April BD's BRING May BFPs!!

Boy I started a rant! lol I completely agree with all of you! One of my friends has 5 kids (none of them planned lol). She is a teacher's assistant and her husband works at a pizza place, they rent their house, they have one good car and one that is a piece of s***. Their kids have food, clothes, toys, etc. If they can do it with small funds, then why can't DW and I? We both have full-time salaried jobs with benefits, a 4 bedroom house (not big at all, but enough), working vehicles...what more do we need?! Of all people I couldn't believe my brother made that comment. My parents got married when my mom was 17 and dad was 20 bc she got pregnant with me. They always had work, but often moved to new jobs. There were 3 kids and we were by no means rich or even middle class. We still had clothes, food, toys, and even got to participate in a few extra curricular things lol I think we'll be just fine! It is not at all about materialistic things. I loved having siblings and I want our kids to have that too.

On a side note...our donor and his wife are done have kids (they have 2 now, she's one that thinks I'm crazy for wanting 4...she also has a thing about our world being over-populated and adopting after 2). She wants him to get a vasectomy, but obviously he is our donor so we need the goods. She has now put a limit on it of 5 years...Did I mention we want 4 kids?! lol So, either we have to plan them back to back and get preggo right away each time or freeze some goods when the time comes. I don't know how much that even costs. However, I've always thought about adopting so maybe we could just have 2 or 3 naturally and then adopt 1 or 2.
My reading from Suzy Rayne came back:

"Many thanks for purchasing your personal conception prediction. Based on the information you have provided, I am happy to provide you with your personal prediction below;

Your reading reveals that your conception news will come in the month of June 2013 from a cycle that starts in May. The baby shows as a boy and the expected birth date is in the month of February 2014 with attention being paid to the date of the 21st. I can also see another child in your future, a girl, born in late 2017/early 2018.

I wish you and your family every happiness for the future.


Interesting! Very interesting!
Sonia- Yaaay for AF finally showing and your body getting back on track! One step closer to TTC again!!

Laurie- A LITTLE PEACH!!! Awwwww. My mom calls me Peachy. Lol. Your little babe is growing oh so fast!! They'll be here before we know it!!!

Julie- 5 year!?! That puts a little strain on your TTC with wanting so many kids (assuming you want them all from the same donor which is what it sounds like). I hope you start seeing BFPs soon!! Lol!

waves- Woohoo!! Close to getting the implanon taken out, so exciting!!!

Amanda- Can you post the link?? I want to do it too now!!! I guess we will be finding out in a few short months if yours is true!!! Woohooo! I've always wondered though.. has anyone ever gotten a reading that says they will not be able to conceive? You'd think it might come up- but i've never seen one.

AFM, CD 3 here. WOOHOO! The first part of the cycle is sooo BORING lol. I want 5 children. All of my family knows, and if they have anything negative to say about it they know not to say it to me because I will go off on them... lol. I love children. I wasn't the little girl who dreamt about her wedding- I was the little girl who dreamt about babies. Seriously lol. When I was 8 me and my best friend used to play imaginary games of "What if we found a baby in the dumpster and we could take it home and raise it." :haha: Little kid minds. So funny. I can't imagine NOT having a huge family. We both have the most supportive families in the world, we are SO lucky and I know that no matter what we will have their support. I do want to adopt a child, maybe two (I always feel like if I adopted one and had 4 biological children he/she would feel left out? Not sure...) But all I know is that I want a big, happy family and even though we may not be the richest or the most well off, I know we will give those babies all of the love in the world and I would sacrifice anything to give my children what they need.
Okay Amanda I found the website and just ordered mine. Excited to see what she says lol, hopefully she's right for both of us!!
Totally agree Lydia, I have a friend who is the most materialistic person I know, she has 1 dd and pregnant with #2, her dd was at her ex's for the week as they co-care, she has now swanned off to st Lycia this week, so has dumped dd at her mum and dads. She has everything going (material wise), she even paid extra for her brand new car to be de-badged!!!! (Never heard of this before!!)

