April Blossoms Due 2017 - all welcome!

Sounds daft but I'm more than happy to feel sick!! It may go anyway. My bbs hurt but only like bad pms. And yeah lots of wierd twinges going on. I had IB last time which have me af style cramps for a few days. It scared me. Hope I don't have it again. So far my twinges are not af style at all. Oh yes and the bloat!! :haha: Had that for a few days now!

We haven't told anyone. Ideally we'd wait till after 12 weeks but I'm going to tell my bro and sil. She had a mc in May and we've booked a night away at a spa to treat ourselves. I'll be 7 weeks then. She'll know by all the stuff I'm not doing - drinking, hot tub, sauna etc so there's no point in lying. Are you planning on telling anyone soon?
There are a few people I'll tell early but will wait until 12wks where possible. I'm due to do a mud run on 20th August so will need to get out of that! Mine and DH parents we'll tell too as I normally drink wine at meals when we go out/round for tea and I won't be able to now! Will try and hold off as long as possible tho. I think I was about 8/9wks when I told them last time.
We don't live near our families so it's not too bad but you've just reminded me, my mum is coming up to stay with us for a couple of days for my birthday. I'll be 9 weeks then. Hopefully we'll have had the private scan by then, so whatever the outcome of that I suppose we'll probably have to tell her then. I think if I hadn't had a mc they wouldn't know we were ttc so I could totally blag it but there's no way we'll get away with it this time!

oh wow a mud run! Double booked maybe? or pull a sickie? That might not be far from the truth!
I will tell a few friends and family before the 12 week mark. I should be getting an early scan around 6 -7 weeks so if all goes well there I think we will tell parents etc.

Amaway at the moment with awful signal. Can't wait to leave tomorrow to get signal do I can phone the fertility nurse and hopefully get a date for early scan. Yey :)
How early can you book a scan now? I'm in uk and 12wks is the usual. Because I found out so early, I'll be worrying now for at least 2 months!

I'll contact my doc next week and get an appointment mid August I suppose.
Mexx - that's great that you'll be getting an early scan.

ceri - I'll have to pay for mine. Most private clinics do them around 7/8 weeks. Think you only get an early one through the NHS if you are high risk.
As its taken us over 4.5 years to conceive and it was the 4th round of IVF that finally caught we will get an early scan referred by fertility nurse at local hospital.

Private places like Baby Scan will do scans from around 7weeks I believe.

Is anyone else finding it hard to believe? I'm excited and thinking lots about this baby and what needs to be done before they arrive but still hard to believe. Maybe because I've wanted it for so long and it's been such a struggle. I'm sure once I've had a scan picture and seen the heartbeat it will begin to feel real and I can be properly excited :)
Yep, exactly that mexx. I think most of it is I don't dare let myself think too far ahead. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted. I was terrified I'd never see those two pink lines again. But it doesn't feel like last time. I was bouncing off the walls, planning a nursery, buying baby clothes right from day 1!!! I think it'll be a long time before I can let myself believe it and visualise actually having a baby. Probably after the 12 week scan it'll start to feel real.
Yeah, I'm the same! I kinda don't want to put too much on it at the moment in case something happens but I want to get excited! This is a hard part! I might look in to an early scan then.
I've told my mom and sister, and a few people at my job because I'm required to (military), and I also just can't keep my mouth shut.... like for example, yesterday I was supposed to be doing a marching gig in the 90 degree heat in a very heavy uniform, and I got out of it because that's just absurd... so a few of my friends totally guessed!! I'm really bad at keeping my pregnancies a secret. And, I didn't tell my mom until the miscarriage at 8 weeks last time, and I felt bad about it. However, it's kind of difficult when everyone is super excited for you and all you're thinking is "yeah, but hopefully nothing goes wrong..."

