April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Dorian - yeah, S&S = stretch and sweep. I had 2 when I was overdue with my second baby. So glad I did because I really didn't want to be induced.
There was this obstetrician here a while ago (cant remember where he was from) but he did them on all of his patients from 38 weeks and had never had a woman go overdue.
I spoke to my MW about it and she will only do them if the woman is overdue and the cervix is soft.....she says there is no point in forcing things.

mbababy - maybe you've got a 10pounder in there...j/k, I hope baby isn't too big for you!

Nat - hope your placenta has moved and tht the furniture shows up soon. Enjoy your lie ins!
mbababy - maybe you've got a 10pounder in there...j/k, I hope baby isn't too big for you!!

Me too!! :shock: I'm actually 6 feet tall...so I'm hoping the reason he is not "average" is only because I'm not exactly "average". I guess we'll find out soon enough! :shrug:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Good news my end - scan this morning showed my placenta has moved so I don't need a caesarean :happydance: So just got to wait now and see when little one chooses to make his/her appearance :shrug: Midwife appointment good too - BP still 100/60, urine fine and Bean's heartbeat good :cloud9:

Such a nice feeling having finished work :thumbup:

Got my friend's chap coming round tonight to finish off the bit of wood panelling and dado rail by the window so we just need to paint that then and all is done with nursery decorating apart from just putting the border up :happydance:

mbababy - talking to a friend the other day about babies and she said that her sister was 11lbs and her mum said she was the easiest to have because once her head was out the weight of her body just slid the rest of her out.....dont think i could like that though!!
In saing that though, my littlest baby (5lb 9) was the most difficult.

Nat - great news about your placenta!!
Yay on almost having finished the nursery!!
I've been nesting big time!

I have all the baby clothes washed and folded, hospital bags packed for both me and her, and yesterday I changed the lounge around.
I made some swaddles for the bassinet too and washed them and the carseat cover again, so thats all ready.
The only thing I haven't done is make up the bassinet, but with miss C I ended up doing it about 7 times and then re-did it yet again when we got home from hospital. I'm holding back this time, lol!!

OMG....look at my ticker....baby is full term!!!! 19 days to go....come on little girl!!!
Morning Ladies,

Glad you had a good check up Nat. I go for my 37 wk one tomorrow.

Kirst, glad you've got things all organized. Me too. Been washing and getting everything ready. Bag is packed and ready to go.
Hi Ladies :flower:

Sounds like we're all getting organised now :thumbup:

As for me, carpet has been fitted in nursery this morning and OH's stepdad is coming tomorrow just to finish some glossing around the window then painting is finished :happydance: We just have border and wall stickers to put up then. Had call yesterday too to confirm nursery furniture is all being delivered on Friday :happydance: So plan is to put that together over the weekend hopefully. I sorted through all we had for little one at the weekend, putting everything in some kind of order in carrier bags ready to put it all away when furniture is ready. My mom has kindly taken all blankets, bedding, towels and cuddle robes to wash and dry for me and I plan to wash all the baby clothes this week :thumbup: Need to pack my hospital bag too, got some things I was missing for it yesterday so think I have everything to go in it now :happydance:

Time is flying ladies! Wonder whose little one will arrive first? :shrug:

Great news on the scan Nats and it sounds like everything is coming along nicely for the nursery. It's such a geat feeling when it all comes together.!

Kirst - OMG full term. Well done on reaching another milestone. I can't wait to pass mine.

Dorian - full term tomorrow.......let us know how the appointment goes, I just have this feeling you are going to go early..! Lol

Well, I have 2 kids off for spring break and it is cold and even snowed a bit today! Not much fun when they are stuck indoors all day. DS is like a dog - he needs 3 walks a day - so being inside is driving him and me stir crazy. Luckily spring soccer (football as I call it) starts soon so he will be burning some energy off once more.

I have started with the raspberry leaf tea, I don't particularly like the taste and it gives me wicked Braxton hicks in the evening but I used it with DS and I swear it prevented me tearing. I have been reading up on evening primrose oil but I think I'll give that a miss. Anyone else been trying RLT?

