Hi 2016 - I'm still convinced you might get that BFP this month - your charts are just too fantastic not too - triassic! I'm so happy for you that your LP is looking fo healthy too!
As for me, I've felt really bumped out today. I had another scan, and whilst my follies are growing, they are still being painstakingly slow. I have 3 follies around 11mm at CD15. The FS estimates I'll be ready for IUI around CD22! So now I have 3 options (and would love any advice!):
1. cancel our 2 week holiday and go somewhere else closer than SA for 1 week only, so that we're here for the IUI, which I guess should now be sometime next week.
2. go on holiday this Thurs, and skip IUI this month, just try normal BD instead (which I'm less keen on since I don't want all the injects to be for nothing, and DH's spermys aren't great)
3. locate a FS in Cape Town and get them to do IUI.
I am most keen on option 3, but I don't know any FS in Cape Town (and my FS here doesn't know any personally either!). I have googled, and have found Cape Fertility Clinic (
www.capefertilityclinic.co.za), and Dr. Heylen has emailed me back saying they could do the IUI (as long I send referral letters, tests etc.). I know it's a long shot, but do any of you have any experience on medical treatments in CT, or know of any FS there by any chance??

Am I being too anal about this, and should I just be skipping IUI and going on holiday instead? DH has his heart in going to CT, as his Gran is there, I'm not sure I can take this away from him... <sigh> Decisions, decisions. Stupid follicles!