**April Bunnies 2015**

I love Fridays! It's when my ticker moves up! Yay for 9 weeks :-D
Yay 9 weeks! It's such an accomplishment every time the ticker switches.
Happy Friday all :)

I been thinking a lot recently and I am worried! This baby was planned and much much wanted but since my preggo symptoms kicked in I have been feeling really demotivated about everything in life and just want to curl up in a ball and forget life for a while.
That sounds really depressing I know but I am hoping it's just part of my symptoms and once they fade I hope I will feel better. I am also reading a lot on here about having two little ones close in age and the thing it has left with is nothing positive and that I will experience hell so I am kinda preparing for hell. I hope it's not true and it won't be that bad! I just feel quite down and regretful and I don't know why.
Happy Friday! My ticker moves up on Fridays as well, bubs is a raspberry!

Scottish I think it's normal to feel like that. I just want to hibernate until I feel better. It was easier when I was PG with LO because I could just go into a little world of my own and just power through at work and everyone probably just thought I was grumpy. It's so hard having to be 'on' for LO all the time when I don't really want to chat and sing and play.
Scottish my son was only 4 months when I got pregnant with my daughter. They are
Great together! They are just like twins. I will never regret it!
I know how you feel tho. I have no motivation at all. My house is disgusting I have can't be bothered doing anything at all. X
Scottish- my sister and I had the same due date one year apart. We had our fights, like all siblings will, but I really think we were really close because of it.

I've been so cautious, what with ttc'ing for 2 1/2 years and with this SCH, that I'm not doing a ticker until I'm sure things are clearing up. But, just out of curiosity, do you go by LMP or by how you're measuring? Not that it's very different for me- LMP puts me at 10 weeks exactly, measurement puts me at 10 +2...
Xanzaba, I think it's personal preference. I went with the number that was lower so it would be like, I'm at least this far. But others like to feel as far along as possible!

Scottish, don't feel bad, everything will be okay. I have been feeling pretty negative some of the time too, like... I felt like I had a handle on my life for the first time in ages and now I've thrown it all away! But it's just the hormones talking. We will feel better, and able to live productively again!, here soon!:hugs:

Maggz, cute bump! Mine is just bloat & snacks but it's a bump to me! I love seeing how different we all are. :flower:

Northern, thank you so much for your nice comment about my bfing. I need that encouragement to remind me to try again even though I'm scared. :hugs:

YAY for Friday! :happydance: I will be 9 weeks tomorrow... Wow! Finally! I will call today to make my 12-week appt, and once we hear the heartbeat there (and see it, I think they do another u/s with the first tri screening), we will tell DD and DH's family, then stop hiding it. I am NOT looking forward to telling my work, though. :nope:

Girls night tonight w/ two super close friends who both had babies this spring. Super excited to tell them! Less excited that I can't celebrate over a few beers! :haha: On the plus side, there will be cheese dip. :thumbup:

I love you girls. This forum is a lifesaver for me. Thank you!! :hugs:
I'm so sorry Citymouse huge hugs a rainbow baby will be on their way soon I am sure xxx
kristy- yay for 9 weeks!! my ticker changes on Wednesdays whereas with my dd it was thursdays :)

scottish- I think it's normal to want to curl up it's definitely a symptom. I felt that way last time too as well as this time. not as nauseous right now but so tired! I can't believe I used to work out almost daily!! I am also scared of 2 under 2 but it'll be fine, it has to be! I want to enjoy the days where dd can get all the attention as I'm sure the changes will be hard on her as well.

xanzaba- I was really cautious last time as well due to the sch and as a result didn't do a ticker early. but both tickers I went with lmp,

Tara- I hope you enjoy your girls night, it sounds really exciting!

the forum has been a life saver for me too. I miss the ladies I were pregnant with last time and keep searching for them on the forums. wish I had a Facebook account just to keep in touch!
Maggz- I'd say that is a bump! Very cute

TaraCathryn- I forgot to comment, but you have a cute bump too! Have a fun night tonight!

Button- I feel just like you! I don't have very much energy for my son right now. He's been really into puzzles the past couple of days, and I've been appreciating that because it keeps things quiet and calm! He also likes to read which helps keep him self-entertained. But a lot of the times he wants me to pretend to be a pirate or Iron Man, and I don't have the energy for that. Right now, he's doing an alphabet puzzle and trying to learn his alphabet. I'll take it!

