April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Good morning Ladies,

Woohoo, we finally got some snow outside! It wont last long, probably just the day. But it's beautiful right now.

OIC Kirst. I agree, buying the best formula is better. Sorry your girls are sick, hope they feel better soon.
Yay kirst, so glad the kidney issue is resolved! Hope the girls won't be sick long. I can't kick my cold, it's been 2 weeks now :-(

I have my OB apt tomorrow morning. Not expecting anything out of the ordinary. My weight has dramatically increased in the last few weeks. Trying not to be too discouraged, I managed the lose it all the first time around and am determined to again!
Good morning ladies....hope everyone had a great weekend :)

Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement on the test results :hugs:

Maple, that is scary about the attempted robbery! I bet you're breathing a sigh of relief that your mat date is closely in sight!!

Kirst, so glad your scan went well! Yay! :) and yes, I am thirsty all of the time!!

Junebug, that is awesome news about your pain being gone!! And I love the crystal chandelier idea for Zoelle's room....how awesome is that?? :) Hope you're able to kick your cold....I am also suffering with a cold, so I can definitely commiserate :(

CeeDee, can't wait to see pics of your nursery! And I'm jealous of your 4-day weekend!!

AFM, I went and checked my own blood pressure over the weekend, and it was 122/71...so that made me a feel a bit better. I have a follow-up appt. with my OB on Thursday, so hopefully they'll be able to confirm this was all nothing to worry about.

I'm not sure whether or not to say anything to my OB about how crappy I thought the last appt. was. We waited for over an hour to be seen past our appt (and it was a 9:15am appt). There were clearly WAY too many women there for what he had the "manpower" for. They forgot why we were there (was supposed to be a 3d scan and they thought it was just a heartbeat check)....so he rushed the 3d scan and of course found no good pictures. He then talked to us in his office, and mentioned how because of the protein in the urine, he's have to take a full blood panel and start seeing me weekly. I got upset because everytime they take blood from me, it's a traumatic experience because my veins love to "hide" (last time they took it through my hand). Then when I got upset, he asked me if I was depressed saying that it wasn't "normal" for me to be that upset and crying, which only made me MORE upset. UGH...it was the worst appt. ever. He just seemed annoyed and anxious for me to leave.

Anyway..sorry for being such a buzzkill on here lately. I've been hesitating to post because every post of mine lately has negative drama attached :(
Awwww :hugs: hun, feel free to vent here, or come into my journal... I know what you mean, I've stopped posting in many threads because some people don't like what I can contribute with my medical knowledge...

I would bring it up. That you felt extra worried and that you felt the apt did not provide you with answers, just more questions... If he's a good doc he'll address your concerns :hugs:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Mbababy, so sorry to hear you've had a rough time of it with your latest appointment. Good that your BP seems back to normal on the recent test you did though :thumbup: Hopefully it was just a little blip and Thursday's appointment will show all is fine.

Kirst, so glad to hear your little girl's kidneys are now all good :thumbup:

Maple Leaf, how scary what happened at work :nope: Not long for us now though until we finish :happydance:

AFM, nothing much more to report really. I am finding I am quite thirsty at times too though like others of you have said. Been shopping with my mom today and am definitely finding walking around the shops hard work now - my hips and back soon start to ache. Can feel now that little one is definitely getting heavier :wacko:
mbababy - dont worry about being a "buzzkill", we all have issues with one thing and another at times. I think it was very wrong of the OB to have treated you like that. You'd think that specialising in pregnant women, he'd know that we are a hormonal bunch and just because we have the odd cry doesn't mean we are depressed!! What a dork!!!

Junebug - I know that I would rather be talked to honestly about medical stuff and so would a lot of others. If they dont like what you have to say then that is their problem, not yours. Hope you can kick your cold soon....have you been to the doc about it, you may need AB's.

AFM, miss C was sweaty as in the night. I'd given her some ibuprofen before bed as she had the beginnings of a fever (paracetamol doesn't work for her) She is still full up with it today and has her grumpy moments. Miss G has a dry cough and it goes away when I give her anti-histamine so I'm thinking that its just the beginnings of her seasonal asthma. She is at school today.
Oh, and I had a bleeding nose yesterday, must remember to tell my MW on Friday.
Hey ladies...

Well after the attempted robbery at the pharmacy on Wednesday, the same guy came back Friday for the real thing!! He walked in with a ski mask on and a box cutter knife and demanded the drugs from the safe! Luckily I don't work Wednesday or Fridays ( I guess someone out there is looking out for me! ). All the girls at work are so shook up and it's certainly made me rethink things....DH really didn't want me to go back...but I spoke to my boss and I have brought my maternity date forward. I only have 5 more shifts to do. Aside from the worry of robbery, I am finding it hard being on my feet all day so think I was quite optimistic thinking I could last longer....

