April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Hi All! It's great that everyone is making such progress on their nurseries! I feel a little better as within the last week, we now have the crib, changing table, baby bedding, some matching artwork and a throw rug for the room. We painted last weekend, so that is done. I was really starting to panic with nothing being accomplished, so I'm glad I'm actually starting to SEE progress now!

Kirst, lovely photo!!

I have an appt. with week (Wed) with the specialist for a "growth study", which is a follow-up appt. to the PRUV diagnosis...so hopefully the little guy is still growing as he should be. I know one thing...he is kicking the H*## out of me regularly, so that is a good thing, right? :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
Hi Ladies :hi:

Hope everyone is well :thumbup:

We have today made our first big purchase (well, my lovely mummy and daddy have :haha:) - we have ordered our travel system (Silver Cross Surf) and car seat (MaxiCosi Cabriofix). Also bought a little mirror to put behind the car seat in the car so we can see rear-facing baby from the front and a changing bag :happydance: So getting a few things together now :thumbup: Next purchase will probably be the Moses Basket as think that is most urgent thing left really. Planning to start sorting out spare room this week to try and get it cleared ready for decorating etc.

Think my bump is growing now as every time I see my mum now she says I've grown again :haha:

Going to phone and book our private 4D scan tomorrow as not done that yet. Also going to book my spa day (OH bought me a 'Beautiful Bump' spa day for Christmas :hugs:)

Mbababy, yah, that's a great sign that little one is kicking so much! Good luck with your appt.
Ooooh nat that spa day sounds fabulous! Good luck with your 4D scan :hugs: Yay on all your purchases, sounds like you're making great headway!

Mbababy, gotta love baby kicks eh? I love watching my belly, so cool to see the movement... Good luck with your specialist apt, I'm sure everything will be peachy keen! :thumbup:

I did a LOT of work on Z's big girl room this weekend thanks to my dad! It is almost ready to paint now, and completely emptied of furniture. Just need to bring down to our storage DH's DVD and board game collections :haha: We have already redistributed the bookcases and books throughout the rest of the house. Surprising that everything fits! My dad adopted a gorgeous hand-crafted desk that I had nowhere to put, that's the only piece of furniture we actually had to get rid of.

I did have some really bad lower back pains yesterday, probably from carrying boxes of books and the furniture down 2 flights of stairs... I'll book a much needed massage!
Sounds as if Zoelles big girl room is coming along nicely junebug!

About the kicking....its great to see your belly move, huh? Sometimes my little one kicks so hard that it startles me....I get some puzzled looks from Rob and the girls at times, lol. There is one time I really dont like being kicked though and that is when I'm peeing...feels totally bizarre! I dont recall any of the others kicking me while I was going before...but this baby always seems to do it!!

And I totally agree a spa day or a massage sound completely wonderful about now!!
Hello Ladies! I just got back from the specialist who did a growth scan on my little one. Everything went fine...baby is BIG and measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule (87th percentile). Of course because I seem to worry constantly, now I'm concerned about gestational diabetes, but I'll be having that test on 1/26, so I guess time will tell. I was able to see his face as he was looking right at us....it was truly amazing! I attached a photo in case anyone wants to see :flower:

I'm jealous of those of you who have scheduled yourselves spa days and massages....I may just have to take your lead! :winkwink:


  • ultrasound26w2d_babyface.jpg
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Awww great photo and great news Mbababy!!!

Haven't booked my massage but I will today :thumbup: My lower back pain seems to have improved since I have done no heavy lifting since Sunday.

