. there would have been loads and loads of perfect ones right near their goal! Read an interesting article on morphology here https://infertilityblog.blogspot.com/2006/05/sperm-morphology-mythology.html. It is all sounding very positive about the ov pains and the sore (.)(.)s

Nicole&#8230;I was just thinking about what Joli was saying about checking which side you ov, but I am not sure that would help. You see, with my ectopic, I ovd on my left side and the right tube grabbed the egg. Apparently the body can play twister and do the opposite sometimes. :shrug: Also when I was scanned last cycle, the FS said I was all ready to ov from my right and then I ovd from the trusty left.
Things are feeling heavy and dull throbby achey for me in the ovarian area today so I think my time is coming soon.* I am trying to switch off and not care this cycle but, as ov approaches, my hormones start yelling at me! :rofl:* Having an acu session today so that should zone me out a bit!*
Thanks 2016! That's a fab link - it certainly made me feel a lot better about 4% morphology!! I'm really keeping my fx'd. Your (.)(.) icon made me laugh so much - I've never seen that before! lol. :rofl: They're usually sore for about 5dpo, so if they're still sore tomorrow 6/7dpo, then I'll take that as a good sign! I get throbby/achey at O, so you could be on your way to O rather than ugly AF?

Nicole, 2016 might be right, I don't really know much about ectopics had all - although I had no idea that the egg could go from one tube to the other! Gosh our bodies can do some crazy things!! :shrug:
Weeeelcome back Joli!!!!!! We have missed you and great updates.
I'll start with you, honestly i feel great about this cycle for you!! Sore (.)(.)'s still at 5dpo?????!!! I would say thats an excellent sign, mine are usually sore for only 2 days. You have everything on your side to work and you are going to get pregs this month.
Testing at 12dpo is a great plan......you sure you can wait that long??? :)

Taebomamma- thanks for your kind words you actually really cheered me up- in a bit of a funk now it seems this cycle, hopefully i come out of it.

Hibiscus- your #'s seem good, i checked on a couple of sites last night as well for HCG at 15dpo and it seems on those sites you were on a higher end....so I think there is a big range early on

2016- ewwww painfully ovaries, perhaps your set to O very sooon??!! I'll have to look at your chart after and Joli's as well.

Tiger4me- sounds like you are keeping yourself busy with renos and stuff, I am hoping to see lots of friends in the next little bit and keeping busy

Nicole- sweetie, my heart just breaks for you. You sound like such a wonderful woman. I completely agree with you and I think we all do, 3 ectopics in a row is certainly not normal. It sounds like you guys conceive fairly easily but for some reason your little bean wants to implant in the wrong place. I know the dilema you are in- wait lists for FS and cost...however I would think any other FS would send you for tests with this info? Hav you had a scan of all your lady parts? I am confident they will find what is causing it and it will be an easy fix for you and you will have a sticky bean in no time!

Now as for me and TTC, a question for you lovely ladies. I had a heavish period the first day which I was excited about but the last part has not been again.... :( It was really only 3 days and yesterday only a couple of spots, today at CD5 nothing. I did have very sig cramps 2 days prior and the first day and a half of the period. Okay so pre-pill I had very heavy periods lasting almost 7 days and heavy cramps and even on the pill it was still heavier than this and lasted about 5 days. Do you think this could be a reason why i am not conceiving? maybe not shedding my lining enough for bubs to implant?

Joli, i just looked at your chart- I O'd for sure last month the day after my last positive OPK (I had 2 in a row as well) so if its similar to how you are than FF has it right with you now being 5 dpo...
GOOD LUCK, chart is looking great!!!!!!!
I didn't think a 3 day period was too bad :shrug: I drink red raspberry leaf tea once a day for the first half of my cycle. It is supposed to tone your uterus and make it contract more efficiently and give a fresh blood supply. I have also noticed my periods have got heavier and longer since starting acu...
Thanks 2016....Red Raspberry tea sounds good.
Actually i just made an apt for next week for TCM and acu so hopefully this helps :)

Oh i would love a 3 day period normally its just i know from previous this is really out of whack and wierd for me....so just concerned.

so much stress in my life these days too....aggh, sure thats not helping
Woohoo Brit! Acu is the way forward :thumbup:
Hey Britt - I'm in the same boat as you...before going on the pill, I had pretty heavy periods, lasting for 7-8 days, and on the pill, they lasted for 5-6 days... now, they're only 2 days of full flow, plus 2 days of spotting. At the beginning of this cycle, FS did a scan for me on CD2, and he said he expected AF to stop very soon based on the scan, since my lining wasn't particularly thick. I thought that could have been a side effect of the clomid which I was on. If AF comes this cycle, then I'll be curious to know whether it will last longer without being on clomid. I've read taking 1 baby asprin a day can help the blood flow for helping a bean stick? I think Evening Primrose Oil is also good from CD 1 until O (then stop taking it during 2ww) to improve uterus lining - but might be worth googling this...

