**April Bunnies 2015**

Dealing with tantrums is a pain! Dd is too young to understand consequences too well but she is at least still at the age where she is easily distracted.
Speaking of dd - she slept the whole night! I really hope we are on the way to her getting back to her former great sleeping! Now if I could just get dh to stop grinding his bloody teeth I would get a great nights sleep!

I'm torn between a girl and a boy. Dh wants another girl. It would be easy cos we have a lot of girl clothes and sisters would be nice. But I don't want another daddy's girl! This would be my parents only grandson (this is their last grandchild) if we had a boy. And one of each might be nice. But I'm also nervous because boys come with extra bits!
I'm also torn. I really feel like this is a girl. We both do! OH says he's cool with a girl, and I'm sure he is, but I know deep down he wants a boy. He is so athletic and involved in so much and I know that he would love guiding a boy through sports and being there to watch. Not that girls can't be involved and I'm sure our kids are going to be hockey players no matter what. He already has DD cheering for his team and she very proudly announces that her and her dad's favourite baseball team is the Red Sox.
I am definitely hoping for another girl. I will of course be thrilled no matter what, but I have a sister and would love the same for DD, and I just have no idea what to do with boys. I know DH wants a boy, though.

Rebecca, you're a good mom. I wish I was as resourceful. I've gotten better, but I still every once in a while just get so exasperated that instead of teaching my daughter something I end up throwing a tantrum of my own. I'm not proud of it! I just keep working on it. Luckily this child will benefit from my experience at least!

My nose has been stuffy literally since conception! It's driving me crazy!! I've also had an increasingly sore throat for the last week or so. Ah, hormones are the best, aren't they?:dohh:

Told my work today. They said I can continue on my current 3-day schedule... Until they replace me. They already have the ad written up! :( I'm pretty sad about it, but DH is being truly supportive, and at lest this way I will have plenty of time to get ready for this baby. :)

DH & DD picked us out some fudge brownie ripple ice cream! Sugar cravings are definitely getting the best of me. But so far it's manageable with 1 or 2 treats a day... Not all day every day like with DD!
I feel so the opposite of everyone here! We both would really love another boy. We, of course, will be happy with a happy healthy baby of either sex! But we both lean more towards wanting a boy. J needs a little brother lol. The poor kid is constantly surrounded by women. Even our dogs are female! Plus I don't know what to do with a girl. She'll be homeschooled and can't date until she's married kind of thing. This generation scares me, and I'm terrified to have a girl :rofl:
Tara, I'm super congested and have a sore throat too but it just started and I'm sneezing like mad, feels like a cold, maybe coupled with hormones?! Either way it's annoying, how have you managed since conception?? I just known I won't sleep tonight, I can't breathe!

Eidson, I hope your son gets a brother!! I bet he would love one! If you do have a girl, at least she will have great role models!!
Eidson I totally agree with you about girls, terrifying to think of what is out there! I am already trying to instill self respect and honesty so hopefully she will be okay. But omg, I do wish I could lock her up from 10 to 20!
Hey Northern!! Can you change my EDD to April 30th?? Thanks! :baby:
Eidson- Your post had me cracking up about even your dogs being female! I can understand why you'd want a boy. Having 2 daughters, my dad was always talking about how he was surrounded by women and somehow even our pets were female. :)

Tara- Thanks for the compliment. Believe me, I have my times when I want to tantrum too. Or I just have to walk away because I don't have the energy or patience.

But my son did the most hilarious thing in the bath tonight! I don't even know where he picks up half of this stuff.
Mommy! Come here and look at my baby! (2 small toys in a cup)
It was born by the doctor, Mommy.
I went to the doctor because my tummy wasn't feeling good and he said, "You need to have a baby."
I had twins, Mommy. I had twins.

Northern- Did your sickness come back at week 12? I have definitely had nausea today, and it feels like it is coming back.
Hey Northern!! Can you change my EDD to April 30th?? Thanks! :baby:

Updated for you and Eidson!

Rebecca that is so cute!!!

I am having a super emotional night tonight. My DD came home with a story of some kid being a little brat to her today. I switched her from private school where the filthy rich parents sucked but the kids were all alright, to public school and I am big time questioning my decision. She is in a neighbourhood school. My issue is that where I live, you don't usually stray far into other suburbs etc if you stay around. So the kids she is going to school with are the kids of people I went to school with. It just so happens that this snotty little kid has a snotty mother who I couldn't stand as a child/teen/adult. So it makes it all that much worse. OH has been trying to calm me down but when you're not sure if you've made the right decision about what your child has to deal with day in and day out, it is upsetting.
Rebecca, your story just made my night! So cute!!

Northern, I hate that feeling. :( I am in a similar situation, in that I live a stone's throw away from where I grew up and people with whom I went to school now have kids in DD's school. Just remember that all kids deal with other kids who suck, no matter where they go to school. We can't protect our kids from every bad experience, sadly. I wish I could. But as long as she is safe and generally happy, don't worry about your decision. She will be okay! For me it also helps me to remember that she isn't me. She already handles that type of situation much better than I ever did, thank goodness!
Oh Eidson I totally agree, it's SO scary to have a girl! I just look at my nieces who are 14 and 12 and I'm so scared at the way they're gonna turn out! Not that they don't have great role models but it's just... THE WORLD lol. Horrifying. But I have no idea what to do with a boy. DH wants a boy so bad, it's cute, he watches all my symptoms and reads up and asks me if that means it's a boy or a girl :)