Scottish- :hugs: I don't think you should worry about having 2 so close in age. If it makes you feel any better. I worry about having 2 almost 4 years apart. Sometimes, i worry they won't feel close at all. There are all kinds of worries and concerns. But I think the age difference matters very little in the end. My sister and I are 18 months apart, and my mom said it wasn't hard for her at all. She was glad she had kids close in age.

Xanzaba- If I was measuring just 2 days from my LMP, I'd just go by my LMP.

Kirsty- Happy 9 weeks today! Button- Happy 8 weeks!

This pregnancy I am definitely having very specific food cravings and aversions! I couldn't handle any meat yesterday. It just tasted disgusting to me, and I didn't want to eat it. I forced myself to eat some because my husband had cooked and I didn't want him to feel like it wasn't good (because it was really me and not the food). I'm also craving mixtures of things. I had a honey-flavored greek yogurt last night with honey roasted peanuts in it after craving it all day. And it was great! I've also been craving lots of spicy food this pregnancy. I am constantly wanting Mexican food. I eat chips and salsa almost every day. We are now buying it in bulk. I started to get a craving for a mixture of guacamole with my salsa for my chips. So, I bought guacamole. And so far, I haven't craved it since I bought it! I'm hoping I'll want it soon because I don't want to buy food that will go to waste.
Also, I felt baby for sure last night! :happydance: I was lying down about to go to sleep. This is usually when I've been feeling what I thought were flutters. It's usually very fleeting. My assumption is that I feel it because I'm still and things are quiet and maybe baby is active at night. But last night it tickled! I ended up laughing out loud from it. My husband was asleep, so I just enjoyed the moment by myself. Such a nice thing to feel especially since I don't have a doppler.
Wow, that was long! Sorry for taking up so much space!
Happy Friday all :)

I been thinking a lot recently and I am worried! This baby was planned and much much wanted but since my preggo symptoms kicked in I have been feeling really demotivated about everything in life and just want to curl up in a ball and forget life for a while.
That sounds really depressing I know but I am hoping it's just part of my symptoms and once they fade I hope I will feel better. I am also reading a lot on here about having two little ones close in age and the thing it has left with is nothing positive and that I will experience hell so I am kinda preparing for hell. I hope it's not true and it won't be that bad! I just feel quite down and regretful and I don't know why.

I feel like this too! Just wanna hibernate, like seriously... Normally I'm the stable chill one and my DH is the worrier and stresser, we've completely switched roles! Booo

Maggz- I'd say that is a bump! Very cute

This pregnancy I am definitely having very specific food cravings and aversions! I couldn't handle any meat yesterday. It just tasted disgusting to me, and I didn't want to eat it. I forced myself to eat some because my husband had cooked and I didn't want him to feel like it wasn't good (because it was really me and not the food). I'm also craving mixtures of things. I had a honey-flavored greek yogurt last night with honey roasted peanuts in it after craving it all day. And it was great! I've also been craving lots of spicy food this pregnancy. I am constantly wanting Mexican food. I eat chips and salsa almost every day. We are now buying it in bulk. I started to get a craving for a mixture of guacamole with my salsa for my chips. So, I bought guacamole. And so far, I haven't craved it since I bought it! I'm hoping I'll want it soon because I don't want to buy food that will go to waste.
Also, I felt baby for sure last night! :happy dance: I was lying down about to go to sleep. This is usually when I've been feeling what I thought were flutters. It's usually very fleeting. My assumption is that I feel it because I'm still and things are quiet and maybe baby is active at night. But last night it tickled! I ended up laughing out loud from it. My husband was asleep, so I just enjoyed the moment by myself. Such a nice thing to feel especially since I don't have a doppler.
Wow, that was long! Sorry for taking up so much space!


Same thing here about buying food... I bought salsa and queso the other day cause I was craving it, and I haven't wanted the queso once! So annoying. And the same thing happened with my his an he cooked the other day and I literally forcefed myself so I wouldn't offend him :) haha.
That sounds precious! Can't wait to start feeling something :)
Aw that's really exciting Rebecca. Can't wait to start feeling bubs move.

