April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Junebug and mbababy - sorry for your pain :(

I got my new ob appointment in the mail yesterday for the 20th Feb. So on the 13th we will be off to Rotorua for my scan and then the 20th we will be off to Whakatane to see my ob. We live in a small town and its 35 mins to get to Whakatane (where the hospital is where I will have baby) and 45 mins to Rotorua. They do have a scan place in Whakatane but it costs $45 for each scan and in Rotorua scans are free and the shopping is better ;)
Hi Ladies,

Thankfully, my heartburn isn't an every day thing, just occasionally. But a glass of milk does help some, when I do have it...and as I love milk, I don't mind drinking it. lol

So sorry for the SPD Ladies!! ouchy. I thought my arthritis was bad, but I think you have it worse :(

Kirst, my Drs office is about 35 minutes away, depending on traffic and road conditions. What worries me a little is that we live at 3500 elevation, and March thru June we get snow and ice, off and on. We live right off the state hwy though, so they do keep it clear...it's just making it down the 1/4 mile of driveway to reach the hwy that worries me! Good thing we have a full sized van, and not a small car.

Had a checkup today, babes is looking good :thumbup: MW says I am measuring about a cm large, but she isn't concerned about it in the least.
Hi All! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! I am still awaiting the results of my glucose test.....should be coming in tomorrow sometime. I also think I have developed a cavity :nope: At the moment I'm a bit in denial just hoping this "cavity-like" feeling I have just goes away. I am nervous about having to have any dental procedures during my pregnancy... :(

How is everyone else feeling?
Hi Ladies :flower:

How is everyone?

Mbababy, I hope you haven't got a cavity coming but I'm sure dental work is safe if you need it. Would just think they may try to avoid having to do any x-rays? :shrug:

I'm good. Had midwife appointment Friday morning and all is good :thumbup: BP 100/60 so same as last time, urine all fine, bump measuring bang on for 28 weeks and baby's heartbeat good :happydance: Had bloods taken to check for antibodies and anaemia so just got to ring up for results of those midweek so hopefully they will be ok. Seeing her again in 3 weeks, appointments will get more regular now.

Has anyone been feeling what feel like their little one having hiccups? I've felt it a few times over past few days, it's just like a little pulsing that is regular and you can see my tummy move slightly with each one :haha: Quite cute but I feel sorry for little Bean as just hope they don't annoy him/her!

mbababy, hope you dont have a cavity. A couple of weeks ago I thought I might have one but it was just the way I was chewing on particular chocolates, because different chocolate didn't give me that same feeling, lol!
Hope your test results come back fine.

Nat, glad to hear that everything is going well. I have felt that hiccupy feeling, its quite bizarre! This baby has only had them a few times.....my last baby used to get them 2 - 3 times a day, used to drive me nuts!
Mbababy, hope it's not a cavity, but you better have it checked, just in case. Cause you don't want it getting bad. They take all kinds of precautions I hear, with pg mommies.

Nat, glad your checkup went so well! Hope the tests results are good.

I'm starting to feel a bit more ouchy along my pelvic region :( I hope I not developing SPD. I'm hoping it's just baby is turned head down now and giving me a bit more pressure. I've never had fibromyalgia when I was pg with my other kids, so am not sure how much it's going to effect me as I get bigger.
Hi All!

Nat, glad to hear everything is measuring perfectly with your little one! I haven't felt my guy having any hiccups, but boy is he active!! It feels like he is practicing his tumbling in there!

Dorian...crossing my fingers for you that you're not developing SPD...it's no fun....:nope:

And everyone, thanks for the concern about the potential cavity....I'm going in tomorrow so fingers crossed it is no big deal. I read up on the safety factor of having a filling while pregnant, and it appears to be safe as long as the dentist takes the appropriate precautions, which I'm sure he will. Hopefully it will be something that can wait until after baby is here.

I am also relieved to report that I passed the glucose test with flying colors (phew!!). :thumbup: I was really worried because baby boy is measuring 2 weeks ahead...and my ob said I shouldn't worry because I'm 5'11" and I probably just make big babies!

Other than that, sorry I have been somewhat awol. My parents are here visiting, and I just found out that my father has some abnormal "areas" on both of his lungs and liver...so he is being referred to a lung specialist. :nope: Needless to say it has put a bit of a damper on their visit. I'm crossing my fingers that it is almost anything but the "c" word...

ps. sleep has been more and more difficult to come by....does anyone else just feel like they want 2 days straight just to :sleep::sleep::sleep:???
Mbababy, so sorry to hear about your father is poorly, hope all turns out ok :hugs: And with the dentist too.

I too haven't had a full night's uninterrupted sleep for a good while now :nope: My issue is that I wake up with aching legs and hips and just can't get them comfortable. I am not awake for long when I wake but I wake several times a night and need to change position and stretch out my legs a bit. My legs are fine in the day! :wacko:

I haven't even been offered a glucose test. Is that only done if there are signs of something or is it something automatically done in the US? x
Nat, it is automatically done in the US....typically between 26 and 28 weeks. If the mother has a propensity for diabetes (family history of diabetes in immediate family, obesity etc), it will be done earlier too (14-16 weeks).

Your leg pains are exactly how mine sound...and exactly why I'm not sleeping well. :( I'm beginning to feel like a zombie!

