Aphrodites Concieving Rabbits in 2011

sweetmama - here's an early welcome to the military community! it's not for the faint hearted, but i already know you can handle it. hope all of the dating goes well, and it's so good to hear that you are driving on and coming out with your chin up! you deserve it!

HAHA Ain't that the truth, I was pretty mad that the military would make all those boys clean rifes until 11pm when they had to be up at 5am to go back out on course, but I guess they are used to that lol :shrug: what can you do hee hee. I'm pretty used to the military, I come from a long line of soldiers, I was actually gonna join when I was 18 but then I thought better of it because I don't think I could handle going to war. My cousin is in Afghanistan right now, and he just lost a comrade to a bomb. I feel so sad for him! Anyways thanks for the welcome.:flower:
sweetmama - i just lost a friend over there to suicide, so it's pretty rough. i have tons and tons of friends in afghanistan and iraq, but i'm military, so that's normal. i think you made a good choice, because if i had the choice, i wouldn't have joined. only because it makes DH and i's marriage so much more difficult. we don't even count last year as our first year of marriage, because we were only together 4 months of it, and it was a huge learning experience for us. we've been only been together about 3-4 weeks of this year as well. as for the sleep, so used to it! i remember in training they would keep us up until midnight or 1am knowing we had to be up at sometimes 3:00am but at the latest, 4:30am. i would be sooo mad!
Never - Awe I am sorry to hear about your friend, that is sad! I'm pretty happy today, I saw him in his fatigue's today and boy was he sexy, first time I ever seen him in fatigues before lol. But I almost got him into trouble unintentionally. I saw him in town today and I thought it would be better to ask him to his face if he was off this weekend but I guess he's not allowed to talk to civi's when he's in uniform oops, I hope he's not too mad about it though. I don't think he will be when he finds out that I just thought it would be easier to talk to him then lol
So I've had an 'eventful' last 60 hours... I was at work doing fine, then got really bad cramps in my lower abdomen and felt nauseas...thought I must have eaten something funny, tried to go to the bathroom...15mins later, the pain got worse, so I told my boss I had to go home and lie down. Was in bed for 2 hours, and the pain got excrutiating, so we called my doc, and he asked me to come in. I had a scan, and they found a big fibroid, which doc said he suspects has started to degenerate, something called "red degeneration", which was what was causing the pain. He admitted me into hospital, as this can cause pre-term labour, and the next thing I know, I'm being injected with some painkiller cause I just couldn't stand it. DH stayed at the hospital with me throughout the night. I couldn't keep down any food or even water, so got put on an IV...finally got released today, though the fibroid is still in pain. Doc has told me to keep off work for a few days (though not sure how work will react with this, particularly since I only just came back from a 2.5 week holiday!). At least I can keep food and drink down now. Well, that's my latest update! baby is doing fine, and got to hear his heartbeat loads the last couple of days, so at least that's an upside! :)
So I've had an 'eventful' last 60 hours... I was at work doing fine, then got really bad cramps in my lower abdomen and felt nauseas...thought I must have eaten something funny, tried to go to the bathroom...15mins later, the pain got worse, so I told my boss I had to go home and lie down. Was in bed for 2 hours, and the pain got excrutiating, so we called my doc, and he asked me to come in. I had a scan, and they found a big fibroid, which doc said he suspects has started to degenerate, something called "red degeneration", which was what was causing the pain. He admitted me into hospital, as this can cause pre-term labour, and the next thing I know, I'm being injected with some painkiller cause I just couldn't stand it. DH stayed at the hospital with me throughout the night. I couldn't keep down any food or even water, so got put on an IV...finally got released today, though the fibroid is still in pain. Doc has told me to keep off work for a few days (though not sure how work will react with this, particularly since I only just came back from a 2.5 week holiday!). At least I can keep food and drink down now. Well, that's my latest update! baby is doing fine, and got to hear his heartbeat loads the last couple of days, so at least that's an upside! :)

oh my gosh honey, thats awful :nope: but I am so glad you and baby are okay. Definitely dont worry about what work thinks, this is more important and its doctors orders!!!! A friend of mine had a huge fibroid as well, she initially had problems with it but then was okay- it did cause her to look a lot bigger, but she didnt have preterm labour and now has a beautiful (BIG) baby boy :) and she only delivered about 3 months ago. I think fibroids are pretty common.
Keep us posted on how you are doing hon :hugs:
I wondered why I hadnt heard from you, send me a message when you are up to it
thinking of you
Hey Gals, sorry I've gone missing but had very little time to go on to the internet.

