April 7, 2012 - First time mommy! I really want a buddy!

Got my first case of feeling nauseous today- No MS yet so it could be worse.

Has anyone else bought the 'boppy'? the full body pillow. I introduced it into the bedroom yday and it was not received well, I actually think DH is jealous of it, haha. His jealously is kinda cute. :blush: He says I'm hugging the pillow more and not using him as a pillow (When I would lay my leg on top of him he'd complained after a while and would have me remove it in intervals but now he 'misses it') Like Janet Jackson once sang "You dont know what you got til its gone" I guess naming the boppy wouldnt be a good idea :haha:
I plan on getting one. Dh must have a pillow to sleep with so he better not give me grief
Here's my bean! (Bottom left) Due Date moved to April 17th!


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YAY! Although I'm horrible at seeing anything....

when's your next appt?
I know, I needed the doc to point it out bc I didnt know what I was looking at hehe. Next appt is Sept 13th which will technically be the first 'official' pre-natal visit- this one was a sono confirmation of my pregnancy and to make sure the bean was in the right place :) Bc my cycles were irregular, we're thinking I'm 6 weeks 3 days vs the 7 weeks like I thought I was. Hopefully my EDD wont change too much around :)
Lady E -- Was ur sonogram at 6weeks 3 days? Just curious because I think I'll be getting mine next week and I want to know what to look for. Also, I see you are in DC... did you feel the quake? I did not but many people in Pittsburgh did,,, they evacuated some buildings. CRAZY!!!
CONGRATS! How exciting!!! My first scan is next Thursday, I'll be almost 9 weeks and it's almost all I can think about!

UofPitt...I'm in NC and I felt it, thought I was going crazy and then started getting messages from other friends that they felt it too! Was scary.
Lady E -- Was ur sonogram at 6weeks 3 days? Just curious because I think I'll be getting mine next week and I want to know what to look for. Also, I see you are in DC... did you feel the quake? I did not but many people in Pittsburgh did,,, they evacuated some buildings. CRAZY!!!

Yes it was at 6 weeks 3 days but we thought I was further along (like 7 weeks) when we scheduled it bc my cycles were irregular. At this point the bean is a third of my nail bed but once the doc found the bean we were able to see and hear the heartbeat which was totally awesome!

Yup crazy up and down day yday. I was on the 7th floor of my building when it happened so going down the stairs at a glacial pace without knowing what was going to happen and trying to stay calm for the little bean was not fun! Took me 2 hours to get home (normally 30 mins) My first real test as a mama I guess:haha: You didn't feel anything in Pitts?
My friend's building downtown was evacuted and she said they were moving like turtles... I could only imagine if there were a VERY URGENT need to evacuate... omg how stressful!! I was actully working from home yesterday and didn't feel a thing... then my phone and email were going off with everyone saying "did you feel the quake!!??" My mom said they same thing.. she wondered if she was losing it when she felt the shaking. An earthquake in Pittsburgh?? Unheard of!!

Marlee- My appt is Monday and they usually schedule the scan a few days later so I may end up going for mine on Thursday as well!! Everyday feels like an eternity... Funny how the days go so fast when you're on vacation or off work... I swear every day is at least 68 hours long....... Sigh
Hey Ladies, I went and saw Britney Spears last night in concert and it completely wiped me out! I feel hungover today when I don't even drink (even before baby!). Feeling super nauseated but still have yet to actually throw up :(.
marlee how was the concert? sorry to hear you arent feeling well!!

My first appt is 12 days away. Im getting SO antsy. I think Im going to be a nervous wreck that morning
Hey ladies looks like all our appointments are coming up! My appt. is Tuesday August 30. I am so excited and so nervous!!!
mine had to be pushed back to sept 8th...which was when i originally wanted it...i'll be 9w4d.

Our A/C went out last night and here in texas when it's been 106 for the last 60+ days it was so miserable. good thing i wasn't 9 months pregnant but still it was uncomfortable. Hopefully it gets fixed today.

But on a brighter note I'm headed to SoCal in less than a week!!! I really hope ms doesn't rear it's ugly head

Hope everyone has a great weekend
I'm so jealous I wish I was going away!!! Did you get your AC fixed? Oh god that must've been pure hell!! Anyone else been getting headaches? I got my first one yesterday and another one today. I NEVER get headaches so I'm kinda excited since this is a common pregnancy symptom. Go for my appointment tomorrow morning yeah!! Not that they do anything but they'll at least schedule my ultrasound so I'm excited about that!!
Yes! I'm actually a usual headache sufferer. Have been most of my life with migraines thrown in for good measure but since getting pregnant I hadn't had any. Except starting yesterday I got my first headache. It just nagged all day.

We did get our A/C fixed thank goodness. I don't know if I could have taken another night with no air.

I went back and looked at a calendar of last year and realized I've passed the pg dates of the start of my miscarriage. Which has been keeping me from getting too excited. I lost my first baby at 7w5d (or that's when i started spotting) and it ended by 8w1d. So I'm feeling a little better. Especially thinking back I didn't have ANY of these symptoms last time.

