Aphrodites Concieving Rabbits in 2011

Hey Gals,

No we didn't meet up and hang out after all, He texted me on friday to tell me he was off course and missed me and I haven't heard a peep from him since. Oh well, if he's not gonna text me then I'm not wasting my time. I find it confusing that he would just do that and not text I dunno. I do have a date with someone on Saturday who might be more suited to me anyways. It's just a date but we talked for 4.5 hours last night and things seemed to really hit it off. His name is David and he has a son the same age as my son. We'll see where it goes I'm not rushing anything with either guy I just don't appreciate the fact that Josh has been ignoring me after telling me he missed me, he might have made the time to even text and tell me he was busy but he didn't.

Never- How much time do you have before you see your man?
Hey Britt - you must be at 13/14dpo - have you tested or feel any different? xxx
Hey Britt - you must be at 13/14dpo - have you tested or feel any different? xxx

thanks hon, I was just about to post on this thread.
Unfortunately first natural cycle was a bust, got AF today and boy do I have wicked cramps. I kind of figured I would, I have to say its easier (not great of course) to get your period after trying for 13 cycles than it was on cycle 5. Strange how that works :shrug:
anyway, we will do an unmedicated IUI this month I have decided and then possibly IVF the following month (if we get the call)- there goes my pocketbook...lol

How are you sweets? have been thinking of you. Are the clots still resolving? Are you going back to work on Monday? wishing you a very speedy recovery hon, sending lots of love:hugs:

Sweetmama- sorry it didnt work out with him but I think you have the right idea to get out there and date other people.

Never- yeah :happydance::happydance: not long now for you and DH

Taebo- how are you hon, miss you on this thread

Chia- how are you doing, any news?

hello to our mommies, I check the grad thread quite regularly as well. Hope you guys are doing great
Who had a baby on the grad thread? I have to go there and check now.

Britt - Thanks I think so too, I had my first date with David last night and wow, it was so amazing, 7.5 hours later and he went home. But it didn't feel like that much time had passed if you know what I mean. We went for dinner at a nice pub and ate on the rooftop balcony, walked the trails by the river, played some pool, and then came back to my house and watched tv, oh man it was the most perfect date ever.

Joli - How are you?

All the other ladies are you still here?
Hey Britt - sorry it's a no-go this cycle, but I am really glad that you had a break cycle from all the medication and treatments. It's so healthy for your body to have that break!

Sweetmama - sounds like you had a lovely date!! I do miss those first time dates and the romance of it all :flower:

The clots for me weren't properly dissolving, so last week, the doc re-opened my incision by 2cm on the left and right hand sides to let them drain. The clots have been shrinking, still sore, but a ton better than before, as long as I don't walk around much.

So I have the most amazing boss of my boss - I went back into work today, and my guy boss was of course visibly thrilled...then I went to see our managing partner of the HK office, who is a lady, and she literally walked me back to my desk, made me call DH to pick me up and put me in a cab to go home. I told her I didn't want to be on sick leave any more, because with a baby on the way, we needed my income, and she told me to stay at home, work on drafting precedents, no rush, no deadline, then technically I'll be considered to be working from home, so they will pay me! When she was pregnant with her first set of twins, she had contractions early, had medication, then felt better and went back to work when she thought she was ok... then she had contractions again at 23 weeks, and lost one of her babies and the other twin was born premature, and is ok now but they nearly lost it. Then last year, she got pregnant again with twins, and lost them both at 5 months. So she said she'd never forgive herself if something happened to be because I went back to work. How amazing is that!? I am one lucky thing!
Hey everyone!

I'm sorry I've been away from the thread for awhile! I was busy getting things ready for my son's pirate party. I'll have to post some pics soon. Just read all the new posts. I missed you guys! It's nice to see how you all are doing.

Britt--Sorry to hear that this wasn't your cycle. You'll get there.

Chia--Your Aussie trip sounds wonderful, but I'm sorry you missed your fertile window. To answer your question, my cat is all better, praise God. LOL. She was a stinky mess!

Nevertogether--Wow, just days away from seeing your hubby! :happydance:

2016--Your post described, very accurately, the way most of us feel toward the middle or end of a pregnancy: "delighted and awed at being pregnant one minute, full of fear, worry and just generally feeling disgusting the next!". I can so relate!

