April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Yes Maple Leaf, they do kind of feel like that but not as strong as the BP cuff feels. Had more today. How often do you have them?

I've attached a bump pic of me at nearly 33 weeks - getting pretty big now :wacko:
Yes Maple Leaf, they do kind of feel like that but not as strong as the BP cuff feels. Had more today. How often do you have them?

I usually get a couple a day, usually in the evenings. I never got any in my first two pregnancies so it's quite a strange sensation for me. One day last week I had about 4 in an hour but then they stopped (thankfully).

Nice bump pic by the way..

I have been feeling baby vibrate down there recently..only the past few days. Very strange sensation. Anyone else?
I have been feeling baby vibrate down there recently..only the past few days. Very strange sensation. Anyone else?

Yes, I've had that feeling on and off for ages....super annoying!
Hi Ladies :flower:

How is everyone?

I'm ok but had a panic last night :wacko: Woke up about 1.30am with a horrid pain all down my right side - it was a trapped wind kind of pain and actually think that's what it was and it eased off within minutes but for a bit I worried it was labour! :wacko: I got up to pee and lay there for ages awake when got back into bed to see if any more pains came but thankfully not had any more :thumbup: Guess this may be what it gets like now eh, any little twinge I'm going to wonder if things are starting :haha: I think it stems from a fear that I will have the baby early before we've got everything ready :wacko:

In terms of getting everything ready though, the nursery is coming along quite well now :thumbup: Walls were papered with lining paper Saturday and then two coats of paint went on walls and ceiling yesterday :happydance: The room is completely white at the moment (apart from the old blue carpet) but I am planning on starting to paint the wood panelling at the bottom the silver grey colour today :thumbup: Then it will be glossing the skirting, dado and door and we have an old fireplace in the room that we are going to paint white and make a feature of. We also think we've found what colour carpet we'll get so will order that soon. Then waiting to hear when furniture will be delivered, hopefully that won't be long.

We had our tour of the maternity ward on Saturday which was good :thumbup: Was nice to see where our baby will come into the world and the hospital seemed clean and tidy. We've got our antenatal classes then this coming Saturday, got them all in one day 10-4.

Morning all,

Nat, glad your scare was nothing.

I, too, had a scare yesterday. Baby was really, really active for about 2 hrs. Then I was really, really tired...ended up taking 2 naps, had a lot of BHs all day long. And a few sharp back pains.

I hope today is better.
Morning ladies, hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

I went to Buffalo (only a 1 hour and 45 minute drive from Toronto) with my GF on Saturday to buy bigger clothes for Zoë, stuff for her big girl room and tons of things for Zach. It was very productive! Yesterday I sorted through everything, went through Zoë's clothes to bag the ones too small for her (giving it all to my friend who is expecting a girl after having 2 boys), washed and folded all her new stuff and Zach's clothes and had a 2 hour nap. Boy am I tired today at work... Seeing the chiro tonight.

Not even having BH's yet. I'm dreading going into labour before the C-section date, as that means DH will not be in town :wacko:
Good to hear that your scare was nothing Nat!! Also its great that your nursery is coming along.

I remember going on the tour with Ella....was a bit scary and exciting at the same time! By the time Gabi was born they had a new birthing annex, I never did the tour while pregnant with her....I was in hospital off and on all pregnancy I knew the place back to front and knew all the staff as well, lol!

Dorian, I hope you've had a good day, all those pains etc before time can be scary!

JB - wow, sounds like you had a really productive weekend!

Rob painted the wall in our room in the weekend.....after 3 nights on the mattress on the floor in the living room we are finally going to sleep in there tonight. Now its all come together I absolutely abhor the curtains in there though....cant wait to get new ones, although its not a priority now.

We are almost ready for this baby to come....I need to go into town (half an hour drive away and I dont drive) and get some pyjama pants and some more grandma knickers and get baby some bottles and a couple of vests. Hopefully I'll get in there next week sometime....bubs had best stay put till then!!
Junebug, I hope your little one stays put until the right time. It would stink if dh wasn't there.

Thanks Ladies, the BH have continued. It's odd for me, I don't remember so many of them with my others. But they aren't getting stronger, so I just try to rest more. I can't help remembering my first baby though, born at 35 wks...which I'll be tomorrow!
Nat, I guess we are all getting to the end of our pregnancies and weird things are happening. I’m glad the nursery is coming along well.

MapleLeaf, I’ve been feeling the vibrating as well. I was going to ask my doctor about it, but it seems to be normal from everyone’s experience.

Dorian, I pray everything is ok.

Junebug, You got a lot done. Just thinking about it all makes me tired.

I haven’t had any Braxton Hicks. What’s weird for me is when I wake up in the morning my feet hurt for a few seconds when I start walking. I also have to make sure I don’t sit too long or I get really achy in my hips and under my bump.
Yikes Dorian, hope LO stays put a bit longer for you! Keep us posted!

Sounds like we're all getting third tri aches and pains. No wonder given how big our babies/bumps are getting! I had a chiro/acupuncture apt yesterday and going again on Thursday. My fault really for letting the ball drop with my evening ice/heat packs :wacko:
Hi Everyone...just checking in....

Nat, great bump pic! I really need to get my act together and take one. Isn't it awful that I haven't taken a bump picture yet?? :nope: I'm glad to hear your nursery is coming along so well....it's definitely a relief when you're nearing the finish line!

Dorian, I've only had a handful (probably about 5-6) episodes of BHs. It typically happens when I am moving around a lot...and since I have a desk job, I am stagnant most of the time. Hopefully your lil one stays put and cooks a bit longer!

Junebug, I don't know where you get your energy! I get exhausted just reading your posts....I'm seriously envious!