Joli - that does sound pretty painful! Agree with Britt, at this juncture, baby and your health is definitely way more important than work. You'll catch up on the lost time soon enough. Had a look through your Canada photos and they were fab!

Britt - Glad you had a good FS appointment, and here's me rooting for you this cycle! With all that extended Bd'ing and DH's good results, am pretty sure you have a good chance this cycle.

Sweetmama - Glad to hear things are picking up again!

Taebo - How are things? Do the chances go up this cycle?

Nevertogether - Here's me counting down to Thanksgiving along with you!

As for me, think this weekend should be somewhere near O once again, so fingers crossed!
Thanks guys - I didn't even know I had a fibroid! So word of advice when you get your BFP's, make sure the doc does ultasounds around the uterus as well as inside the uterus just in case! DH was good last night, I kept waking up in agony and he got me painkillers or whatever I needed.

Britt - thanks for the info on your pal, it's good to know! I have since been concerned about preterm labour. Apparently the fibroids are very common, but the 'red degeneration' that I has is not very usual - surprisingly though it wasn't caused any bleeding, just pain. Mind you - bleeding would have freaked me out!! Will you be testing on Mon, or waiting until AF is late? :hugs:

Chia - have fun this weekend with O!!! Fingers crossed for sure!!
i hope everything is ok joli, sounds so horrible! you will be in my prayers honey and i'm so glad baby is ok!
So I've had an 'eventful' last 60 hours... I was at work doing fine, then got really bad cramps in my lower abdomen and felt nauseas...thought I must have eaten something funny, tried to go to the bathroom...15mins later, the pain got worse, so I told my boss I had to go home and lie down. Was in bed for 2 hours, and the pain got excrutiating, so we called my doc, and he asked me to come in. I had a scan, and they found a big fibroid, which doc said he suspects has started to degenerate, something called "red degeneration", which was what was causing the pain. He admitted me into hospital, as this can cause pre-term labour, and the next thing I know, I'm being injected with some painkiller cause I just couldn't stand it. DH stayed at the hospital with me throughout the night. I couldn't keep down any food or even water, so got put on an IV...finally got released today, though the fibroid is still in pain. Doc has told me to keep off work for a few days (though not sure how work will react with this, particularly since I only just came back from a 2.5 week holiday!). At least I can keep food and drink down now. Well, that's my latest update! baby is doing fine, and got to hear his heartbeat loads the last couple of days, so at least that's an upside! :)

Yikes! What an experience! I'm happy to hear you and baby are doing well, despite all of this! Is the pain any better?

I have to get in bed--it's almost 3:30 am...I need to sleep better! Talk to you all, soon!:flower:
Ladies, I need some advice, I don't know what's happening, and am scared... since being discharged from hospital, I have started to get cramps all over my abdomen, they are constant and my bump feels swollen to me. The pain is so bad I can hardly walk. Before when it was the fibroid, the cramping was only on one side of my lower abdomen, now the pain is everywhere. It also burns in my entire lower abdomen when I pee. I thought it might be a UTI which I might have gotten, since whilst at hospital, I went 18 hours without weeing, but I just don't understand why the pain is all over. I went to the doc this afternoon, and he did a scan. It shows baby is doing fine, and amnioric fluid looks normal - he said he has no idea what is causing the pain, and said it could be a UTI, but he's not sure. I have just taken some antibiotics htis lunchtime, but am just feeling worse. I'm grateful there's no bleeding and the pain is constant rather than in waves, but I've been trying to google and can't find anything that fits... :( Anyone have any ideas? Sorry this message is all about myself, I don't mean to be selfish, I'm just so worried and in pain...
Ladies, I need some advice, I don't know what's happening, and am scared... since being discharged from hospital, I have started to get cramps all over my abdomen, they are constant and my bump feels swollen to me. The pain is so bad I can hardly walk. Before when it was the fibroid, the cramping was only on one side of my lower abdomen, now the pain is everywhere. It also burns in my entire lower abdomen when I pee. I thought it might be a UTI which I might have gotten, since whilst at hospital, I went 18 hours without weeing, but I just don't understand why the pain is all over. I went to the doc this afternoon, and he did a scan. It shows baby is doing fine, and amnioric fluid looks normal - he said he has no idea what is causing the pain, and said it could be a UTI, but he's not sure. I have just taken some antibiotics htis lunchtime, but am just feeling worse. I'm grateful there's no bleeding and the pain is constant rather than in waves, but I've been trying to google and can't find anything that fits... :( Anyone have any ideas? Sorry this message is all about myself, I don't mean to be selfish, I'm just so worried and in pain...