Kirst, there is nothing worse than the kids being sick, makes you feel so helpless...my boy and husband have had 3 nosebleeds in the last week, I was told it might be the humidity in the house but clearly it's winter here and summer where you are so I guess there is no connection. Lol - I was told nosebleeds and bleeding gums are common in pregnancy though but still worth a mention.

Mbababy, we seem to all be suffering at this late stage so don't hesitate to moan, chances are one of us will be experiencing the same. Oh the joys!!

Nats, OMG since when did shopping at the mall become such a workout?! I actually dread it now. We have ordered crib bedding online and would definitely order my groceries online if I could ( they deliver food etc at all the big supermarkets in the UK and I miss the convenience of that)

JB - so pleased you are feeling better again, look after yourself and don't let that B/P get too low....we don't want you fainting on us.

Dorian....did the snow stick around? I love the prettiness of snow, just not the danger of it.

Big news for me is some Canadian friends have organized a baby shower for me, it was supposed to be a surprise but apparently I can't stop buying things so I had to be told not to buy anything else. I am really touched as we moved from England 4 years ago and have found making friends hard work - I really didn't expect a baby shower and have never even attended one - I am a baby shower virgin so I've no idea what to expect. Sorry for the long ramble.......well done if you reached the end. Lol
woohoo for only 5 more shifts ML. Sucks about the robbery, I'd be very shaken too whether there or not!!

I feel like I'm too old for this shit today.....I'm so tired! I walked miss C to kindy and then Miss G to school (they are next to one another) and on the way back I was in so much pain. Usually its just my back but today it was down low in my pelvis. When I was pregnant with C, I was walking to kindy with G right up until 2 days before miss C was born....I dont think I'll be able to do that this time!
Oh wow ML! Yay for only 5 shifts left, I'd so be out of there! Enjoy your shower, I had 3 with my first pregnancy and got spoiled! :flower: I know what you mean, I found it very hard to make new friends when I moved to Toronto from Montreal (not an international move but still tough for me)... Luckily I met DH 3 years later and have managed to keep in touch with a few close friends.

:hugs: kirst, I hope the back pain is temporary! Have you tried a heated bean bag?

Here is a repost from my journal, getting lazy :blush:

"Happy 29 weeks little Z and happy Valentine's day everyone!!!! 9 weeks and 1 day until we meet Zacharie, and 8 weeks and 3 days of work left...

Well, I'm measuring at 27 weeks, so he's not worried about polyhydramnios. I am starting to swell at the ankles so he thinks this fast weight gain is water retention. I can hope, that means it'll be easy to lose I'm now up 21 lbs at 29 weeks

Not so good: still have 5+ blood in urine and he doesn't know why. Apparently this is a lot more than what they normally see in pregnancy, so he's sending me to see a urologist. At least we know the kidney ultrasound is normal. I don't know what else it can be. I'll try to research it a bit tonight if I don't crash...

Z was awake at 5:30AM (and so was I). I watched her on the monitor and she went back to sleep at 6:10AM so N and I could get ready to leave early for my apt without having to worry about getting her ready. She was still out cold when we left at 6:55AM! Needless to say, I'm due for an early bedtime tonight, I'm on call and my pager kept going off until 11:30PM. It's been a rough week of call, luckily most of what I follow can be managed over the phone so I don't have to physically go in..."

I also saw my GP, turns out I have a sinusitis so I am now on antibiotics... Oh and my BP? 110 over 50, no wonder I feel faint very often!
Far out junebug, you have to look after yourself. If you've never had sinusitis before, it is really hard to shake, and tend to hang on for dear life. Hope the AB's you're on can kick it!
Hopefully they can find the cause of the blood in the urine!

As for my sore back, it only hurts when I walk....I think its from the sway of my back that this baby has caused. When I sit I have myself propped up with so many cushions, so I am comfy....hopefully once baby is born it'll all go back to normal.

Anyone else out there with varicose/spider vein probs since being preg?
Hi Ladies :flower:

Maple Leaf, glad you are leaving work earlier now, that does sound very scary :wacko: Also best if you are on your feet all day. I'm counting down to when I finish now and I just do a 'sit down all day' office job :haha: I feel fine physically still continuing work but I think I am very much mentally winding down :haha:

Kirst, are your girls feeling better now?

Junebug, sorry you are feeling poorly. I had bad sinuses once, made me feel so groggy :nope: Hopi ear candles cured mine :thumbup:

Mbababy, hope your appointment goes well tomorrow x
I get at least 2 sinus infections per year requiring antibiotics. I also have recurring bronchitis and lung infections. I got tested for cystic fibrosis but thankfully don't have it!

Good luck with your apt tomorrow Mbababy!
Thanks for thinking of us nat....one of them just has seasonal asthma and is on an anti-histamine, if it gets worse I need to give her an inhaler and the little one has been snotty for days. We dont do kindy on a Friday though so she has the next 3 days to come right.

Junebug - good that you dont have CF but I understand about the sinus infections....I am prone to them as well and find them really hard to kick, as the doctor tells me "you're allergic to all the good anti-biotics"

Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow mbaby!