Zoë slept through the night for the first time in 2 weeks!!! :yipee: So rested today, and thankful that my teething toddler has given me one night respite. Ready for another few nights of interrupted sleep now :haha:

Oh and the strangest thing: I started having morning nausea yesterday. I almost puked on the subway but managed to hold it in. This morning I actually vomited twice before breakfast. So strange, I've had no symptoms this entire pregnancy until now at 24 weeks?? I checked my blood pressure first thing when arriving at my office this morning and it's fine. Weird... I hope it passes!
Thanks JB! Glad Zoe is letting you sleep finally....I can't imagine! :nope:

Sorry you're not feeling well...and hope that passes soon. I have continued to have waves of nausea all throughout my pregnancy. I had a very easy 1st trimester too...just felt a little nauseous here and there, but instead of that ending my 1st trimester, I've continued to deal with it throughout. It is very mild, but noticeable. I've actually lost 10 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy because of it (I'm definitely not complaining:thumbup:).

Anyway, I hope whatever it is passes...and wanted to let you know you're not alone with the icky tummy feeling!
Lovely scan picture Mbababy. It's so reassuring to see them on screen.! Glad all is going well.

I have had the 2 hr glucose tolerance test today, I was shocked when my dr told me about it, I never had to do it with either of my previous pregnancies in the UK, but was told it was standard practice here.

I had the bloods taken and then had to drink 75ml of glucose ( I chose the orange flavour!) I then had to wait an hour - after about 10 mins I felt flushed and dizzy it it soon passed. I then had bloods drawn at 1 and 2 hours. I am back home feeling fine and not hungry at all.....I suppose I have drunk today's entire calorie consumption in one go! Lol it as nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be, I just have to wait for the results now.

I will post an updated pic in the bumps thread this afternoon.

Junebug, we need you to document zoelles big girl room!! I love looking at bedroom/nursery pics....I had my first baby dream and it was a boy!! I have been convinced since day 1 that we are having a girl as the similarities between this pregnancy and my DDs are impossible to ignore, HOWEVER this has been my first actual baby dream so I am starting to have my doubts. I don't care either way...apart from my husband gets to choose the name if it's a boy! Lol
So far my little one’s kicks haven’t been too bad. She likes to move around though which is interesting to watch.

Mbababy, I’m glad your appointment went well. Your scan pic is great. You can really see his face.

Junebug, That is great the Zoe slept through the night. I’m sorry you are just now getting sick. I hope it passes too. I’ve had nauseau the whole time. It’s better than it was during the 1st trimester, but I still have some vomiting.

MapleLeaf, I’m going to have my glucose test on Saturday. I was supposed to do it Monday, but decided to wait. I love your new pic. So cute!
OK ML, will take pics to show progress :flower: We have the painters coming January 28th, hopefully the furniture will be here in the beginning of February. I ordered some fairy prints for the walls from an artist on Etsy! Hoping to get them soon so that I can decide on wall colour. Curious to see now boy or girl for you!! :hugs:

Z was up at 4:15 this morning, luckily went down easily after I helped her find her soother so I was only awake 20 minutes or so. However little guy had me up from 1:55 to 3:15 kicking up a storm :dohh: If it's not one, it's the other. Guess I should be getting used to that! :haha:

No nausea or puking this morning. Made sure to eat before taking my meds. Made all the difference I think!!!
Hi everyone! I hope that those of you not feeling so great feel much better soon! I too have had to scale back the amount of activity I do at work due to some very minor cramping just before Christmas. I haven't been allowed to ski for the last two weeks but am planning on going up the mountain for a few runs this week providing the doc gives me the "ok" tomorrow at my appointment. Had to have another ultrasound to make sure my cervix was long and not ready to let our little girl out...will have all results tomorrow as well. Was so good to see our girl again! :cloud9:

I can't believe we are all almost in the third tri, time is starting to fly a bit too fast and we don't have our nursery even close to ready! Guess we should get going....

Hope you all are well! :flower:
It's good that they are keeping an eye on you skier! We don't want your baby girl coming out just yet!! Let us know how you get on tomorrow and if you get given the go-ahead to ski again.
My DH and DS are big snowboarders - they can be found up Grouse Mountain most weekends...lol

JB - would love to see the pics of Zs room when completed, it sounds lovely. I suppose her waking in the night is setting you up for what's to come. My bladder is certainly making sure I wake up plenty of times during the night too! Lol
ML - I know what you mean about your bladder waking you!!! Over here we just get to have the one hour GTT and then if that comes back bad you have to have the 2 hour one. Lovely belly pic too BTW.

