**April Bunnies 2015**

Lovely scan grey girl.

I've just been wanting to eat rubbish as well.
GreyGirl- Great scan picture! Baby looks fabulous! Based on nub and skull, my guess is boy! :blue:

Sarah, Maggz- When I think of the time left in the pregnancy, it still feels far away to me. I think it will fly by once January is here. But right now 6 months seems like a long way away and I keep thinking, "Wow, I still have half a year to go." lol But then I take a sigh of relief that I have that long to go because I definitely wouldn't be ready right now.

Can anyone tell me about the safety of doppler use? I started to get slightly concerned after a thread in first trimester was talking about high frequency sound waves not being good. I keep looking it up and I can't find any warnings against safety. But my doppler is 3 mhz. I am thinking that since there is so much stuff between the outside and where baby is tucked in there, that the sound waves wouldn't impact baby that much. But now I'm wondering and want to know if any of you have heard anything about it.
I haven't heard anything negative about doppler use but I don't sit there for an hour with it on and I don't use it everyday.
I don't think it does anything... After all it's the same type of waves as docs use and they wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe. I just heard the other day (in a documentary) that they're not known to cause any harm.
But I don't use it every day either... Maybe every third or fourth day for 10-15 minutes at a time.

As for time - yeah half a year sounds like a lot! Haha. Also I feel like this semester is going by so slooooow so almost till the end of another semester feels like forever away!
Hi ladies! Great scan pics ladies! So many cute babies in this group! :)

Any of you ladies suffering back pain? I usually don't but it has been feeling like how it was in the nine month with my DS! Ugh!

Any of you ladies announcing on Facebook? Have you already? I am not sure if I should or not. The only reason I don't want to is for the people who are struggling with fertility and we are having our second. We've already told our close friends who are struggling to get pregnant.
We have so many friends from around the world and family that still doesn't know that I would love for them to know and we have already told our close close friends. What do you think? Have any advice?
Yeah, I used mine a lot on the first day I got it. Since then, I haven't used it half as much. But sometimes it takes me a long time to find the HB because baby is positioned funny or is swimming all around at the time.
I think I'm still going to use it once a week until I feel regular movements.
Kalabear- I haven't noticed any back pain. However, my back has bothered me on a pretty consistent basis since I had my son. I don't know if it was from getting my epidural or just giving birth, but my back has never been the same. So, I don't know if I'd even notice back pain. I'm just used to my back feeling strange all the time now.

We announced on Facebook after my first scan at 7+5. I really only did it because when I came home with my ultrasound pictures, my husband took a picture and posted it to his Facebook page right away. Since we have a lot of shared friends on there, I felt like I needed to share it too because I didn't want some people knowing and others wondering why I didn't tell them. I have a few friends and family members who I know have a hard time getting pregnant or staying pregnant, but I find that these people are just as excited for us. One of my friends who has a hard time conceiving has now announced that she is due at the end of April. So, I just share my experiences anyway and hope the best for them.
Kalabear: I have a prolapsed disc and have had chronic back pain since I was 17 or so. But with my previous pregnancy I started having the same back pain as before but then it started shooting down my leg...from the symptoms i read that this was probably spd/pgp. I never had a real diagnosis but I had a limp in 3rd tri that completely went away after the birth. However, I don't think it ever went away as if I'd sat down for prolonged periods of time (like breastfeeding in bed) when I got up again my right hip would be very stiff. I don't know if all types of back pain is spd/pgp but in my case I'm almost certain that's what it was & that it wasn't just my usual. As for fb, I think I'm one of the few people in the world that aren't on it! I've only told people in person or via txt conversations on the phone. No advice I'm afraid.

Rebecca: I actually have no idea if u/s or doppler use could be harmful! Never heard that either could be, well, except for my mil who said that only 4d u/s are dangerous and "they don't even do them in Germany!" but no explanation as to why. She just wanted to say that I've been having way too many u/s in her opinion, which tbh, none of them were for fun. I'm not even a fan of 4d.
I've had a bit of back pain, fairly mild but niggly. I think I had it at the beginning with DS as well but not in third tri funnily enough.

I'm not on facebook so no help there I'm afraid.
Hi ladies - Kalabear I have been experiencing back pain on and off since I had ds last year but since getting pregnant again it is worse again. Something to do with ligaments and things softening and stretching I think.

As far as Facebook is concerned we announced it when I was 10+2 after being put back a week I thought sod it heartbeat was good and baby was fine. We did the shoe picture with dh, mine, ds with our birth years above them and then a pair of white bootees with 2015 above them. It took some people a while to realise but most people thought I had been incredibly creative! I couldn't believe nobody had seen it before tbh so I did admit it wasn't my idea!

I am knackered this week - I had to drive a 20 mile round trip before I even started work twice this week (start work at 8am yawn). Then work has been manic - I do admin in the afternoon though and my eyes were watering and I really couldn't concentrate both afternoons!

Have got my nt scan on Monday so hope everything is ok and we are on track this time. I keep on dreaming that we are having a girl and I googled late ovulation (as I think I must have ovulated late as I got a late bfp) and apparently more girls are conceived that way? Anyhoodles hope everyone is ok will try and upload our reveal piccie later and our scan on Monday. Think once I have the scan again and (fingers crossed) everything is ok I will feel more settled with this preg. Being out back a week is horrible but as long as there is a healthy bubba in there all is good 😊
Kalabear, I wanted to respond to your FB question. I feel like I'm qualified to answer because (as you can see from my ticker) we dealt with infertility. It's a heartbreaking thing, and yes, it did hurt some days to see announcements on Facebook. BUT, each woman learns to deal with that in the best way. Honestly, on my bad days I just avoided Facebook all together. For women our age, there is pretty much no way to get around seeing kids/pregnancies/announcements on Facebook because that is a huge part of the lives of our demographic. When struggling with infertility, I also didn't like it when people felt the need to tiptoe around my feelings. I wanted to know about my friends' pregnancies and was very happy for them!

