**April Bunnies 2015**

MrsA- Glad to hear you had a great appointment today and that you got too see your little one on the ultrasound. Did they give you a gestational age by measurement on the ultrasound?

Northern- Malt vinegar is an interesting craving. I don't think I have even ever had malt vinegar!

Sharnw- I am excited about the 2nd trimester for sure. But I just consider 12 weeks 2nd trimester. So, I am 12 weeks tomorrow and I feel like I'm pretty much there now.

I don't even know if it's a thing that is commonly found in other parts of North America to be honest. I know it's predominately a UK area type condiment. Newfoundland (and Nova Scotia to some extent, although I know there are certain things only found in NL) is very heavily culturally influenced by the traditions that were brought over by people who settled here. I would say 90% people have strong ancestry lines going to either England or Ireland. Our dialects are similar and a lot of our foods are too. I'm just not sure if malt vinegar is one of these things.

We have malt vinegar here, it's good! But you usually only see it in restaurants if you order fish n' chips or other fried fish.

I am really hungry but nothing we have sounds appealing... Must resist ordering pizza... :p
So tired... After sleeping through the night before, dd woke up 5 times between 12:30am and 5:30am! She was such a good sleeper this is just killing me. And in between that dh was snoring or grinding his teeth so I hardly got any sleep.

I'm still struggling on what to do about my next appointment. I was going to try for the 9th but I've just realised I have to cover someone else's class and it's right at the end of the day so I won't be able to go. I think I must phone and find out if maybe the hospital will be working as normal over the national holiday.
northern - Search "gender prediction test" on amazon! You can get them at the pharmacy, too :)
I had my first ultrasound today and everything looked great! The combined NT scan and blood results gave us a super low risk of the three trisomies which felt very reassuring. The little baby was very awake and moving a lot which the midwife commented (in a positive way). It felt so surreal seeing the baby move around in there and now both me and my OH are on cloud nine :)

I've had such a positive feeling before the scan, but there's always the "what if". Now I feel like it's much more real and I'm just smiling from ear to ear!

The midwife said my placenta is low partially covering the cervix but that this could change during the pregnancy. I know that this is not good for a vaginal birth but do any of you know if it could cause any problems during pregnancy? I forgot to ask her...

Here are the four pics I got! Any gender guesses - Rebecca, what do you think? Do any of you see the "nub"? Because I don't think I can see it...

Finally my due date was moved to April 2nd!! Two days earlier than the date calculated from my LMP.

Northern me: can you please add me to April 2nd? Thanks!


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I think that looks like a boy baby :flower:

I had a partially low placenta with DD2 and it just moved up, it was out the way by 20 weeks. I know sometimes they say no DTD when you have a low placenta but I suspect that is when it is a complete placenta previa.
Loving all the scans. Can't wait for mine on Tuesday!!! Tove going by skull I say boy xxx
Beautiful scan pics ladies!!

Tove....I'm guessing boy too....not because of skull theory I just have a boy feeling looking at it. :)

And yes.....malt vinegar....really any vinegar for me is a huge craving!! I've begged my dad to make his family recipe pickled eggs.
Hi girls!! Feels like forever since I've been on. Sorry if I don't mention you but I read and enjoyed all the posts and scans!!

Rebecca your ds sounds so darn cute!!

All of your scans are so great and detailed!! I am scheduling my NT scan tomorrow. Honestly the best days for us in the next two weeks are Monday and next Friday but I work Friday and Monday seems so early at 11w2d. I want detail like you ladies have!! I want to see a baby since I won't get another for several more months.

Northern, I adore malt vinegar!! Have for years, especially on fries, chicken and fish. I drive my coworkers nuts when I eat it at work!

Beanonorder, so sorry you aren't getting any sleep. How awful for you.

Counting and xanzaba yay for disappearing SCH's!!

I am so tired if this horrible cold. I barely made it through my shift yesterday, have had a low grade fever for two days and feeling awful with congestion and I sneeze so much I am sure I'm flipping baby all over! This morning I think I may have an ear infection as well so I'm making an appt at my family doctors. My OB appt is tomorrow so busy days for me but I plan to rest as much as possible. I stayed home from work today, baby and I need the rest! Had to listen for baby last night to make sure my awful day didn't make it feel bad, ( purely for my own reassurance lol) heart was beating along in the 170's so that made me feel good. I feel like we bond a little everytime. I'm so in love with this prune sized baby!
Dini - in the UK they can only do the NT scan between 11+5 and 13+6. I don't know if that is the same where you are x
Tove I was initially thinking girl but on second glance and considering skull theory I say actually boy as the skull is quite rounded in first pic. Fab scan though and lovely and clear!

