April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Hi Ladies :flower:

Dorian, hope you're feeling better and that the BH have died down a bit for you :hugs: I definitely think I'm having these every now and again now, some days more than others :shrug: I seem to have more when I'm sat at my desk at work :wacko:

Maple Leaf, hope your daughter's party went well :thumbup:

We've got lots going on in the house at the moment. New windows have started today, upstairs is all done :happydance: So baby's room now has a brand new window :thumbup: They are back tomorrow to do the downstairs and the two doors. We're almost done with painting in the nursery now, just got to do around the window now the new one is in. Going to order the new carpet some time this week so hopefully that will then be fitted soon. Just then waiting for delivery of furniture, not heard yet about that, going to chase it up later this week if not heard. Finish work this week thank god, just in Wednesday and Thursday :happydance:

We had our antenatal class on Saturday, was pretty good. Useful tips on labour and birth etc but not as much about caring for baby when s/he is actually here as I thought.

Can't believe I'm due 6 weeks today! :wacko:
I wonder if any of our April babies will be March babies? Seems everyone is holding on great!

I can't believe I'll be meeting this little guy in 6 weeks and 2 days :wacko: Had my OB apt today with a BPP: estimated weight is just over 4 lbs already, HR 154, and BPP 8/8. No more blood in my urine?? Weird! My weight in clinic is the same as the last apt 3 weeks ago, shocking really as I have completely indulged and given up on not gaining too much!

Nat, sounds like things are progressing nicely!

Nice bump Kirst!!!

Did tons over the weekend, mostly in Z's big girl room. Did more shopping for her (toddler toilet seat for bathroom, side guard rail for new big girl bed, new multi-view monitor, stool, purchased online last week and picked up in store!). I also got a pretty new lamp for her. Her room is coming together nicely. I already have washed all of the newborn and 0-3 months clothes I have. Not much left to do other than attempt the transition to the big girl room, after the new video monitor is installed!

Dorian, how are your BH's?
Hi All! Hope everyone had a great and productive weekend :)

Junebug, excellent news about your appt! Hopefully the blood stays away! Sounds like Zoe's room is coming along fabulously, too...she must be excited!

Nat, sounds like you're doing great with the nursery....it's always awesome when everything finally comes together. Can't wait to see pics!

Dorian, excellent news on the crib! :happydance: Sorry to hear you're still dealing with numerous BHs...good luck on Wed with your appt!

Maple, good luck with your daughter's party! Sounds like it's going to be a blast! I'm envious of you being on mat leave already....I have to work up until the date :(

Kirst, glad to hear your last appt. went well! Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your sleep :(

AFM, I have another growth scan as well as a reg OB appt scheduled for Thursday. Hopefully baby won't be measuring too far ahead (has been 2 weeks ahead for the last month) as they always give me grief about it. I finally have all of my odds and ends for the nursery, and have started putting my hospital bag together. I have been having a lot of difficulty sleeping (hip pain and restless leg mainly), but I know I'm preaching to the choir :wacko: Other than that, everything is going well...baby is still very active (and hopefully head down!!).
Nat - glad your nursery is coming along nicely!

JB - I wonder the same....kinda wish i'd go in March. My last baby was supposed to come in November but came in October.
Also i wonder how many April babies will turn in May babies??
Sounds like you are almost there regarding rooms and stuff...yay for that!

mbababy - good luck with the growth scan....our baby has been measuring 2 weeks behind for the last 6 weeks or so, lol!
Nat, wow, lots going on at your house, sounds great!

Junebug, sounds like the nursery is coming along great! My crib is ordered, can't wait for it to get here!

Mbababy, glad things are going well. Hope your apts go well this week.

Thanks Ladies. The BHs are still there, some days more so than others. Dh told the kids yesterday that I need a week of less work around the house, no lifting, etc. So I am going to get spoiled this week :) Next Tues I hit wk 37, so then it would be perfectly fine for me to have my little one early. My back hurts today, and there is no specific reason why, as I didn't do a lot yesterday. I had to get up and go pee at least 4 times last night! Can't wait to see the MW tomorrow and see what she says!
How exciting Dorian! Back pain can be the first sign! Curious to see what MW says!

32 weeks today :dance: I can't believe I'll be holding my newborn in 6 weeks and 1 day. I'm getting really excited but also a bit nervous as to how this will affect Zoë. She's a real mommy's girl these days...
Wow Dorian, lucky you getting spoiled....hope it continues.

This week my husband is on nights which means extra stuff for me to have to take care of....I'm so glad that next week is days!!!

I've been having funny little back pains as well. When I sit on the couch sometimes my back will hurt for about a minute or so (super badly too) and then ease up.....could these be similar to BH??? I've always had normal BH from about 32-34 weeks but haven't had any with this baby.
Kirst, I had contractions in my lower back with my first three kids. So I would think that your's are probably BH's. At least, it sounds like what it's like. lol
Thanks Dorian, I've only ever had them in my abdomen.
When it happens it kinda feels like a nerve is being pinched if that makes sense.
Hello everyone! Hubby and I entertained the whole weekend starting Friday night. One of his good friends from college came from Chicago for a visit. It was fun, but definitely a lot of work. Five more weeks for me!

