Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Joli...can't wait to hear about your bloods :dance:

Britt...can you do a chart overlay of both your charts pinned at ov and coverline? Looking sooo good.

Nicole...your temps look great too - climb baby climb!!! :dust:

Sweetmama...great news about the inspection :thumbup:

hi Shey :wave: how's things?

Hibiscus.....7 weeks! Woooop woooop! :bunny:
2016 - I just checked out your chart...it's still looking good! At least you know that the progesterone definitely works for you! I know your appointment with FS isn't until the end of the month, but I wonder if you could call by phone just to ask what they think? Maybe they will ask you to do a blood test, then you would know once and for all...?

Hibiscus - Happy 7 weeks!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: You must be so happy that everything seems to be going so well! How your nausea? I'm still feeling ok! Kinda anxious for things to get worse (can't believe I'm saying that!) but it would be comforting to know that things are progressing inside. Will you get any more bloods done, or will you just wait until your 12 week scan?
I feel as if my bubble has been burst a little... my boss came into my office just now, shut the door, and was telling me the big future plans he has for me to take over a certain practice area that I specialise in, and how much potential there is, and was basically guiding me on how to develop my career. But, in the midst of it all, he saw my 30th birthday cards I have by my window, and he said "the big 3-0, you still have plenty of time, don't you be having kids any time soon", and I just laughed <uncomfortably>. I know he means well when focusing on my career, and he is other than this, a lovely, easy-going guy, and I really enjoy working here... but he's said comments like this to me so many times, I really am worried on what to do when it comes to having to tell him. I'm going to have to preface it all by saying that I'm still ambitious and that having a baby won't get in the way of my career etc etc... but I would hate to be one of those mothers who put their career before their kids, and who never spent time with them. I have my parents in HK, and we have a helper who has been with us since I was born, so I'm sure that with the support I have, I can have a family and a career... I guess I'm just a bit hurt by his comment just now, it's the first time he's said it since I got my bfp. Sorry for the rant...
Joli...I can't call the new FS because we have never met so she doesn't have a file on me (and is on holiday). Have a doc appointment booked for Thursday if I am not sure by then. Bloods would take a day to come back and I will have long stopped the meds. If :af: hasn't come by Wednesday...I will know somethings up.
2016: I definitely see a line as well. I have read about faulty FRERs where the woman was pregnant but only getting faint silvery lines even though their hcg level was quite high. I will try to find the thread. Hopefully it&#8217;s either that or the hcg is just taking longer to get into your pee. Not trying to be a poas pusher but did you only take the FRER maybe another brand would give you a better line? Have you tried SMU yet? Or have you had good luck with FMU in the past? Too many questions! I&#8217;m so sorry that you&#8217;re going through this, it&#8217;s awful not to have an answer. :hugs:

Joli: Looks like I&#8217;m going to have to stay awake until 10 tonight!! Might make me sleep better anyway, so excited to hear your results!! Sorry your boss is making you upset. It seems very unfair that so often people think you can only do one or the other. I think you&#8217;ll do an amazing job at both. Rant away! That&#8217;s a really upsetting thing, must be hard to hear now, when you&#8217;re just so happy about your bean. :hugs:

Britt: How are you doing? It&#8217;s so close for your testing day! Is it sad that I&#8217;m counting down the days until someone else tests? Have a real problem with pregnancy tests. I have two dollar tests and it is taking everything in me not to just pee on one for fun. Anymore dreams?

Shey: hello! How are you doing? What cd are you on now?

Sweetmama: That&#8217;s great news about the inspection, you&#8217;ll be in your house before you know it! Congrats again!

Gossipygirl: Hope the witch stayed away for you! I forget but are you done your shifts now? hope you got a couple of days off to relax.

Tiger4me: How are you doing? Miss seeing your posts! :flower:

Hibiscus: haven&#8217;t seen you in a few, hope you&#8217;re doing well, looking forward to your update:) Happy 7 weeks!!!