Maple, YES, I've been getting those intermittent baby "vibrations". I thought I was losing my mind...so it is a relief to read some of you are experiencing the same thing. What IS it anyway??

Kirst, glad things are coming along with your room...sounds like you're in the "just need to get odds and ends" phase like we are :)

CeeDee...I hear you about the hips hurting....I experience that a lot throughout the day....especially when I've been sitting for any length of time.

AFM, I had a shower a week ago and received some very nice gifts. It was fun and everyone had a good time. We are pretty much ready, with the exceptions of some odds and ends we didn't receive at the shower that we still need to get. At my last pee test, they did find another trace amount of protein, but said it was normal to have a trace amount, and given that my blood pressure is still stable, they didn't think it'd be anything to worry about. My OB did call me and apologize for the mess a couple of weeks ago....so things are ok on that front.

Hard to believe we are so close now, ladies! It still seems surreal to me.
Hubby took a bump pic the other day....we compared it to one I'd had taken whilst pregnant last time, omg I was ginormous with my last baby!!!

Last night I had this pain under my ribs, and if I breathed to deeply would just about cry!! After dinner I said to my husband that I needed to sit down, so he did dishes, etc....bless him!
I cant wait to have this baby now....I'm a lil bit over it!!!

Anyway....here is the pic hubby took the other day 35+1
Thanks Ladies. I see my MW next Wed, and get a U/S, so we'll see what is what. Maybe she'll want to do a cervix check.

Ceedee, I, too, have the hip/under bump pain if I stand or sit in a straight back chair for too long. My baby feels like s/he's lying in an oblique position, so maybe that is why.

Mbababy, I haven't taken a bump picture either! My bh's are usually when I've been sitting or laying down for awhile. Glad your nursery is almost done too. That's nice your Dr appologized! I still find it surreal that I'm having another one too.

Kirst, great bump picture! Glad the nursery is almost done. MIL and I have been talking cribs, so I think she's going to get it for me :happydance:

Have a great day all.
Hi Ladies :flower:

How is everyone?

I'm doing ok. Have resigned myself to not having a full night's sleep for ages now though :wacko: - awake every hour or two with aching hips and legs and a need to turn over! Only got 3 more days to go to work though - tomorrow then two days next week (Wed and Thurs) :happydance:

Got a busy week coming up next week :wacko:. Got our antenatal day on Saturday, then I'm out for my future sis-in-law's Hen meal Saturday night. Then we are having new windows and doors all fitted early next week, got my final two days at work, then got placenta scan and midwife next Friday.

Also ladies, it's March! Our babies are due next month!! :wacko:

I hear you on the sleeping thing Nat!!!

This baby has really screwed with my body clock over the last couple of weeks. I generally wake about 3ish with the need to pee, and after I've gotten up I cant get back to sleep....grrr! When I finally do get back to sleep at around 5:30-6am its not good sleep so I wake feeling like i've been hit by a bus.
Last night I must've woken about 12:30ish, gotten up to pee and then didn't go back to sleep. At 1:30am miss 6 called out and said that she was scared, so I went in to her room and then miss 2 woke up as well, so we came through to the lounge and all snuggled on the couch and then at around 2 I made everyone a milo and put them back to bed. I still couldn't sleep so sat up and read and got back to bed at 3:30am.
Today I am feeling like crap and miss 2 is being a grumpy mole, lol! Cant wait til she goes down for a nap!!!!!

Had my MW come yesterday, all is well with baby, her heart rate was 137bpm. My blood pressure is a little low though but I've put on 1.3kg in the last 4 weeks....which is great for me considering I generally lose weight and also baby is small. I'm on weekly visits now. Scary!!!!
Also because Caoilainn came so fast (45 minutes after my waters had broken) my MW told me what to do in the event that baby comes on the way to the hospital which is 30+ minutes away.....I am fully confident that in the event that happens that we'll manage. I dearly hope it doesn't come to that though!!!

Tomorrow or Sunday we are going in to town and buying some bits for my hospital bag and even though baby has plenty of clothes I've decided I am going to buy her one thing brand new.....will get all stuff washed and then pack our hospital bags....eekk!!!
Hello ladies....

Well I am now officially on maternity leave. It was a bittersweet day for me yesterday. I did shed a little tear. I am taking a full year off but seriously doubt I will be going back....we have no family over here to help with child care and I took time off with Eva and Max until they started school too.

We have a wide outbreak of whooping cough here in BC so I had a free immunization shot on Tuesday. Pregnant women are top of the priority list...

It is DDs 13th birthday on Monday so I have an LMFAO themed disco to prepare for tomorrow night!! Why did I agree to a house party? Lol

Baby wise, things seem fine. Back at the Drs next week. No real complaints here.

Hope you are all looking forward to the weekend. Have a good one. X
Glad you're doing well!
I did a party for my daughter 4 weeks before I was due last time....by the end of the day I was absolutely shattered, dont forget to rest when you need to!
Morning Ladies,

Doing fairly fine here too. But I hear you on the no sleeping. This week has been just awful, I am up 2 or 3 times a night, and can't go right back to sleep. Been taking 2 naps on some days...so glad I can do that!

And the BH's are getting more and more. I am going to count them today. Was up on my feet doing a lot of in and out of stores yesterday, grocery shopping and such. And last night the BH's were worse, plus I was having some sharp pains in my cervix (at least that's the area they are in, so assuming here). I am going to ask my MW on Wed to do a check and see if I am dialated at all. It seems to me baby is doing some pushing down there, walking is not fun anymore....and then, maybe I just over did it yesterday. LOL

On a good note, my MIL is ordering me a Crib!! :happydance: and mattress. I can't wait for it to get here :)

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