Aphrodites Concieving Rabbits in 2011

hahaha - Chia you make me laugh - even now when I get cold, my nips get into agony, and I swear I'm walking around in public with my pashmina on and my hand underneath poking my boobs trying to get them to warm up! haha :rofl: Can't wait to hear about your test!!!! Your temps are looking so fantastic!!

Nevertogether - I agree with Chia, I would temp, but don't let us distract you from the fun of BDing!
Morning all :)

Glad to hear that I am not the only one that is into self examination :)

Unfortunately, don't think I'm gonna have the chance to bring out the tests as temps have started dropping and the AF signs are all in.

Where's everybody? Taebo / Britt - any updates?
Chia - temp went slightly up this morning so I'm still keeping my fx'd for you! AF is due tomorrow right?
hey girls.
Chia, I saw that temp drop aggh, but like Joli said it did come back up today...so you are not out. Good luck with testing tomorrow :thumbup: i was so hoping I would log on and you would let us know about your bfp.

Joli- how are you doing? I was going to email you but its been a crazy and not fun weekend (the inlaws showed up uninvited and unannounced with their dog in tow!!). How are you feeling? Glad to hear you are able to go for walks but dont push it hon- I can imagine with your go-getter personality that resting at home is likely driving you nuts. Is baby back to being active again? Anyway, so glad you are improving each day and look forward to hearing from you.

Never- how are you doing hon?

Taebo- give us an update hon, curious where you are in your cycle!!

Sweetmama still around?

AFM- CD 8, boring but no clomid or IUI this cycle :happydance::happydance: Its weird, I have a ton of EWCM right now and high/soft cervix but I'm not anywhere near O'ng...I did an opk just in case and it was negative. My body is probably just whacky from being off Clomid after 4 cycles.

talk soon
Nicole--Wow, almost 25 weeks? Time flies when it's happening to someone else? LOL. Or is time flying for you, too? How's everything going?

GossipGirly--And you're just ahead of Nic! I can't wait to hear of the deliveries. And I'm sure you guys will share lots of baby pics, right? Regarding moving away from family and friends; I can totally relate. It's HARD! And I know that family and old friends can NEVER be replaced, but I recommend you join a mommy group in your area and meet some nice new friends that will be going through some of the same things you are, together. A great place to do that would be meetup.com. Then look up moms/kids play groups in your zip code. I actually run my homeschooling group through this site, and it's a great way to meet moms (including the pregger ladies :haha:) and their little ones.

Joli--It's good to see that you're improving! You really had me worried for awhile there! How are things going with your pregnancy and with life in general? Are you at home recuperating?

Nevertogether--Yay, you get to see your man in September. That's great!

Chia--Your ticker says cycle day 1...is that accurate? Please say it ain't so! :nope: I loved your confession about feeling yourself up..lol. I have to say...I've done the same. :blush:

As for me, this is cycle day one (started a couple days early). I didn't have any hope for this month. I was never sure if I ever ovulated. My temps just didn't help. Even though I am used to having erratic sleeping patterns that mess with my temps, this time seemed different. And during mid cycle I never found fertile CM (I can't believe I talk to you girls about these things!! :blush:). Joli asked about hubby's swimmers and if they are back to normal. I really have no idea. We've passed the period where the meds would affect them. But we've never tested to see how his swimmers are. I feel like they are probably okay, and it's like we are starting all over again--so it may take us awhile...since we are ancient in baby-making years. :winkwink:

How's everyone else???
Hey Gals

Thanks to all for the encouragement and not giving up on me, all these 2wws are really much better with you gals around... AF is not here yet, but all the signs are pointing for an arrival in a few hours. (I don't even have to prod to feel my very achy breasts)

Taebo - Am so sorry that AF got you. As it has been said many a time, even the healthiest of women will have an anti-ovulatory cycle, so don't get too down about having one messed up cycle. Slow and steady does it!

Joli - Britt had me totally laughing with the description of you resting at home driving you nuts. I can SO picture that. Nonetheless, be good and get plenty of rest ok?

Need to run off and complete the work, but will definitely update again soon!
Hey Ladies

Recovery isn't going as smoothly as I had hoped - the last 3 days, the pain in the wound has gotten worse, and so I went to the doc yesterday - he says I have a blood clot, and it should either absorb into my body, or it will make it's way out and will burst through the wound (yuck) - but it's really hurting, feels like salt on an open wound, so I've been waking up at 4am every day from the pain, and I take more panadol. I'm so exhauted of being in pain - this morning, I woke up and couldn't raise myself out of bed again without DH's help and I just burst into tears. I hate feeling so useless and unable to move and Britt, yes, I am going nuts in my tiny apartment! haha. But I really shouldn't complain and I should count my blessings... I remember writing on this thread before I got my BFP, and listening to some of the girls moan about their aches and pains, and I couldn't help but think "well, at least you have a baby, you should be nothing but grateful!". So apologies for the moans, and thanks for listening :hugs:

Chia - it's been quite a few hours since you last posted...any AF yet? I'm still keeping my fx'd for you!!!

