Aphrodites Concieving Rabbits in 2011

GREAT honey! found out today that i get to see DH the 22 of october! he is being sent him for class about three hours from me but he gets to spend the weekend before his class with me and goes back on the 29th. :yipee:

That's GREAT, nevertogether!!! I'm so happy you guys get to squeeze in another visit. :happydance:
:hugs: thanks honey. we are getting fairly "lucky" on this deployment. i'm happy i'm stationed so near kosovo that i can have the opportunity. what most people don't realize, is that even when he is not deployed he is not with me, so ANYTIME that i get to see him is special. no matter how short it is!
Nevertogether, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!!! How are you doing Taebo? We've got our last prenatal appointment today, and it's a private appointment so we get to ask whatever questions we want. Tomorrow we have another 3D scan, I'm so excited to see our little guy's face!
Nevertogether, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!!! How are you doing Taebo? We've got our last prenatal appointment today, and it's a private appointment so we get to ask whatever questions we want. Tomorrow we have another 3D scan, I'm so excited to see our little guy's face!

How exciting, Joli!! How did the appointment go? And where are the new 3D pics?? I can't believe how close you are to meeting your little one, face to face! And I can't wait to see THOSE pics! :happydance:

I'm doing well. I'm feeling optimistic this cycle. I purchased some OPKs and have been taking Soy Isoflavones from cd2 through 6, as it is supposed to help you ovulate and I haven't had clear signs of ovulation for the last few months (CM isn't showing it, but even if I am ovulating this CM isn't going to make things easy on sperm). I have no idea if it works, but what do I have to lose? And I started taking Evening Primrose again. I had stopped taking it several months ago because it upsets my tummy and gives me a headache. But if it makes CM more friendly for my hubby's swimmers, it's worth it. I wish I knew if these measures were a waste of time or not...but all I can do is give them a shot. But if anything, it gives me a sense of hope and the feeling that I'm doing SOMETHING to help this along.

How are the rest of you ladies doing???
Nevertogether, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you!!! How are you doing Taebo? We've got our last prenatal appointment today, and it's a private appointment so we get to ask whatever questions we want. Tomorrow we have another 3D scan, I'm so excited to see our little guy's face!

How exciting, Joli!! How did the appointment go? And where are the new 3D pics?? I can't believe how close you are to meeting your little one, face to face! And I can't wait to see THOSE pics! :happydance:

I'm doing well. I'm feeling optimistic this cycle. I purchased some OPKs and have been taking Soy Isoflavones from cd2 through 6, as it is supposed to help you ovulate and I haven't had clear signs of ovulation for the last few months (CM isn't showing it, but even if I am ovulating this CM isn't going to make things easy on sperm). I have no idea if it works, but what do I have to lose? And I started taking Evening Primrose again. I had stopped taking it several months ago because it upsets my tummy and gives me a headache. But if it makes CM more friendly for my hubby's swimmers, it's worth it. I wish I knew if these measures were a waste of time or not...but all I can do is give them a shot. But if anything, it gives me a sense of hope and the feeling that I'm doing SOMETHING to help this along.

How are the rest of you ladies doing???

hey good for you Taebo...my acupuncture lady said to use EPO in the second half of your cycle which contradicts everyone on this site...but she said it doesnt help cm.. :shrug: I know that I did try Robutissium one cycle and that seemed to make a difference but lately I have been ok so i havent used anything. Good luck Taebo, I am ready for some BFPs around here :thumbup: like 2016 said its been 29 weeks since we have had another bfp...:growlmad:so we are due:thumbup:

Never- yeah for seeing dh :happydance: have a nice time, you deserve it :hugs:

Chia- how are you doing?

sweetmama, thinking of you.