I personally have not announced on there yet. I am traveling to see family next week and want to tell them in person. But I have a super cute idea, and can't wait to make an announcement when I get back!
That whole thread in the first trimester about the ultrasound is just making a mountain out of a molehill and people throwing out articles found online and causing unnecessary concern. I mean logically thinking, do you really think that they would have ultrasounds, made for viewing something as sensitive as a fetus, to give off such high frequency waves that it would terminate the pregnancy or alter the DNA? I mean these things are literally made for the exact purpose of checking on the baby. After all these years they have been around, you know it's been tested on animals. High frequency waves is not something new to science, there has been so much research on high frequencies, it's almost common sense to only use low frequency waves to view a baby.

IMO, that thread was a ticking time bomb. It caused women who are already nervous as hell about being pregnant to panic more than they already do. If you're against ultrasounds, that's fine. But there's no need to throw out "facts" that are just not there. You'd have to have a hell of a lot of ultrasounds, for extended periods of time to alter anything. XRays are far far more damaging than ultrasounds ever will be, and there are people who have to have XRays regularly for medical purposes and their DNA doesn't get altered. To me, it's more dangerous for a pregnant woman to be driving a car than it is for her to get an ultrasound. We take unnecessary risks every day being pregnant, having an ultrasound isn't going to do anything.

Sorry for the rant. I'm very much a facts person, I don't believe things until I see solid proof. And when I see these poor women believing everything they read on google it just drives me crazy. Using your doppler will not harm your baby. Unless you're using it for hours every day, you shouldn't notice any difference. It's the extended exposure to these types of things that are dangerous, not the general usage.
I am a bit of an unashamed doppler addict I use it at least once a day - I did with my girls too until 28 weeks with DD1 and 20 weeks with DD2.

I got doppled like 20 x a day when in hospital. They don't seem to ration out usage!

I had a lot of ultrasounds in my last pregnancy - probably 15+. I didn't feel in the least bit concerned about it.
I am a bit of an unashamed doppler addict I use it at least once a day - I did with my girls too until 28 weeks with DD1 and 20 weeks with DD2.

I got doppled like 20 x a day when in hospital. They don't seem to ration out usage!

I had a lot of ultrasounds in my last pregnancy - probably 15+. I didn't feel in the least bit concerned about it.

Exactly. If I didn't work so much we'd be using our doppler daily too. If something was harmful to our babies, it would effect every baby, or at least a large percentage of babies. I think when there's something wrong with a child, or a woman experiences a loss...it's really easy to try and find something to blame. Most of the time it's just coincidences.

My son has severe ADHD, to the point where you can watch him trying to sit still and you can see how uncomfortable he is in his own skin. He is extremely impulsive, and has almost put himself in very dangerous situations more than once. His entire year of 1st grade was a complete headache. I cried on so many nights to my wife, trying to find out why he was doing the things he was doing. I blamed that I didn't quit smoking until I was almost 10 weeks. I blamed that I ate fast food every day. I blamed that my genes were bad. I probably could just as easily blame western medicine or my epidural or all my ultrasounds.
I'm after telling both my GP and my OBGYN that I have my own Doppler and am using it daily and neither mentioned it, just thought it was cool that I have my own.
Thank you so much for your advice ladies! You all are the best!! I think I am going to announce but in a week or so. I still have one more couple I want to tell first.

As far as the controversial things I try so hard to stay away from those topics....this website can be so so so helpful but at times a little stressful. Once in awhile the anxiety of all the things that can go wrong overwhelm me. I used my Doppler a ton last pregnancy and my dr never said anything.
Hair = dyed finally! I haven't dyed it since an hour before I got my bfp! Can we just say that it was a desperately needed procedure! I dye my hair dark when it is in fact quite blonde so when my roots grow out I look like I'm either bald down the middle of my head or that I'm sporting grey.
Eidson and Amalie- Thanks for the reassurance! I was leaning in that direction. To me it doesn't seem to make too much sense. But once I read those things this little bug goes off in my ear and I have to just settle it. I personally feel there are so many things between the baby and the device that the baby is protected and the sound waves are not harmful. I had 5 ultrasounds with my son including a 4D one.

Northern- How nice to have your hair colored! I just got mine dyed last week. It feels so nice.

I have decided to make an apple pie from scratch with my son today. And maybe for many people, that's no big deal. Except I really have little to no experience baking anything from scratch. But I took it on like it was going to be so simple. No big deal.. just make and roll out my own pie crust--even though I've never done this before. I'm following a recipe, but I'm laughing at myself because I don't know why I thought it would be so simple. I called my mom to ask for help on making the pie crust and she just said, "I have never been good at making pie crusts, so I just buy them." I am determined to make the whole thing from scratch, though. So, now I have dough in the refrigerator that I hope turns into a good pie crust. And I left the peel on the apple because it's a golden delicious apple, and the peel is extremely thin. I hope this turns out good. We'll see!
Rebecca, that's really my only reason for bringing it up too is for that exact reason. Once one person spouts out "facts" about something that is regularly done that can harm your baby...it's hard not to believe it and start to worry. Pregnancy makes women anxious enough, I thought it was unnecessary for arguing something as valid when in fact, it's speculation. I'm glad you're feeling better though!

I LOVE apple pie! I've been blessed in the aspect I am very good at baking, but I am an awful cook :haha: It should be fine after refrigeration! I like to coat my crust with butter, because it bakes into the crust so deliciously! Let us know how it turns out!

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