My LO wants me to throw cushions at him all the time, luckily he's sat reading his books at the moment.
How cool Rebecca that you have felt your baby! From all that I've read I'll probably have to wait about two more months to feel something as a first time mom. For you girls who are not first time moms, when did you first feel the baby with your first pregnancy?
Rebecca, I loved your long post! Most of mine are novels, I really hope it doesn't bother you guys!! Yay for feeling bean move! :)

I'm wearing a bella band with my skinny jeans wiiiiiide open. I know it's not classy, but it feels sooo good! :D

Your food talk made me hungry!:munch:
Thanks all for being understanding about how I feel just now. I know it won't last for long and I will feel good again. I guess when you feel so crappy it feels like you will never feel normal again.

As for small age gap I know it will be hard at first before routines are established and sleep gets better (hopefully) but in the long run I know that it's going to be so worth it.

Rebecca that's amazing you felt baby. I tried my Doppler last night for first time but never found hb :( I was 14 weeks when I found it last time so I know it's early for me just now.

The cravings are weird I to could crave something then when I buy it and take home I don't feel like it too much. Today I fancy nothing to eat everything is bleugh today lol

Tove- To answer your question, I had to go to my journal from my first pregnancy. But I documented that I felt baby kick at 16 weeks. I never felt flutters with my son, but I had an anterior placenta. And he was further toward the back of my uterus. In fact, as he got larger, I felt more kicks in my back.
This time, I am fairly certain I do not have an anterior placenta and I think the baby is at the very front of my uterus, which is why I am feeling so much. I asked my midwife where the baby was and she just looked at me confused. And she said "It's intrauterine." So, I just dropped it at that.
Hope I'm not too late to join!

I'm counting, and I'm expecting baby #2 April 5th! I have a 14 month old son born July 5, 2013 who is the absolute light of my life, and now expecting baby #2, so excited, but also very, very surprised!

I'd been breastfeeding, was waiting on a specialist appointment to investigate some possible uterine polyps(As I'd been bleeding for several months, though I did not get my period back) and going through a very busy time with home life(Including getting married July 12th!), and we had not been TTC. This little babe had different plans though. On August 28th, I took a pregnancy test because I felt a little off(Nauseous a bit, but thought it was stress), and had acne for the first time since I was pregnant with my son. As soon as I took it, it came back instantly, DARK positive.

I thought I was only 4.5, maybe 5 weeks pregnant, but wasn't sure. I had cramping (and was still bleeding, as I had been since my son was 11 months) on September 3rd, and went to the emergency room. They preformed an ultrasound. We did not see the tiny sac and mini beating heart- we saw a full little baby with arms and legs! One week later on the 10th Sept I was dated and I found out instead of what we originally thought, I was already 10.5 weeks pregnant! I had NO IDEA I was pregnant! We also found out I got pregnant on my wedding night:blush: What are the chances of that (First time I had O'ed since I got pregnant with my son!)

Unfortunately there are a few complications with my pregnancy, I am high risk for NTD as my husband's brother died at birth of spina bifida. As well there is a subchorionic hemorrhage behind baby's placenta, about 1cmX1cm. Trying not to worry, but it is so hard. I'm so in love with this tiny little surprise already. I have my first appointment with the specialists on The 19th (one week from today) and my 12 week ultrasound with the fetal assessment and treatment center to check on the bleed and look for signs of NTD's on Sept 23rd. It all seems to be happening so fast. This pregnancy has been SO different than with my son.

Sending out positive vibes for all the expectant mamas out there!!
Yay that's so exciting Rebecca! I can't wait to start feeling movement! Best feeling ever.

Welcome counting x
Haha Rebecca I can just imagine your midwife's face... like wtf do you mean where it is??? :rofl:

Welcome counting! Welcome to the worry club as well ;) I don't have any known family problems but I still worry all the time if everything's all right in there. Best thing for us is to TRY and relax about it as much as we can, positive thoughts :)
citymouse.. i am SO sorry for your loss. i think sometimes our bodies and hearts just know. before my MC in February my close family would say "I can't believe you are having a baby in October!!" and in my mind i would think, 'no I'm not.."

I hope you can take the time you need to heal and that you can find comfort and support. it is not an easy time..

just wanted to update you all. i talked to my dr yesterday regarding baby measuring 6 days behind. she said the fact that my HCG is doubling perfectly along with the strong heartbeat (and the horrible MS!) that all signs point to no issues. She has no problem with it at all and said it just isn't an exact science because it is based on averages. thanks for your kind words!

Happy Friday everyone!!!

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