**April Bunnies 2015**

Kirsty aww they are such cuties. Great reveal picture! They must be so excited!

My last pregnancy the mw used Doppler at 16 weeks but did warn me it's still May be too soon to hear it but she did find it.

Being team yellow is great. I was for my first and didn't even want to find out and I thought it was amazing when my dd was born and they announced its a girl :)

This pregnancy and my ds pregnancy I am just to inpatient now a days so will be finding out lol. I also need to buy a double pram and want lime green if another boy or if girl will be black or red hehe
Northern u know I'm 12 weeks and feel great again. My nausea was so bad I'm glad it's stopped!
Bean: I want to try staying team yellow bc of what you said, it being a lovely surprise when we find out at the birth itself. I watched an ep of obem and the couple were ecstatic at finding out and I almost cried (well, I cried a little!) and I wanted our birth to be like that with a nice surprise at the end. but I am getting impatient already lol! with dd we found out but I was skeptical and bought mostly gender neutral things.

mod: welcome!

Amelie: aww can't wait for you to see your little bean <

ssjad: I know you weren't trying to be funny but I couldn't help but chuckle :blush:

northern: I know what you mean, I hope you're feeling better now at 14 wks? I'm 12 wks today and mostly feeling better...now I'm at a place where I don't feel pregnant when I was puking yesterday!!

kristy: awww what a gorgeous reveal pic!

Scottish: what kind of double pram are you going for? I'm so torn!!
I'm still having bouts of nausea and throwing up, but dare I say it, I'm feeling mostly better. The anxiety has maybe taken precedence.
My nausea has completely disappeared today. Might be because I've got a blocked nose but smells aren't bothering me at all today. I know it'll probably be back again tomorrow but for now it's quite liberating. My legs did almost give way walking home from playgroup though, why did we get a flat on a hill?!
Haha Perplexed there was a part of me seeing the funny side of the situation. But honestly, i do have moments where i wonder... Just need to remember that kids aren't always as full on as they are the first couple of years.

So exciting that so many are starting to hit the next trimester! Fear of miscarriage and morning sickness disappearing, bellies growing, ultrasounds happening!

I can't believe i was anxious about not having had any real confirmation of pregnancy for so many weeks... I just have to look at my obviously pregnant belly to know something is getting bigger in there!

I'm off to bed now... All you northern hemispherians have a lovely day!
I am feeling a lot less anxious than I had been! I went for my second appt yesterday and first scan at 10w2d. My Bp was really high but she said that could have been how anxious and nervous I was so she is going to keep an eye and if it is that high in 4 weeks do a 24hr urine test. other than that she said everything looked great and things are good!! I have a small cyst on my left ovary but it's not concerning. The baby was moving around and the heartbeat was a strong 167bpm. Baby measures in at 9w2d - exactly a week behind. She said it could be bc even though I know when my lmp was I ovulated later. Or the position of the baby. So she doesn't know if baby will catch up. For now she is keeping my Edd of April 26,2015 instead of pushing it to May 3rd and we will see what happens. I am just happy my baby is healthy. It is my first so seeing the baby move made it real but it sure is still surreal.
Perplexed I did have my moments of impatience but I got over them! Part of what got me through it was focusing on my lovely plan of that perfect moment when dh looked at me and said 'we have a....' Of course on the day I went into labour I then found out that dh wasn't allowed to be in there with me so that bubble rapidly burst! I was devastated. But I have to admit that in the end it was still special having my mom tell me and then phoning dh, who had no idea I'd finally given birth, to say our daughter had entered the world. He wanted a girl so badly!

Ssjad I get the whole 'am I really doing this again?!' At least you have older kids so you are reassured that they do actually grow out of this stage!
Glad lots of you feeling better! My nausea is gone but have adversions still and vvvvvvvv tired still and lazy lol :haha:

Perplexed I am thinking of the oyster max tandem. It's not huge and converts from single to double. You can also attach maxi cosi car seat at bottom or top (I have this car seat. It just looks the most practical and easiest to pop on car as not any bigger than my quinny especially if I just use the car seat attachment for first months.
Thanks GreyGirl. You're sweet to say so. Now I want you to immediately stop feeling like you need to do any more than you do!! You are growing a baby and caring for a toddler, among many other responsibilities I'm sure. We are all here for support, conversation and camaraderie when we need it and have time and energy. Never feel bad for not writing or responding more! Just jump on in whenever you want :)

Greygirl: as Sarah said, don't apologize for not being around! No one expects anyone to be on here constantly. Just update and pop on when you can, we all forgive you ;)

Thanks ladies! And again, I've been trying to get on for days to say that!