Nat0619, All your housework sounds good. You’ll have a brand new house when it’s all done. How is maternity leave going?

Junebug,I’m glad the medical issues have cleared up. It’s a good thing. I wonder if there will be any March babies too. Everyone is doing so well. Hopefully Zoe won’t have a hard time adjusting to Zacharie you just never know.

Dorian, Sorry you are having a such a hard time. Keep us posted on your midwife appointment.
Wow CeeDee I don't know how you handled entertaining all weekend. At this point when I have people over I tell them to make themselves at home, I do make dinner but I'm not shy going to bed early :haha:

Dorian, waiting for an update on your MW apt! :hugs:

I finally have an apt with the urologist on April 3rd. Not sure what he'll say. We'll see!
Ceedee, it sounds like you did well entertaining!

JB, glad you finally got you appointment! With any luck I'll have had this wee madam by then, lol!

This morning i woke up tired. I'm so tired of being tired!!!!
Now we have everything ready for this wee lady, I'm ready for her to come!

I'm so over it!!!!
Midwife appointment this arvo.
My checkup today:

Baby is looking great, head down, good hb, and had dropped low (Baby, not the hb. lol). We did a U/S, my placenta looks great, but I have a lot of fluid. Not so much that MW is worried though. I am also measuring at 37 cm, and 2 wks ago, I was measuring at 34cm! My BP is slightly high, but I think it's due to allergies. I also have lost 2lbs in the past 2 wks and MW wants me to gain a few lbs, as I've only gained 13 altogether.

All in all, it was a good checkup and MW is very happy with things. She wont do an internal though, till wk 38...darn, I was wanting to see if the pains I was having was my cervix dialating. MW said all the Bh's are good.

Hugs Kirst, I am tired of being tired too. I wake up about every 2 hrs to go pee in the night...ugh.
I got home and my crib had been delivered!! The older two kids got it all put together (my oldest son is 17 and loves putting things together). My car seat is ready. My db is packed.....lol, now all I need is some diapers!!
Hey ladies...

Good news about the appointment JB.

Fingers crossed she is on her way Kirst - you are nearly full term - yay.

CeeDee you must have the patience of a saint. We have back to back visitors now this summer and I am already stressing out about it!

Dorian - glad everything is on track.i can't help thinking you are going to go soon! X

Eva's party was a huge success and the boys and girls were well behaved if a little loud!

I have been fighting a horrendous cough since last week, at my Drs appointment on Monday she suggested it might be allergies ( I do suffer, but only seasonal allergies- hay fever.)
She listened to my chest and recommended an inhaler. I have never used one before and was pretty hesitant. I have used it twice (once a day) since Monday and today I feel great. The cough has virtually gone and the chest rattle is on its way to extinction. I have been left with sore ribs from the coughing though.

I get to do my strep B swap at my next appointment so that should be fun. Lol

I started maternity leave and was looking forward to a quiet week, but BC teachers are on a 3 day strike so I have had 2 children at home all week with me. They finish for 2 weeks spring break on Friday anyway so my 'maternity leave' from the kids will officially start on 26th march which doesn't leave me too much time after all. He he
Glad your appointment went well Dorian. Will they do a S&S at the next appointment or just check your cervix?
Nice of your son to put it all together for you!!!

Glad your cough is better ML!
With my second baby my asthma was virtually non-existent but with the 3rd I had all kinds of problems and would wake in the night panicking because I couldn't breathe...the doctor said its much more dangerous to not breathe than be on a preventer so have stayed on preventer right through with this baby too and only need my medicine inhaler a couple of times a week.
Just seen MW, everything is good. BP 90/50, heartrate was 144bpm.
I lost a kilo over the course of the last week....dont know how, I've been super hungry!!! And the best news of all is that baby has finally dropped.....woohoo!!!!

Come on baby girl!!!!!
Maple leaf, glad the inhaler is helping you. Hope the coughing/sore ribs go away soon.

Woohooo Kirst :happydance:hope it's soon for you too. S&S? a sweep? my MW doesn't do them, as far as I know. She is totally for going as natural as possible, with no intervention unless it's nessessary. Which I really LOVE. Even with my last baby, who was 12 days late, I had no sweep.
Just returned from my growth scan and my ob appt (back-to-back). Everything went well....BP was normal (126/80), HR for lil one was 145. I haven't gained a thing since last appt, but little one has gained 2 pounds (so I guess technically I must have lost weight?). He is still 2 weeks ahead and measuring 6 pounds 2 ounces at 34+3!

Glad to hear everyone who had an appt today had a successful one! :happydance: Phew!!

ML, glad your cough is better!!

CeeDee, glad your entertaining went well!

JB, best of luck on your appt on 4/3 :hugs: :thumbup:
Hi Ladies

Glad to hear appointments are going well :thumbup: I've got my next MW appointment tomorrow, after scan to check placenta first in the morning :wacko: So I will know tomorrow if I need a caesarean or not.

Finished work today :happydance: So looking forward to a few lie-ins hopefully before little one decides to make his or her appearance :thumbup:

Still not heard when nursery furniture is going to be delivered so going to chase that up soon. We ordered the carpet last night though and that is being fitted on Tuesday :happydance:

Mbababy, glad your apt went well!

Nat, hope you can enjoy some quiet time before baby arrives.

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