**April Bunnies 2015**

Rebecca and Tara I know exactly where you are coming from with the wish for a better birth. My waters went and were stained with meconium. So after that I was pretty much strapped down had the pitocin and then the Epidural. Tried to push and nothing happened so ended up having forceps and an episiotomy. Ds was then in SCBU for 3 days with meconium aspiration or so I was led to believe. I have a consultant appointment as I am still not really sure what went on. I do feel like there was too much intervention though. It also means I will have to deliver in the DGH rather than my local midwife led unit which is a shame but whatever is best for the baby.

Button I would love a home birth but don't think it is an option this time. It would be fab if you can have one though ☺️

Congratulations on the pink bump Northern! At least you know for definite now and can start making plans 😊

Amelie - I hope that the problems you have had before don't cause any issues this time.
I would say that a previous forceps, hormone induced labour and episiostomy shouldn't stop you having a more natural birth this time Stripeycat.

The meconium thing is obviously out of your control though.

I had syntocin (the name for pictocin in the UK I think), epidural, episiostomy and forceps with DD1 and honestly DD2 it was so different. She was born in 5 pushes in total and my body just did it.

I had long leads on the pads for monitoring baby so with DD2 I laboured in all sorts of positions and on and off the bed.

I did instinctively want to get on my back for pushing though.
Good lucktomorrow tove! I love getting excited on who is having what since my scan is 3 weeks away!

Amelie yippee I can also look forward to your scan to :D :haha: and yay and everything being great at appointment!

As for labour I really hope you girls who had a hard time find next time much better! My first I had epidural then forceps and episiotomy but my second was much quicker and better! I was induced on due date due to anti e antibody with the gel and labour started v quickly and he was born was quick I near gave birth in ward !! Waters broke all over the ward lol they had to run me I a wheelchair while I was pushing to labour suite and I gavebirth 10 minutes later! Only gas n air when pushing as In the ward they didn't believe me when I said things are moving quickly lol

This time I am scared it will be too quick a labour!

My friend who also had her boy last August on here had like a 1hour labour and she woke up in pain then straight to hospital then gave birth.
Crap sorry all for my terrible grammar I hope you can make out that jumble of words above lol i am always on the phone on here so it's harder to type a long paragraph
For those of you who have gone into labour naturally before, any advice for making it happen? Doctor said today if I don't go in on my own by March 30 I will be scheduled for a section. So I'm on a timeline for my VBAC.
Northern- I don't know if anything I did actually contributed to my waters breaking and labor starting, but I was very active at the end there. I was going for an hour-long walk every day. I'd get up in the morning and be unable to go back to sleep. And I was just restless. I also was very busy organizing everything in my house and all that goes with nesting. I don't know if the increased mobility moved things along faster, but it may have. I also think it's crazy that they are only giving you until March 30th! That's annoying. I feel like, unless there is some other complication, baby should come when baby is ready.
Also, I won't say a word on Facebook. I am excited for you! I bet it's going to be wonderful to have another little girl.

Tara- Crazy how your birth experience was so similar to mine. I do strongly believe that the inability to move around contributes to a slower labor. But I could be wrong. I'll find out this time. I'm just hoping it goes better.
My birth experience last time was a long, long induction at 37 weeks(simplification of events, haha) and I ended up with an epidural even though I didn't want one. This time I hope to go into labour naturally and not get the epidural. We will see.
Northern what is the reason they won't let you go beyond the 30th? I agree unless there are complications baby should be able to come in their own time.

As I've mentioned before my birth was extremely traumatic and I'm really hoping for a better experience this time around. The worst part for me last time was having dd taken away immediately and she was three days old the first time I got to hold her. I am really hoping for that immediate skin to skin contact this time.
Reading about all of your birth experiences with episiotomies and forceps is a little scary for me as a first time mom. Speaking to friend with kids almost all if them have had quite bad birth experiences with injuries that scares me even more! Right now I'm trying not to think too much about it but will bring it up to my midwife next time I see her to see what my options are.

Day of my scan! Slept very bad this night so this will be a tough day at work...
I'm sorry to the ladies who have had traumatic births.

I was induced but it went well. Tablet for 6-7 hrs (overnight), ARM then off we went. I did take all pain relief options by 4 hrs later. Fully dialated 5.30 hrs later...that's when I was given pitocin bc apparently the urge to push went away. I'm not convinced I needed pitocin but it was really only 10 mins of that I think.

The experience itself was so positive I'm afraid of repeating it. I can't explain why...
Awe Tove sorry to scare you my love! Assisted births do happen by not for everyone I am sure you will be fine.

Northern - they gave me a cervical sweep on my due date and an examination and I was already 3
Dilated so I did sort of start on my own. Dtd a couple of times and just kept really active right until the end.