As for me, now on 6/7dpo, and BBs are much less sore...worried it's going away, which for me, I think means a drop in progesterone :( no other symptoms... but glad I'm half way through the 2ww!

Jax - have you tested??
Hey Joli, thanks for the info- you are a wealth of knowledge, I wish we could ALL see your FS!!!
I thought something like that actually....same thing hon, 2 days of flow and than a day or 2 of spotting. If my uterine lining isnt thick does that make it harder for the bub to stick then?
I have EPO but thought that was for CM....so can it help with the uterine lining as well?

DH has been an absolute sweetheart and agreed to get a sperm analysis soon as well, so we can rule him out.

Joli I wouldnt worry about the sore boobs going away, I dont think i have heard of anyone having it from DPO1 all the way until their BFP!
sounds like things are lining up nicely for you, i have everything crossed for you
Thanks Britt! I think a thin uterus lining does make it harder (but by no means impossible) for little bean to stick. I think you're right about EPO being for CM, sorry, my bad - one of the other side effects of clomid is decrease in CM, so I must have been taking it for that rather than the thin lining. I think it was only the baby asprin which I took for improving blood flow to help make things sticky! Although this cycle, I haven't been taking anything, since none of the FS have mentioned that anything appears to be wrong with the thickness of my lining. When DH got tested, we had no idea there were any issues with his spermys - but FS said that 40% of not being able to concieve is down to the men, so he said it was a good idea for DH to be tested, just to rule this out. When your DH gets tested, make sure he holds off (and no alcohol) for 48 hours beforehand so that they can all build up! Apparently, they're supposed to go for a wee as well before giving the analysis to limit the amount of 'debris' in the sample! lol. But remember, an analysis is just a snap shot of the current health and well being of DH - things can change enormously from one week to another, so if for any reason things don't look good, don't fret and get another analysis done a month later. :) For example, when we did our first one, DH's motility was only 14% (supposed to be about 50%), in his second it was 51% and third was 41%!
thanks Joli, very interesting on the sperm facts. DH is convinced he has super sperm lol...
i have no idea if i have a thin lining, I just know my periods used to be a lot heavier.
I got my cd3 bloods done 2 days ago, so I'm assuming my doc will phone me next week if we need to review...should be interesting, we know I'm ovulating but that test tells the quality of the egg I guess.
I'm going to ask her for some other basic tests before i get in to see the FS as I cant stand not knowing!!!! :)

I'm off to TCM and acu on Monday- yeah!! so my guess is she will let me know what sorts of goodies i should take to help.

hope you caught the eggy hon
If DH thinks he has super sperm, I'm sure he has! Amazing how much the mind has control over these things (my DH didn't think anything was wrong, but had some suspicious in the back of his mind!). I hope everything looks good with your cd3 bloods! I'm curious about starting acu as well... are there any risks? 2016 - do you know how often you should go to acu?
Britt...I have heard eating brazil nuts is good for building up the lining. Don't know why, of if it's true, but I have been eating a handful a day anyway!

Jax....if you are about, I see on your chart (shameless stalker I am) that the :witch: paid you a visit. Sorry about that, but it looks like you had a lovely long LP so that's 2 cycles in a row with excellent LP....it's only a matter of time now. :thumbup:

Joli...I see you are flying the TWW flag alone right now! Do it for the team!!! :dust:

My temp shot up this morning to higher than it's ever been pre-ov :shrug: Maybe I did ov, but my body is still giving me signs I haven't! Going to keep BDing anyway....cos I like it! :sex:
Hey 2016 - that's a great temp rise this morning! I guess we'll know tomorrow whether you O'd! Keeping on BD'ing your honey! :)

I look so lonesome in the tww! Looking forward to you girls joining me soon! x
yah 2016!! me thinks you most certainly O'd yesterday....I mean you had the EWCM as well and the one thing that i learned about temps is they dont lie :happydance: That being said, Like Joli mentioned, wait for tomorrow's temp for verification- how exciting.

I was so happy that i temped last month b/c it proved that i am ovulating!...

Well CD6, yawn.... in 4 days I get to start testing for opk's...I am making myself a promise this month, NOT ONE SINGLE PREG TEST UNTIL 12DPO!!! :)

Joli, how are you feeling any symptoms?

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