April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Hi Ladies :flower:

Good weekend all?

Work has got going on our nursery :thumbup: Wood panelling around bottom half of walls, new skirting and dado rail all done and looks lovely :thumbup: Wallpaper on top half of wall is also all stripped :happydance: OH planning to polyfilla any dents on walls and ceilings and then we can get painting it all :thumbup:

We ordered all the furniture from Babies R Us yesterday and the moses basket :happydance: It should all be delivered in the next couple of weeks or so hopefully so we've got some time to get on with painting etc before it comes. Will then also need a new carpet, got to have a look at what colour will be best. One disappointing thing yesterday was that they have discontinued the wallpaper we wanted in the 'Winnie the Pooh Starry Night' theme we are having. So we will now just have to paint the top half of the walls white with the border above the dado rail. Have got some wall stickers though to dot around the walls :thumbup: Also bought the cot bedding yesterday, and the light shade, but still need to get a cotbed mattress. Just want to get a few other little things in the range too, ie changing mat to go on top of the dresser, cot mobile and they do some wall hangings that we might get too. But not much else to buy then, we have got a lot of stuff little one needs now :happydance:

32 weeks today, only 8 weeks to go!!

Morning Nats. Sounds like you have made some great progress on the nursery.
My nursery is finished. It has been painted and DH has put down some lovely wooden flooring. I have also ordered cot and furniture arriving on Friday hopefully. We have put up the travel system and had a play and with it. It suddenly hit me - OMG we are having a baby! Lol
Off to the Drs this morning for my pre-natal. Quiet week at work ahead thankfully.
Hope you all had a good weekend and are ready for the week ahead.
Morning ladies, things are hectic here, just thought I'd check in. Z's big girl furniture is amazing, now I need to start transitioning her to it. Any ideas from our pro-mamas? We do have a crib in her room as well, I was thinking of starting her in the crib then wait until she's 2 for the big girl bed? I will take pics soon to post in my journal.

30 weeks today. I can't believe I'll have a newborn again in 8 weeks 1 day :dohh: All of a sudden I'm remembering how tough it was with Z for the first 2 months and thinking why the HELL I'm doing this again? LOLLLL
junebug - let her sleep on the big bed during the day if she wants too....let it be her choice though. A friend of mine suggests rolling up a towel or similar and placing it under the bottom sheet so the little ones dont fall out. I've done it for Caoilainn and sometimes, I swear she leaps over it in the night, lol!
I know the panicky feeling you're talking about....with less than 6 weeks to go I'm starting to feel a little that way too, although things are falling into place nicely.

My appointment with my ob went ok the other day. All booked for my tubal. i'll have the surgery within 24 hours of giving birth, my ob said that its a quick and easy operation after baby is born, they dont need a laproscope or anything. They just hook the fallopian tubes with their fingers and clamp them or whatever. There is a 6 in 1000 rate of failure and he said that if its going to fail, it will fail right away rather than 10 years down the track.
Ob did a quick scan too and said that baby is only measuring 32 weeks but as everything else is going well he isn't concerned but if I have any problems to talk to my midwife or go in to the hospital and be monitored.

Next job is to pack hospital bag.....anybody else done this yet?
Crap haven't even thought of that :dohh: Thanks for the reminder!!!
I haven't started on my bag yet either :wacko: Although have got several things to go in it (maternity towels, disposable knickers, nightwear, robe, clothes for baby, nappies etc). I'll probably do mine when I've finished work.

Kirst, glad your appointment went well x
Hi Ladies,

Glad the nurseries are all coming along and getting done.

Glad the appt went well Kirst.

Junebug, yes, let little one play/sleep on the big girl bed and get used to it. Also, let her put what stuffed animals/blankets on it she likes to. It helps her to feel comfy on it. Then start letting her sleep there at night. Some kids will take right to a new bed, and others need some conjoling. lol, and remember baby number 2 may be a super easy baby. They aren't all the same.

I haven't packed my bag yet. Although I know I should, just in case I go early. I really want to get a few maternity nighties to take with me.
OK thanks ladies :hugs:

Dorian, I really hope this one is easier. I couldn't put Z down at ALL, she had to sleep on me for the first 3 months. I remember being in tears and exhausted all the time :cry:
JB - my 2nd baby was the easiest of all babies ever.....she slept 10-11 hours at night from 2 and a half weeks.....I hope that this baby is like that, lol!
Junebug, my second baby would NOT sleep anywhere but with me. I couldn't put her down for naps, I couldn't put her in her crib at night. So we co-slept at night and I carried her in a sling/carrier most the day. I would lay her on the floor/bed and play with her, give her tummy time/etc. But if I was up doing something, she had to be with me for months. It was exhausting! LOL, but now, she is 13yrs old and she is the only one of the kids who prefers sleeping outside in her tree fort, instead of in the house :haha:
Yup, that was exactly what Zoë was like. I couldn't shower until DH came home from work. Thank goodness for slings and baby carriers! I just hope this one doesn't mind being put down for even 15 minutes so I can shower and feel human in the morning...
I had my Drs appt and she asked me if I'd packed my hospital bag! I thought it was a bit premature...maybe I'd better get on with it then...lol
Apparently I have to have a swab at 35 weeks. Anyone know what for? Never had one back in England....another difference. Is it for strep B?
Yes it is hun, standard in North America between 35-36 weeks!
I had my 34 wk checkup today to! All is well. Baby is measuring spot on, my BP is down a few points from 2wks ago (it had been steadily going up, so glad it stopped doing that), baby's hb is 150...I've gained 3 lbs...not sure how, lol, as I seem to be able to put very little in my tummy at one time.

My next apt is in 2 wks, and yes, getting the strep B swab also. Plus we get to have a quick scan to see how baby is lying :happydance:
Glad your appointment went well.

This morning in the supermarket the checkout lady asked how long I had to go, when I told her she said "I bet it will be the longest 5 and a half weeks of your life"
UGH Kirst, don't you hate comments like that?!!

I had my annual eye exam yesterday. My Dr seemed surprised that I was pg....I mean, I know I am not skinny, so my tummy doesn't stick out real sharply...but, lol. I THINK I look more pg than fat?!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Glad all your appointments seem to be going well. I've got 2 more weeks until my next one yet but have my 'placenta check' scan on the same day too so will get to see Bean :cloud9:

I think I may have, over the past couple of days, started with a few Braxton Hicks :wacko: Do they just feel like a tightness and when you feel your bump it is rock hard? They've tended to last around 20-30 seconds or so I think and just randomly happen but I've had a couple of spells where I've seemed to have two only 5 or 10 mins or so apart :shrug: I've been trying to figure out whether it is BH or just the way baby is lying :shrug: But it feels like too much of my bump is hard for it to be a body part of Bean

Nats. I read a perfect description of BHs in a book the other day.

It said it feels like someone has strapped a blood pressure cuff round your abdomen and turned it on.

That is EXACTLY how mine feel. Hope this helps.
yup; Dorian I do!! I also hate comments like "you dont look that pregnant", which I've had several times this pregnancy....I think i'm huge but apparently according to several people i'm "tiny", lol!
Or with my last pregnancy when I was HUGE I got "is it twins?" and "doesn't look like you've got long to go"

I've hardly gotten BH with my other pregnancies and haven't had them yet with this one....although the pain I do get on the odd occasion feels like I've been kicked in the crotch.

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