Myself and DH barely have a spare penny as my wage halves when pregnant and do you know what I couldn't care less, as long as dd is happy and has everything she needs, I'm happy!! I'm not blowing my own trumpet but the difference between our 2 daughters is amazing.....kids don't need possessions they need their mummy and daddy to love them! We have spent all day in the garden and its been lovely.

We know somebody like this to and we also have the same sentiment as you! Our little boy knows he is loved and a week camping watching him grow and enjoy time with his Daddy means more to me then a suntan!!!
Okay Amanda I found the website, just wondering when you emailed her what did you put in the subject line?? Lol

In a way, its a huge relief that the psychic said its goin to happen sooner or later (and the second on the same time line that I had in mind...) but im also nervous that its going to be wrong and I wont ever get my :bfp: lame, but thats where my mind immediately went. Like, this was false hope. Although, we can only wait and seee! June, hurry up! :)

I hate the first and last part of the cycle, but I feel like the first two weeks go by quicker than the last two?

I think I put baby reading in the subject line, and once you pay, it will ask you to send her an email with your name, your oh's name, your dob's and the first day of your last cycle.
I grew up in a middle class household with both of my parents working. We had everything we needed, and we were happy. We grew up with supportive parents who were there to support us emotionally and physically just as much as they were able to provide for us. A child doesn't needs love more than anything else.

Both OH and I work, and we live comfortably. We don't have anything fancy but we make ends meet easily. When we decided to try to have a baby, the deciding factors were more focused on whether we could raise a child to be a successful, stable human being way more than the amount of money we had. I find it really sad that society isn't always able to see this!

On another note, I just discovered that I have no HPT's. Not even IC's. Tempted to wait until Af arrives/ AF is late to get some. I'm sure I will go nutty before then and buy some..but I'm tempted :)
Hi ladies! I had a fun weekend! It was nice to get away for a couple days. Hee hee DH and I shared a hotel room with 2 of our guy friends...well last night in the middle of the night DH woke up frisky so we went to the car...we felt like 2 kids, it was fun. I highly recommend car sex every once in awhile lol. I tested today, bfn. But I'm only 8 dpo. I'm having a lot of cramping but pretty much in one location.

Amanda your reading is awesome. I don't have the guts to do it. I'm afraid Ill find out it won't happen for years or not at all.

Cassidy when does yours come back?
I'm glad you ladies can see my point lol! I had a girl stalking me at one point, and we lived at my in-laws for a period of 2 years whilst we built our house, she sent me a message saying I should learn to stand on my own 2 feet before having more kids and when I did fall pregnant with my 3rd, she sent me a message saying I should keep my legs shut and stop pumping out kids!!! She is now pregnant with her 3rd herself.. hypocrite! Gotta love how it works though, her partner earns quie large money, so it's alright for her to reproduce at any given rate but anybody earning less then her doesn't have that right??

Sorry ranting again lol.
We make do, and hubby and I are always onto the kids about being appreciative for what they've got. My husband's cousin is an only child and she is extremely spoilt, not just with material items but her mum doesn't give her any boundaries, you can't say no to her she has the biggest spat. Hubby and I don't like the kids seeing her too often because she tells my kids they're not allowed to play with certain toys and snatches things off them. She's 2 years older then my eldest...

Julie - You better get crackin on those babies then! lol! If I had things my way I would have had 4 children back to back. My 1st and 2nd bubs are 16 months apart, 1st was 7 months old when i fell pregnant, then i fell pregnant when my 2nd was 10 months but lost the bub and then it took another year to fall with my 3rd so that delayed things alot. My sonis 13 months and still not preggars yet lol. Good on you though, adopting would be lovely too, unfortunately it's extremely hard to adopt here in Australia :( I'd love to do foster care though!!

Amanda - Interesting that you got told that, hope it comes true for you!!!

Me - So for some odd reason I got my dates mixed up, AF isn't due till Friday so i'm 2 days ahead of myself. So won't test till Thursday.
Rachel- Sounds like fun! Putting the sneakiness back into it like when you're younger makes things more exciting!!

From what i've read on the readings reviews people have gotten theirs back anywhere from a few hours later to 3 days later. So hopefully soon!! I'm excited to see what she says but obviously I won't believe 100% unless it happens and will continue to try and prove her wrong if she says it's gonna take a while!! But I was reading reviews on BnB and am a bit impressed, hopefully she's right for me!
How fun is that reading. I am kind of carious what mine will say, seeing that we have fertility issues. I wonder if she would say if it will be natural or assisted.