Baby has definitely dropped and I seem to have one night peeing 3 times and sleeping well followed by a 10 times a night pee with little sleep. Each pee is a long one too - no idea where it all comes from? DH thinks its the babies waste....hmmmm maybe it is. Lol

Hope you are all well...JB where are you?
wahhhh....I tried to post before and as soon as i clicked the post button it said the site was down for maintenance and my post never went through.

Dorian - I bet you're happy you're all organised!

Nat - you'll be able to relax once its all done....would love to see pics of the nursery once its been finished.

ML - I've read good things about RLT, apparently it makes your contractions more efficient as well. I've been meaning to get some of the capsules (I dont do tea at all) but every time I'm down at the shops I forget.

The weekend after our baby is due its school holidays for 2 weeks, so I'm going to have the three of them home most likely with a newborn. My MIL has offered to have the girls for a couple of nights but I'm hesitant about sending Caoilainn to the farm as well as it will be her first time. I guess we'll have to see when it all happens.

before when I was trying to post there was an earthquake....our second one today. Given they have only been little ones, but I really dont like them....maybe if they continue, they might help shake the baby out of me, lol!
First time in 3 days that I've been able to get on the board....kept saying down for maintenance! :nope:

Anyway, glad to hear everyone is so organized. I can't believe we are all so close now!! :happydance:

Congrats to kirst and Dorian for being "full term"...you two must be so excited!

Scary about the earthquake, kirst! Hope they stop soon!

Dorian, good luck on your appt!

Nat, awesome news about your placenta....you must be so relieved!! :)

Maple, I just read about the RLT the other day online, and someone was saying that she swore it made her have a very easy delivery (and she was married to a doctor). I think it might try that too...can't hurt, right? :shrug: Good luck keeping the kiddos occupied for spring break!! It was 83 degrees here yesterday....

AFM, just getting progressively more uncomfortable...like I'm sure everyone here is. Yesterday I had terrible lower back pain at work (first time that has reared its ugly head)....bath last night helped. I'm not sure how I'm going to work a desk job for the next 4.5 weeks :nope: I also stopped by to see my horse, and he was acting so strange...smelling my bump almost like he was hugging it. It was really kind of cool....like he knew his little brother was in there :flower: Can't wait to introduce them for real :)
Kirst, scary on the earthquakes! Hope they've stopped.

Glad you're all ready Nat! I got a baby package from my best friend today. She lives clear across the US from me. She wrapped about 6 little gifts, so it was almost like a mini baby shower. So sweet of her. And I have a few things to add to the diaper bag, that I hadn't gotten yet.

Maple leaf, my boys are like that too, they just bounce off the walls when they have to be indoors too much. So dress yours up and let him go play! Then come in and get dry and warm. lol

My appt today:

37wk apt today. A bit of up and down. My BP was lower (no allergies bothering me today), I gained 2lbs since last week! MW was happy. lol. My MW was so amazed at how far up in my ribs baby was, she didnt' tell me the fundal height. So it sounds like I am measuring more than 37wks still. And baby's HB is good and strong.

But the bad news, I was tested positive for Strep B virus :cry: I never was with any of my other kids, so now I am going to be worried. I know that I'll get antibiodics and such, but it will be a worry there in the back of my head.

Next week, I can have a cervix check, so we'll see if all this BH and pressure is doing anything. Although MW told me since my last 2 were born at 40+ wks, it's a good chance this one will be too.
mbababy - I hope there aren't anymore earthquakes either.....I've figured out what really frightens me about them though isn't the actual shake but the noise that the wild pheasants around here make....they are really noisy!!
We have horses in the paddock across the road from us and whenever I go to say hello they nuzzle into my belly....I come away with horse goobers galore! They definitely know something is baking in there!

Dorian - Glad your appointment went well but sucks about the strep. My SIL had it when she delivered and it wasn't too much of a worry.
Hope you dont go too over!

I've got my midwife this afternoon.....I'm not sure what is happening with her student anymore, he may have to go back to Canada for an interview so he can finish studying there. Dont know why they cant do the interview via skype or whatever.
Just a quick visit with my midwives this week.....baby has moved up again :(
Everything else is good though....I've put on a measly 100grams and my blood pressure has come up a bit to 110/60.
I must say, I'm feeling better today then I have all week.
Glad your appt went well Kirst. Sorry baby moved up again though! Mine decided to flip, so he is back to back with me. UGH. I hope he flips again soon.