I'm pretty sure I'll get a scan around 8 weeks or so. Since my hospital won't do VBACs, I get to be referred out to another (better) hospital once the pregnancy is confirmed!! I'm sooooo excited about that. But they say they need to confirm it with ultrasound first. *patience*
Oh and by the way I went to my chiropractor yesterday and plan to keep going for the whole pregnancy! Does anyone else do chiropractic care during pregnancy? I didn't do it last time, and I regretted it. I was miserable. My goals this pregnancy are to eat well and try to do SOME form of exercise (even though I hate it) as often as I can, to keep up chiropractic care, and to do meditation daily. I'm also drinking magnesium supplement to try to help with anxiety because pregnancy turns me into a monster!
Megan - I don't have chiropractic care but I was wondering about exercise. Before my MMC I didn't really do anything because I felt so ill. But I joined the gym 3 weeks ago! I'm thinking I'd like to carry on but take it easy. Nothing strenuous. I'm nervous though. I might wait a week or so before I go back. I also have some preggo workout DVDs so I could do those too.
I've not done any exercise properly for a few months as I injured my foot after running London marathon in April. I was going to start back up again in August!

Anyone having strong cramps? I'm having period like cramps on and off and they are quite strong. AF would be due tmro. 😁
I did chiropractic care through my entire last pregnancy. It saved my life lol!
I will admit that I live a pretty sedentary life. Which is why I'm overweight.

However, I want to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery and exercise is a huge part of that. Last year I bought some Leslie Sansone dvds and I am gonna break them back out.

I figure if it's specifically geared toward overweight people and old ladies, it has to be safe for pregnant people, right? What do you guys think?

I have one thing in my favor: my usual sweet tooth completely disappeared pretty much right after I conceived and eating sweets sounds unappealing. Hopefully that will help me to make better choices.

I used to go to the chiropractor but haven't in years. Would you recommend starting back up?
Pretty strong AF type cramps on and off here too hun. Scares the life out of me as im coming up to 5 weeks. Last MC carried to 5+5 so would love to see 6w! I dont seem to be able to enjoy this pregnancy atm through being so scared.

Found this but I dont know if im just making myself worse!

I will admit that I live a pretty sedentary life. Which is why I'm overweight.

However, I want to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery and exercise is a huge part of that. Last year I bought some Leslie Sansone dvds and I am gonna break them back out.

I figure if it's specifically geared toward overweight people and old ladies, it has to be safe for pregnant people, right? What do you guys think?

I have one thing in my favor: my usual sweet tooth completely disappeared pretty much right after I conceived and eating sweets sounds unappealing. Hopefully that will help me to make better choices.

I used to go to the chiropractor but haven't in years. Would you recommend starting back up?

Ask your Dr but exercise like that sounds fine. I know I am not supposed to right now because of bleeding but I ran through one of my pregnancies and everything was fine. Even walking is a great exercise. I think as long as you don't over due it especially more than you already were before getting pregnant. Also, my Dr said try and keep heart rate 160ish and under.
I will admit that I live a pretty sedentary life. Which is why I'm overweight.

However, I want to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery and exercise is a huge part of that. Last year I bought some Leslie Sansone dvds and I am gonna break them back out.

I figure if it's specifically geared toward overweight people and old ladies, it has to be safe for pregnant people, right? What do you guys think?

I have one thing in my favor: my usual sweet tooth completely disappeared pretty much right after I conceived and eating sweets sounds unappealing. Hopefully that will help me to make better choices.

I used to go to the chiropractor but haven't in years. Would you recommend starting back up?

Ask your Dr but exercise like that sounds fine. I know I am not supposed to right now because of bleeding but I ran through one of my pregnancies and everything was fine. Even walking is a great exercise. I think as long as you don't over due it especially more than you already were before getting pregnant. Also, my Dr said try and keep heart rate 160ish and under.

Thanks for the suggestions! I hope you're able to do more activity soon.

The exercise dvds I have are walking based (walking at different paces with Steps and knew what highs and such). I will take it super easy and then talk to my doctor when I see her soon. Definitely don't want to overdo it.
Pretty strong AF type cramps on and off here too hun. Scares the life out of me as im coming up to 5 weeks. Last MC carried to 5+5 so would love to see 6w! I dont seem to be able to enjoy this pregnancy atm through being so scared.

Found this but I dont know if im just making myself worse!


I have cramping on and off as well. I have no other pregnancies to compare to, though. From what I understand it is normal at this stage though, so try and stay calm. (I'm sure harder said than done.) You're pregnant right now. Just focus on that.

I had a lot more cramping last week. The past two or three days I'll notice one or two strong cramps one or two times a day. Other than that it just feels like sore muscles like after a work out where my uterus is.
Jmx - that's how mine feels! Feel full like I need a wee but don't need a wee then sore like I've done an hour abs class! I don't remember this last time but it was over 6 years ago!

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