Aphrodites Concieving Rabbits in 2011

Hey Britt - I am loving being pregnant (of course operation and pain aside!) but I have always enjoyed feeling the company of baby... it's almost as if him and I share a little secret whenever he moves inside me (which is loads at the minute!). I don't really feel 'ready to have my body back', i'm quite enjoying sharing it, and I feel totally chilled out about it - but I do desperately want to meet my little boy, and that is making me anxious to deliver. In all honesty, pregnancy is great - you get seats on the train (well, about 50% of the time in HK, which is 50% more than usual!), you get to eat what you want without any need to suck in your tummy after a huge meal, people are a lot more generous and kind to you - what's not to love! :flower: In saying that though, I'm sure I'll end up much prefering to have baby in front of me rather than inside me! haha. It's so great that you have someone who has been through IVF who can give you advice (and $1000 worth of meds!). It must really ease your mind and give you hope too! I am honestly to excited and anxious for you! :happydance:

you are such a gem Joli....honestly, its so nice to know someone like you warms my heart :hugs:
I love your pregnancy analogy....I cant wait to experience that. Glad you are feelign well and you are excited about my ivf- well I'm very excited about your deliver :happydance:

Hey Britt - I am loving being pregnant (of course operation and pain aside!) but I have always enjoyed feeling the company of baby... it's almost as if him and I share a little secret whenever he moves inside me (which is loads at the minute!). I don't really feel 'ready to have my body back', i'm quite enjoying sharing it, and I feel totally chilled out about it - but I do desperately want to meet my little boy, and that is making me anxious to deliver. In all honesty, pregnancy is great - you get seats on the train (well, about 50% of the time in HK, which is 50% more than usual!), you get to eat what you want without any need to suck in your tummy after a huge meal, people are a lot more generous and kind to you - what's not to love! :flower: In saying that though, I'm sure I'll end up much prefering to have baby in front of me rather than inside me! haha. It's so great that you have someone who has been through IVF who can give you advice (and $1000 worth of meds!). It must really ease your mind and give you hope too! I am honestly to excited and anxious for you! :happydance:

you are such a gem Joli....honestly, its so nice to know someone like you warms my heart :hugs:
I love your pregnancy analogy....I cant wait to experience that. Glad you are feelign well and you are excited about my ivf- well I'm very excited about your deliver :happydance:


aw hon, you are going to LOVE being pregnant - after wanting it for so long, I couldn't imagine being ungrateful or regretful for even a second, it's the best feeling ever, and I can't wait until you get to share your baby bump experiences with us too!! :hugs:
I am never regretful about being pregnant because I consider Squiggle a miracle that should never have happened - just when things became "impossible" they suddenly all became so "easy" :shrug:

I do, however, often feel that I sound ungrateful about being pregnant when I moan about sickness/pain etc. etc. :blush: But I feel like I can't help it....think I managed 2 whole weeks of "glowing" and then it has been downhill from there. I find pregnancy really hard and can't say I am enjoying it....although I never get sick of the kicks! :happydance:
yeh I must say, Im finding it really hard too. I guess some people are just made to be pregnant lol. Im looking forward to the prize at the end but its been a hard slog, and the end feels so far away yet. I just cant wait to be able to eat and breathe again! Im so thankful for my baby and cant wait till she is here, all healthy hopefully x
Hey everybody!

Joli, I loved hearing your thoughts/feelings on your pregnancy. How sweet! As far as the Robitussin goes, yeah, I made sure hubby got the right kind. Thanks for that advice though, because I'm sure a lot of ladies are making things even worse for themselves by getting the wrong one.

Nicole, it's great to see you on here again! Your profile pic is always a welcome sight! LOL. Congrats on the new place! I'm sure the moving part was no fun. But once everything is unpacked you can enjoy it.

Britt, what a great friend you have to kick you down those EXPENSIVE meds! Please do keep us up to date with your progress.

GossipGirly and 2016, I think it's quite alright to have moments of complaining about the pains and discomforts of pregnancy. It certainly doesn't mean you don't love your baby, or that you're not grateful for your pregnancy. Although bringing life into the world is a miraculous thing, it sure does have some not-so-fun aspects as well! So don't feel bad!

As for me, it's too soon to know if this cycle was a success or not, as I'm still stuck in that miserable 2ww. Fertility Friend is really messing with me, too. It put my ovulation date way earlier than it could have taken place and I had to override it to go by my positive OPK rather than my temps. I made a mistake of researching about women my age TTC and it was very depressing. I also checked out a bunch of books at the library on TTC and the stats for "women of advanced age", as I'm referred to in these books, is very aggravating. Another thing that I find depressing is that the male partner being overweight can have a significant affect on sperm, and my husband is overweight. I can do stuff on my end, but I can't make him lose weight. I also don't want to hurt his ego...as we all know a man's ego is very fragile. And all the sweet words in the world can't put it back together again. TTC is not the only reason I want him to lose weight, and I've voiced my concern in the past about his risk for a heart attack and/or a stroke. He has high blood pressure, and even though his meds have been changed, they may still effect our ability to conceive, as the prescribing doctor was clueless on the matter. Besides, if/WHEN we conceive, that's not the end of it. I want hubby to have a LONG life and BE HERE for that child (my mom had my sister at 38, but died early--at 56--from a stroke). I feel terrible for talking smack on the man I love. I just wish he'd get fit and healthy. How long do I wait before I start encouraging (bugging) him more to live a healthier lifestyle? Anything I say WILL hurt/anger him. I was hoping that him seeing me in a consistent workout routine would encourage him. But I've been working out for 4 years and he isn't changing at all. He will start a workout routine, but he won't keep up with it.