I woke up for a bit around 12 and got up again at 3...still up it&#8217;s 4:30 now, I&#8217;m so worried my temps are all wrong because I keep using the temp corrector. I got almost 3 hours of consecutive sleep, should I use that temp at all? Or maybe skip today&#8217;s temp. It was 98.1 at 3, FF corrected it to 98.65 but I worry that isn&#8217;t what it would have been if I had woken up at the right time. I haven&#8217;t been sleeping very well for the last 5 days, normally I don&#8217;t wake up more than a few minutes before the alarm, probably just wound up more than usual.
Just did a superdrug 10miu with SMU and there is a super faint pink line within 10 minutes. This test was the only one not to evap so far (did one at 12dpo).
I might just freak out!!!!! :loopy: :hissy:....what does this all mean?????
I think it makes sense what mrs jd said, that you were having evaps and now you've got a bfp? I think it being super faint if you look at it like that since they've only been coming up in the time frame for two days is fine. The first test you did had the line too close so I think it's safe to disregard that. I hope this is it for you!! I think you have to assume you are pregnant at this point. Keep us updated, have everything crossed for you. Do you have a pic? you know how I am :blush:
Took a pic but it's on my phone so I can't post it!!

<edit> just did it at work! naughty! :winkwink:

The quality of the pic is very bad but there is definitely a pink line. This type of test didn't even evap before, not even a dent/grey line a few days ago. Is this a :bfp:? I dunno??? I am crapping myself here!


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Oooh that's looks like a bfp to me hun, it may just be yr hcg took a bit longer to filter through into yr urine.:happydance:
I am sooo hoping this is it for you. Keep us updated with anymore tests you do :hugs: :happydance:
AHHHH!!! This is so exciting!!! You're pregnant, can't wait until you can do a digi!!! I might just burst with excitement. when are you planning on testing again?
Am I? I still can't believe this???? Maybe it's a mistake! Just went out and bought 8 more tests of different brands...might do another tonight :blush:
Whoop freaking whoop 2016!!!!! I'd say that's defo the start of a BFP!!!! Yay!!! I actually screamed when I saw it!!!! Kids thought I was mad! Lol Congrats Hun and I really hope this one is a sticky little beanie! :)
2016!!!!!!!!!!! That's clearly a line!!!!!!!!! OMG!! It's a BFP! I bet the line gets darker tomorrow!! Oh hon, this is looking really great!!!!
Took a pic but it's on my phone so I can't post it!!

<edit> just did it at work! naughty! :winkwink:

The quality of the pic is very bad but there is definitely a pink line. This type of test didn't even evap before, not even a dent/grey line a few days ago. Is this a :bfp:? I dunno??? I am crapping myself here!

Woohoo!! That sure as heck looks like a BFP to me! Congrats!!! :thumbup:
I can't wait to see the next.
It's totally possible you didn't ovulate until a couple of days later than you thought, right? Your temp didn't rise a ton until a few days dpo, so it seems possible to me!
2016 - I just checked out your chart...it's still looking good! At least you know that the progesterone definitely works for you! I know your appointment with FS isn't until the end of the month, but I wonder if you could call by phone just to ask what they think? Maybe they will ask you to do a blood test, then you would know once and for all...?

Hibiscus - Happy 7 weeks!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: You must be so happy that everything seems to be going so well! How your nausea? I'm still feeling ok! Kinda anxious for things to get worse (can't believe I'm saying that!) but it would be comforting to know that things are progressing inside. Will you get any more bloods done, or will you just wait until your 12 week scan?

Thank you!! Today is officially the farthest I've gotten-woot. Both MCs were at 6w6d (I usually say 7w, but technically both were 6w6d). I feel so relieved. Nausea has been super intense and yucky. I've been throwing up every other day now, but I feel like it all the time. I've just been forcing stuff up when I can't take the feeling any longer.
I just got an email from The Bump reminding me that the little one is now the size of a blueberry. Yay! I swear my lower belly feels a little hard, too, but it could just be because I'm constipated haha.

No more blood tests for me, as far as I know. I get an ultrasound this Friday at 7w4d, which I feel a bit nervous for...eek. I'll post pics, assuming they provide them to me.