Hey hon, you are not selfish at all, you have been there for us all the time and of course we are here for you.
I am so sorry that you are going through this, I cant help but think the fibroid and baby combo might be pushing on your internal organs. Anyway, I sent you a pm as well, I really hope you go to the emergency dept so they can run some tests.

Maybe Taebo will know something as she has been pregnant a couple times already. Hopefully she logs on

Hello girls, hope you are all well
Joli - Please don't apologise, hope you are feeling better. Agree with Britt, if the pain is really that bad, maybe you do need to get checked into hospital again. At least there they can keep monitoring you and little one constantly. Would have texted you but I think it's a little late. Could the fibroid have ruptured or something? Hugs!
I see you are about to O soon or are Oing today!! good luck hon hope this is a lucky cycle :thumbup:
Ladies, I need some advice, I don't know what's happening, and am scared... since being discharged from hospital, I have started to get cramps all over my abdomen, they are constant and my bump feels swollen to me. The pain is so bad I can hardly walk. Before when it was the fibroid, the cramping was only on one side of my lower abdomen, now the pain is everywhere. It also burns in my entire lower abdomen when I pee. I thought it might be a UTI which I might have gotten, since whilst at hospital, I went 18 hours without weeing, but I just don't understand why the pain is all over. I went to the doc this afternoon, and he did a scan. It shows baby is doing fine, and amnioric fluid looks normal - he said he has no idea what is causing the pain, and said it could be a UTI, but he's not sure. I have just taken some antibiotics htis lunchtime, but am just feeling worse. I'm grateful there's no bleeding and the pain is constant rather than in waves, but I've been trying to google and can't find anything that fits... :( Anyone have any ideas? Sorry this message is all about myself, I don't mean to be selfish, I'm just so worried and in pain...

Hey Joli,

I really wish I had some knowledge to share, but this has never happened to me and I have no clue what is causing your pain. I was happy to see that you went to a doctor...but not very comforted to see that he doesn't know what is causing the pain. My advice is to go to another doctor, urgent care, or the ER. I agree with Britt that perhaps the pain is due to baby and fibroid pushing on organs. But pain can sometimes be an indication that something is wrong. It's always better to be safe than sorry. I like to error on the side of caution and get things checked out, a few times if need be. Doctors can't know everything there is to know, so going to more than one is sometimes needed to find the one who has knowledge of a particular ailment. Hopefully (and likely), there is nothing wrong, but it would be good to have a doctor who knows the reason for the pain. I'll be praying for you, Joli! Please keep us in the know! :hugs:

Not to worry you further, but I just found this:

’Red Degeneration’ – this is a complication which can occur in the middle months of pregnancy causing increased risk of miscarriage or early labor. Due to pressure in the abdomen, the blood supply to the fibroid can be restricted or cut off, causing it to eventually die. This can cause severe abdominal pain and possible contractions in the uterus. Urgent medical help should be sought in the event of such symptoms.

Here's another site with info (not sure if you'll find it helpful):

I have had fibroid tumors, but not during pregnancy. I had some removed several months ago (...or longer--I can't remember when), but they are known to return. So this is something I may deal with in my future pregnancy. Most of the time it does not cause any complications. But it does up the chances for complications, slightly. I hope all is well and that you can be seen by a doctor with knowledge in this area.

Take care!
Girls, Joli is in the hospital again as the pain got worse for her.
They will definitely find out what is wrong and I am certain her and baby will be just fine.
Please put her and her baby boy in your prayers :hugs:

Nice post Taebo and thanks for your insight
Girls, Joli is in the hospital again as the pain got worse for her.
They will definitely find out what is wrong and I am certain her and baby will be just fine.
Please put her and her baby boy in your prayers :hugs:

Nice post Taebo and thanks for your insight

Hey Britt, thanks so much for letting us know! Prayers are being sent right now!
joli - :shock: sorry to hear about everything honey and that you are in so much pain! :cry: i am glad you are getting the care you need though and that :baby: is fine. you are in my prayers mama! :hugs:

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