**April Bunnies 2015**

All my babies have sounded like both depending on position!

Also DD2 had a really low baserate to her HB - averaging between 110-120bpm when I was being monitored in hospital everytime. She is a very laid back girl though...

Even dd1 was always under 140bpm.

This baby is around 150/160s at the moment.
Hi ladies how are we are today? I had a humdinger of a headache today, felt tired and generally just crappy for most of the morning. It was only when I got home after waterbabies with ds that I realised (after oh pointed it out) that it was because I had caffeine withdrawal! I decided to try decaff coffee this morning instead of my normal instant coffee. Won't be doing that again! Think I need my morning coffee judging by how I felt earlier on 😉.

Xanzaba - my birthday is the day after ds and it is lovely to have a birthday around the same time as his ☺️. My oh is the 25th March so if the baby is early it could end up being close to his. Although that will mean 2 Geminis and 2 Aries in the house could be interesting lol x
Thanks for all the replies about lying flat on your back. I keep waking up on my back & rolling onto my side, but I won't worry about it until it starts to feel uncomfortable (your body knows pretty well usually!). :)

Happy Birthday, Kirsty (yesterday when you read this)! :)

I also felt more energetic yesterday for the first time in weeks--I exercised, worked on painting my house, and still had some energy to have dinner at my sister's. Today though, back to complete and utter exhaustion! :p There's a light at the end of the tunnel, though!

I'm worried that, with the holidays, second tri will zip by so quickly. I'm not ready for that! I need more time to prepare! :p
Tara last pregnancy I struggled with staying off my back so before I changed to a pregnancy pillow I just used a regular pillow. It tipped me slightly to the left so I was never flat on my back. I find I'm on my back a lot at the moment so I might do it again. Or I may just drive dh mad and pull out my pregnancy pillow now.
I finally figured out a way to make the photo small enough to put on here!
So here is our announcement picture!


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Dini- My sister leaves this evening. She was just here for the holiday weekend.

Beanonorder- I love the announcement photo. That is cute!

As for the heartbeat thing, I don't ever hear the galloping horse noise or the train noise. To me it sounds like a lasso whirring in the air. I feel occasionally it sounds like a galloping horse, but mostly it sounds like a lasso to me. Although, I listened last night to let my sister hear. And I picked up 2 heartbeats. I'm assuming it was the same heartbeat. One was on the left side and one was on the right side. They both sounded a little like a galloping horse. One sounded more like it than the other. One read at 145. The other read at 130. It was weird. I'm assuming the placenta was echoing the heartbeat.
When baby is cooperating perfectly, back facing my belly, and I have the doppler right on the heartbeat it sounds exactly like a galloping horse. If baby is positioned arms and legs facing belly, or I can't quite get on top of the heartbeat, the heartbeat sounds a bit like a chugging train or just a very fast thumping. Same with my son. As for heart rate= gender my son had a heartbeat of over 135 always, usually 145 when he was inactive. This baby has had a fast heartbeat of around 166 when inactive, now in second tri heartbeat has slowed to sometimes mid and high 150's when asleep or inactive, 158-170 when awake(sometimes as high as low 180's when really busy).

Where as wives tales on how to tell gender are fun, I don't put any faith in them at all. With my son I had ALL girl signs, everyone said girl, but we most definitely have a boy here and I was not surprised. (carried high and round, had acne, heart rate over 135, sounded like a galloping horse, SO MUCH morning sickness)

This baby I have boy signs:
Carrying low
very little morning sickness(no vomiting)

Girl signs:
Fast heartbeat that sounds like a galloping horse

Pseudo science ways to tell for this pregnancy:
Baby hangs out on the left side of the uterus(girl- My son DID like the right side which apparently says boy)

Round skull(Girl, but my son had a round skull too!)

(I do put faith in nub guesses but I didn't get a good view)

(Rebecca, I've heard sometimes you can pick up the heartbeat in the head as well as the chest, thus two different locations. I find the placenta echo and the placenta itself sounds very different from the heartbeat, but possibly the echo of your arteries?)
Love the picture Beanonorder.

I'm really struggling with pregnancy insomnia at the moment. DS fell out of bed at 2.30am and I couldn't get back to sleep at all afterwards.

I'm not sure on all the old wives tales about gender but I was very sick with DS and my acne was terrible. This time neither have been as bad yet. Also I think the hb sounded faster with DS. I have an inkling it's going to be another little boy but only going off a hunch rather than any signs.
Hi all. Had a bleeding scare on Wednesday night which was awful. I was convinced we'd lost our baby. :-( By some miracle everything seems to be fine. I've now got a home doppler and totally obsessed. They managed to find the heartbeat in the hospital and it was the worst and best night of my life. Just for further reassurance I paid to have a scan on Thursday. It's amazing how much the baby has developed in just a few weeks from the 12 week scan! I'm now hoping everything will be fine and they'll be no more bleeding.

Sooo tired! I tossed and turned from 3:30-7am when I finally was going to get up. Dh gave me a back rub and I fell asleep for an hour before my alarm went off. Classes all day. I'm just so exhausted. Not feeling 100% either. I was really sick last night too. Had a good few days and started throwing up after dinner. Sigh. While I'm happy I'm getting sick because it means things are ok it's been about 6 1/2-7 weeks. It can stop now. I may loose my mind. Though at the end of this week I get to move along to the second trimester. I feel as if this may go quickly with all the holidays coming up!!
Hey had my scan today and they said my due date is now the 30th April. :) can you change my date please? :)
beanonorder very cute pic! :)

kirsty happy birthday yesterday! And yes I've been getting migraines, and surprisingly, if I drink one small cup of coke a day, they don't come! I had them for 3 weeks like clockwork, starting Thursday night and lasting until Saturday night. Last week, I had a cup of coke Mon, Tue, and Wed, and headache didn't come on until Saturday afternoon - and went away after I took 2 extra strength tylenol (which usually doesn't work at all) and drank one cup of coke! It's crazy. I don't usually drink this much soda but hey if it keeps the migraines away I'm all for it.
It was my doctor's idea, too. I told her about the migraines and she said to have some caffeine.
I have had a migraine filled pregnancy too this time - awful, I've never had them before. I still have a cup of full caffeine tea in the morning and an occasional coke - I am wayyyyyyy down on my usual caffeine intake though. I would pre pregnancy have 6+ cups of tea a day.
Vickster sorry totally missed your post! Happy everything's okay hope you get to see your little one on Thursday :hugs:

Amelie have you tried tylenol or baby aspirin?
Stopping by to say hi! :wave: I read in bursts but havent had time to post.

Going to be 14 weeks on Friday! Things are going well. Ive felt off the last few days, not sure why. Our first tri scan was a week ago. Little bub was moving all around but then when they went to measure, it stopped. Already stubbborn like mama! Our results were 1 in 5,000 for trisomy 21, 1 in 10,000 for trisomy 18 and 13. Two appointments in the next two weeks! :) One with my regular doctor and one with my high risk doc(I had gastric bypass) They offically changed my due date to April 17 but that is what ive been using the whole time.
Vickster, glad all is okay!

Christina, I hope second tri brings you some relief! I agree, it's probably going to go by quick!

Thankfully I have been migraine-free so far (knock on wood!). But I'm definitely feeling the insomnia. I popped up at 3 this morning for no reason and couldn't fall back asleep for two hours. So ready to go home and nap... :sleep:

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