Britt: I only had sore boobs with DS and not until after I got my bfp. I know what you mean though, I keep hoping they will get sore because that seems to be a common early symptom. Do you have a dollarama near you? I don't find them the best for early testing although I think they seem more sensitve now. Just find them good so you don't spend as much if you're testing everyday. Have you heard anything about shoppers brand?
ladybird: That' great that you have things set up to see the midwife! I can't believe they make you wait that long! Have you used a midwife before?
taebomama: Your sinus pain sounds terrible! Sorry you're not feeling well.
I hope your surgery can happen as planned! I can imagine you'd be quite nervous but I'm sure everything will go great. Update us as soon as you're feeling better!
tinkerbell: I didn't realize your scan was tomorrow! There's a lot of scans coming up, hard to remember. yay! can't wait to see pics! I think it's great you have a bump so early, It took forever with ds to look pregnant. Did you start showing earlier with your
2nd as well? Hope you have a great scan tomorrow!
sweetmama: Was it you who bought the dollar tests? Really think it was but I get confused with who says what sometimes! You did test really early, I've never had a + dollar test until maybe 12 dpo or so. They do seem more sensitive then when I used them a couple of years ago though. Good luck!!
This probably isn't related to symptoms at all but I keep looking to relate everything back to that. Has anyone ever heard of having sciatic pain as a pregnancy symptom? Only wondering because I've only ever had it when I was pregnant with DS,but that was way later around 5 months. Had it the last two days and I was just hoping.