April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

I must say although I don't wish lack of comfort and/or pain on anyone, it is a *teensy* bit comforting that I am not the only one feeling this!! I agree with kirst that I think I'll be MORE than ready to have baby come before too long. This is the only place I can come and feel support rather than the people around me just thinking I'm whining..:nope:

Oh..and I finally snapped some pictures of the nursery. It's finally done!! :happydance:

The walls are the same color blue...I'm not sure why the colors look different in the pictures! The actual color is more like the blue with the chair and less like the blue with the crib in the picture.


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wow, fab nursery!!!
Wish we had a nursery room, but this baby will just have to share.
Mbababy,, hugs! So relieved for your dad! I continue to have SPD pain in the groin, although chiro and massage with acupuncture have thankfully removed all the hip and back pain. I remember with Zoë I started feeling "done" at around 36 weeks. I think it'll happen earlier this time :wacko: Third tri is NOT easy!

Beautiful nursery! I posted pics of Z's before and after painted room in my journal, I think it's about 2-3 pages back if you're interested :flower: Still awaiting the furniture!

I'm starting to have swelling of my ankles. Sigh. This didn't happen until 32 weeks with my first. I HATED it!

Dorian, hope you get some answers tomorrow RE: pain :hugs:
junebug, Zoelles room is looking good....love the colours!
Thanks Junebug. MW basically said that it's a combination of being older and not being in the best of shape. Told me to do some gentle stretching, rotating exercises, take magnesium before going to bed (as it helps loosen tight muscles and such)... So, I will just have to put up with it. It isn't getting any worse, so that's good.
Hi Ladies, how is everyone? :flower:

Mbababy, beautiful nursery :thumbup:

It looks like work is finally going to start on ours next weekend :happydance: My friend's chap is going to do the wood panelling, dado rail and new skirting for us then and undercoat it all. We'll then paper the top half and paint the panelling a silver grey colour (need to find the right colour!) Then it will be a case of getting a new carpet and getting the furniture sorted :thumbup: Very keen to get on with it now - I have a fear of little one coming early before it's all ready!

Oh, and I have today got my confirmation of my maternity leave date :happydance: My mat leave starts wc Sunday 18th March but I'll actually leave work on Thursday 8th March as have some annual leave to take first :happydance:
Hi Everyone....finally checking in after a very long week....

Junebug, Zoelle's room looks great!! :thumbup: Glad to also hear that some of your SPD pain is being alleviated...some is better than none, right? :)

Nat, awesome news about your mat leave date. I am very jealous, as we don't get much time off here in the US. I'm planning on working up until my due date :wacko: That should be fun...:dohh: Can't wait to see pics of your nursery, btw... :)

AFM, ugh...where do I start? Wed's appt with the specialist went pretty well. Baby boy is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, and weighs 3 lbs 14oz at 30 + 2. Doctor was happy overall.

Today's appt (with my reg OB) didn't quite go as well. My first mistake was deciding it would be "ok" to eat a quick breakfast (fastfood breakfast burrito) with my husband, since we had some extra time before the appt. When we got there, I ran to the bathroom to go pee (forgetting that they would be asking for a urine sample shortly after I arrived). Sure enough, they asked for a sample, and I barely had any to give (so for TMI). We were excited about this appt because the doctor was supposed to do 3d images for us. Well, after waiting there for over an hour past my appt time, we finally got put in a room. My blood pressure was elevated (normally 120/76), today 132/80 and they found elevated protein in my urine sample. I have no idea how much the fastfood may have affected my test results, and now I can only wonder. Doctor is now concerned about possible preeclampsia. They took blood and more urine while I was there to do further testing, and now I have to go back in 1 week for a checkup.

I was very upset at the visit because noone would answer my questions...and of course my internet research this afternoon has done nothing but put me in a panic about this. :nope: On a positive note, I have none of the other symptoms of preeclampsia....very little swelling, no headaches or vision issues, and no rapid weight gain (I've only gained 4lbs so far). Hopefully it is nothing, but if you guys could think positive thoughts for me, I'd appreciate it. Thx :hugs:
Mbababy...Sending :hugs:

I'm sure everything will be just fine. Your b/p is well within 3rd trimester limits unless it's a huge jump for you? The protein may be because you had to squeeze it out, it can't have been as fresh as the urine you flushed away! Lol. Great news that you have no other symptoms - keep positive.

Nats. We finish work on the same day. It coincides with spring break over here so I can finish a day before the kids. I am so ready to finish now, we had an attempted robbery this week ( I work in a pharmacy ) and it really shook me up. 2 men came in pulling down there ski masks and balaclavas armed with pepper spray. Luckily the shop was full so they turned and walked back out again....a bit too close for comfort. If it was up to DH I wouldn't be allowed to go back.

