April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Dorian, my DD was posterior. It was a LONG labour. They tried manually to manipulate her round which was very painful. I ended up needing a ventouse (suction cup) and fortunately she came on the first push so it wasn't too traumatic. Total labour was well over 24 hours.!
DS was in the posterior position for the longest time too, but I crawled on my hands and knees each day from 36 weeks onwards and he turned. His labour was less that 6 hours and intervention free.!
I have started spending time on all fours once again, just in case! Lol

Happy mothers day to you lovely UK ladies, it's only now I moved from England that I realize it is the only country that has a different date. US,Canada,Australia and NZ all seem to celebrate on the same day in May!

Looking forward to some pictures of the finished nursery now Nats!..

Glad things have settled down with the weather now Kirst...it sounds like you have everything under control!

Ceedee - you lucky lady - 2 baby showers, it's nice to feel loved isn't it? Lol

AFM - well I am reluctantly having to sell my convertible VW beetle. I have wanted one since I was 17 years old....it's a great car to drive and the big kids love it but it has no space for a baby car seat OR a stroller! It's spring (supposedly) so its a good time to sell. I have to go with my head instead of my heart and get something a bit more practical. DH has a grand caravan so it doesn't have to be a huge car, I'm thinking a focus or something similar. It will be a sad day for me.
Dorian - my mil delivered all 3 of her boys posterior....she said it wasn't too bad because she had nothing to compare it with, lol! Hope your baby turns around for you!

ML - sad day indeed! You can get another VW in a few years when baby is bigger.

OMG - I have the nastiest most painful haemorrhoid....not looking forward to pushing baby out at all!! :(
Thanks Ladies, good to know I can do it posterior if I have to...hoping I wont though. lol
Well I had the Group B Strep swab today. It wasnt anywhere near as bad as I built it up to be.
The Dr didn't even use a speculum just a double ended cotton swab. One end up the vagina then one up the bum! Lol
It didn't hurt at all and I am so relieved. My Dr also did a mini internal which again was painless. She is happy with the way things are going and guesstimates baby's weight at 6.5 lbs at 36 weeks....( all this after saying she didn't think I'd have a big sized baby a few short weeks ago! )
I knew with my history of bigger than average babies this one would be no exception.
I'm on the home straight it seems and it's so close I can taste it.!
Yay ML!!

On Thursday I am seeing my MW and will ask her then if she can do a S & S on Monday morning (I will be 39+1 by then so she should be ok with it) I have to go over for an outpatients appointment for my archilles so if she is agreeable will meet her at the annex after. Fingers crossed she'll do it...I'm so over this!!
Glad things went well Mapleleaf.

Crossing fingers for you Kirst!

I see my MW tomorrow for my 38wk checkup, and she'll do an internal to see if I"m dialating!
Hi ladies. Glad things went well with you ML.

I had an appointment today. Same old, heartbeat, measurements and pee in a cup. Next week, I'll get an internal.
ohhhh, I just thought of a great hospital bag item....
you know those flushable wet wipes for adults.....they would be heaps more comfy to use after giving birth if you have a tear or what not.

Must add it to my shopping list for tomorrow.
ohhhh, I just thought of a great hospital bag item....
you know those flushable wet wipes for adults.....they would be heaps more comfy to use after giving birth if you have a tear or what not.

Must add it to my shopping list for tomorrow.

I've started using those already! :blush:

I am so conscious of smelling like pee when I get up to go 10 times a night. He he. I bought some travel ones for the hospital too. Great tip Kirst. X
Hi ladies, I somehow had unsuscribed from this thread :wacko:

Glad to read you're all doing well!

Was hospitalized last week for a severe gastro infection, I was dehydrated and unable to keep down even water. Was also having contractions. They have kept up since, although an internal done last Tuesday was OK. They had become painful since Saturday, and last night I had half a glass of red wine and everything stopped. I had an apt today and we opted not to do another internal because at 34 weeks they wouldn't do anything to stop labour anyways. Did my GBS (ML here they just give you the kit and you do it yourself in the washroom -FUN-!) just in case (usually done at 36 weeks).

I wrote a LOT in my journal today. Zoë still not in her big girl room, I'm resigned to the fact that it may not happen :dohh: She is completely resisting it.

My bags are all packed for the hospital, just the last minute things (phone, phone charger, camera, pillows) to throw in. I'm accepting the reality that it may happen sooner than the planned C-section. It will still be a C-section due to my small pelvis, regardless of when I go into labour, thank goodness as I know what to expect :haha:
Hi ladies, I somehow had unsuscribed from this thread :wacko:

Glad to read you're all doing well!

Was hospitalized last week for a severe gastro infection, I was dehydrated and unable to keep down even water. Was also having contractions. They have kept up since, although an internal done last Tuesday was OK. They had become painful since Saturday, and last night I had half a glass of red wine and everything stopped. I had an apt today and we opted not to do another internal because at 34 weeks they wouldn't do anything to stop labour anyways. Did my GBS (ML here they just give you the kit and you do it yourself in the washroom -FUN-!) just in case (usually done at 36 weeks).

I wrote a LOT in my journal today. Zoë still not in her big girl room, I'm resigned to the fact that it may not happen :dohh: She is completely resisting it.

My bags are all packed for the hospital, just the last minute things (phone, phone charger, camera, pillows) to throw in. I'm accepting the reality that it may happen sooner than the planned C-section. It will still be a C-section due to my small pelvis, regardless of when I go into labour, thank goodness as I know what to expect :haha:

I was wondering where you had got to? Lol
I'm pleased that all is well. You must have had quite the scare though...
Sorry to hear about problems with Z. It's totally understandable that she is resisting the change but keep at it. She is probably sensing things to come - kids are much more astute than we think. Lol
I would try and relax about it for a few days and then try again. I mentioned before that the very first time Eva slept through the night was the night we brought her baby brother home and she was nearly 3 then!! It's like she grew up overnight and realized she was the big sister now.

