April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Went to annex after appointment with orthopaedics this morning......baby is still very high. My mw tried to do a S&S but my cervix is still a bit high as well and she was barely able to get a finger in and it hurt like a mo-fo!!!!!!!!!!!
This baby is gonna be late!!! If I still haven't had her by after Easter I will see the obstetrician on the 10th and probably be induced on the 12th or 13th. I'm feeling very tired and just want this little girl to be here. But it helps knowing that eventually she will be here.
Kirst, not the best appointment at this stage!....you can never say never though, this little girl may well decide she wants to make her grand appearance sooner rather than later!

I went for my maternity tour today, the hospital is lovely and had all private rooms. The rooms seemed a lot bigger than the ones in the UK. They all have pull out beds for partners to sleep on and private bathrooms with birthing balls etc so I was really pleased. I had a mild panic attack as the realization of what was about to happen hit me and DH at the same time. I will find out tomorrow the GBS results and see how baby is doing. Hope everyone had a good weekend. X
Thanks ML.
Great that your tour went so well!!

My midwife doesn't hold much hope for her making an appearance before the end of next week. She said she would do another S&S at my next appointment if I wanted. I'm unsure at this stage though because my next appointment will be at home.
This morning when I was at the hospital I had to go to see the physio and rehab people who happen to be in the refurbished building that was the old birthing annex where my first little girl was born.....it gave me shivers to walk along the corridors, lol!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Well, our nursery is done :happydance::happydance::happydance: I just want to get the matching cot mobile at some point.

So here are some pics of our little Bean's room. I also attach a 'full term' bump pic - I'm 37 weeks today! :wacko:

Hope everyone is ok :thumbup:

OK, so for some reason it's not letting me upload any of the photos I've taken :growlmad: Is saying 'file is too large' :shrug: They're the same size as photos I've uploaded before!! Will try in a new message without any text x
Morning Ladies,

Been a cold weekend here. Kept myself busy doing some quilting and resting. Feels like baby has moved even lower, so maybe he is engaged now! I hope so.

Kirst, how are your girls? So sorry they all came down sick last week. I'm sorry things aren't moving along for you faster. Hope your little one will come on her own though.

Mapleleaf, wow, sounds like a wonderful place to give birth! I haven't been inside our L&D rooms since my last baby, 7yrs ago. The labor rooms a kind of small, and you have to share showers and birthing balls. I don't know if they've changed it since then. Our hospital is the best one around for delivering babies. We have women from other cities coming to it, and to my clinic where I see my Dr/MW. So maybe they've added on since then. lol

Nat, woohoo on the nursery!
The girls are getting better, thanks Dorian.
I had this notion that since my last baby was a bit early (born at 39+2) that this one might be early too....doesn't work like that though.

Great news on your nursery nat!

Does anyone plan on having photos taken while they are in labour???
Glad the girls are getting better Kirst. NO, no pictures of me labouring!! UGH. lol
Morning ladies!

Nat, yay for nursery being done. Hope you figure out how to upload th pics, would love to see :flower:

Kirst, hope something happens soon for you!

So we're at the end of March and none of our April babies have made an appearance yet. LOLLL

Contractions have calmed down here, I think I'll make it to the C-section, thankfully! DH took pics of Zoë being extracted from my uterus during the C-section, they are sooooo cool! Definitely doing that again :thumbup:
GBS was negative which is great as I intend to labour at home for as long as possible.
Baby is 4/5 so slowly making his descent. I have such a busy week ahead, DH has his vasectomy on Friday so I will be keeping my legs crossed all weekend. We don't want to be fighting over the ice packs! Lol

Glad the girls are better Kirst, Nats - have you tried again to upload the pics?
Dorian. I think I will take a bump picture in early labour and then leave it up to DH to take some shots of the birth. We videoed DS being born - I was so calm, never cursed or screamed but as soon as they weighed him and told me he was a whopping 9lb 9oz...the f words came out on camera! Lol
JB - glad things have calmed down. I think we will all make it to April. Yay x
JB - Glad the contractions have settled down.