GG and 2016 hope you guys are well and look forward to more updates.
Joli- when are we going to see the 3D pics of this handsome little man of yours?? thinking of you..:hugs:

AFM- met up with my cousin today and her little boy (Kolten), he is 6 months now and is the cutest and happiest little guy. He is so smart and alert...ahhh, I absolutely love that age- I dont really like the newborn thing too much but now they start getting super fun!!
I o'd today I think but we really only got one BD in as we are both travelling..:shrug:

have a good weekend, its a long weekend for us

So appointment went well-ish... unfortunately no 3D pics cause baby was facing my spine, so all we could see was the back of his head! oh well - guess it will make it even more of a surprise to see him on D-day! I did a urine test and twice I tested positive for some protiens, so they're testing to see if I have pre-eclampsia (eek!). My blood pressure was normal though, so hopefully they're just eer-ing on the side of caution.

Taebo - I'm loving your PMA! I didn't have enough CM whilst I was on clomid, so we used Preseed, apparently it helps the spermies swim. I had used Evening Primrose as well, and Robutussen - tried everything! I don't know if any of it helped, but it certainly ddidn't hurt!

Britt - YEAH that you got to get in at least 1 BD session! Better than nothing! 6 month old babies are totally cute. Are you travelling again soon or do you get to stay put for a while?
I found EPO did LOADS for CM production. Even DH noticed the difference! I was never short of EWCM anyway but I tried everything in the end. I also used Robitussin and found that was good too....and the amount of bitter grapefruit juice I necked!

My favourite TTC supps were:

Raspberry leaf tea (from CD1 until ov)
Royal Jelly capsules (same as above)
EPO (same as above)
Ginseng & Ginko Biloba (who cycle)

That was the combo I used when lightning struck for me!
I love you ladies. :hugs:

Yeah, I plan on purchasing more Robitussin today. I was using it with EPO, but when I ran out of the Robitussin I just stopped the EPO as well (it's hard on my stomach). It did make a difference, I'm sure of it. After I stopped these 2 things (maybe 5 or 6 months ago--I can't remember), there was less fertile CM, but the last 3 cycles were really bad--the poor swimmers didn't have a chance! So here I am again. I may pick up some GINKGO BILOBA + GINSENG, thanks 2016! It's really good to hear from you, by they way!

Britt, I love the 6 month stage! It would be great if your one BD session did the trick! It only takes ONE swimmer! I still feel amazed when I think about how my daughter was conceived. There was no ejaculation (sorry to be so graphic,) and still a swimmer found its way.

Joli, I'm sorry to hear that your little one was being shy. But you are right, you'll just have more of a surprise on D-day. It's good to hear that your blood pressure was normal. They are probably just trying to be cautious and rule out any possibility of Pre-Eclampsia.

The other night I posted on my Facebook wall that I was thankful for all God had blessed me with. Then a few friends post: "Any exciting news??" My gosh! This is getting hard. LOL. I'm constantly having to tell people that I'm STILL not pregnant! I guess this is why some folks don't share the news of ttc. Now I get it. Every month I keep having to tell people that we failed, yet again. I have one friend who will ask several times a month. I keep telling her that I only get one shot a month!! [[[SCREAM]]]:brat:

Thanks for letting me get that scream off my chest. I know that my friends just care. They'd love to see me finally have this wish for *just one more* fulfilled. I know that.

So, how is everyone else?????
Taebo - how terrible that people jump to such assumptions just from an innocent facebook status! When we were ttc, we didn't tell many people cause we just didn't want the pressure of people always asking us what was going on. Feel free to scream away on this thread!

How are the rest of you ladies doing? :flower:
I love you ladies. :hugs:

Yeah, I plan on purchasing more Robitussin today. I was using it with EPO, but when I ran out of the Robitussin I just stopped the EPO as well (it's hard on my stomach). It did make a difference, I'm sure of it. After I stopped these 2 things (maybe 5 or 6 months ago--I can't remember), there was less fertile CM, but the last 3 cycles were really bad--the poor swimmers didn't have a chance! So here I am again. I may pick up some GINKGO BILOBA + GINSENG, thanks 2016! It's really good to hear from you, by they way!

