2016 - I agree NO PROGESTERONE until you see the doc! Reading your FS update, they did say they will watch this one right from the start right? And since the line was so clear (even

me could see it), am sure it will stick in the right place!
By the way... how did you get 18 graduates? I counted only 17? Either (a) forgetfulness (which is a symptom of a good sound pregnancy

) has set in, or (b) you have turned psychic like Sweetmama!
Britt - Nope I have not tested, I have not even bought my test! But I just ain't feeling it... This is where the charting gets to me, every morning I am willing my temps to NOT go Down! And don't worry, see how Joli, GG, Nicole and the rest are still posting in here? Think we will continue staying here until we ALL graduate! Am sure you feel the same way too right?
TBMama - Cramps... hmmm... implantation cramps? *crossing fingers*
Nicole - Am so sorry that you have been feeling ill. But am glad that it is getting better
Little Aurora - I love your bump pic! And the kids are gorgeous!
GG - Are you going to show us pics of your wedding dress? Best if we get some bump pics to go along with it! *wishing*
Shey - How are you? Where in the cycle are you now?
Joil - Where are you! You are missing out on big news here! Hope you are not working too hard, and that the hours are getting better. Oh, it's 90% certain that I will be in HKG end of May.
Sweetmama - Hope that the MS isn't bringing you down. But you are right, their is an old wife's tale that bad MS is a sign of

Hope I did not miss anyone out.... Enjoy Sunday everyone, I so dread the thought of Monday....