Skier - take it easy!!!!

Junebug - Sorry to hear you're not feeling too flash....hope it passes and I cant wait to see pics of your little girls room!

We went over to my husbands family farm on Wednesday and stayed....we left the big girls there, its sooooooooo different just having one child!!!
I asked my MIL to have the big girls again in the last weekend of February so we could organise the rooms....we need to paint one of the rooms and swap all furniture over, its going to be a huge job!
This morning I went through all my baby girl stuff, I'm so glad I haven't bought anything yet as this baby already has so many clothes. All I will need are a few longsleeved vest and a few pairs of socks (dont know what has happened to the others). Last night Rob and I were discussing names and are fairly sure we've come up with one that will probably be it - Cora May Elizabeth.
This pregnancy has been nothing like the others and even though we were told that this baby was likely a girl I still have it in the back of my mind that its a boy....am paranoid now as have a name pretty much picked and all my baby stuff sorted, lol!
While we were at the farm I was given a whole heap of NB disposables also as my new nephew doesn't fit them anymore.
Kirst......I LOVE your name choice. Cora is a beautiful name........

It sounds like you have just as much painting and decorating to do as Junebug and I....!

I have moved DD into a bigger bedroom with ensuite ( now she is nearly 13 ) DS is moving into DDs old bedroom once it has been painted......then finally way down the line LO will be moving into DSs old bedroom....quite the task when you think about it, definitely helps doing it a bit at a time.

Great that you have family helping you out, it does make it much easier wih my 2 kids being older and able to entertain themselves.
Hi Ladies :flower:

How is everyone? I see there is plenty of organising of rooms etc going on :haha: Same with us now too. We have had a major declutter this weekend and spare room is now almost empty of stuff, just want to try to sell the 3 wardrobes in there now and start decorating. We know the design we want to do and the furniture we want. One of my friend's chaps is a carpenter and is hopefully going to pop round soon to give us a quote on doing some wood panelling around the bottom half of the walls, as we want to do that and paint that a silvery grey and then paper the top half with the white and silver Winnie the Pooh design paper that we want to do the nursery in.

I've finally taken another bump pic this morning so here is me at 27 weeks:
lovely belly pic Nat!!!

My belly is huge....I feel like such an elephant but because of my belly, my back has become very swayed....it curves in at the back about the same amount as its out in the front....my back is quite achy because of it :(
Gorgeous pic Nat!!! :hugs:

I sympathize kirst, I woke up with bad back pain this morning... I'm hoping it's due to all the heavy lifting I've been doing preparing Zoë's room, and that I won't have this for the remaining 13 weeks :-( I had an urgent massage apt at noon for 1 hour and it helped. Will see how it is tomorrow before I break out the acetaminophen.

Can't believe I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow with only 13 left to go before the C-section. Where did time go???
I am new to the forum. I am due last week of april/ 1st week of May depending on which scan I go by!

Have been enjoying reading the last few pages of this thread and realising it is actually OK to start digging out the old baby stuff from the loft and I am not the only person in the entire world awake and peeing (again) in the nighttime hours.

Feeling a little jealous of all you mums to be with new rooms to prepare. This unexpected surprise shall arrive to find we have no room at the inn as we already have three older girls, so our new addition to the family will be sharing our room for much much longer than the recommended 6 months!

Had a big declutter a fortnight ago to make way for all baby things in our room.

Ive had really awful PGP/SPD today anyone else suffering?
welcome tiny pixie!
Do you know what you're having?

I dont think it matters if they have their own room or not....this baby will be sharing with a 6 and 2 year old. As long as they're loved, thats what counts!

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