Thanks for the well-wishes for my dad....
Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry about your Dad mbababy :( prayers to him.

I,too, have a lot of hip pain. I can not get comfy. And for the past few days, this pelvic pressure/pain has been bothering me too. I feel like I have to go pee more often today. So am wondering if baby has just dropped lower.

I see my MW next Wed, so will talk to her about all my new aches. lol
Dorian - omg, speaking of peeing....every time I stand up I need to go, must be the position of baby!

Nat - Try a pillow between your legs when you lay down.
In NZ I think the GTT is offered to everyone too......I have to have it because there is diabetes in my family. Its always offered at 26 weeks here.

Mbababy - Hope your dad is alright!

Midwives are coming this afternoon....that'll be interesting as I've been walking the kids to school/kindy over the past couple of weeks so it wouldn't surprise me if I've lost weight.

Last night I was talking to hubby about the whole labour thing and I said I thought it would be wise if he were to keep some clothes in the car, because if my waters break I have to just go and if he's at work when it happens (he works in a filthy sawmill) he isn't going to get a chance to wash or anything. He said that it didn't matter if he missed this birth anyway because he's already seen the others being born. It really hurt my feelings, I told him its not about being there to see, its about being there to support his wife.
Am I just being overly sensitive or would this attitude have peeved you off too?
Oh Kirst ((HUGS)) That would of had me bawling too. I'm sorry he was so insensative.
Mbababy, so sorry to hear that your dad is having some health issues :hugs: I hope everything turns out fine!

Kirst, I would be quite upset. It's not just you. This baby is a special baby and deserves just as much interest from daddy as the first got!

The glucose test is standard in Canada too, done between 25 and 28 weeks.

Working from home today, painters coming for Zoë's big girl room. Oh that reminds me, I should take a picture now of how the room looks before they paint!

We are interviewing another potential nanny today as well (my sister, Zoë and I). I hope this one works out!

For the hip pain at night, I've been heating a bean bag (it's not as warm as a heating pad) and settling my hip on it while falling asleep. Sometime during the night it ends up on the floor, but what a relief the little bit of heat has been!
Thanks guys....glad to know its not just me in my hormonal state.

My midwives (I've got 2 - my MW has a student, his name is Pawel and he's from Canada) came yesterday, I'm doing really well. I've lost 500grams which didn't surprise me because I've been doing alot of walking. My blood pressure was great as was my urine. Babys heartrate was 135bpm and my fundal height is measuring at 28cm.
We've started to do the birth plan....my midwife says I could fill it all in by myself because I've done it so many times, lol!
I have plans and back-up plans for when I go into labour so its all pretty organised.
Hello Everyone :) Hope everyone is doing well this week! Just wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and well wishes for my father. He got the test results back from the lung specialist, and was told that he has an infection, but NOT cancer...and can be treated with antibiotics :happydance: That was a relief!!

Kirst, glad to hear your last appt. went well!!

Junebug, how did Zoe's room turnout??? And how did the nanny interview go??

Dorian, sorry about your hip pain :( I can definitely relate!

AFM, I have 2 appts this week...one tomorrow with the specialist (growth study) and one on Friday with my OB. I'm excited about the one on Friday because my OB will be doing a 3d scan!! :happydance:

Other than that, I've been sick with a head cold...and not sleeping well due to SPD and restless leg syndrome. I'm beginning to feel too old for this!! :nope:
Hi everyone :hi:

Mbababy, so pleased that it is nothing sinister with your dad :happydance: Hopefully he will now be feeling a lot better very soon :thumbup:

Can't wait to see pics of your 3D scan!

Sorry to hear you're feeling rough with a cold and other things though :hugs: I am constantly tossing and turning each night now with having to change position to get my hips and legs comfy. I have a Dream Genii pregnancy pillow but they still often ache and I have to turn over. I'm also now finding that the needing to pee during the night seems to be returning :wacko: Other than this I'm still pretty much feeling ok except for I am finding I am a bit breathless now sometimes, which I think is just everything pushing up and squashing my poor lungs :nope:

Glad to hear your dad is alright mbababy! Suck that you've been sick :(
Good luck with your scan....I wish we had a 3d scan place around here....I think the nearest one may be in auckland though and thats over 3 hours away!!

Nat - I love your 3d scan pic...very cute!

This last stretch is often the hardest!

All of a sudden I'm just over everything, lol!
In another 2 and a bit weeks we will shift the rooms around and then as far as I'm concerned baby can come.
I'm so tired all the time and when I stand the baby puts pressure on my bladder and it gets uncomfortable to the point of pain.
Afternoon Ladies,

Mbababy, wonderful news about your Dad! I hope the infection goes away soon. Yah, that hip pain stuff is getting worse. I am wondering if I am getting SPD. My pelvic bones are hurting more now, and my bumm, the crease between leg/body. UGH. I don't know if it's just my arthritis acting up or if it's just baby getting bigger/heavier, or what. I see my MW tomorrow, so will talk to her. I hope you are feeling better soon too! LOL, I, too, am starting to feel to old!

I am peeing more at night too Nat. Bigger baby punching my bladder. lol

I feel that pressure too Kirst, when standing for very long. I dont' remember it with my other three. So that's why I am wondering if my older body is just having a harder time coping....sigh~ not long, and I wouldn't mind if little one was a few weeks early.lol

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