april 2012 mummys/daddys

Last night was HELL!!!! I was sitting here minding my own bis and went to the bathroom. When I wiped...bam...pinkish/orangeish blood!!!!! I called my mom and she told mr to calm down, that's it's one of two things, 1 the baby digging in more or 2 caused by the d
Dr checking my cervix. I spent some time crying and praying even though the spotting was gone as fast as it came but I was scared. I'm fine and so is the baby but if that Dr thinks that I am going to let him back in there before 12wks then he's crazy!! My friend that had twins 4 months ago came and sat with me and told me about the bleeding she had during her pregnancy, she is a life saver. I probably would of been up all night crying and checking the spotting every 30 seconds. I hope that this doesn't happen to any of you but if it does I found out that 1 in 5 women have spotting in the first trimester and as long as your not cramping or bleeding heavy then there is no need for worry....easier said than done trust me. I have been up sense 5am and it's almost 8:30 am now and nothing no bleeding...again thank you god!! How is everyone doing today?

Sorry to hear that hun. I had a bit of bleeding at 10 weeks with my last pregnancy. They told be it was old blood. Also, whenever I was checked or had a PAP test done during pregnancy, I would always bleed a bit after. Our cervix is much more sensitive in pregnancy. I am sure all is well. I worry alot too, especially in the 1st Tri.

H&H 9 month to you! :)

Thank you!! I hope that you have a H&H 9 months too!! I had no idea that it could happen:haha: Now that I know I keep lol'ing at myself for not knowing. Thank you, I feel so much better knowing that this is 100% normal and that my little bean is okay! the good thing is that after the little spotting the pressure is gone!!! So that's good. Wow the first tri is so hard!! I though the 2ww was hard..seems like cake now :haha:
Wantingbbbump - hope you get some sleep! I definitely understand why you feel worried. I am sure we all love our little beans already and just ant to know they are doing okay. I am new to the pregnancy world but I have heard of other women having spotting in the first trimester and everything being fine. Feel better!!
DJF- I'm fine now and when the spotting stopped I got really good sleep but it did worry me a bit. There has been no spotting today so I'm sure that my baby is okay. Yes I love this baby so much!! It's crazy how we can love something that we have never met but yet we know them some how. I am sure this baby and every one's babies will be born and happy crying beautiful little ones!!! I just wanted to share this so that if anyone else has this they wont freak out like I did. H&H 9 months everyone!!! Also very sticky beans!!!
hey wantingbbbump glad your spotting has stopped

ive had pains now for 2 days and its really worrying me xx
hey wantingbbbump glad your spotting has stopped

ive had pains now for 2 days and its really worrying me xx

Pain is normal, Like cramps, lower back pain, pinching/pulling. Your uterus is growing and the round ligaments are stretching. With my last baby (now a healthy 6y/o boy) I had really really bad cramps..to the point I kept saying "But I can't be pregnant I have cramps". Try not to worry!!! It's 100% normal!! You you are really worried you could call your Ob or MW. I'm sure they would see you so that you feel better!!!! :hugs:
i went to the drs this morning as i have history of ectopic and my pain is on the side with the remaining tube so im a little conserned it cud be ectopic again so they have done hcg testing and i have to go back on friday for repeat bloods to check the levels are doubling i will know byu saturday whats happening x
Keep us posted mum2beagain! Saturday will come before you know it.
mum2beagain- I will be praying for you and your little bean!!! i really hope that everything is okay and that your little bean is in the right spot. Good luck on sat!!!
thanks ladies im just so worried that it'll be ectopic and ill lose my tube and never be able to have another baby x
i went to the drs this morning as i have history of ectopic and my pain is on the side with the remaining tube so im a little conserned it cud be ectopic again so they have done hcg testing and i have to go back on friday for repeat bloods to check the levels are doubling i will know byu saturday whats happening x

Fx'd for you and your little bean. Keep us updated!!
Hi!! I think I just got my BFP this morning. :) Based on that I think I'll be due in early April.. I'll be back once I have my first appointment with the Dr. and no more.
My appointment can not get here fast enough ! August 25th seems so far away. Still feeling sick, achey, bloated, tired, and a killer headache but that is all expected. I started taking chewable prenatals because they are so much easier on my stomach. They seem to help make me feel better for an hour or two. My DH doesn't get home until August 5th and I can't wait. Taking care of the house and my little one while feeling like this is hard. I know it will all be worth it in the end :)
Hi I got my BFP yesterday and confirmed with a digi today. :happydance:

I will be due around 9th April 2012, can you add me pretty please.
Hi Girls

First off a massive congrats and wishing you all a happy and healthy 9 months.
Ive been reading your posts over the last couple of days and decided to join.
I got my BFP on monday, the day my AF was due. I've taken 3 tests just to prove it to the OH as he was a bit shocked i think.

Im 4 Weeks and 2 days and due on 2nd April can you please add me?

No symptoms to report apart from constant headache and tummy cramps.

How exciting :happydance:
Hi ladies. I too just got my bfp last night with confirmed digital one this morning. I'm due April 8th I'm so excited. I've had one mc and one ectopic so I'm ridiculously nervous about this but very excited

H&H 9 months to everyone!!!
Thats excellent news Futuremommy1. fingers X'd for a very veyr sticky baby.

You experiencing any symptoms yets? Im 4 weeks 3 days and getting some niggly pains in left side... thats the side i felt all my ovulation pains and things in.... i dunno what to think of it. it feels a little like period cramp but sometime its a tad worse then that.
Pease can I be taken off as unfortunately I have lost my little bean.

I started bleeding Tuesday evening which turned heavy on Wednesday. The hospital has confirmed I had a very early miscarriage which I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't of tested.

Gl to everyone. I hope I'm the first and last and that you all go on to have a h&h 9 months xxx
awww Carhar I am so sorry to hear this :(

Sending you lots and lots of cyber hugs!!!

Hopefully you are back here soon
Pease can I be taken off as unfortunately I have lost my little bean.

I started bleeding Tuesday evening which turned heavy on Wednesday. The hospital has confirmed I had a very early miscarriage which I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't of tested.

Gl to everyone. I hope I'm the first and last and that you all go on to have a h&h 9 months xxx

so sorry for your loss hun xxx:hugs:
Pease can I be taken off as unfortunately I have lost my little bean.

I started bleeding Tuesday evening which turned heavy on Wednesday. The hospital has confirmed I had a very early miscarriage which I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't of tested.

Gl to everyone. I hope I'm the first and last and that you all go on to have a h&h 9 months xxx

So sorry for your loss hun:hugs:
Hope you will be back here soon:)

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