Keep us updated with any changes, I am sure there will be plenty of action with this thread over the coming weeks. :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

There you are Junebug, I was wondering... sorry for your scare, but glad the little one is still safely growing inside. It can be hard for little ones, bringing a new baby to the house. Step back for a bit and relax, hopefully Zoe will adjust soon.

I have my 38 wk apt today. Will check to see if I am dialated or not, yah. But I'm feeling a bit off today..headache, tummy ache and back ache. Not sure if I'm coming down with something or if it's pregnancy related. Blah!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Sounds like lots of appointments going on now, guess there will be more now though we are approaching the end :wacko: I've next got midwife this Friday, not sure if I then go to weekly or not :shrug:

Junebug, sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit poorly, hope you feel better soon :hugs:

As for me, I'm still doing ok but seem to have developed carpal tunnel in my hands the past few days :nope: So I now have painful/numb hands and fingers waking me up as well as painful hips and legs :wacko: I'm resigned to not having a decent night's sleep now for a good while :haha: My hands don't look swollen or anything so I'm just going to mention it to midwife on Friday.

Nursery is very close to being done now so I will post a pic very soon :thumbup: All furniture is put together and I have started to put things away. Washed all baby clothes yesterday so can soon put them all away too :cloud9: Just have wall stickers and curtains to put up now.

Just seen my mw, everything is good with me and bubs and I asked her if she could do a S & S and she has booked me in for Monday morning. I feel a bit happier now.
This has been such a tough week!! On Friday miss 2 had an accident with an egg beater and is covered in bruises, then on Sunday she was sick right through til Tuesday. Yesterday I had my eldest home from school and last night we had a bit of an emergency....we had fire shooting out of the light fitting in the kitchen so I had to call 111. As well as that now miss 6 is sick too, so between all that and bugger all sleep I'm completely knackered and over it!!!

JB - I've been keeping up with your journal......hope the contractions stop soon and everything happens as it should. Also hope Z settles in to her new room for you soon.
Dorian - hope your appointment goes alright.

Nat - hope your carpal tunnel settles soon. Cant wait to see pics of the nursery.
Kirst - it sounds like you could do with a weekend away at a nice spa....in fact I think we all deserve to come...he he ( if only........) glad your appt went well, let us know how it goes on Monday. X
Yikes kirst, what a week! :wacko:

Glad all apt are going well :hugs:

Things have quieted down here, much less contractions since my half glass of red wine :thumbup: I still have to sort through all the baby boy clothes we were given (WAY too much, I'm giving some to my friend who is expecting a boy a couple of weeks after me), assemble my co-sleeping crib, and bring out all the baby accessories (bouncer, swing, nursing pillow, car seat, etc...) from storage. I'm aiming to have all of this done by the weekend...
Hi Ladies :flower:

Junebug, glad all has calmed down for you :thumbup:

Kirst, sorry you've had a bad week, hope it's improving?

I've seen midwife this morning and all is still fine :thumbup: BP 106/64, urine fine, Bean's heartbeat good and s/he is in a good position. Head is 3/5 engaged! I was surprised at this as thought I would feel a lot of pressure down there when this started to happen but I haven't :wacko: Things could basically happen anytime from now as hit full-term on Monday (37 weeks)! But obviously could still be up to 5 weeks away (our hospital policy is induction at 12 days over which would be 5 weeks tomorrow). Told her about my hands and fingers and she confirmed it sounds like carpal tunnel, is unfortunately pretty common and is due to the extra fluid in the body compressing the nerve in the wrists. My hands are pretty much normal in the day, it just comes on at night (as do most things I seem to have!) Seeing her again next Friday but then will be 2 weeks after that due to Easter.

Nursery is almost done :happydance: Going to iron baby clothes today and put them away :cloud9: Curtains are up and all wall stickers but we just need to put the hooks up for the tie-backs. Nearly there! Nearly ready for our Bean :cloud9:

Morning Ladies,

Kirst, ugh, sorry for the awful week, hope things are better and kids are feeling well!!

Nat, use a hand brace at night. It has a metal piece in it which keeps your wrist straight, and doesn't bend during the night. It reallly helps with the prickly feelings.

My appt went well. I am 1cm dilated, hardly thinning yet though. Bp slightly high, but no worse than other times. Nurse wanted to check protein in the urine, and there is none! Baby has TURNED, yah!! S/he is no longer back to back. Thank goodness! So all is well. Looks like my intuition of an earlier than 40wk baby is not a good one though. LOL, Course, s/he can come any time, but I now have a feeling I'll go to 40wks. Oh well, only 12 more days!!
Glad your appointment went well dorian, was wondering how you were.

Nat - Glad your appointment went well too. Did your mw say if the carpal tunnel would ease after baby is here?

AFM - The kids are still sick.....yesterday I had miss 6 at the doctor and he said that it looked as if she had strep throat and because it is really contagious we had to get all of the kids checked. Miss 2 saw the nurse and had a low grade fever and a red throat and I had to pull Ella from class and got her checked as well and sure enough her throat was red as well. All 3 of them are on a 10 day course of AB's.

Was talking to my SIL the other night and she was saying that she would like to be at a birth so I said that if she wanted to she could watch mine. She is quite excited.

We are all sorted for bubs here.....the only thing I need to do is get my husband to put together the change table a friend of mine gave to me.

Hope the S&S gets things moving on Monday!!

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