April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Hi Ladies!

Great picture Nat!

Oh Kirst and Junebug, sorry your backs are hurting so much. Take a nice warm bath and go to bed with a hot water bottle sitting against it. Ohh, I love my hot water bottles! LOL

Junebug, I , too, can't believe how quickly it's going! I was just realizing earlier today, that I have just 11 short wks to go!!

Hi pixie, welcome and congrats!! My baby will be in our room for quite awhile too. But I don't mind:)
thanks Dorian....but if I went to bed with a hot water bottle I'd melt....it is so freakin hot here at night at the moment, yucky summer!!!
Yep that's my plan Dorian :flower:

Baby will also be in our room for at least 3 months since I find it easier for night-time nursing! I just wanted Zoë to get used to her big girl room slowly and gradually, even if she's not moved into it by the time baby arrives!

Welcome Pixie!!
Welcome tinypixie!

Hope your backs are feeling better Junebug & Kirst. :flower: I too like the name you've choosen Kirst!

Nat, good luck with your room transformation! We are in the middle of that as well. We've got a crib (but no mattress), 2 dressers (1 half built) and a glider chair. DH is away for 3 weeks with work so things are on hold until he gets home. Doesn't help that we live in a ski resort town where there are literally no stores with anythings baby related. :wacko: February will be our month to get the room ready.

Got the go ahead to start skiing again Maple Leaf, so I'm a very happy skier again. :happydance: Have been up on the mountain the last 3 days just checking on my staff and their groups of kids skiing easy terrain, but it feels soooo good to be back out there!

Scan results from last week were good, so fingers are crossed that things stay that way. My lungs and stomach are starting to feel really squished, hopefully it doesn't get too bad....:shrug:

Hope everyone is well!!
Thanks for all the hellos!

I don't know the sex of this one. The sonagrapher asked me at the 20 wk scan if I wanted to know and I decided not to (I really wish I had now!) I already have three girls so I orginally had some very irrational fears about if this was a boy bean incubating, but I have spent the last couple of months focussing on all the positive aspects of this baby being a boy and now I think I am going to be a bit shocked if a girl pops out.

I don't mind the baby sharing my room for a long while, I am planning on co sleeping anyway as I practically did with my youngest daughter due to her frequent night feeds. I found we both got far more rest that way. I gave up smoking and won't be drinking or taking drugs so I feel having done my research it is a safe option for us.

My other three girls are much older (all at secondary school) they WILL NOT consent to sharing again with each other, and to be honest the wars that would erupt just are not worth it!, only one of them has said she wouldn't mind the new baby in her room when the time is right. Ironically she has the smallest room in the house and is the most nocturnal out of all of them. I guess things will work out when the time comes. They always do.
Welcome Pixie,

I plan to have little one in our room for a while as well. I just know that if I don’t get the nursery finished before she’s born it probably won’t happen because I’ve heard a lot does not get done once the baby arrives. Now I’m trying to figure out how to arrange the room for the bassinet.

Junebug, Does Zoe like how her new room is shaping up?

Kirst, I love the name you picked out, it’s so sweet.

Skier, Glad you are back to skiing. Must be nice.
I am new to the forum. I am due last week of april/ 1st week of May depending on which scan I go by!

Have been enjoying reading the last few pages of this thread and realising it is actually OK to start digging out the old baby stuff from the loft and I am not the only person in the entire world awake and peeing (again) in the nighttime hours.

Feeling a little jealous of all you mums to be with new rooms to prepare. This unexpected surprise shall arrive to find we have no room at the inn as we already have three older girls, so our new addition to the family will be sharing our room for much much longer than the recommended 6 months!

Had a big declutter a fortnight ago to make way for all baby things in our room.

Ive had really awful PGP/SPD today anyone else suffering?

Welcome Pixie! Do you have a specific due date? If so, I can add you to the first post!
Hello Ladies! I haven't checked in for a few days and had to catch up on how everyone is doing....

Nat, great pic!! Perfect bump!!

Skier, awesome news that you have the greenlight to ski...enjoy!!

Maple, best of luck with all of that moving for your kiddos...hope all goes smoothly!!

Junebug, hope lil Zoe loves her new surroundings, and I can't wait to see pics!! Yes, taking the meds with food definitely helps me avoid that awful nausea...so hopefully that continues to work for you! Hope your back feels better soon though!

Kirst, how awesome that you already have a stash of clothes for your lil one...and I LOVE the name Cora....adorable! Hope you back feels better as well!!

Dorian, yes I agree with you about the warm baths....definitely a lifesaver!

CeeDee, have you decided on what bassinet you're getting? I can't decide if I want to get a bassinet, or just use the bassinet part of the pack and play...

AFM, been feverishly busy working on the nursery. We are about 90% done, and I'm doing an under the sea theme...with fishy stickers (that looks painted on). I'll post pictures if anyone is interested in seeing it. We also ordered the glider for the nursery and the carseat..so our "big ticket items in need of purchasing" are slowly dwindling. I still need to decide on a stroller, and it's totally stressing me out.

Other than that, I'm feeling ok for the most part...just some round ligament pain and I'm tired a LOT. My next ob appt. is next week and I'll have my glucose test done then (not looking forward to it :nope: )
Morning ladies!

kirst forgot to mention I love the name you chose :cloud9:

Mbababy hope your pain doesn't get worse...

CeeDee Zoë's been playing in her big girl room every day, just to get used to the environment. She climbs in the bed and pretends to sleep :thumbup:

AFM I had my apt this morning:

Good news: baby measuring at 25 weeks bang on (25 weeks today :dance:). Blood pressure normal.

