**April Bunnies 2015**

Rebecca, I'm finding out tomorrow when I see my doctor. The tech wrote it in the ultrasound report. They aren't allowed to tell here anymore as of two weeks ago. OH doesn't want to know and I won't be buying anything or letting anyone here know. I'll tell you ladies!
Northern, congrats on 19 weeks and how exciting that you will find out the gender for sure tomorrow!

Rebecca, my scan is on wednesday! How great to hear that you enjoy your mothers and in laws visiting! I enjoy my mother and in laws too, but in small doses ;) I just don't have energy to spend too much time with any of them. Pregnant or not!

So nice that you felt your baby move more after the doppler. Do you think the baby was woken up or disturbed by it, making her move around more?
Northern I can't wait to hear what they say!

My scan is a little over two weeks away, and seems like forever but I'm sure it will fly by. We really do have a lot of blue bumps in this group, especially if Northern's really is a boy!

Rebecca, that just sounds lovely to have your family come stay! I bet your mom is just ecstatic! This will make the next week or so go by so fast!

It seems all I do is work and come home. I have nothing going on in the next several months except being pregnant. I wish I had something else to distract me. My MIL did offer to come over whenever I want her to to help with organizing and maybe some painting. That is awesome as we get along great but she doesn't drive and she lives 30 min away, and on top of that during the week she would have to be home by 2:30. I could steal her on a Saturday but my FIL can be a butt if he has to watch the kids all day, which is so dumb, they are his kids but I get that he works long hours and would like time to himself.

We are also planning on putting new flooring down in baby's room soon, and we are going to try to do it ourselves, it's just going to be laminate, so my BIL will help us and I can't wait for that. I think we'll start that here in the next few weeks and if that goes well we are going to do the dining room and hall as well if money permits. Not that I can do much with my back but I can probably do something.

Decided to clean my living room carpet today as my cat who has gotten so clingy has also started peeing in the corner where my old cat did years ago. She's never gone outside the box, and I'm wondering if she's acting out because she knows something is going on. I'm taking a break now and then doing the spare room because my older cat had a terrible accident back there last week. Ugh...cats!!
Northern looking at the scan pic I can defo see what you mean. It is hard to tell but I think I see a little bulge there where leg is which may be a willy and balls lol I can't wait until you find out I think I may be as excited as you are! Hope it's your boy xxx

Congrats to all feeling movement I have also felt my first kick on Friday just passed when driving. I have had a few since as well :D
Scottish, congrats on your first kick!! How sweet!

I know lots of us have been feeling flutters and mine are really very hit or miss, can't wait to feel the real stuff.
Hey ladies add me to Team Blue :blue: !! I've known for about a week now due to genetic testing we had done and we couldn't be more excited! My DH has two DD from a previous marriage so he is extremely excited for a boy!!

Beanorder- I can't get over your post about the struggles you and your husband are going through. That is so tough and I personally feel like he should not leave you when you are pregnant!! All in all I just want you to know you are in my prayers and whatever happens just know u will have the support of all of us ladies on this thread :)
Tove- I don't think the baby was woken up. I'm pretty sure she was already awake because she usually gets active at around 10:00 at night. I think that's when she wakes up. And I used my doppler at about 10:30 last night. I don't know what it is about the doppler. Maybe babies like it and get really excited so they start moving or they just don't like it and are trying to get away from it. But it does often seem to prompt a reaction from the baby. I didn't use it for more than about a minute anyway. I just used it long enough to pick up a HB. It was 150. I was satisfied. :)

Northern- I'm so excited for tomorrow! I'll certainly check to see what you found out.
Sharn, if you want to know he gender and your OH goes, can you have them write it down for you to read later? Or does he not want you to know at all either?

Northern, I'm so glad you're finding out tomorrow, yippee! I can't wait to hear!

I am training my replacement this week, trying to cram my entire knowledge of my job into four days is stupid & mentally exhausting! But I'm almost free! :p

I also decided to participate in NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) this month since I'll have some free time. I haven't written anything in ages so I need the creative push. I decided to give my character the baby girl name I was obsessed with, and it actually helped with my sadness. I think in another week or two I'll feel a lot better. :)

Baby moves a bit almost every day now, I love it. :)
Ugh. I am so uncomfortable today. =[ My back hurts and I have another headache. My legs are also sore. I am thinking it's a lack of potassium so I had a banana. I also just feel heavy. If I go to pick something up or tie my shoes or just stand up. I Just feel heavy. It's the oddest feeling. I also want to go to bed but it's only 8:30 and I went to bed at 9:30 last night and was up at 5am so I have to keep myself up at least for a bit longer.
I am feeling baby a lot more now. It kicks above my belly button sometimes and I can feel that with my hand.

It still has super quiet days though, I have to remind myself I am not even 16 weeks. I think with each baby you expect everything to be earlier??

I have my 16 week mw appointment today. Feeling quite sad about how the midwife won't really want to deal with my care because I am under the consultant at the hospital.

I do have a history of gestational diabetes and yes it will almost definitely reoccur. But I have always managed it well - my daughters had no issues.

I am feeling quite anxious about the birth - I will almost definitely be induced again. My previous births weren't BAD. My eldest was a really drawn out process and an emergency forceps delivery but ok. My second was much quicker but I had an allergic reaction to the gel they use to prime your cervix and I went into shock and my dd2 was in distress for 3+ minutes and I almost had an emergency section under general anesthetic. It took 8 hours for them to reverse the affects of the drug and then they got me into labour and the birth was fine. I did have a hemmorhage afterwards though - only about a litre of blood - but is scared my DH.