Britt, I love the 6 month stage! It would be great if your one BD session did the trick! It only takes ONE swimmer! I still feel amazed when I think about how my daughter was conceived. There was no ejaculation (sorry to be so graphic,) and still a swimmer found its way.

Joli, I'm sorry to hear that your little one was being shy. But you are right, you'll just have more of a surprise on D-day. It's good to hear that your blood pressure was normal. They are probably just trying to be cautious and rule out any possibility of Pre-Eclampsia.

The other night I posted on my Facebook wall that I was thankful for all God had blessed me with. Then a few friends post: "Any exciting news??" My gosh! This is getting hard. LOL. I'm constantly having to tell people that I'm STILL not pregnant! I guess this is why some folks don't share the news of ttc. Now I get it. Every month I keep having to tell people that we failed, yet again. I have one friend who will ask several times a month. I keep telling her that I only get one shot a month!! [[[SCREAM]]]:brat:

Thanks for letting me get that scream off my chest. I know that my friends just care. They'd love to see me finally have this wish for *just one more* fulfilled. I know that.

So, how is everyone else?????

Hey Taebo, I meant to reply to this awhile ago and thought I did.
thats too funny, your friends sounds like my Mom, i too had to tell her- we only get one shot each month, stop asking!! I think your bfp will come soon Taebo :hugs:
Okay so you conceived your daughter with no ejaculation.....that is unbelievable and just goes to show you that if its meant to be they will find their way- has to be the right timing, thats what i am telling myself is the reason why we havent conceived yet. And dont worry there is never too much info on this site.. ha ha :rofl:

Joli- how are you doing hon?

hope everyone is well

I love you ladies. :hugs:

Yeah, I plan on purchasing more Robitussin today. I was using it with EPO, but when I ran out of the Robitussin I just stopped the EPO as well (it's hard on my stomach). It did make a difference, I'm sure of it. After I stopped these 2 things (maybe 5 or 6 months ago--I can't remember), there was less fertile CM, but the last 3 cycles were really bad--the poor swimmers didn't have a chance! So here I am again. I may pick up some GINKGO BILOBA + GINSENG, thanks 2016! It's really good to hear from you, by they way!

Britt, I love the 6 month stage! It would be great if your one BD session did the trick! It only takes ONE swimmer! I still feel amazed when I think about how my daughter was conceived. There was no ejaculation (sorry to be so graphic,) and still a swimmer found its way.

Joli, I'm sorry to hear that your little one was being shy. But you are right, you'll just have more of a surprise on D-day. It's good to hear that your blood pressure was normal. They are probably just trying to be cautious and rule out any possibility of Pre-Eclampsia.

The other night I posted on my Facebook wall that I was thankful for all God had blessed me with. Then a few friends post: "Any exciting news??" My gosh! This is getting hard. LOL. I'm constantly having to tell people that I'm STILL not pregnant! I guess this is why some folks don't share the news of ttc. Now I get it. Every month I keep having to tell people that we failed, yet again. I have one friend who will ask several times a month. I keep telling her that I only get one shot a month!! [[[SCREAM]]]:brat:

Thanks for letting me get that scream off my chest. I know that my friends just care. They'd love to see me finally have this wish for *just one more* fulfilled. I know that.

So, how is everyone else?????

You're welcome....I am almost always here like a creepy stalker :wacko: but don't seem to have anything positive to post so I figure it's best to stay quiet. :blush:
Taebo - how terrible that people jump to such assumptions just from an innocent facebook status! When we were ttc, we didn't tell many people cause we just didn't want the pressure of people always asking us what was going on. Feel free to scream away on this thread!

How are the rest of you ladies doing? :flower:

Thanks, Joli. :flower: How are things going with your pregnancy? Is working at home still treating you well? It sounds like a wonderful setup.

2016, it's nice to know that you're around. I'm sure you have lots to offer! And I'd love to hear how your pregnancy is going.