Forgive me for complaining about TTC. And please know that I love my husband to pieces, and I feel bad for talking about him in a negative way. This man is an AMAZING husband and father, and I'm well aware of how unbelievably blessed I am to have him.
2016 and GG - I'm in total agreement with Taebo - of course you love your babies and omg, you guys are going to be soooooooooo happy once you meet them! I know that every pregnancy is different, and I am lucky that I have been able to work from home, which I think makes a big difference - I'm sure if I had been working in the office, I would be feeling awful by now!!

Taebo - statistics are exactly as they say on the package - they're numbers which don't take into account so many personal circumstances - from the photos I've seen of you, you're super fit, slim and healthy, which are huge advantages to TTC... I know what you mean though about DH's health. My DH is 6'7" and is a big guy and I always worry about how hard his heart has to work and how worn his bones will be as he gets older... I am scared that he'll not live as long as me. I guess all we can do it try to encourage them to exercise and eat healthier (easier said than done, I know!) :flower: Maybe so that you don't anger him, you can suggest that you both go for full annual check-ups, and as part of that check-up the doc will check cholesterol etc. and you might leave it to the doc to tell him about his health risks. I know after my dad was told that he was a walking heart attack, he changed his lifestyle after that... I hope something works for you hon :hugs:

I've just spent the last 24 hours moving from our apartment to our serviced apartment, pretty exhausting with 2 freaked out kitty cats, and I've done an impressive amount of packing, lifting and moving for a 37+ week pregnant lady! Oh well, I figure baby is ready and the lifting is good squat exercises!
okay agghhh...:growlmad: I wrote a huge reply yesterday to Taebo and Joli and my internet conked out on me and it did not save, so I do not have the energy to rewrite it but basically:

Taebo- thanks for your wishes on my upcoming IVF tx and i really hope this is your cycle, you have to be due soon for a BFP!!!
the other thing I wanted to say to you hon, is this is something straight from our FS- but basically the short version is if there is MF problems there is almost nothing the guy can do to improve his sperm analysis. When we found out DH had very bad morphology we were like okay change diet, work out, vitamins yadda yadda and he was like no on all accounts. He actually encouraged us to not waste our money on vitamins as it really wont change anything. The only and absolutely only thing he said not to do was smoke or do street drugs. My hubby said "well I just smoke a cigar once in a while" and he said please quit that until she is pregnant. So there you have it from an expert.... I mean living a healthy lifestyle can only be better for sure and I am not sure why guys dont get this I agree- my DH is allergic to cardio and the gym :winkwink:
anyway, just thought that i would share some info with you, also he can have his hormones checked to see if there is anything to help on that front. My DH had normal testosterone but if your DH's was low than they can treat that.

and Joli no moving and lifting anymore crazy pregnant woman!!!! :winkwink: Ha ha, i mean that in the most sincere way- you need to relax and pamper yourself. Do you feel like baby is coming soon?

okay agghhh...:growlmad: I wrote a huge reply yesterday to Taebo and Joli and my internet conked out on me and it did not save, so I do not have the energy to rewrite it but basically:

Taebo- thanks for your wishes on my upcoming IVF tx and i really hope this is your cycle, you have to be due soon for a BFP!!!
the other thing I wanted to say to you hon, is this is something straight from our FS- but basically the short version is if there is MF problems there is almost nothing the guy can do to improve his sperm analysis. When we found out DH had very bad morphology we were like okay change diet, work out, vitamins yadda yadda and he was like no on all accounts. He actually encouraged us to not waste our money on vitamins as it really wont change anything. The only and absolutely only thing he said not to do was smoke or do street drugs. My hubby said "well I just smoke a cigar once in a while" and he said please quit that until she is pregnant. So there you have it from an expert.... I mean living a healthy lifestyle can only be better for sure and I am not sure why guys dont get this I agree- my DH is allergic to cardio and the gym :winkwink:
anyway, just thought that i would share some info with you, also he can have his hormones checked to see if there is anything to help on that front. My DH had normal testosterone but if your DH's was low than they can treat that.

and Joli no moving and lifting anymore crazy pregnant woman!!!! :winkwink: Ha ha, i mean that in the most sincere way- you need to relax and pamper yourself. Do you feel like baby is coming soon?


hehee - you're sweet Britt, thanks :) Today I do feel like baby is getting ready to come actually, I've been having Braxton Hicks all day, and I seem to be having about 8 an hour - they're not painful, they just feel like waves...but it clearly feels like my body is getting ready!
Britt...I am feeling so positive about your IVF starting, although I always had this gut feeling that you would get your BFP before IVF started - any chance for this cycle? I see you are 10dpo. I got pregnant technically just before I was supposed to start.