How are you all? I FINALLY have my 12 week scan tomorrow, nervous/excited and just hoping baby is ok :)
Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been gone so long, between the fatigue that's hit me like a rock and being kinda busy and work, I just couldn't catch up. I managed the smaller threads once a day but this one is so darn busy!

I can't possibly speak to all of you I want to, so sorry...but it's been 4 days since I've been on.

Rebecca, sorry you didn't get your scan, I'd have been so bummed but I'm so glad all is well. And congrats today on 13 weeks!! Oh and thanks for mentioning the fast heartbeat. My babies is always fast, like mid 170's to low 180's even at over 11 weeks. At the doctor the midwife said 160's but she didn't actually count, just guessed. I have checked, counted, recorded and double checked and it's almost always between 176-180 and today the Doppler actually picked it up because it was good and loud and it ranged from 176-183. I know that's a bit fast but I feel better now that I saw your post.

Northern, glad your doctor is so great and you are getting help, and that you are feeling a bit better with the nausea.

Sarah, I'm so sorry about your kitty, I do remember you posting she ran off again a few weeks ago (I'm a kitty person) but I believe you are doing what's best for both of you to find her a new home. Maybe she needs room to roam..a farm would be nice for her lol.

Mod!! So glad you found us!! Now we can talk on more than one thread! Also welcome to the other newcomers.

Congrats on all the scans girls, Kirsty, Eidson, Scottish and anyone I may have missed. I'm sure you are all elated! I agree it's so hard to believe we are where we are now as when we first started coming here we were so early and so scared of miscarriage and I as also jealous of those people who were going into or in the second trimester...I'm almost there so not too jealous now but just a tiny bit lol.

In regards to team yellow..I so wanted to be on that team..very badly always wanted that if we ever succeeded with TTC but DH wants to know so badly as does his mother and my step mother and DH's great grandmother (she wants to knit us things) so I'm caving and we will find out.

My NT scan is Oct. 9th so jut 8 days now! I simply can't wait!! I'll be 12w5d then but I'm not even asking for a guess at the sex because I dread a mistake!! I hit 20 weeks the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I'm asking at my next appt on Oct. 23rd to get the anatomy scan early that week so I can announce at Thanksgiving, but if they can't we are going to try to book a 3d/4d and find out then, I was going to skip one of those because I've heard they aren't really regulated and they could set the power too high and increase chances of harm to baby but the one near me is run by a certified ultrasound tech of nearly 20 years so I'm sure it's safe.

The fatigue is kicking my butt, as well as the heartburn and indigestion. I absolutely have to stop eating larger meals. They aren't as large as I used to eat but still obviously too large. I eat and then 6 hours later I still feel full and when I go to bed I'm miserable and I wake up that way as well.

I'm going to lunch at the Olive Garden with a "new" friend who is 16wks pregnant and I'm very excited (must NOT over eat!). She has done my hair at the salon I go to for a few months because I can't seem to get into my regular girl. She got pregnant at the end of last year and was so excited as she has PCOS like I do and all seemed well, she went to her 12 week scan and found a blighted ovum..how devastating..a baby never formed. I was so sad for her. Well at my last appt about 6 weeks ago she told me she was pregnant again and this time for real lol. We have been texting and talking and it's so nice to have someone IRL to go through this that understands the LTTTC aspect. Now we've decided to have lunch and I am just so glad we did! May go shopping afterward because I really do need some new pants, just can't stand my jeans anymore.