Britt, that's funny about your mom. I'm sure it's hard for her to be patient! I can't imagine how my mom would be reacting. She passed before we started trying to conceive this time around. But when she was alive and we'd go shopping, she'd hold up a cute little girl baby outfit in the hopes of enticing me to try for another. LOL. But it wasn't me who needed convincing, it was my mean ol hubby! Britt, I know it will happen for you. But this waiting is torture, isn't it? But you're getting closer! I'm so looking forward to your BFP!!

Nevertogether, How are you? The 22nd is fast approaching...at least for me. LOL. And that is going to be a special day for me, as I get to go to a Justin Beiber concert that night with my daughter and a bunch of her friends...yippy. :help:

So, on Friday I texted my hubby to see if he could stop by the store for a few things. "We need milk, strawberries (for our margaritas) and some Robitussin." Then he wants to know what we need Robitussin for. It was a fun little conversation! LOL. So I'm a bit excited because on cycle day 11 I got a positive OPK! WHOO HOO, this old lady ovulated!

Sweetmama and chia: how are you guys doing? Is GG around?
Taebo - how terrible that people jump to such assumptions just from an innocent facebook status! When we were ttc, we didn't tell many people cause we just didn't want the pressure of people always asking us what was going on. Feel free to scream away on this thread!

How are the rest of you ladies doing? :flower:

Thanks, Joli. :flower: How are things going with your pregnancy? Is working at home still treating you well? It sounds like a wonderful setup.

2016, it's nice to know that you're around. I'm sure you have lots to offer! And I'd love to hear how your pregnancy is going.

Britt, that's funny about your mom. I'm sure it's hard for her to be patient! I can't imagine how my mom would be reacting. She passed before we started trying to conceive this time around. But when she was alive and we'd go shopping, she'd hold up a cute little girl baby outfit in the hopes of enticing me to try for another. LOL. But it wasn't me who needed convincing, it was my mean ol hubby! Britt, I know it will happen for you. But this waiting is torture, isn't it? But you're getting closer! I'm so looking forward to your BFP!!

Nevertogether, How are you? The 22nd is fast approaching...at least for me. LOL. And that is going to be a special day for me, as I get to go to a Justin Beiber concert that night with my daughter and a bunch of her friends...yippy. :help:

So, on Friday I texted my hubby to see if he could stop by the store for a few things. "We need milk, strawberries (for our margaritas) and some Robitussin." Then he wants to know what we need Robitussin for. It was a fun little conversation! LOL. So I'm a bit excited because on cycle day 11 I got a positive OPK! WHOO HOO, this old lady ovulated!

Sweetmama and chia: how are you guys doing? Is GG around?

whoop whoop, yeah for O!!!!! :thumbup: maybe this might be the lucky cycle!! I hope so!!
:rofl: justin bieber. i'm praying for you taebo! i'm counting down the days. i'm to the point where i barely sleep at night tossing and turning in antipation. i really can't wait! as for O, :yipee: hope you catch that eggy!
Britt - I'm doing well, went for another check up today, and baby is doing well. He's still not engaged, but we saw his tummy moving up and down, which the doc said was him practicing how to breath! Baby is now measuring around 7.2 pounds! big boy!! Are you getting excited about your IVF?

Taebo - on your robussin (however you spell it!), some advice (just in case DH bought the wrong one as there are so many kinds out there! and sorry if you already know all this!):

"One should buy the plain kind with no letters after it. The only active ingredient is guaifenesin, and it contains 100 mg per teaspoon. It is very important to avoid the versions that contain decongestants as those may dry up cervical mucus

The recommended dose for improving cervical mucus, based on a 1982 article in Fertility and Sterility, is two teaspoons (200 mg) taken orally three times per day. If mucus still appears thick and doesn't have good spinnbarkeit (ability to stretch), one can take as much as four teaspoons (400 mg) four times per day (the maximum dose on this over the counter medication). Each dose should be taken with a full glass of water, and attention should be given to drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day -- one needs water to produce mucus.

it is now more common for doctors to suggest starting guaifenesin about five days before expected ovulation and continuing through ovulation day (six days total, for those with regular cycles). For those with irregular cycles, one should start taking guaifenesin about five days before the earliest day ovulation might be expected."