I have MW tomorrow morning and then see ob on Monday to see about my TL....I know its the right thing to do, I think my head needs to rule my heart sometimes!!!
Hi Everyone!

Junebug, sorry about the rough week of on call (the universe should know we don't have the energy for this, right??!). Hope the blood in the urine is nothing *crossing fingers for you* and hope the sinusitis goes away soon!

Nat, I can relate to everything feeling "heavier" lately. I keep bringing something little for lunch so I don't have to walk to my car at noon time to get lunch! Pathetic I know...but so much easier :thumbup:

Maple, how scary that the guy came back!! Thank goodness you weren't working that day! Hope your shower goes wonderfully :) I am having a little shower this weekend too, and am really looking forward to it :)

Kirst, I had to chuckle when I read your post about feeling too old :) This is the first week that I've truly felt exhausted...like I don't want to do anything. I just can't believe I have 2 months to go :nope: I haven't had any problems with spider veins yet (knock on wood). Hope your kiddos are feeling better soon! :hugs:

AFM, thanks for everyone for being so understanding. You gals are awesome :thumbup: I had my appt. and everything is normal. The bloodwork came back normal, as did my urine test this morning. And my BP was 121/71. I am so grateful everything came back ok...but I think they really worry people unnecessarily. My appt. was with the nurse, who was very nice, so I haven't had a chance to talk to the OB about what happened the other day. I guess one of the things that worries me is that although this OB had tons of great reviews online, there was one that was not so good. The person said that during delivery, he was really rushed and basically a jerk, and that she felt forced into making decisions against her birth plan (he widely claims that he supports natural child birth...and is a "different" kind of doctor because he is so caring and gives extra time to his patients). There is no doubt that the doctor I saw that day was the "rushed" doctor...so I worry about what I'll do if he has an "off" day on my due date. :shrug: I really need to talk to him about my concerns...just dreading it. And God forbid I have the audacity to start :cry: during my conversation with him! Sorry...just venting and hoping I don't have to switch OBs this late in the game :nope:
Glad your appointment went well mbababy....hope that the ob is having a great day when you go into labour!

Still waiting for MW...its now 10.45 am and she said she'd be here at 10 -10.30.

Dad is coming over tomorrow to help Rob move the bedrooms over.....I cant wait, I'm getting so antsy that nothing will be organised. Then next weekend all Rob will have to do is paint a wall in our room. Curtains and other stuff can just wait....I'm over trying to be organised but def want the girls room sorted!
MW's have just left....they had an emergency at the hospital. One of her patients had been bleeding and she doesn't have a good history.....this is her 12th pregnancy, poor lady!!
I'm all good and so is the little girl. Blood pressure all good as is my urine. Babys heartrate was 150bpm. Got my full scan report and she is apparently measuring a bit small but I'm not concerned as I was told by an obstetrician that I'd probably have small babies. Neither me or my brother were big and my biggest baby was 7lb2oz, which I thought was huge, but according to everyone else was still on the small side, lol!
I'll see my MW's in another 2 weeks and then it will be every week!!!
Great news kirst and Mbababy, so glad everything is great!!!

I still haven't heard about my urology apt :-(

Z's big girl furniture is arriving tomorrow!!! :dance:
Morning Ladies,

Glad your appts went well Kirst and Mbababy!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Kirst and Mbababy, glad both your appointments went ok.

I had my MW appointment this morning and all was thankfully still good for me too :happydance: BP was 106/60, urine fine, bump measuring 31cm so just right for my 31 weeks and little one's heartbeat was good :cloud9: She had a feel and thinks baby is head down too which is good :thumbup: Next seeing her on Friday 9th March, she's coming to me at home at 1.30pm after I've had my 'placenta check' scan at the hospital at 11.30 that morning. So I'll hopefully know then if my placenta has moved up or not and whether I will need a c-section. She is then going to go through birth plan with me :wacko:

I was very relieved today actually to see my BP and urine were both fine as I've had a couple of instances of flashing lights in my vision - once nearly 2 weeks ago and then again yesterday at work :wacko: It has lasted about 15-20 minutes both times and is really strange when it happens, it's hard to see properly :nope: I've not had any kind of headache with it either time and no other symptoms at all - no dizziness, nausea etc - just purely the vision thing. Told MW this morning and she said it could be caused by a drop in BP or blood sugar. Could even be down to baby being in a certain position where s/he presses on a blood vessel for a while and then, when s/he moves, my BP may briefly 'spike' a bit. She didn't seem concerned and just said to monitor it and if it keeps happening to let her know and she'll check my BP again.

On the subject of decorating, my friend's chap is coming tomorrow to do the wood panelling and new skirting in the nursery :happydance: So work is starting on it this weekend :thumbup:

Nat - I'm measuring 31cms too....and I'm almost 34 weeks, lol.

Bedrooms are going ok....there isn't a lot I can do anyway.
Rob is through there pottering about, I should go and see what I can do to help....if anything.

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