Sorry this was so long ladies!
Okay seriously... Sitting on the can for 20 minutes before 5am trying to take a freakin dump is ridiculous! Why?! I never realized how awesome it js to just be able to poop like a normal person, damnit.
TMI? Sorry.
Dini, good to hear from you! What fun to have an IRL friend in such a similar situation. Have fun! :)

Ssjad I have that same thought sometimes. Even at 6 DD still needs so much, and when I get around little ones dealing with sleep issues, potty training, blow-outs, baby reflux, colic... Ohhh what was I thinking?? But then I see this LO kicking it's little feet, or another mom cuddling her sleeping baby and I remember what I was thinking. :D

Girls... I'm freaking out. This is way TMI and I'm really sorry for that! But after my dr. appt yesterday I found out I have a bacterial infection. The dr. prescribed topical antibiotics (oral cross the placenta) and didn't seem concerned. But I made the mistake of googling it bc it went untreated for several weeks, and read that it has been linked to preterm birth and second trimester miscarriage! Probably all will be fine but I was sobbing this morning wondering what have I done to my baby ignoring this for weeks? I'm waiting for my dr's office to open so I can talk to someone for some reassurance. :(
Kirsty- Your kids are just adorable! They both look so very excited. Have they said whether they are hoping for a baby brother or sister? My son is extremely excited and he keeps going back and forth between thinking I'm having a boy and a girl. His latest idea is that I am having a girl because I am a girl! lol I explained that he used to be in there and he is a boy, but he still goes with his logic.

Northern- Happy official 2nd trimester! I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Hopefully, your anxiety eases as well.

Dini- I'm glad you have a friend to go through your pregnancy with. I am glad that my comment about my son's hb helped relieve stress for you. My experience with him has left me never believing any theories about hb and gender being connected.

Mod- Welcome! Nobody expects you to read all the pages. I joined quite some time back and I didn't even bother to read what was posted prior..other than the first page with people's due dates.

GreyGirl- Yeah, that's the same for you too. We just like seeing you come in and say hello. I get used to this thread moving fast and topics changing quickly. I think it's just a fun place to share experiences and chat about our pregnancies. :)

I'm so excited for all these upcoming scans! I can't wait to see them!

I have decided to listen to baby every Wednesday since that's when I turn a new week. I just wanted to see how things have changed. I got it very strong this morning and much higher than just last week! Actually, it was up higher than even Monday at my appointment. I am getting a very loud reading right in the center between my pubic bone and belly button. The doppler read about 150. So, I'm going to say that's more like 160 because my doppler is usually off. I may actually have an anterior placenta again because I always seem to hear the placenta sounds mixed in with the HB.
Since baby seems to have moved up, I am excited to take a bump picture today and compare it. I took one last week but it looked practically the same as week 11.
Meanwhile, my husband's cousin's girlfriend just found out she's having a girl after I spoke with her 2 weeks ago and she swore she was having a boy. She said the heart rate was 140, so it had to be boy. lol More proof to the idea that heart rate doesn't tell gender. She shared her ultrasound, and it was very obvious she was having a girl! My MIL kept saying she thought she was going to have a boy and I was going to have a girl. I'll be eager to see what happens. I keep getting girl vibes for the past couple of weeks, but you just never know.
Now that I've officially rambled, I hope everyone is having a great day! Glad many people are experiencing relief from nausea! If my bump looks different, I'll be back on with a 13 week bump picture.
Step away from google! Google causes unnecessary anxiety and stress (says the girl whose anxiety problems come from being able to access too much information).
Step away from google! Google causes unnecessary anxiety and stress (says the girl whose anxiety problems come from being able to access too much information).

That is the truth! It had me freaking out about my SCH, which turned out to be no big deal. And I see so many people freaking out about it on here, and everything is fine. I am sure what the doctor provided will clear everything up.
Even this pregnancy. I went on google when I had that brown spotting and it led to panic. Turned out nothing was wrong. Dr. Google always causes worry.
Funny, my bump looks lower today than it did 2 weeks ago. Only my butt looks bigger. Blah. But I haven't gained any weight at all. I also realize that I really need to clean that mirror today.


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How in the world did I miss this thread! lol I'm due April 19th, baby #5. I have 3 girls and 1 boy. It's my 6th pregnancy. There is a chance it is twins but I won't know for sure til I have my big ultrasound the last week of November. (Frustrating!) I live in an isolated area in the Northwest Territories, Canada and there is no private ultrasound clinic here. Ultrasound techs are not stationed here full-time, they only fly in every 2 months or so.

https://i59.tinypic.com/5p3d1.jpg https://i59.tinypic.com/2qx6ssx.jpg https://i58.tinypic.com/2n0r713.jpg

First one is 7 weeks, middle is 9 weeks, last one is 11 weeks which was this past weekend :)

ANYWAY! That's me :)
Can I be added on here :) due April 18th baby no3 got 12week scan next Wednesday can't wait xx

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