LOL to the horses! Reminds me of my dog, he'll come up and stick his nose at my belly and sniff/rub around too.
Hello ladies!
Nat excellent news about the placenta. Sounds like your nursery is coming along nicely. Wonderful!

Kirst, I’m also in nesting mode. I’ve started washing all the clothes and linens. I have a few more items I need to get for the hospital bag and then I’ll be done. I hope everything is ok with the earthquakes.

ML, I might have to try the raspberry leaf tea. Sounds good if it prevents tearing and makes labor easier.

Mbababy, I’m sorry you’re so uncomfortable. I’m usually good most of the day, but sleeping is a disaster. It is so uncomfortable and the constant waking up. I look forward to the weekends, so that I can stay in bed longer.

Dorian, Sorry about the Strep B virus. I have to take antibiotics during labor because the urine infection I had during 1st trimester was from Strep B.

AFM, I had my baby shower on Saturday and a surprise baby shower from my co-workers on Friday. I was so overwhelmed with all the gifts we received. Both showers were wonderful and it’s now starting to feel more real. I guess that is why I’ve started ramping up my preparations. I had my 36 week appointment and everything was good, except I lost 1 pound. I think it’s because I the weather has been so warm I haven’t had to wear heavier clothes. Either way I’m going to make sure I’m eating and drinking more.
No more earthquakes which has been good!

I'm so tired today.....I cant get comfy properly and then my whole right leg will ache. This morning I woke with a massive pain on the right side of my abdomen, I think I may have pulled something while turning over in the night.

Dorian - I hope he flips for you soon too....my SIL had a posterior birth and she said it was the worst!! Apparently if you get down on all fours and arch your back for about 5 mins at a time around 10-15 times a day that will encourage baby to move back.

Ceedee - wow, 2 baby showers!! Lucky you, glad you got some nice things!

I need a few things for my hospital bag as well.....I need a big bottle of water (I refuse to drink Whakatane water, its got so many chemicals and you can taste them....our tap water here is chemical free and really nice!) I need some snacks because after birth I am hungry all the time and I need to get some sanitary pads as well....I keep forgetting them which isn't too much of a problem because the hospital provides all of them while I am there (they provide nappies as well) and I also need a box of tissues (for all the crying from being so hormonal, lol).

Its just a waiting game now!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is well :thumbup:

Kirst, hope the earthquakes stay away :wacko:

I am planning to start taking raspberry leaf tea too but keep forgetting to get some :dohh: My midwife said to start it around 36 weeks so that's Monday for me. Bit nervous about taking it in a way, just wondering what it will do! :shrug:

We've had nursery furniture delivered this morning :happydance: All in boxes at the mo to be put together except I got the moses basket out for a look - sooo cute! :cloud9: OH and I put up the border in the nursery last night so there are only the wall stickers to put up now decorating-wise but will do those when furniture is up, as need to see which parts of the wall are exposed for where best to put them.

I had a lovely surprise today too - some beautiful flowers and a box of chocs were delivered for me from OH and Baby Bean for Mother's Day :cloud9: Started me crying :wacko: It is so lovely to be a mother this Mother's Day, even though our little Bean hasn't been born yet x
How sweet Nat! Mothers Day's are so much fun. Glad the nursery things are arriving.

Kirst, oh, good idea. I hate city water too! I'll have to remember to bring some spring water with me. Can you deliver if baby is back to back? Or does baby have to turn? Baby was moving quite a bit yesterday, so I'm hoping s/he flipped back over.
yeah Dorian, you can deliver when baby is spine to spine, but apparently it hurts like a mo-fo.....my SIL said to imagine a square peg coming out a round hole.....owwww!!!
OUCH, just what I need Kirst!! LOL. Baby was moving about a lot yesterday, so I'm hoping s/he's turned. I'm glad to hear that I can still deliver posterior though, if he hasn't. I thought I'd have to have a Csect.

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