**April Bunnies 2015**

Suzy, do you think she's jealous? I had a terrible time with one of my coworkers after I told her. I chalked it up to her being jealous (and a not very nice person, which I knew anyway!).
Rebecca, I've said it before but it still holds true. The last few days have been a total treat. Different experience all together! I still get nausea but as long as I take my diclectin on time I'm fine. Pretty sure this is the only medication I have never fully missed a dose of!
Suzy, I'm so sorry that happened! It amazes me how blindly inconsiderate some people can be. This is such a delicate time and for people to stomp all over it like that is just awful. :hugs:

Kirsty, is DH's cousin excited? Were they considering the possibility of twins? Is she a good person to have as a real-life bump buddy?

I was up a *little* late last night and I am wrecked today!! I took a 2-hour rest on the couch and am still barely functional. Man I hope this fatigue quits soon--before I do! :haha:
Northern I don't know if it's jealousy. She just seems to be doing her thing, she thinks she's funny too (with the fat comment) but I don't know if she even realizes how she is being with me. So inconsiderate certainly comes to mind! I won't be spending a lot of time with her that's for sure. Now I just want to be around people who don't make me feel bad about myself. If someone does not fit into that category, out! I'm SO done! In the end that's what's best for me and my baby.
Wow, Suzy, that's so crummy of her. Glad you're ready to put a bit of space between the two of you. Sounds like the best thing. Oh, and I am totally on board with the maternity clothes! I had ordered 3 pairs of jeans from Old Navy and got a great deal on them. They came, and they are sooo comfy. Two have small or low panels and one has side panels. I'm hooked and can totally understand you ladies who say you are still wearing them after having your first LO! Ha!

Unfortunately, woke up to more bleeding this morning. This pregnancy is really testing me mentally. I am not freaking out nearly as much as the first time it happened, of course. I have had 2 u/s directly after bleeding, and all was great with baby. My doctor said I do not need to contact them unless it is very heavy, menstrual type bleeding. Apparently once you have one bleeding spells, more usually follow. Hoping it clears up by the end of the first trimester at least. I do want to thank you ladies who told me about your bleeding (sorry to not mention you by name, cannot wade through all the pages of posts right now). Knowing that you dealt with the same thing and now have healthy LO's really makes me feel so much better. :hugs:

I am sorry to you ladies who are bickering with your SO's. That is such an unneeded stress. I think sometimes it's hard for men who don't really know how to express or deal with emotions as well as we women do (sorry, stereotype alert). This is such an emotionally heightened time. I had a little spat w/ DH in the car driving to lunch. I had said a few things that I thought were perfectly normal, expressing opinions and bringing up points about the things we were talking about. He got huffy and said, "That's fine because anything I say you are going to disagree with today." I tried to tell him that I didn't think I was being disagreeable, and he said, "Oh, looks like I'm wrong again." I just started crying...dealing with the stress of bleeding (even though I'm pretty sure everything's fine)...I just can't handle him not being supportive. He immediately realized he was being ridiculous and apologize, saying he felt attacked but he was wrong. He's been nice ever since then. It's just we are both very easygoing, considerate, respectful people, and hardly ever bicker at all. So it's a bit upsetting to me when we do. But I guess when it rains it pours.
Wow Suzy I'm sorry your "friend" turned out to be such a b*tch. That hurts so bad. And calling you fat is ridiculous. I hate when you think you look kinda good and people have to come rain on your parade :(

I'm thinking about getting a doppler, I think I'll get the sonoline b? Any thoughts?
I've been so worried and emotional lately I'm seriously having a meltdown. DH's cousin is leaving town tomorrow and we were supposed to go out with her and her friend (who is also my coworker). Then they decided to go party in a bigger city and stay there overnight without even asking our opinion and I just felt SO hurt and sad, like irrationally sad, cause I felt so rejected. And I was looking forward to going out and seeing people, we're kinda homebodies and I miss going out with friends.

Also my symptoms are dwindling and I am so terrified that I'm having a mmc that I don't even wanna talk about the pregnancy anymore cause I feel like I'll have to eat my words when I go to the next doctors appointment.

Ahh I'm a wreck and I really need to snap out of it, I'm driving DH crazy. He's very supportive and all but he can really only take so much when I start crying and worrying about everything in our lives.

