Hi Ladies

I've enjoyed the 101s as I didn't know much of your history either. I'm glad to be sharing your ttc journeys with you
Welcome mummy to be! You've come to the right place to learn about your cycles and get a BFP. I hope you get yours soon too. And good luck for your wedding day next weekend, exciting times for you. Maybe you will conceive a honeymoon baby?!
Hi Nicole, nice to hear from you hon. I read about your new Dr... I wouldn't feel embarrassed about asking too many questions - it's your body and your baby so if you're not sure why they're doing something then I'd definitely ask. Atleast that way you may have some idea of why the doc is getting so many tests and delaying making a decision. AFM well so much for being patient lol, I want to test tomorrow!!! I know 10dpo will be too early and I don't want to get disappointed. And yes OH is very happy I'm waiting, he doesn't like the negatives either so we're probably wimps rather than patient lol.
Hi MommyMichele! Sorry to hear you're a bit tired and thanks for making the effort to say hello.
Congrats on your baby bump and new maternity jeans LittleAurora - too cute.
Hibiscus, woo hoo your temp shot up - good call 2016. Seems like the cramps are normal for you hon, so a great sign from previous.
Hi Britt, of course we didn't forget you :wave: My 2ww is going ok I'm 9dpo - same as you, but going sooo muuuuch loooonger than your 2ww. Wish I was in the Carribean too - I love pina coladas but not even drinking

Temps looking good... waiting waiting. Meant to best testing when AF due on 14dpo but that ain't gonna happen lol. I wanna test tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have one early test in the cupboard and bought 2 digital ones today eek.
Heeeyyy Joli, lovely to hear from you but I agree with Hubby, even though I miss you already, chill for at least a couple of days lol. Looking forward to hearing about your appointment on Monday.
2016, and your appt is Monday too, you two have something going on there ;

Good luck x