DH has painted Kits room and we are putting the flooring down this coming weekend. :thumbup:

JB - loving the pictures. Hope your SPD is better x

Enjoy your weekend lovely ladies. X
mbababy - I shouldn't think that the fast food would affect anything that quick, and I agree with mapleleaf about your urine.
At my appointments, if I cant go the midwife doesn't force it which is great....I have never been able to "pee on demand"

Mapleleaf - shocking about what happened at work!
So glad i dont have to bother with any of that....I'm a stay at home mum anyway.

I have my scan on Monday....eek, 2 more sleeps, I'm hoping baby's kidneys have healed, FX! We'll get the sex confirmed as well.....2 people I've seen in the last week have said that they are sure that I'm having a boy. We will see!
Morning Ladies,

Mbababy, I'm sorry your Drs weren't answering your questions. That's no good. Good luck with everything.

Mapleleaf, oh how scary, I'm sorry you have to work in that kind of environment!

Kirst, woohoo on your coming up scan. Prayers the kidney infection is gone.

All is going well here. Praying we have some money come thru this coming week, so I can start buying a few needed things for baby.
Thanks Dorian.
We live week to week here regarding money too, so every 2 weeks when I get money I find its already spent.....next week I'm going to pay bills and buy a new duvet for us in the colours we are doing the room in, and the following fortnight it will all go on the baby. I dont do BF so will need new bottles and formula etc. The other day when I was doing the groceries I saw formula had gone up.....its almost $29 a tin now!!!!
I wish I could BF!
ohh, forgot to ask also, has anyone else been really thirsty lately?
I'm drinking around 4 litres of water a day and still wake in the night parched.
Is there medical reasons you can't bf Kirst? Yes, formula is so very expensive. Prayers for finances to get better.

Yes, I seem to be more thirsty too!
I had a series of strokes when I was 7 that left me paralysed down my right side, I tried so hard to BF with my first but only having the use of one arm I could never latch her on properly and if I could I didn't have the strength in my arm to hold her properly. So with the others i just decided to bottle feed from the outset.
Finances will get better, I find things are mostly always tight after Christmas....and with bubs coming soon they are stretched.
Mbababy, hoping the urine and BP were one-offs! I have the opposite problem, my blood pressure is really low, I've almost fainted a few times on the subway :-(

ML how terrifying! I would be dreading work as well...

I have to work up to my C-section date, as I have no pay if I go off early, and since DH is a student right now, we'd have no income.

My pain is cured! I occasionally have some slight shooting pain in the groin, but I can say I'm 95% cured! The acupuncture, massage, chiropractor and heat and ice packs have worked their miracle. I'm so relieved...

Just got news that Zoë's big girl furniture is done and ready to be delivered! :dance: So excited to see what it looks like in her room. I think I want to get a white crystal dangly chandelier for her room too, to complete the look :cloud9:

I have a lot of stress going on at work and in our lives right now, unrelated to pregnancy. Won't go into it here, but it's in my journal. Also, I've been fighting a cold for 2 weeks now that I can't seem to kick. :cry: And least I don't hurt everywhere on top of this!

Hugs ladies!!!
I've been reading through your journal JB, so sorry to hear about your MIL, hugs!
Glad to hear your not in pain anymore also.
Woohoo, glad your pain is gone Junebug!

Oh Kirst, I'm sorry to hear that. Using a boppy pillow to prop baby up didnt' help probably, huh? Darn, I wish I could give you some advice to help with the bfing :hugs:
Mbabay, love the nursery. I hope to have some great progress on the nursery next weekend. I have a four day weekend! I’ll pray everything goes well at your next appointment. Hopefully it was temporary.

Nat0619, great news on your mat leave date. Now you can start counting down.

Kirst76, I didn’t realize formula was so expensive. OMG, I hope I can breastfeed for as long as possible. I am very thirsty all the time.

Junebug, I hope things get better for you. At least the pain is gone. I’m off to check out your journal.

AFM, Nothing new really to report. My baby shower will be March 10, so I’ve been really busy registering. One of my friends I haven’t seen in a while gave me an early shower gift. Two adorable outfits and a gift card for $100. I plan on using that gift card to get the stroller. Sweetpea is moving around a lot an especially moves when I talk to her. I'm hoping to get another scan before she's born, I would love to see her again.
Dorian - I tried different pillows and positions and everything....it didn't help that she was quite sick and small when born (5lb 9 but overdue) and had to be in an incubator. She was in the SCBU and because my milk hadn't come in she was getting dehydrated so the midwives/nurses were having to supp feed her.

Ceedee - $29 is for one of the higher end formulas....closest to breastmilk....you can get cheaper formulas for less than $20 but I would rather go with the best so I know that baby is getting the next best thing to me, IYKWIM.

AFM - I had my scan this morning....baby is definitely a girl....we saw girly bits :) and her kidneys are all healthy now!!!!
I see my midwives on Friday also.
My two younger girls are both coming down with something....Caoilainn has thick and gross snot and Gabi was coughing this morning. Gabi is at school now and once we had got back from the scan we picked up miss C from kindy as she didn't sleep overly well last night, so she has been bathed and is in bed having a nap.

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