Rebecca that is the cutest thing ever!!! :rofl:
My nausea is changing I feel like... not so much straight up nausea like it was but more just general discomfort! It's driving me nuts, I have so much homework and no energy or drive to do it :( Plus it doesn't help that DH is away so I can't even get a hug for comfort :(

wow northern that's so typical. In my old neighborhood back home there were generations of cousins who made everybody's life miserable. Crazy how it's in the genes somehow.
Thanks Tara. That helps. I had initially wanted to homeschool but I have to work. I plan on coming up with some way to bring in the millions before this one heads to kindergarten ;-)
Hi Northern can you change my due date to the 18th April?thnx

I would love a girl - I love having a little boy he is awesome but there is something about having a daughter 😊. Also DS is such a Mummy's boy so it would be nice for DH to have a Daddy's girl. My DH's father passed away when I was pregnant with DS and he said he would always have loved a girl so that sticks with me too. Of course if we have another little boy that would also be amazing for DS to have a brother would be fantastic 😁
I managed to get a phone number for the midwives and given my LMP date they are sending my scan referral today so I should get a letter in the next week.

The midwife said the GP should have done it...typical!

I am glad I called them now.
Phew Amelie just as well you phoned. I moved home when in 1st tri last pregnancy to a different council area and my 12 week scan got delayed until 16 weeks as they so busy they couldn't fit me in sooner! I ended up going private at 12 weeks for a scan lol

Lots of girly wishes here! Not be to long before we all start finding out!
Glad you got your scan sorted Amelie.

I've just had a small bit of bleeding which I'm hoping is just my cervical erosion playing up. I've called the Dr and am just waiting for a call back so I can be referred to the epau. My OH said he can look after LO on Friday so I'll have to wait until then to find out, in the meantime I'll be glued to my doppler.
Counting- good luck with your appointment today! Hope the SCH is clearing up.

Rebecca- your son sounds adorable :)

I have an appointment today too, and I'm hoping my OBGYN will take a look at the baby and the SCH. This is supposed to be my 12 week appointment, but with scheduling it's falling on 11+3 by LMP, but by the last measurement it should be just about 12.

Every time I think about a boy or a girl, I get excited about whatever I'm thinking about. DH was by all accounts the cutest little boy, and his sister's son is adorable. I generally think girls are easier (at least up to toddler stage) because there is less chasing around and neither my husband and I are especially sporty. But my nieces are both handfuls. They expect a lot of attention, maybe being first borns accounts for some of it. One niece would only listen to men, is extremely stubborn, and still has a soother (pacifier) at 4. The other, who is almost 3, screams almost all of the time, not even when she's throwing a tantrum, then on top of it throws tantrums, and is extremely moody. I would say it's the age, but my nephew is only 2 months older and never went through that. I don't know, do you ladies think that birth order has much of an effect? My sister is an attention hog, and we're only 14 months apart, so maybe I'm biased.
Button- Good thoughts are with you! Bleeding is never fun. I hope it will just be gone.

Sarah- I can't even remember if I just had a thought when reading about your post now, or if I did respond. But I do hope your bleeding goes away too. I think it's awfully sweet of your doctor to be able to squeeze you in!

Xanzaba- My older sister was always quiet, but she was sneaky. She definitely bossed me around a lot. But my mom said she was never a difficult child--never had tantrums. She's always been an introvert and very quiet. I have seen kids who were the 2nd born act way worse than the 1st born, but I've seen it the other way around too. I think it's mostly personality..and parenting. I used to teach a class of 3-year-olds and the worst behave children stand out in my mind. One girl was an only child and she was always the princess. She walked all over her parents. She was just a nasty little child. But they treated her like she was in charge. I remember a little boy who was the 4th born in his family who his parents claimed was the worst. He would hit other kids all the time and take their toys. But they said his older brothers and sisters loved to baby him, and they think he acted like that because he felt he was the baby and could do what he wanted.

I definitely felt the baby moving last night. But it seems the baby has moved up much closer to my belly button now. It felt like there was a fish swimming around. I tried to feel it from the outside (don't know why). Of course I couldn't. My doppler should be coming today or tomorrow, so I can't wait to try it and see how accurate I am about where baby is. At first, it was supposed to be here today, but it took a long time to get shipped out yesterday, and now the expected delivery day is tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone with appointments today! It looks like there will be some appointments on this thread back-to-back for awhile now as we approach 12 weeks.
It's so fun to think about the sex. I don't really gave a feeling either way. Family has been very vocal telling us they think/hope it's a girl. Haha...I really don't care either way! Just healthy! Every time I think of each sex I get excited! Omg if we don't stay team yellow we can find out in November!!! I don think I'm going to be able to stay team yellow ladies!!
It's so fun for me to think about whether baby will be a boy or a girl. I would seriously be thrilled with either. It's a weird thing to say, but I told my doctor (cause she's very nice and a little silly), "I'm so glad there's not a third option, because I'm so excited about either of these!" For totally different reasons...although all boys and girls are different, it seems like generally boys are just so much more active and physical and girls are so much more thoughtful and emotional and imaginative. Growing up with my sister and a single mom, I used to think I wouldn't know what to do with a little boy. But later I worked with little kids teaching Spanish and fell in love with some of the little boys, so now I'm just thinking I'll be totally thrilled either way.

DH, on the other hand, like many of yours, would really love a boy. While he says he would of course be so happy either way, it's really quite obvious. He will often refer to the baby as a "he" or say things that reveal that he's imagining it as a boy. It really makes me annoyed, although I know I probably shouldn't be. First, he was one of five boys, so I'm sure it just seems like what's normal in his mind. Second, men just have this caveman thing in them. I imagine them bounding across the savannas, running after large prey with bows and arrows saying in a primitive voice, "I man. Must use penis to make other penis. Must continue to spread seed."

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