April ‘baby’ showers 2020

How worrying, fingers crossed everything is ok with baby and placenta and you can hang on until term. It's not that far away now!
I've started washing baby clothes today.
Blood pressure was up again today so was sent home to rest. Midwife said it’s higher but not worry time high. So just need to take it easier. I will have daily checks this week and we will discuss a game plan once we have results from scan tomorrow! So taking every day at a time now and hoping we can make it to 37 weeks!
Fingers crossed you can hang on. It's hard to rest with a little one but try your best. Lots of snuggles and dvds
So looks like we are expecting another tiny baby. Although maybe not as small as DD. This one is measuring in the 13th percentile and looks around 1.7kg now (3lbs). My blood flow was good and baby looked great. Had some irregular contractions which they put down to being really strong Braxton hicks- I’m glad they caught them on the monitor as they’ve been getting so strong that I’ve sometimes thought “are these too strong?”. We will go back for another scan in 2/3weeks to check growth difference and check it’s not heading to IUGR. For now I can keep working from home. So good news that for now they are not too worried!
Glad baby is well sweden, really hope you can rest when you can
Fingers crossed for the next scan
My Braxton Hicks were awful a couple days ago, never had them so strong
Cramp for the firstborn time in my calf’s last night, lasted about 3 minutes constantly, absolute agony, tried waking dh up even though he should have woken with the noise I made! Didn’t work Cos he was too much in a deep sleep! God help me if I go into labour during the night lol
Anyway I hope it doesn’t happen again, got it a lot in previous pregnancies but not this bad!
With my previous 2 births as well I kept getting cramp in my calves during pushing, literally one then the other, my dh and ds had to keep rubbing my legs, both births were so similar even down to this, cramp is not what you need when you’re tring to push a baby out!

I’ve no way washed all newborn clothes and 0-3 so even if I don’t get the rest done straight away I’ve got what I need first of all

How many sleepsuits is everyone taking? So far oven got 4 newborn and 2 0-3 just in case, with dd I got through about 4 the first night Cos she kept being sick and dh had to bring more so I don’t know

How are you mother and everyone else?
Sweden, glad baby is looking well, if on the little side. Good luck for your next scan. Try to rest even with working from home.

Star, cramp between pushes sounds awful. Touch wood I've only had it once this pregnancy. Hope you don't go in to labour during the night though, you'll have to chuck a glass of water over DH if you do haha

I've gone with suits that are up to 1 month or "first size" (so up to 9lb and 10lb) I've got 4. If it looks on the scan like he'll be much smaller or exceptionally big I'll put other options in but all of my others were around the 8lb-9lb marks so should be covered.

I'm good, 33 weeks today. I've had Braxton Hicks but not painful, just tight. I was thinking the other day it's funny how all my movements are on the left, other than the odd day they have been on the left the entire pregnancy, my first nudges were on the left and whatever position he's been in on scans etc I've still felt everything on the left.
Ahh feel you on the cramps Star- i get them almost every night when I’m pregnant! They’re the worst!

Sleepsuits I’m taking 2 tiny baby and 2 newborn. If little one still looks teeny at our 35 week scan I might adjust. With DD she basically was skin to skin the whole time we were in delivery and recovery so didn’t really wear them. But guessing now we have DD that might change this time!

I had suchhhhhhh bad Braxton Hicks last night I thought I was maybe going into preterm labour. The only clue they weren’t real was that they were irregular and varied in intensity. But some started in my back so really thought maybe it was the start. Looking back I should have called in but luckily after an hour they fizzled out! She’s currently breech so I wonder if she was trying to turn
That would be good if the pains had had a positive reason such as her turning head down
Unfortunately I don’t think she was able to turn. Pretty certain she’s still head up! They’ve said as she’s little she’ll likely move around more than most babies this age so not to stress about it just yet. But any tips on getting her to flip?
Im sure there's a few things like cleaning the floors and bouncing on a birthing ball that are supposed to help. Google probably have a list. That's an upside to her being small though, that she'll be able to turn later than most.
The tiredness is back. Yesterday I had a nap, today I had a lay in and I'm still exhausted
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all ok. I had wanted to check back in so much sooner than this but it’s been an awful couple of weeks. We have been back and forth to the vets more times I think than we have been there at all. But unfortunately our cat I said before got hit by a car, who appeared initially to be recovering fabulously, had to be put to sleep. So I have been somewhat distracted.

Does anyone have any weird cravings? I have been craving lemon Dettol wipes. And essential oils. I had similar cravings with Castiel too.

Sweden, kneeling down bum in the air may help baby move. Or alternating heat (not too hot) and cold upper and lower bump. Reflexology can be useful, but only with someone experienced in treating pregnant women.
Happy, I'm so sorry about your cat.
No weird cravings here, I always feel a bit cheated by the fact I've never craved sponges or coal or something hahaha I didn't have cravings at all with the first 3, and this time they stopped around 20 weeks. I really want to demand DH goes out and buys ice cream and pickles at 2am like they do on TV :haha:
Guys... We are having babies next month! Some of us might even go this month. Where has the time gone?
Oh happy I’m so so sorry. Putting animals to sleep is heartbreaking. I’ve done it once and it broke me.

mother im with you on the tiredness- I’m beyond exhausted!

Good news here is I’m pretty certain little one has flipped! Kicks up at the top of stomach again and getting lightening crotch which I got when DD started to engage so hopefully that’s the case!

I know!! If they induce me at 37 then I’ll possibly be having a march baby! But definitely having a baby this month or next!

I’m so impatient to meet her now! I never wished time away with DD in my belly or felt I was done being pregnant but feeling this today! I guess I know now what awesomeness o have waiting for me and I’m impatient now!
I don't feel done with pregnancy yet, but I am also impatient to meet him if that makes sense haha
That's good that it feels like she's moved.
I don't really get lightening crotch unless I do a lot of walking, which I find weird as usually I would have been having it for weeks at this point. Not that I'm complaining, it just makes me wonder about position. I did have loads of movements low, then they changed to up top, but now I feel like most of my little movements are low again, but that could be his hands. My last midwife appointment was a student and she didn't feel his position, just listened to his heart. Got midwife Wednesday so hopefully they'll have a feel. Then scan again in 2 weeks.
Nice that you’re not having lightening crotch mother- I find it really horrific! Hopefully you’ll just miss out on it this time and it’s not a sign baby is wrong way round. Although still time for him to flip!
Sorry ladies, trying to keep up!
Ended up at maternity early morning, stomach pains all night and was sick twice, urine showed blood, protein and leukocytes so got a week of antibiotics and they’ve sent sample off
Awake all night from 1:30 but managed to sleep a bit this morning when I got back
Main thing is baby is all good
Can’t wait for this to be over now after feeling so ill last night and today!

Hope you’re all ok and bp isn’t too high sweden
Oh Star, I'm sorry to hear that, it must have been so stressful. Still, like you say the main thing is baby is ok.
I think I jinxed myself as this morning when I cleaned the stairs just as I got to the bottom I got a massive dose of lightening crotch.

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