Sweetmama--Perhaps things will work out with Dave. But if not, I'm sure your soul-mate will find you soon.

Joli--I'm so relieved to hear that your female boss has a brain and a heart! I'm sorry to hear of her losses though. How sad! I feel better knowing you're at home for now...and getting paid at the same time is just plain awesome.

I need to get in bed because it's getting late and I have to wake up early in the morn. Take care, ladies!:hugs:
Joli - I'm sooo happy to hear about your female boss letting you work from home.

Never - It's coming up soon.

Taebo - Yes I think you are right.
Hey Britt - sorry it's a no-go this cycle, but I am really glad that you had a break cycle from all the medication and treatments. It's so healthy for your body to have that break!

Sweetmama - sounds like you had a lovely date!! I do miss those first time dates and the romance of it all :flower:

The clots for me weren't properly dissolving, so last week, the doc re-opened my incision by 2cm on the left and right hand sides to let them drain. The clots have been shrinking, still sore, but a ton better than before, as long as I don't walk around much.

So I have the most amazing boss of my boss - I went back into work today, and my guy boss was of course visibly thrilled...then I went to see our managing partner of the HK office, who is a lady, and she literally walked me back to my desk, made me call DH to pick me up and put me in a cab to go home. I told her I didn't want to be on sick leave any more, because with a baby on the way, we needed my income, and she told me to stay at home, work on drafting precedents, no rush, no deadline, then technically I'll be considered to be working from home, so they will pay me! When she was pregnant with her first set of twins, she had contractions early, had medication, then felt better and went back to work when she thought she was ok... then she had contractions again at 23 weeks, and lost one of her babies and the other twin was born premature, and is ok now but they nearly lost it. Then last year, she got pregnant again with twins, and lost them both at 5 months. So she said she'd never forgive herself if something happened to be because I went back to work. How amazing is that!? I am one lucky thing!

ahh thats wonderful!! glad to hear about your female boss is going out of her way for you- good things come around and go around- I am sure you are such an asset to them and they want to be good to you :hugs: I was kind of wondering how you were going to work with your incisions and stuff oozing, you poor thing- A for effort in trying hon you are such a trooper!! :winkwink:
Congrats on making it to 3rd tri- gosh wasnt I suppose to have joined you by now ?? :wacko: Oh well, hopefully soon.
We are going to do an unmedicated IUI, I feel much better off the Clomid and my AF was very heavy this month with tons of cramps so I am sure the Clomid thinned me out too much...maybe we will have luck without it :shrug: if not its IVF...not too excited about that either

anyway, thanks for the kind words Taebo- Pirate party sounds fun, yes post pics!!

Hey Gals - Really sorry that I have been so sparse in my posts, but with all the flying here and there, I seem to be losing time.

Britt - Really sorry AF got you, and yes, I can totally relate to having an easier time to deal with AF. Hope that the horrid cramps do get better though. And really really hoping that it is YOUR turn!

Joli - I dropped you an sms. Will be in HKG later this week, are you up to a visit? No worries if you are not up to it, am really glad your "biggest" boss is being understanding. Do agree that baby comes first!

Taebo - I really think your kids are lucky... pirate parte + disneyland!

Nevertogether - Woo Hoo... so close! Would it be a good time for you then as well, TTC wise?

Sweetmama - I think dating abit to find out who suits you best is a good way to go. :) Hope you'll have loads of fun dates.

I actually have no idea where I am in my cycle now... haha, no idea when I O'ed, except that I am having my usual "AF will be here in a week" symptoms.
Britt - this may be a silly question, but what is an unmedicated IUI?
Britt - this may be a silly question, but what is an unmedicated IUI?