/rant over
Maggz sorry you felt left out :(
:hugs: im sure baby is just fine :flower:
Aww maggz I'm sorry you are feeling lonely. And I totally get your fear of a mmc! Earlier this week I woke up and the only symptom I still had was sore breasts and even that was greatly diminished. That carried on for days! They are slowly coming back but not as bad as before. I am scared constantly. Even after my friend saw babies heartbeat on the ultrasound I'm still so worried. I really think it's totally normal at this stage as the placenta starts working and our bodies start to normalize a bit. We have to stay positive as best we can, but I feel you on not wanting to talk about it now! Huggs!!

In sooo tired. Never got a nap today was busy all day and I feel like I've been awake for two days. I hope that I don't have any crazy dreams that wake me up tonight.
Thanks girls, yup that's how I felt too Dini :/ I have the ebay page with the sonoline b open thinking about just getting it for my peace of mind.

Now go to sleep! :)
Maggz, :hugs: I'm sorry you're feeling down. I'm sure everything is totally fine, but I soo empathize with your worries. Like, I hardly have any ms despite having it awfully w/ dd. So I want to be excited and enjoy it, but I'm so terrified of getting to that 12-week appt and finding out something has gone wrong. It's normal to feel that way I think. Plus I'm sure it's so much harder having been through a loss. I can't imagine. But we're almost out of the woods! Soon the first trimester will be behind us, and we will all breathe big sighs of relief.:flower:

Until then, I'm glad we have each other.:hugs:

'Night, ladies. :sleep:
Scottish- dd is fine I think mom's reaction is what made it worse. but I completely understand it's hard to tell sometimes. but I personally feel uncomfortable when people carry dd close to a younger baby...I feel she may hold their hand or feet tight or something which may hurt. but it isn't really the same as keeping a toddler away at all.

Suzy that's so awful I'm appalled at your friend's behavior. not much of a friend now is she!! id so not want to associate with her anymore. is talking an option at all?

I'll read everyone & try to respond when I'm at my PC <3
Red blood again :-( and I was doing so well the last couple if weeks not having any bleeding! Argh :-(
Sarah and Kirsty :hugs2: :hugs2:

Maggz it is normal for symptoms to start changing and dwindling around 8/9 weeks. Xx
Suzy sorry you are feeling down :( what an awful friend to break trust like that. You obviously don't need her In Your life if she's unable to be a good friend and support you instead of going behind your back. Hope u feel better soon!
Sorry to hear bleeding started again for you Sarah and Kirsty, let's hope in second tri it stops for you both xx
I've also been quite emotional today. Dh and I had another fight. But we did end up talking and have hopefully cleared the air.

My boobs have been a bit sore. The left one has been burning? Anyone else experience this?

I'm so disappointed about maternity clothes. A friend had given me some great stuff last pregnancy and I then sent them on to a mutual friend when I was done. I messaged her and told her I'm pregnant again and asked if she could send the clothes back. She replied with sure I'll send what I'm not using. I was like huh? Turns out she's also pregnant again, due in Feb. She thought she'd emailed to tell me. So now I basically have to start again because all the stuff I actually wanted she'll be using.
Friday was a tough day- at work everyone was asking for help, even people that I'm not working directly with. Normally that would be fine, but I have big deadlines coming up that I need to be working on and with the pregnancy and SCH, it's like having 2 jobs already. DH has been having a work crisis (his crises often correspond to when I'm really busy) and he's been talking about it non-stop. We went out for dinner and half way through the conversation I just said "STOP! I can't take any more of being everyone's problem solver!" Well, of course he was hurt, and at the time I went cold and couldn't care that he was sad, but fortunately that didn't last long.

Everything got better from there. I think he realized I was at a tipping point. We picked up brownie mix and made it together and watched a cheesy romantic movie. I cried like I haven't cried in a long time. I told him I'm terrified of first trimester screening (I'm on the border of advanced maternal age)- which I'm doing over the course of the next 2 weeks. I took a 2 hour nap, and I never nap. I didn't work at all Saturday and we had friends over for dinner. Today I feel like a new woman. Total catharsis.
:hugs: Sarah and Kirsty :hugs:

Beanonorder & Xanzaba glad you got everything sorted out. Brownie mix and a cheesy movie sound like heaven right now O:)
I'm having serious episodes of feeling weak and shaking. I think it's blood sugar related. Once I drink juice I'm ok a few mins later. So weird.

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