Hey ladies - it's nice to be back chatting with you again
Britt - that is AWESOME that DH had such a high sperm count and what fantastic morphology!!!!

You two have SUCH a great chance of concieving this month, as long as eggy released without any issues - one of those little spermys has to make it, right! Fx'd, fx'd, fx'd, fx'd!

And if not, then IVF in Oct - wow, that's not far away at all! It sounds like you have the perfect ttc roadmap set out for that BFP before Christmas!! I noted from your chart that there wasn't another +opk today...how strange that it lasted for so many days!
Taebo - I have only seen the show "I didn't know I was pregnant" once, but omg, how could you not know!? The episode I saw, the girl was very overweight and thought movements were just indigestion, and she had been in a car accident so had metal in her hips and lower spine and didn't think it was possible to get pregnant...and then the next thing she knows, she's in labour! But still, there has to be some instinct inside which makes you know that you have a baby inside right!? Very strange! What is P90X? I wish I had worked out more just before getting pregnant too - I generally keep pretty fit, and am still doing yoga, some gentle jogging, weights and occasional swimming... but it was hard to get back into after not having done enough in the months running up to getting pregnant.
Sweetmama - awesome about the new guy and that you seem to have been able to recover and move on from your other man. Do you mind me asking how you two left things in the end? I hope you have a fantastic weekend!!