ML - lol@fighting over the ice packs.

Well since the S&S on Monday I've had heaps of bits of what I think is my show come away. A few tightenings but not BH.
We have decided to go to the farm this weekend....its an hour away but still just half an hour to the hospital. It would actually be a bit easier if I was to go into labour there because there would be someone right there to lookafter the girls.
kirst fingers crossed this is the start of something!!!
ML, I need to do a hospital tour, just reminded me to make that call.

Kirst76, I’m not planning on having photos taken and I really don’t want them, but I think my DH’s aunt might take pictures.

Junebug, Glad you’ve stopped having contractions.

Nat, I can’t wait to see nursery pics.

AFM, My appointment went well. I’m dilated a cm and my cervix is soft. I was a little irritated that my doctor wanted to know what birth control I wanted and she wanted to know now. Then she started pushing Mirena. I was just a little bit irritated by that.
:hugs: CeeDee, great on being dilated with a soft cervix!!!!

Sorry she's pushing BC already... For the record I LOVED Mirena!!! My periods disappeared completely after only 3 months. And they came back regular only 6 weeks after having it removed, when we decided to TTC!
@ Ceedee, sorry she's pushing birth control on you if you're not in the frame of mind for that conversation. :-( I hope she backs off.

@ Junebug, thanks for sharing your experience with Mirena. It is one of the methods I am considering - in fact I'm leaning toward it - and it's good to hear good things.

Birth control is very much on my mind as we definitely don't want another and an accidental pregnancy right after having this baby would be a disaster for us. My midwives don't seem to want to get into it much as it's outside the scope of what they do so I am considering booking an appointment with my family doctor to get a birth control plan in place now.
Kirst. It sounds a perfect weekend to me, on hand babysitters and not too far from the hospital. Make sure you take your bag and notes and get walking.!

Ceedee. I will second what JB said about the Mirena - even though it's a tad premature to be thinking about it. I had no periods for 5 years...luckily DH has stepped up to the plate and is having his vasectomy on Friday so I can go all natural for the first time in a long time.

Katy..as above the Mirena worked well for me too and it's ideal to have fitted 6 weeks after baby as your cervix will still be slightly open which makes fitting much easier.

I am on vasectomy countdown....2 days to go. DH is growing paler by the day and keeps saying it'll never be the same again. Lol.
Still can't upload pics - losing my rag with this now :growlmad: Can't understand why it's saying they are too large :shrug:
Hi Ladies,

Had my 39wk checkup today. My BP was high at first, but after a 5 min rest it went way down, whew! But they also checked for protein again, and none, so that's good.

MW did a cervical check, I am 2.5-3 cm dilated and about 20% effaced :happydance: and I've had some bloody show since then!! I've had a few more real contractions, usually at night or early in the morning. So I am hoping the next few days I'll be admitted.

Have a wonderful weekend Kirst, sounds great!

LOL Maple leaf, poor dh.
ceedee - it would irritate me too, you need a chance to think about these things!

Toronto gal - I'm getting my tubes tied after this baby, so we wont have to worry about BC ever again!

ML - we plan to take everything anyway, just in case....
I dont think I'll be doing much walking, its so uncomfortable at the moment! However driving over the gravel roads may just get me going!!! Might get hubby to take me for a ride in the tractor, lmao!

Dorian - Fingers crossed this is the start of something!!!
Dorian you're having this baby by the weekend!!!

Nats try opening a Photobucket account and uploading them there, then entering them as a URL upload. I have the same problem as you, can't upload directly from my computer.

DH is also getting a vasectomy ASAP. First time I'll be without birth control (well other than TTC'ing) since I'm 17!!!
I wouldn’t mind getting pregnant again (not so soon), but I really haven’t decided what I want to do. It won’t be the end of the world if I get pregnant again. Hubby is also considering vasectomy. We are getting close to April hopefully they’ll be some new babies soon.

Dorian, Sounds good. Maybe there will be a baby soon.

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