Taebo...I don't think what you were saying about hubby was unfair and I can see why it would frustrate you. As Joli says, statistics are just that and that may not be the reason but I know how you would want to give yourselves the best chance possible. I had a problem with DH while we were TTC that he would drink far too much red wine every night and I was convinced it was hampering our progress. I would feel so betrayed and upset if he even had a glass, particularly since I had given up all alcohol/caffiene etc. etc. while TTC. It felt like I was doing everything and he wasn't putting in the effort! As it turned out though, his sperm analysis revealed the alcohol was having seemingly no effect on his quality and the specialist still termed it "rocket fuel" :haha:
Britt...I am feeling so positive about your IVF starting, although I always had this gut feeling that you would get your BFP before IVF started - any chance for this cycle? I see you are 10dpo. I got pregnant technically just before I was supposed to start.

Taebo...I don't think what you were saying about hubby was unfair and I can see why it would frustrate you. As Joli says, statistics are just that and that may not be the reason but I know how you would want to give yourselves the best chance possible. I had a problem with DH while we were TTC that he would drink far too much red wine every night and I was convinced it was hampering our progress. I would feel so betrayed and upset if he even had a glass, particularly since I had given up all alcohol/caffiene etc. etc. while TTC. It felt like I was doing everything and he wasn't putting in the effort! As it turned out though, his sperm analysis revealed the alcohol was having seemingly no effect on his quality and the specialist still termed it "rocket fuel" :haha:

Hi Hon, gosh it is sooo nice to hear from you :hugs:
Thank you, I wondered too if we would get a bfp right before IVF...was hoping. Well I was travelling and DH was quite sick but we did manage to BD the day of my +ve opk (I believe I o'd the next day) so you never know. But honestly I feel no different right now....nothing.....:wacko: You preggo girls all had cramping and sore boobs before your bfp right?
i have neither....
but AF isnt due for 4 days so I still am going to hope right until the end :hugs:

Joli- yeah Braxton hicks :happydance: I hope you have a smooth labour you deserve it. What is the plan for the birth btw?
Britt...all I remember from the TWW is that I had less "symptoms" than other cycles that were BFN! I honest to goodness wasn't expecting a positive test that day, and only took one because hubby went out and I felt the naughty urge to POAS! :haha:
yeh I agree the month I got my bfp I had no symtoms in the 2ww either xx
Baby Harrison Joel Roman Troupe arrived today!!! Take a look at the grad thread for pics - will post more tomorrow! Xxx
I wrote on the other thread but I will say on this one too....wooo hooo congratulations little mama, he is absolutely beautiful!!!
well done Joli!!
Joli, I'm so excited for you! Your little one is so adorable, and with all that hair!!!:happydance: I cannot express how happy I am for you! Congratulations!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Ladies, I just want to say a quick thank you for replying to my post with your heartfelt replies. I'll respond at a later time--I HAVE to get in bed...it's almost 1am and tomorrow is our first day of the new school year. I need to look over the lessons so that I don't look like a fool in front of my kids, and instead, sound like I know what I'm doing. :haha:

But I wanted to send out a quick note to let you guys know that I appreciate you all, very much! :hugs:

Tomorrow morning (in about 6 or 7 hours) I'm going to POAS even though it will only be 9dpo. I guess I like to torture myself. And if it's negative I can tell myself that it's too early to test. LOL

Joli, you have put a smile on my face! I'm so happy for you and your hubby and your new little family member! What a lucky little boy!:flower:
Harrison...what a lovely name. I just can't get over this. Okay, I'm really going to bed now.
well girls, no DH this month :nope: the army canceled his orders to come to germany so looks like it will be 23 november hopefully.
Never- I am so sorry about your trip with DH being postponed :hugs: November will be extra special though.

Taebo- good luck love with testing....we may just have gotten this thread out of its dulldrums.....

are you guys sitting down??????!!!!!!!!! I got my :bfp::bfp::bfp: this morning, can you believe it??!!! :yipee:
After 15 months of TTC, 5 failed IUIS, 4 failed clomid cycles, and after paying $8,000 deposit for IVF to start the very next month I got a bfp today. Okay as I am writing this, I think its starting to hit me and I am a bit emotional with tears in my eyes. I will write more later but you ladies have been my rock, I could have never gone through the ups and downs without you guys. :hugs:
I am 12dpo today but started getting something faint at 10dpo on the dollar store tests...and I mean faint...I thought naaa they are $1.25 so that just must mean how they work. Well todays test was a good line within 2 minutes and then I took a digi. I am still in disbelief, I mean it ladies miracles do happen and it did for us. I am starting the new lucky streak so Taebo and Never and Chia, you lovely ladies are next.

So Joli, I guess we were bump buddies and never knew it!!! :happydance:So wonderful and cool, you brought in a new life yesterday and I am just starting one.
more to come and yes of course I am nervous about the pregnancy after all this time.



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