April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

Ceedee - my advice to you if you are thinking about another baby is dont go on anything hormonal.
Sorry I've been awol...very crazy week for me. I've been having contractions (first regular, then erratic, now regular again) for the last 2 days. I saw my doctor and my BP was slightly elevated and there was trace protein in my urine, so I had to collect it for 24 hours. I also have slightly elevated levels in blood tests they have done...so....they are concerned about potential Pre-E, although I am asymptomatic at the moment. I've been sent to labor and delivery twice in the last 2 days to be monitored. I also started losing my plug today....so I am thinking I won't go full-term with this baby. It has been quite a roller coaster ride this week...:wacko:

Glad everyone is doing well!
Mbababy. I'm glad they are looking after you. It sounds like your little one might not want to be an April baby after all....keep us all updated if you can. X
Hope everything is alright mbababy. At least they are keeping a close eye on things. Best of luck!!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Ooh, Mbababy, keep us posted :happydance: This could be our first arrival on here! I'm quite surprised that there hasn't been an arrival yet really.

No signs of anything my end. Seen midwife this morning and all still fine - BP 100/60 as has been all the way through, urine fine, bump measuring good and Bean's heartbeat good. Head is now engaging well in pelvis (3/5 of head is in now :wacko:) so baby getting in right position. Not seeing midwife again now for 2 weeks (unless baby arrives or I have any issues). My main niggle at the moment is this carpal tunnel thing with my hands - driving me mad at night :growlmad: Tried wrist supports last night but still got the aching in early hours of the morning and knuckles are still achy today. Just hope it goes when baby is born.

Does anyone know if they changed the size of photos they allow on here with the recent upgrades? As the size of photos I've been trying to upload are same as ones I've had no problem attaching before but it now seems to say a lot smaller size is allowed. But I don't know how I can resize the photos my camera takes :shrug:

CeeDee, I did hormonal BCP (used Nuvaring) from Sept 2010-June 2011 (Zoë was born Jun 2010 and we knew we wanted another one close enough in age but not TOO close!) because nursing is not 100%, and had no problems TTC'ing, we got pregnant on our second attempt (August 2011). Every woman is different, it worked wonderfully for us!

Nats so sorry about the carpal tunnel syndrome :-( My sister had it really bad too and had to stop work at 33 weeks... I don't know about the pics. Whenever I try to upload directly here, it says my photos are too big, so I use PhotoBucket and have no problems!

I had my anesthesiology consult this morning, the C-section is starting to get real. I'm so relieved that it is a planned thing rather than a botched attempt at vaginal with an emergency section like last time! Only 2 weeks left of work for me :happydance:
Junebug, do I just google Photobucket and it says how to set up an account etc? x
Thanks for the well wishes everyone...just a quick update. Now dialated 3cm with a soft and low cervix, 50% effaced and scheduled to be induced 4/9. Doctor says he thinks I'll go before then though. In the meantime, I am being monitored daily for any signs of
pre-e...and will be induced asap if I show any signs. I'm just hoping the rest of this pregnancy goes smoothly...

I'll keep you posted if anything happens soon! Have a great weekend everyone!
Junebug, do I just google Photobucket and it says how to set up an account etc? x


You just click on the link that says sign up at the top right, and you'll have an account. I have a photo album for every occasion, makes it so much easier to share photos here and via email!

Mbababy!!! So excited for you, sounds like things are happening! 3cm already :shock: I never got beyond 4cm dilated even with 24 hours of regular, active contractions and labour! Go girl! Keep us posted! :hug:
Hi Ladies,

I haven't read anything on here since Wed, is there ANYOTHER babies, besides mine :)

Here's my story:

At 1am on Thursday my waters broke. So we headed to the hospital. contractions started after we got to the hospital, but by 9 they weren't doing much. So I got off the monitors and started some walking. I walked a bit, sat down, did it again. But when the nurse checked my BP, it had ski rocketed and babies heartbeat was doing some dips. So I ended up on my left side hooked to the monitors all day.

By noon, my contractions weren't getting any better. I couldn't switch positions, or babies heartbeat would drop. Every time I got up to go pee, his heartbeat (HB from now one) would drop. And I wasn't dilating any more either, I just barely got to 3cm.

So we started the smallest dose of pitocin, within half an hour babies HB started doing drops every time I had a contraction. Isaiah was NOT happy!

So at 3 the decision was made to do a Ceasarean section :( We got things ready and at 5 the Dr got me in the surgery.

And then there were the little things...like when trying to put an IV in my hands, they had to try THREE times!! And it would not go in. So it went in at the arm.

And I had to have an epidurmal. The nurse tried AT LEAST FIVE times, and finally the Dr had to do it... I HATE NEEDLES!!!

And now, Isaiah has joundice...sigh, not bad enough to stay at the hospital, but enough we have to take him back tomorrow to get another blood test to see if it's any better.

Isaiah weighed 4lbs 15oz, and is 19 inches long. I had to have the csect due to a placental abruption.
Oh wow hun, abruptio placenta is very dangerous, so glad to hear your baby is here and you're both doing fine!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: So glad to hear from you!!!
Firstly Congrats on little Isaiah, Dorian!!!
Suck that you had to go through all that though, hope you're ok. Hope his jaundice settles soon.
My Eldest was quite badly jaundiced so she had to stay in an incubator under the lights.

Due date today.....still nothing.
Miss 2 is quite sick though....she has picked up a vomiting/diarrhoea bug though, so its probably best she stays put for the next few days.
Congratulations Dorian - your April baby didn't want to wait!....
Sorry it didn't go as planned but at least you are both safe...I love ,love,love his name btw.
Jaundice is pretty common in newborns and it should be fine with time.
Did you have a feeling your yellow bump was a blue one?....

Kirst - it'll be you next....so excited its our month! X
I dont know if I'll be next ML, I guess I'll get the word tomorrow from my midwife. Unsure as to whether or not to let her do another internal.
Congratulations Dorian!! Love the name...can't wait to see pictures of your new addition!!
Thanks for all your advice about BC. I’m still undecided.

Mbababy, Keep us posted. Thinking of you.

Dorian, Wow you had a adventurous birth. Congrats on your baby boy!
uggghh, my mw just called, she isn't coming today because she has an induction. I feel very close to tears.

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