I think if I was having a bigger age gap between my kids I'd ask for csection if the induction wasn't working. I'd just like a calm birth...

But I can't have a csection really as I'll have a 4 year old to get to school and a 2 year old that will need lifting etc.

Sorry for that ramble. Anyone else have a less than ideal previous birth?
Tara, OH has a roster on/off job out of town, truck driving. He's not fussed about finding out the gender, I would like it if we found out together if I decided to know., but if he can't make it, I won't find out :)
I had another gender dream. I went for my anomaly scan and was told I'm having a girl which made me very happy that I almost didn't hear them telling me that my cervix is starting to shorten. Then I told my mom about baby being a girl and she wasn't even paying attention and commented on something else I was saying.

I woke up as if having a girl is a fact, but I kept trying to remember when I actually went for my anomaly scan. Doesn't help that it was way early and dd was standing in her cot crying, the poor thing is cutting a new tooth and has been very clingy!
Rebecca, I'm finding out tomorrow when I see my doctor. The tech wrote it in the ultrasound report. They aren't allowed to tell here anymore as of two weeks ago. OH doesn't want to know and I won't be buying anything or letting anyone here know. I'll tell you ladies!

hi northern. :) congrats on 19 weeks. can you please add me to the list. I'm due 4th april xx
I got to hear the heartbeat today! Apparently at 16 weeks they don't check it here in the uk but the midwife was my midwife with ds so she said because she did last time she would today. Soooo pleased don't know how many bpm it was though cos they only had a quick listen. I swear it was faster than ds though. 3 weeks till my scan soooo excited 😃
Ugh a flash back of last night came screaming back to me. I (not my dd) was waking up hourly. Lots of weird dreams. One of the times I woke up was due to trying to move in bed but my knee was "locked" and hurt so much i screamed my way through it. I dunno how DH and dd didn't wake up.

Stripey: I'm pleased to hear you got to listen to your baby's heart beat!
I had such a random baby dream last night. I dreamt I'd given birth and that the baby was three days old already. For some reason I hadn't been breastfeeding him/her and I was standing in the bank when I suddenly realised this. So I started squeezing my boobs to get the milk out. Then some man walked past me and told me I'd have to squeeze a lot harder than that if I had any hope of ever having milk again!
So very weird!
I've been having some odd dreams the last few days. Some I even wake up going Huh. I know I've had the dreams but I can't for the life of me remember what happened after I wake up. =|
Tara- Are you a writer? Writing a novel sounds really great! I have had aspirations of writing either a children's novel or chapter book or actually writing children's books. My only obstacle I face with writing a children's book is that I am horrible at drawing and I don't know anyone who could illustrate a book for me. But I'd truly love that. I have spent so much time making up stories for my son that he loves. And when I worked with 3-year-olds, I'd make up stories for them that they loved. I just wish I was better at drawing.

Amelie- I hope that it turns out that you do not have GSD this time, and then you won't have to worry about being induced. My birth experience with my son was less than ideal. It started out okay. My water broke first. I knew I had Group B strep and that I had to be on a penicillin drip a certain amount of time before delivering. So, I didn't know how much time I had, and I decided to go to the hospital as soon as my water broke. I wish I hadn't. Because I had to be strapped to all of their equipment and I was stuck in the bed. I think my labor may have progressed more if I had been able to move around. But I wasn't. My labor wasn't progressing fast at all. So, they put me on pitocin. It still wasn't progressing. A midwife sent in by my OB discovered there was still water left that was preventing progress. She removed the rest of my water and things got started. I wish she had come in sooner because I think I may not have needed pitcoin. At that point, my labor was painful but not unbearable. Well, I was having good, regular contractions, but I wasn't dilating pat 5 or 6 cm. At some point, when they really upped the pitocin, labor became so awful it felt like my whole body was exploding with each contraction. I couldn't take it. That was like every 2 minutes. And after going through that for an hour, I still had not dilated. So, I decided to have an epidural (that I was hoping to avoid). That took the pain away, but when it came time to push, I couldn't feel a thing and it took me an hour to push my son out because I seriously couldn't feel enough to know if I was even pushing. I don't want to go through that again. I am hoping to be rid of my Group B strep this time so that is not even a concern. I'm taking supplements to try to get rid of it. And if that goes away, I plan to wait before going to the hospital and labor for the first part in the comfort of my own home. And I hope and plan to have a natural delivery.

Perplexed- What a funny dream! So realistic, but definitely has its weird dream perks. I hope your little girl cuts her tooth soon. Poor thing! I also hope you aren't too tired and can get some extra rest if you need it.

StripeyCat- Glad you got to hear baby's HB! How great of your midwife.

Beanonorder- That is a HILARIOUS dream!! Oh my goodness! I was literally cracking up when I read that.

Northern- Good luck today! I'll be on pins and needles waiting to see what you're having!

This is probably going to be a long post (sorry), but I had kind of a scare last night. I started to get this horrible shooting headache (like in a line if that makes any sense) right above my right eye, but more like in the middle of my head. I was freaking out. It didn't feel normal. It was past midnight and my husband was already sound asleep. But I still woke him up because I've never had a headache like that before. He was groggy and asked me if I took anything for it. And I said no because it was a different kind of headache than anything I'd had. So he was still only half alert and he started rubbing my head. It did go away when I laid on my husband's arm and something about the heat of his arm helped my head. I'm thinking I should call and ask the OB nurse on call if a headache like that is something to be concerned about and if it could be pregnancy related.
I'm so glad it's gone now! But that was very scary and something I have never experienced before.

My mom is here now, which is wonderful. So glad to have someone around in case I do need to go see a doctor. But hopefully it is all just okay.

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