I have a feeling the end of this month will be stressful for me and DH because we have a big decision to make with the idea of IUI for next cycle. DH will get another SA during our TWW (way end of the month). For those of you who don't know my DH SA came back about 1.5 months ago with 0% Morphology. We were told we have MAYBE a 2% chance of naturally conceiving. They put DH on 15 vitamins and asked him to stay on them for 2 months. At that point they will do 3 tries of IUI ($1000/each) and then 3 chances with IVF ($20,000/each) which would be our only options after that. Well a little about my personality, I have issues spending money. Its a problem I have. I have to talk myself into getting my nails done once in a while, buying clothing, anything that isn't a necessity I have to convince myself to buy. More like when its something to treat myself, I can't do it. Also going to the doc and spending money is hard for me. When I made my first fertility apt I canceled it 24 hours before because I couldn't get myself to want to spend the money. DH had to talk me into going and not thinking about the money. Ill be honest, DH and I have wonderful jobs for our age, we aren't doing bad. Its just a mind set I have. DH wants a kid so bad that money isn't a question, well get a loan if needed for IVF. So this will be a big convo once we are at the point where we have to decide what to do. So ladies, I might need some coaching and someone to put me in my place.
I, too, will attest to spicing things up a bit! OH and I will occasionally stop somewhere on the way home from dinner or similar and have a quickie in the car. I always get the giggles after, but its fun. Keeps things interesting!

I have started to get gentle cramping and my boobs are still killing me! Crossing my fingers, if not, Suzy Rayne thinks that it is going to happen in the next few cycles, so I am optimistic :)

Cassidy-- You will have to share yours! I got mine back in 3 days exactly.
Hi ladies! can i join? We have our mid cycle ultrasound tomorrow morning. Hoping for plenty of eggs. Since we had 11 last month we lowered the dose back down so not sure how many I will have now. Then we get our first IUI Tuesday morning. We've done plenty of baby dancing and still going. I feel lucky this month. Dh's birthday is April 9th and mines April 19th. Maybe a double birthday present! Good luck those those ladies in the 2ww! Congratulations to the bfp's and prayers sent for those whom got AF.
Saw this and thought you all might enjoy it. Especially applies to those who are dealing with stupid people in their lives :)


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dannixo- Welcome!! FX for you this cycle!! Hope you see a beautiful BFP soon!!
Danni - welcome! My birthday is April 20! I hope you get your bfp for your bday!!

Amanda that is awesome! I wouldn't mind spicing it up more often. Lol last night my head hid the light and lit up the whole car. Hopefully no one saw haha
Thank you ladies! Ttcawee1 I hope you get a bfp birthday present too!
Welcome, Dannixo! I am Amanda (we have two on this thread, so you can call me Robert, too :) )

I am ttc baby #1 after a miscarriage in October!

I hope you get your BFP soon!!!
Danni - welcome! My birthday is April 20! I hope you get your bfp for your bday!!

Amanda that is awesome! I wouldn't mind spicing it up more often. Lol last night my head hid the light and lit up the whole car. Hopefully no one saw haha

HA Ha! We have to keep it interesting :)
waves- Woohoo!! Close to getting the implanon taken out, so exciting!!!

I can't imagine NOT having a huge family.

I know!!! It's definitely exciting. I have no idea what to expect haha.

It's funny because I never wanted kids. I had my oldest when I was 19 and thought that was going to be it but then I met my fiance and decided I wanted another... and now we've agreed we want as many as we can have. We haven't really set a limit on it. I said I would go as far as "19 Kids & Counting" but I doubt it'll get that crazy haha.

On another note, I just discovered that I have no HPT's. Not even IC's. Tempted to wait until Af arrives/ AF is late to get some. I'm sure I will go nutty before then and buy some..but I'm tempted :)

I have no HPTs either. I don't know when I should buy any or when I should bother testing after having the Implanon removed. I imagine 2 weeks? But what if that's too early? Then I'll just get let down with a BFN.

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