So, how are you feeling?? I can't wait to see your hCG result!
Hey Hibiscus! ooohhh - only 4 more days until your scan!!! How exciting!!! I think I'm going to get an early scan at 6w2d (next Mon). I am still not really sick, but I am feeling constipation! (sorry, tmi!!). I feel pretty bloated, and am surprised that I haven't put any weight on at all, particularly having not done any exercise for over a month now! I wonder when a bump starts to show? Have you put on any weight? I suppose it's unlikely with all the throwing up - make sure you at least keep vitamins down so that your bump gets all the nutrients. That's so cute your little one is the size of a blueberry! I have "what to expect" application on my iphone, and it told me today that mine is the size of a sweetpea! so little! I am so anxious for the hcg result... I think if I'm doubling every 2 days, my hcg should be about 5900 (though if it's only every 3 days, it could be as low as 1000)...12.5 hours until result time...
Oh my gosh ladies, so much going on- what the heck I log on and yippeee!!
Anyway, I can only do a brief post as I have a crazy day at work here today and then I have to go to the hospital for noon my time

Nicole- temps looking really good and high!! when are you testing??? I have decided to wait until Wednesday which would make me 10dpo....not sure why, went from being a poas addict to a little scared to test. I'm hoping by that time its either a definite yes or no at that point and not a lot of guessing.

Joli- I was cringing when you were telling us about your boss, what a guy. Do you think he is feeling you out a bit because you didnt have sushi that time....maybe he is trying to pry into something that is not his business. I mean give me a break, 30 is a perfect age to have a baby, your still established but not on the other spectrum where there can be a lot of complications. Dont worry about him, thats his problem not yours. Oh i meant to ask you, how long of a mat leave do you plan on taking?
cant wait for the bloods- woo hooo, 8 pm my time- i will definitely be logging in to see that

Shey- great new profile pic, how are you hon? what CD are you on?
how is sweetmama?

Gossipgirl- how are you doing?

Hibiscus- happy 7weeks!! we all knew this would be a sticky one for you!

Tinks- how are you doing? thanks for stopping by to share in 2016's excitement!!

last and certainly not least 2016- are you kidding me??????? BFP!!!!!
okay, so now what, more tests or confirm with doc??! I knew something had to be up when your temps were so good and no AF. Honestly so incredibly happy for you. I have to look at your chart but your only like 13 or 14dpo right? a lot of women dont test positive until much later than that eve :)
what symptoms are you having right now?

Okay DH just busted me picking out smiley icons for this post and totally made fun of me, guess I need to get back to work.

I havent paid for a vip membership on FF, but with today's temp my crosshairs went dotted so i am assuming its flagged it as triphasic. hopefully

Hey Hibiscus! ooohhh - only 4 more days until your scan!!! How exciting!!! I think I'm going to get an early scan at 6w2d (next Mon). I am still not really sick, but I am feeling constipation! (sorry, tmi!!). I feel pretty bloated, and am surprised that I haven't put any weight on at all, particularly having not done any exercise for over a month now! I wonder when a bump starts to show? Have you put on any weight? I suppose it's unlikely with all the throwing up - make sure you at least keep vitamins down so that your bump gets all the nutrients. That's so cute your little one is the size of a blueberry! I have "what to expect" application on my iphone, and it told me today that mine is the size of a sweetpea! so little! I am so anxious for the hcg result... I think if I'm doubling every 2 days, my hcg should be about 5900 (though if it's only every 3 days, it could be as low as 1000)...12.5 hours until result time...

Yay! Although now i'm getting nervous thinking about it. What if the baby only dates at like 6 weeks or something and isn't growing??? I need to chill.

Aww a little sweetpea. So cute! Don't worry--the constipation isn't TMI! haha. I've been having MAJOR problems with it. I normally "go" like twice a day and now it's nearly impossible, no matter how much fiber I get. It looks like rabbit poop. Seriously. I guess I should be the one apologizing for TMI now, but I love to share info about my bowel movements haha.

I haven't weighed myself to see if I've put on any weight. I am scared to, just because I think I gained a ton of weight before I even got pregnant. I feel pretty gross. I think I'm retaining a lot of fluid, so that's part of it, but I feel like my body is absorbing like every calorie I eat (other than what I throw up).

Ooh, I'm anxiously awaiting your test result. I will be checking online tonight (I guess tomorrow AM your time), so you better post it ASAP! :wacko:
Britt! you're totally gone triasic!!! YEAH!!! I can't wait until Wed... honestly, I had no idea I would get attached to people on this thread, where I'm so excited for you to test and share in your happiness! I think waiting until Wed is sensible, but omg, so far things are looking great! Thanks for the feedback on my boss, it just totally ruins my high - I guess cause you just expect everyone to be happy for you, and not disspointed with you, like you've let them down. I can take 12 weeks fully paid (although 2 weeks has to be before my due date), and then I have the option to take another 4 weeks unpaid, which I'm pretty sure I'm going to do as long as I can save up enough money by then. What's the system like in Canada? how long do you get off?
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