oh hon, not silly at all- so no Clomid for our Intra Uterine Insemination this month.... I have to be off the Clomid before IVF anyway and actually I was on it for 4 cycles and my periods were light, this period is VERY heavy and crampy so I think my lining is getting back to normal.
my DH has a morphology issue, so this procedure "washes" the sperm and injects at the cervix. It doesnt have a high success rate but it can work, as it did for Joli (she got it first time lucky girl) :hugs:
Hee... thanks lots! I know a good friend of mine who has been trying for about the same time just had her IUI on Friday. Hoping that she will be lucky like Joli too!
Britt...sorry about :af: silly cow she is. Glad it wasn't too much of a blow for you though and its fantastic to keep the PMA flowing. It will get you there in the end and make the journey a whole lot easier! :thumbup:
I could be wrong but I don't think Joli's IUI was "unmedicated" (maybe she could confirm). She didn't have Clomid but had injections she took up until the ov trigger shot. I think you still have excellent chances anyway - your body seems to be working fine and now you have had a good clear out just a little help for the :spermy: and I have faith this will be your lucky cycle! We are LONG overdue another graduate! :hugs:
Britt...sorry about :af: silly cow she is. Glad it wasn't too much of a blow for you though and its fantastic to keep the PMA flowing. It will get you there in the end and make the journey a whole lot easier! :thumbup:
I could be wrong but I don't think Joli's IUI was "unmedicated" (maybe she could confirm). She didn't have Clomid but had injections she took up until the ov trigger shot. I think you still have excellent chances anyway - your body seems to be working fine and now you have had a good clear out just a little help for the :spermy: and I have faith this will be your lucky cycle! We are LONG overdue another graduate! :hugs:

I know hon, we havent had a grad in soooo long, come on girls, we need to join especially that some of the grads are already having babies!! How are you feeling??
Yes you are right actually Joli had Clomid and injections from what i remember, but it was her first attempt at IUI and it worked!! :thumbup: so we are just hoping it does this round.
So girls, got a call from the clinic just now, i may be offered treatment at the end of the week for IVF...agghh, so this is our last shot this month!!!!! than they have to put me on BCP for 21 days because my FSH is 10 just in case they have troubles stimulating my ovaries...I guess I am right on the fence- so we wouldnt start any IFV transfer until Nov really....aggh, long ways away...and a lot of money...oh well ,these are the cards we were dealt

I am ok thanks Britt. Just feel very slow and am not allowed to do much - no horseriding, sex, running/dancing. Have a scan tomorrow to check my cervical length and, if it is too short, I will have to have surgery to keep it closed and will have to go
on bedrest until the end.
All worth it though.
I am ok thanks Britt. Just feel very slow and am not allowed to do much - no horseriding, sex, running/dancing. Have a scan tomorrow to check my cervical length and, if it is too short, I will have to have surgery to keep it closed and will have to go
on bedrest until the end.
All worth it though.

oh wow, I had no idea hon....I hope everything goes well, have been thiking of you
hi girls just dropping by with some pma and a whole load of baby :dust: xx
Hey Ladies!

Taebo - glad to hear your kitty cat is feeling better! Looking forward to seeing some pirate pictures too!

Chia - I must have missed your SMS, not sure how I did that!?! Sorry!! I would love to see you this weekend!! DH and I are being admitted to court in HK on Saturday and on Sunday morning, we're getting some photos done with baby bump - but we could get some brunch on Sunday? Do you know where Soho is in HK? There's some great places there to get brunch!

2016 - you're absolutely right, I have injections with my IUI - I wasn't ovulating on my own, so I had 2 rounds of clomid, but since it was taking me 20 days to O, doc put me on injections, and because of DH's poor morphology, we had IUI on our first round of injections, and we were lucky to get out BFP! I put a lot of it down to having our IUI whilst on holiday and being relaxed etc. Best of luck with the check on your cervix - let us know how it goes!! fx'd no surgery!! x

Britt - How awesome that you got a call on IVF! So would you go on BCP next week or next cycle? Can you walk me through the timing, I would have thought you'd have the transfer in Oct?
Part 1 :winkwink:

Pic 1: Birthday boy in front of party sign...getting ready for guests to arrive.
Pic 2: Me and my buccaneer.
Pic 3: Ship game my husband made.
Pic 4: Party guest trying to throw a bean bag into the holes in the ship game. He was one of the lucky winners.
Pic 5: Kyle and his friend, being pirates...but only the nicest kind. Well...not really, they did have a sword duel later and my son lost. LOL.


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