Bad news: back pain is just as bad as yesterday AND blood in my urine on dipstick. So more urine and blood tests, urgent kidney ultrasound to rule-out stones or tumours

I feel like crap. I'm really upset about my sister leaving me in a lurch (she is my live-in nanny, while my husband is 4 hours away for school). I'm terrified of being alone in evenings/nights/weekends now until my mom comes April 17th... Been crying on and off all morning.

To top it all off, got hit by a patient I was trying to examine: a 20 year old big girl. Threatened to charge her with assault and call cops if she didn't calm down

Can I just hibernate for the rest of this pregnancy? Please??
Oh dear, Junebug! :( That sounds awful! Do the doctors think the back pain and the blood in your urine could both be related to kidneys? I hope your tests results come back with nothing to worry about, and I hope your backpain subsides. So sorry you're going through this. :hugs:

I must have missed the part about your sister....what happened??
She moved to Toronto from Ottawa to help me out the 8 months my husband is away at teacher's college. She informed me last week that she's miserable and "there is nothing for her in Toronto" so she's moving back to Ottawa the last weekend of January. Childcare is a HUGE issue in Toronto, with most daycares having years of waiting time. We interviewed my lawyer's old nanny who happens to be looking for a fulltime job (currently only working part-time) but she is live-out, which is better than nothing. I'm just stressed about being home alone with a toddler while in my third trimester :cry:

Yes, both the blood in the urine and back pain could be explained by something wrong with my kidneys :nope:
:nope: What an awful time for your sister to decide to be ummm...selfish. I'm sorry you're left in this position. Hopefully the nanny you interviewed will work out at least in the short-term...or at least provide you with enough time to find a live-in nanny.

Best of luck with the kidney issue....hopefully it is something a course of antibiotics will take care of. I've only had one kidney infection (many UTIs though) and it was hell....so sorry you're going through this and I hope it is resolved soon! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks for the positive feedback on the name! I really like it but hubby likes Quorra better, which has very similar pronunciation but is the Italian version of the name. And she'll always be asked how to spell it etc. Its bad enough having Caoilainn, that confuses people enough, lol....when people see it written down, they are unsure of how to say it....it's pronounced Kaylin for any of those wondering.

I have my midwife on Friday and then every fortnight after...time is going quick.
My brother is getting married on Friday too.....they decided about 4 weeks ago so consequently I'm not going.....with Rob just having started back at work yesterday it makes things a bit impossible and I think that I'm too big to fly by myself and everything else.

Skier - glad you're back on the slopes, but just take it easy!

Tinypixie - I have one at secondary school as well.....interesting age, huh?? lol
I too have 3 girls and although I thought I wanted a boy to begin with, am so stoked that we are having another girl!!

mbababy - I'd love to see pics of the room once its all done. The tiredness relly can get overwhelming sometimes, cant it?

junebug - hugs chook! Sounds like you're having a real rough time of things, it would make it extra hard without your husband there! When do you finish up work? Hope everything is ok with your kidneys and the backpain. Hope you can sort something regarding a nanny soon.
Hello Ladies,

Skier, glad you go the go ahead to get on the slopes, just be careful :)

Junebug, :hugs: sounds like you are going thru the wringer right now. Prayers for some results with the tests/etc. I'm sorry your sister has decided to leave you. May you find some help

LOL Kirst, umm...ok, so no hot water bottles. lol. Sorry :( maybe your dh can you give you a massage :thumbup:

Glad your nursery is about done Mbababy! I, too, have been having a bit of ligament pain and been tired. Guess my old bod is wore out ;) lol
Dorian - if only hubby would....he gets bored and I end up saying "keep going, keep going"....lol
Mbababy, My sister gave me her bassinet. She got it as a shower present. We have three floors so we will keep the bassinet on the top floor. The pack n play with the bassinet on the 2nd floor and the portable swing in my hubby’s man cave. I can’t wait to see pics of your nursery. I’m hoping to get some done this weekend.

Junebug, Sorry you are going through some stuff. I hope you don’t have any serious kidney issues. :hugs: Hibernating sounds good to me.
just had my midwives come to do their check.
baby has turned and is now upside down.
Fundal height is measuring 27cms, baby's heart rate measured 136 bpm, I've put on 1.5 kilos (around 3lb) and my blood pressure is awesome.
I booked my next scan to re-check baby's kidneys for the 13th February and my next midwife appointment is 2nd February.....everything seems to be going along nicely!

I'm very tired today though...Miss C had me up 3 times in the night and its about a million degrees today, ugghh!!
Spent half the day at the hosp yesterday. I had tiny bit of fluid leaking so thought I better get checked out. Everything seemed OK but am going to have another scan to check the fluid volume. Am very very very tempted to ask them if they will tell me if it is a boy or a girl whilst they are doing it but I know I'd regret knowing!!!! but the temptation is soooooo hard to resist.

My due week is the last week of april/first week of May. I don't 'do' specific dates (I leave that to the Drs and midwives to worry about ;) ), my baby doesn't have a calender in there and if he/she did I don't think it can read yet anyway :lol: I like to think most babies come when they and your body is ready. Genetically we are all programmed a little bit different to each other so for some families it is normal to go into labour earlier or later than the fancy calculation of averages tells us to ;)
Morning everyone,

Glad things went well with your appt Kirst! Sorry the heat is too much.

My next appt is next Wed. Then I start going every two weeks!! :happydance: these weeks are just flying by too!
My due week is the last week of april/first week of May. I don't 'do' specific dates (I leave that to the Drs and midwives to worry about ;) ), my baby doesn't have a calender in there and if he/she did I don't think it can read yet anyway :lol: I like to think most babies come when they and your body is ready. Genetically we are all programmed a little bit different to each other so for some families it is normal to go into labour earlier or later than the fancy calculation of averages tells us to ;)

Ummm...lecture unnecessary. Alrighty then....I'll just leave you off the first post then....np ;) ;) ;)

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