Nevertogether - it must be agony waiting for the 22nd!! Very happy for you :)
hey! Sorry for disappearing for so long! I've been reading the updates, just been popping on for a bit though. We gave our notice august 1st and didn't find a place until almost Sept. We moved a week and a bit ago, never again am I moving with a toddler when I'm so pregnant!

Britt: How are you? Do you have an approximate start date for ivf? It's coming up fast now (november/december I mean) I can't remember if you said when yet. :dust: for this cycle anyway, I'll always be hopeful for you!

Chia: Where are you in your cycle? Hope everything is going well!

nevertogether: great news about seeing dh!!! :yipee:

taebomama: can't wait for you to start testing, not sure when that is, going to check your ticker but I still love the pee sticks! :dust:
helloo im still here, im just lurking and keeping up with u girls but have nothing of any interest to say xx
hey! Sorry for disappearing for so long! I've been reading the updates, just been popping on for a bit though. We gave our notice august 1st and didn't find a place until almost Sept. We moved a week and a bit ago, never again am I moving with a toddler when I'm so pregnant!

Britt: How are you? Do you have an approximate start date for ivf? It's coming up fast now (november/december I mean) I can't remember if you said when yet. :dust: for this cycle anyway, I'll always be hopeful for you!

Chia: Where are you in your cycle? Hope everything is going well!

nevertogether: great news about seeing dh!!! :yipee:

taebomama: can't wait for you to start testing, not sure when that is, going to check your ticker but I still love the pee sticks! :dust:

Oh my gosh there you are love!! seriously we missed you but glad you popped on to say hi- no worries life happens and its busy.
how is your pregnancy going Nicole? glad you are settled into your new house now, i agree never move with a toddler while pregnant...lol. Definitely keep us posted on how you are doing.

Hey Joli, sounds like things are going great for you as well? Any aches and pains and are you ready to have this baby and get your body back? you sound like you are really loving pregnancy, i know with a lot of my friends they are so ready to be done by this stage.
7.2lbs is great, he is a good size nice and healthy- i personally was an 8 pounder myself when i was born :haha:

As for me, well I"m not sure "excited" is the right word about the IVF treatment, but hey if this is what we need than yeah anything that will get me that baby is a good thing. I really am a bit overwhelmed/nervous about the whole process and just want to get it done. I met my gf yesterday who had IVF and she had such great advice for me and is giving me a few of our her left over meds (about a $1000 worth which is nice).
I will keep you all posted of my progress :hugs:

Never- when you see DH will it by around O time by chance?

Chia- where are you hon, hope you are well.

2016 and GG- glad you girls are still lurking about :winkwink: we appreciate the support on this thread :hugs:

and Taebo I hope you are getting in some serious BD!!

Hey Britt - I am loving being pregnant (of course operation and pain aside!) but I have always enjoyed feeling the company of baby... it's almost as if him and I share a little secret whenever he moves inside me (which is loads at the minute!). I don't really feel 'ready to have my body back', i'm quite enjoying sharing it, and I feel totally chilled out about it - but I do desperately want to meet my little boy, and that is making me anxious to deliver. In all honesty, pregnancy is great - you get seats on the train (well, about 50% of the time in HK, which is 50% more than usual!), you get to eat what you want without any need to suck in your tummy after a huge meal, people are a lot more generous and kind to you - what's not to love! :flower: In saying that though, I'm sure I'll end up much prefering to have baby in front of me rather than inside me! haha. It's so great that you have someone who has been through IVF who can give you advice (and $1000 worth of meds!). It must really ease your mind and give you hope too! I am honestly to excited and anxious for you! :happydance:

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