I am almost 6 weeks and no morning sickness yetThose of you that are throwing up right now are prob thinking why the sad face... but It would almost confirm to me that everything is going smooth!! I can't wait to get sick!! OH,,, and my sister used to eat Preggie Pops. They are lolipops for morning sickness,, I know she used to get them at Target but I think you have to get them from the pharmacy. They keep them behind the counter for some reason.
I am almost 6 weeks and no morning sickness yetThose of you that are throwing up right now are prob thinking why the sad face... but It would almost confirm to me that everything is going smooth!! I can't wait to get sick!! OH,,, and my sister used to eat Preggie Pops. They are lolipops for morning sickness,, I know she used to get them at Target but I think you have to get them from the pharmacy. They keep them behind the counter for some reason.
I know exactly what you mean! I haven't gotten any ms (a few weird gross feeling but nothing too strong to label as ms ) and I keep wanting to have it as a way to say 'see one more preggo sign' all is well! But I guess we should be lucky. My first appt is in a week so ill feel much better after that.I've read that women who took pre-natals way before getting preg had little to no ms ( I started taking them in Jan religiously and since nov 2010 when I remembered, so maybe that's why? Hehe idk.
I wish that were true for me LadyE. I've been ttc since may2010 so I've been taking prenatals since jan 2010 and last thursday MS hit me like a ton of bricks. It's gotten so bad I had to call in a prescription from my doctor. I'm getting to the point where some days I can barely walk I want to keel over so bad.
I do look at it as a positive cause when I had my miscarriage and my ectopic I NEVER felt like this. But it interrupts sleeping like last night i woke up to go to the bathroom at 4am and there was MS and I couldn't get back to sleep I was so uncomfortable.
The heartburn is gone (boy do I wish I had that back instead of the nausea). The extreme tiredness is still around. And my realtor saw me after 3 weeks and was like Oh My Look At the Baby Grow! I wanted to slap her. I went from 3 weeks to 6 weeks...I SHOULDN"T BE FAT YET.But I really do look like I'm 6 months
Do you just take it once a day? This is great! So I can still wish for morning sickness knowing there is at least a partial cure out there!! This will be your first appointment right? Isn't it so weird how we're just left alone with this baby growing inside us?? and No one seems to care?? I know it happens everyday it's just weird when it happens to YOU!!!