Britt - don't worry about not messaging hon! I'll bet you feel so refreshed and free not being on clomid or worrying about IUI this cycle :flower:

Taebo - it's great to hear from you!! That's great that DH's meds shouldn't be affecting him now. Did you use any opks to see if you ovulated? I know the frustrating of not ovulating - I didn't ovulate for 8 months before finally getting some medication to make my eggies release. It could be the stress of everything that you've gone through the last few months which has made you skip a month... hopefully your body will be back in the swing of things next cycle :)
oo thanks for that site taebo il have a look.

Joli - sorry your having such a bad time at the moment, thats the last thing you need and hope that your body absorbes your clot xx
Hey Ladies

Recovery isn't going as smoothly as I had hoped - the last 3 days, the pain in the wound has gotten worse, and so I went to the doc yesterday - he says I have a blood clot, and it should either absorb into my body, or it will make it's way out and will burst through the wound (yuck) - but it's really hurting, feels like salt on an open wound, so I've been waking up at 4am every day from the pain, and I take more panadol. I'm so exhauted of being in pain - this morning, I woke up and couldn't raise myself out of bed again without DH's help and I just burst into tears. I hate feeling so useless and unable to move and Britt, yes, I am going nuts in my tiny apartment! haha. But I really shouldn't complain and I should count my blessings... I remember writing on this thread before I got my BFP, and listening to some of the girls moan about their aches and pains, and I couldn't help but think "well, at least you have a baby, you should be nothing but grateful!". So apologies for the moans, and thanks for listening :hugs:

Chia - it's been quite a few hours since you last posted...any AF yet? I'm still keeping my fx'd for you!!!

Britt - don't worry about not messaging hon! I'll bet you feel so refreshed and free not being on clomid or worrying about IUI this cycle :flower:

Taebo - it's great to hear from you!! That's great that DH's meds shouldn't be affecting him now. Did you use any opks to see if you ovulated? I know the frustrating of not ovulating - I didn't ovulate for 8 months before finally getting some medication to make my eggies release. It could be the stress of everything that you've gone through the last few months which has made you skip a month... hopefully your body will be back in the swing of things next cycle :)

Hey Joli,
gosh dont think that for a second, you are not complaining- these are not mere aches and pains from pregnancy they are serious complications. I feel so bad for you and I cant imagine going through that. What are you going to do? surely they cant expect you to live with the pain day after day...
Actually I did send you an email yesterday not sure if you got it but I am having some issues now with that account so may have to send you a new email address.
I hope you feel better and it does resolve on its own, if it doesnt and gets worse, I mean they will have to treat it. You poor thing

Yes, I am so happy to be off the Clomid and IUI, its been awesome- especially not having any of the crazy Clomid side effects, that is nasty stuff. :hugs:

GG- sorry you are having a tough time in your new city. Is it very far from where you used to live? I cant imagine relocating at this time, especially if you are pregnant and not working it would be 10 times as more difficult. HOpefully you will get into the swing of things very soon :hugs:

how is everyone else? Chia any updates?

Hey Ladies

Recovery isn't going as smoothly as I had hoped - the last 3 days, the pain in the wound has gotten worse, and so I went to the doc yesterday - he says I have a blood clot, and it should either absorb into my body, or it will make it's way out and will burst through the wound (yuck) - but it's really hurting, feels like salt on an open wound, so I've been waking up at 4am every day from the pain, and I take more panadol. I'm so exhauted of being in pain - this morning, I woke up and couldn't raise myself out of bed again without DH's help and I just burst into tears. I hate feeling so useless and unable to move and Britt, yes, I am going nuts in my tiny apartment! haha. But I really shouldn't complain and I should count my blessings... I remember writing on this thread before I got my BFP, and listening to some of the girls moan about their aches and pains, and I couldn't help but think "well, at least you have a baby, you should be nothing but grateful!". So apologies for the moans, and thanks for listening :hugs:

Chia - it's been quite a few hours since you last posted...any AF yet? I'm still keeping my fx'd for you!!!

Britt - don't worry about not messaging hon! I'll bet you feel so refreshed and free not being on clomid or worrying about IUI this cycle :flower:

Taebo - it's great to hear from you!! That's great that DH's meds shouldn't be affecting him now. Did you use any opks to see if you ovulated? I know the frustrating of not ovulating - I didn't ovulate for 8 months before finally getting some medication to make my eggies release. It could be the stress of everything that you've gone through the last few months which has made you skip a month... hopefully your body will be back in the swing of things next cycle :)

Joli, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not healing up as well as I had hoped. I don't mind you complaining about your pregnancy issues, and I'm sure no one here does! Go ahead and let it out! You've gone though hell and you should be allowed to vent to your friends. :winkwink:

Praying for you! :hugs:
Hey Ladies

Recovery isn't going as smoothly as I had hoped - the last 3 days, the pain in the wound has gotten worse, and so I went to the doc yesterday - he says I have a blood clot, and it should either absorb into my body, or it will make it's way out and will burst through the wound (yuck) - but it's really hurting, feels like salt on an open wound, so I've been waking up at 4am every day from the pain, and I take more panadol. I'm so exhauted of being in pain - this morning, I woke up and couldn't raise myself out of bed again without DH's help and I just burst into tears. I hate feeling so useless and unable to move and Britt, yes, I am going nuts in my tiny apartment! haha. But I really shouldn't complain and I should count my blessings... I remember writing on this thread before I got my BFP, and listening to some of the girls moan about their aches and pains, and I couldn't help but think "well, at least you have a baby, you should be nothing but grateful!". So apologies for the moans, and thanks for listening :hugs:

Chia - it's been quite a few hours since you last posted...any AF yet? I'm still keeping my fx'd for you!!!

Britt - don't worry about not messaging hon! I'll bet you feel so refreshed and free not being on clomid or worrying about IUI this cycle :flower:

Taebo - it's great to hear from you!! That's great that DH's meds shouldn't be affecting him now. Did you use any opks to see if you ovulated? I know the frustrating of not ovulating - I didn't ovulate for 8 months before finally getting some medication to make my eggies release. It could be the stress of everything that you've gone through the last few months which has made you skip a month... hopefully your body will be back in the swing of things next cycle :)

Hey Joli,
gosh dont think that for a second, you are not complaining- these are not mere aches and pains from pregnancy they are serious complications. I feel so bad for you and I cant imagine going through that. What are you going to do? surely they cant expect you to live with the pain day after day...
Actually I did send you an email yesterday not sure if you got it but I am having some issues now with that account so may have to send you a new email address.
I hope you feel better and it does resolve on its own, if it doesnt and gets worse, I mean they will have to treat it. You poor thing

Yes, I am so happy to be off the Clomid and IUI, its been awesome- especially not having any of the crazy Clomid side effects, that is nasty stuff. :hugs:

GG- sorry you are having a tough time in your new city. Is it very far from where you used to live? I cant imagine relocating at this time, especially if you are pregnant and not working it would be 10 times as more difficult. HOpefully you will get into the swing of things very soon :hugs:

how is everyone else? Chia any updates?


Hey Britt, just wanted to let you know that I'm here rooting for you (I see you're on cycle day 10...getting close)! :thumbup:
Joli - Hey gal, please don't feel bad about telling us about your condition - I think we definitely prefer updates to wondering about whats happening! Really sorry that you've got to go through one incident after another

Britt - CD10 - woohoo - go go go!

TBMama - Here's hoping that you will have a perfectly good chance this cycle, else there is disneyland coming up!

Sorry gals, AF got me late yesterday :( And chances for me this month will be really low as I will be out of the country.
Joli - Hey gal, please don't feel bad about telling us about your condition - I think we definitely prefer updates to wondering about whats happening! Really sorry that you've got to go through one incident after another

Britt - CD10 - woohoo - go go go!

TBMama - Here's hoping that you will have a perfectly good chance this cycle, else there is disneyland coming up!

Sorry gals, AF got me late yesterday :( And chances for me this month will be really low as I will be out of the country.

sorry Chia, I was rooting for you :hugs:
thanks for the update, I hope we all get our Bfps hopefully soon. This sounds kind of cheesy/sad but I really want to go to first trimester threads and read stuff other than ttc... 13 months is a long time though :blush:
Thanks gals - you are all so sweet :) I woke DH up at 4am this morning cause I was crying from the pain ...but I'm hoping the antibiotics will work - in the meantime, doc has given me more pain killers - they are in the morphine family. I know the docs have said it's harmless on the baby, but I can't help to think that it must have some effect?

Chia - I'm so so sorry about horrible AF - your chart was looking so awesome!

Britt - I just got your email about the different account :) It's totally understandable that you want to read about stuff other than ttc - plus it's good to read things to prepare ahead of time for that BFP! :flower:
oh bum! sorry af got you chia :(

britt go have a peek, as joli said you can read up on it for when u are in there.
Hi Ladies,

Yes I am still around, thank you all for wondering about me and asking about if I am here. I have been sooo busy and not had any internet for a bit. Andy got really stupid and psycho and locked all my stuff into storage and I've been trying to find a truck to get it. I have been sleeping on the floor for 3 days now. I haven't seen Josh since the day I saw him in his fatigues. So we haven't yet had our date because he's still stuck on course and last week he went to see his parents in Prince Edward Island. Which is across the ocean from where I am and it's about a 2 hour drive on a bridge to get to from Moncton, which is probably 2.5 hours from me. So when he gets off course in 2.5 weeks that's what we're shooting for because I won't be able to see him again for 17 more weeks after that because he is going back on course after that.

Joli - So sorry that you aren't healing as well as you expected. Don't worry about the complaints, pregnancy is hard especially when you aren't having the greatest luck.

How is everyone else doing?
Hey Sweetmama - great to hear from you, thanks for the update! :) Awesome that you get to see Josh in 2.5 weeks! Anything special planned? How long will you get to be together?

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