Hey pitt, how long before you get an ultrasound? I thought all doctors did them with the first appt. Will you have to go somewhere else? I know not all doctors have them in their office.
Hey ladies, I'm wondering if those of you that work in a corporate/gov work have told your employer that you're pregnant (or for someone like me still in my 1st month, when do you plan to tell them and how?) I started a new job today, and I am debating on when to tell them - 3 months into my work (Nov 29th) when my probation period is over or beginning of second trimester (Oct 17th) when I will probably start showing? All feedback welcome :)
LADIES --- Went for my 1st appointment today, She said my uterus is matching up perfectly, and I got blood work, She said the results will be back tomorrow afternoon and if everything looks good, I go back 9/21 for 12 week appointment. She said if the numbers are a little off they will order an ultrasound. THEN--- She said at the 12 week appointment, if they can hear the heartbeat with the office thing, then they'll schedule me in a month from then. If they CANT HEAR the heartbeat then I'll go for an ultrasound... ummmm WHAT??!!?? With my last pregnancy that ended in miscarriage I went for an ultrasound at 6 weeks, then again at 12 weeks. WTF??? Why this time do I have to wait until 16 or more weeks? Is that normal?
I have 2 theories on this --- Everything looked so good today that there's no need to do one. ---Or are they thinking "Looks like another miscarriage why even bother doing an ultrasound." I think I'm even more paranoid than before I went!! I guess I'll know more after I call in for levels from the blood work tomorrow afternoon.

As far as telling work... I am going to hold off as long as possible. I'm pushing to Thanksgiving or as long as I can hide it under my clothes. But again, I'm not sick or anything but if I were puking and running late every morning, I might tell them. But my suggestion is to wait until after your probation period. It's very sad but it appears they hate us pregnant women in the corporate world :(
I'm also still in a probationary period at work which will end on Nov 1st. My second tri starts Oct 3rd and I've decided unless someone just comes out and asks me I'm not saying anything until the probationary period is over. If they offer me a full time position I'll talk about it because Maternity Leave will be very important to whether or not I accept. If they ask me to stay as a contractor that's fine as well because then I'll have them end the contract on March 31st (a week before I'm due).

My first loyalty will be to my family and if that means keeping my baby a secret to get as much work as possible then that's what I'll do. It's hard being in the corporate world and being pregnant. Legally you don't have to tell anyone until your 25th week I believe.
Obviously if I were not new and at a company where I've been for a while and had friends I'd tell when I told all my family and friends but since I don't really know anyone here I'm ok with waiting.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Pitt I don't think they are thinking well since she's miscarrying we'll wait. The first time i got pregnant I got an ultrasound at 5w4d. Like it was normal. That one ended at 8w1d. This time I'm not being seen for an ultrasound till 9w4d. I had blood work early on but that's it. I was a little surprised she didnt' want to see me early especially after the mc and ectopic but I actually didn't want to go in earlier cause I had this weird idea that i didn't want anything going up there till the baby had time to get settled :)

I think it's a mindset of everything looks good. Does your doctor have an ultrasound machine in the office? If so you could always just request a scan. I'd check with your insurance first as well to see how many scans they cover during pregnancy. One time i had insurance that covered as many scans as my doctor wanted to do and then i had insurance that only said scans at 12/20/32/36 and 40 or something like that.

Try not to worry. I know easier said than done but we're all waiting together :)
And before I even went, I told myself that I would refuse an ultrasound this early because I didn't want to see soemthing and be exicted (like last time) to have it all fall apart a few weeks later. So it's not even that I WANT the ultrasound.. I just thought it was strange. It's the same doctor, same insurance, and like you.... I figured I would be monitored EVEN MORE CLOSELY this time since the miscarriage. They do not have the machines at the office, I always had to go to their ultrasound office or the hosiptal that they're affiliated with. Everything is just such waiting game!! I can't stand it!!! (Again, why can't we hibernate like bears lol)
My co-worker came to work last year and told us all she was 5 months pregnant. No one had any idea!! She's a little bigger,, not real fat but a little thick. So maybe that's why we didn't notice. But after she did that I thought to myself ... "She's a smart girl! Waiting all this time to tell everyone!" So then I decided I'd wait as long as I possibly could. Plus sometimes my boss is an ass,, I could see him Piling more work on me the next few months to try to get back at me for taking maternity leave. That's so sad we have to talk like this but this is the real world.. talk it or leave it I guess!!!
i can't lie i was the same way. when i first called to tell my dr i got a bfp i told myself i don't care what she says I'm not doing an u/s this early. I'll do blood work but thats it. And then when she didn't even mention an ultrasound till at the earliest of 8 weeks I was a bit hurt...like wow I guess you don't care about my baby. I know it's irrational but it's what i thought. And of course my mother said well but you don't want it why be mad at her for agreeing with you. So I've just convinced myself she did suggest it and I turned her down. Yes I'm a bit psycho but it makes me feel better :)

As a fulltime employee i think the decision to tell should be based on how you feel about your coworkers. My last corporate job in ct i would have told everyone immediately. I know I would have gotten full support from everyone including my boss no questions asked. This job even if i was offered a job with no probationary period i would wait simply cause i don't know these people that well.

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