Yes vinegar v popular here in uk lol goes with chips mmmmmmm....
Tove- great scan! Glad everything is beautifully ok.

Definitely feeling like things are changing. MS is less, and now switched to nights, regardless if I'm hungry. Now I can just go to bed if I'm feeling bad. And of course I just received 3 tins of preggie pops candies.

Now that my SCH is clearing up, if all goes well in first trimester screening, I'm starting to think about spreading the word. At least to friends and close co-workers. But everyone is spread far and wide (family in Canada, US, and Asia, friends and co-workers in California, Europe, U.S. East Coast). Sounds like many of you ladies have friends and family spread out. How do you tell people? I'm not feeling facebook, at least not yet.
Oh, also, now I'm thinking fish & chips with malt vinegar now. Yum!
I've been eating it on everything. If I could handle fish right now I'd have it on that too.

It literally took every bit of energy and will power I had to get myself out of bed this morning. I slept in an extra 45 minutes and then we were running behind. I seriously considered calling in sick to work so I could just sleep. I'm up and at 'em though. I haven't been doing too bad with pregnancy fatigue so far. I've been pushing through it. I totally crashed last night/this morning though! I need a nap!
Tove- Congratulations on your scan! I don't see a nub either. Looking at the skull, that looks like a girl skull to me. So, I am going to guess :pink: :)
I can't wait to find out if I was right or wrong!

As far as your question about the placenta goes, I don't know how big of a deal it is for the placenta to be there. I am thinking they probably would have said if it was a big deal. Can you call them up and ask?
Thank you all who commented on my scan! Just thinking about the baby in there and whether it's a girl or a boy just melts my heart. So cool to see all of your guesses! I'm a little disappointed she didn't take a pic of the nub, because that would make the guessing a little easier. I'll just have to wait about 6 more weeks to find out... based on the guesses here it's leaning towards a boy.

Rebecca, I hope she would have said something. I just called the clinic and my regular midwife will call me back tomorrow and tell me if there's any risk with the placenta placement. I haven't had any bleeding at all during my pregnancy so that's a good sign.
Dini- So good that you hear a nice, strong heartbeat. I am getting impatient for my doppler to come now (even though it's not that long of a wait lol). I just want to have a way to check. One day I will feel the baby strongly and the next I'll feel nothing. So, it would be reassuring to hear something. I am tracking my package. Yesterday, it was in a town about 45 minutes away from me. So, I don't see why it won't be here today. Plus, my son has just told me that he does not want to go to my doctor's appointment with me on Monday anymore. So, I wonder if he hears the heartbeat, he will find that special.

Xanzaba- Glad to hear your SCH cleared up! I really believe most clear up by 12 weeks. I really didn't know anything about mine until my 12 week scan with my son. Although, I did not have bad bleeding with mine either. I just had light spotting.

I am 12 weeks today! :happydance: I feel like the first trimester is a thing of the past now! I will not miss it for a second.
xanzaba as for telling people, I told my sisters, my parents, and my two best friends via skype/phone, DH told his dad in person and called his mom, it just depends on where they're located. We're gonna do a fb announcement in a few weeks, but people close to us are gonna have known for a while before that happens.

On the subject of telling people... I told my dad who has a girlfriend that I really like, they've been together for years. She's really nice but can have a bit of a big mouth.... You already know where this is going, right?
So I could have cared less if she told someone that I don't know. Whatever. Like I'm assuming she told her kids already and all that. BUT. It's kinda funny, but they are good friends with my mom's sister and her husband, and my dad's gf goes ahead and tells her!!! I'm so disappointed! Of course, only god knows who else she told or who my aunt has told, and I feel like they're taking my news away from me. What's up with that?! It's not your news to share, just shut up about it!!! Argh I'm so sad and disappointed and angry over this. I even had a dream that I confronted her about it, which of course I won't do.
Well, Maggz, you've convinced me to possibly waste $30..just ordered intelligender on Amazon lol! A lot of the reviews say they got "boy" when it was actually a girl, but a lot were accurate too....so we shall see. I'm just so impatient to know!!

Love your scan pics, Tove! So exciting. Also glad your scan went so well MrsA.

DH is so excited that the first trimester is almost over so he can start telling people. I asked him who he was wanting to tell so badly, and he said, "Anyone who will listen!" Love him so much. :) <3 <3 <3

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