Off for my quad bloods today - I take blood for a living do hate someone else doing it!☺️
Tove I was scared of ventouse and episiotamy when I was pregnant with DS and ended up having both and honestly it was fine. By that point I was just happy it meant I could stop pushing and I had a good recovery from it. If you do end up with assisted labour most of the time it's normally ok.
All first time mums please don't feel frightened about listening to labour stories. Every woman has a different experience and even though I had a forceps and episotomy with my first it really wasn't a bad experience at all. I enjoyed the labour and only because my dd hb was slowing and she was back to back so the forceps was to turn her while pushing and episiotomy is usually done when forceps used anyway. My second was such a great labour as well no tearing or stitches yay lol. But honestly you will hear so many story's bad and good but remember it doesn't mean you will go through a bad experience to! Plus when in labour trust me you won't care as long as baby gets out healthy :haha:
Tove :flower: I was scared hearing/reading birth stories when I was expecting my 1st.
My labour dragged out for 2 days and I had a drug free labour and birth, posterior baby and that was hell for me.
It's all natural for us strong women to go through. You can be amongst those mammas to tell a story hehe :)
We are all strong <3
What Scottish said ^ as long as baby gets out healthy x
Sorry that you're nervous Tove! I think I'm among the few who have always been fascinated by labour and giving birth. watched season after season of one born every minute and it made me all the more excited.
Don't apologize about telling your birth stories! I would rather read and hear about real experiences than something sugar coated!! I actually wasn't scared at all about giving birth before TTC, but when I have heard and read more about it I have become a little scared. The thought of someone cutting in my perineum/vaginal area and/or pulling the baby out with force makes me nauseous! Like I said, I'm going to bring it up with my midwife and see what my options are.
Tove, by the time it comes down to the actual birth (i.e. the very end of your labor) you won't care what's going on down there. I tore and had stitches, and I honestly did not feel either bc I was so focused on getting my DD out into the world. You take care of any stitches, they heal, you move on with life as a mom. Sometimes labors suck and aren't what we wanted, but obviously it wasn't that bad or we all wouldn't be here doing it again! :haha:

That being said, I'm going to be a lot more careful about what interventions I accept this time. I realize now that I have a right to decide my own care, and they have to explain the benefits and risks of any intervention (unless a true emergency). I'm not just going to say yes to everything the doctor suggests, unless I agree it's medically necessary. I don't think you have to accept constant fetal monitoring unless baby is in distress. If all is normal they can do periodic checks instead. I never knew I could say no to that stuff with DD.
My birth experience was only stressful because of my associated medical issues, IE. extreme high blood pressure. The induction was long because being induced at 37 weeks baby(induced June 30th, born July 5th) was just not ready to be born so it took forever to get my cervix to be ready. And I was on complete hospital bed rest. And my oxytocin was turned up too high for a portion of the labour. My situation is VERY unusual. I have never heard of anyone with a labour as long as mine before.

Once my water was broken I dilated fast, had him out in 6 pushes despite the fact he had stuck shoulders and I had an epidural, and my recovery was really easy and fantastic. He was in amazing condition, howling and alert, and nursed within minutes of birth like a champion. Had to have stitches for a few minor tears but nothing that was terrible, and I immediately was ready to go home after having him. I felt the best I had in months.

I don't consider my birth as traumatic. I wanted a natural birth, and being in the hospital on bed rest in labour for that long was hard. But his actual birth, relaxed, happy, really positive. No issues there. DO I hope I have a natural labour this time, no induction and no blood pressure issues? Of course. But I would do it again in an instant. I got an amazing baby boy, and I felt like a fricking superhero. No regrets.
I was terrified of having an episiotomy but after having one it was actually fine. Stitches weren't as bad as I expected either.
After I gave birth the doctor asked me if I was going to have another one and my response was 'yes (pause) no. I want another one but I don't know where it's coming from.' And I do remember I had really intense feelings of not being willing to do it again. But those feelings faded (obviously!). I won't lie, I am nervous this time round but I'm just trying to remind myself that I've done it before and I am capable of doing it again.

Tomorrow I'm off to see a doctor at a Chinese hospital. My friend is at least coming with me so I don't have to navigate it all alone. If all goes well I will go to this hospital until 32 weeks, when I change over to the expat hospital.
While we're sharing birthing stories (which I'm always fascinated by!)...

I was 4 days overdue with my daughter. My waters broke at home while I was clipping my toenails - important, but grim fact - and so I called and was told to come in to check me out. I was booked at a MLU. It was empty when I arrived so I waited in the room I'd eventually give birth in!
I was checked internally and I think they did a stretch and sweep - really hurt! - and I was 2cm. I'd been having minor contractions all morning and hadn't slept much the night before.
After that, the contractions came faster and stronger. I'd told them baby hadn't moved much that day (I'd been monitored a lot for lack of movement) and so they wanted me to be monitored, I declined because I needed to move. They agreed to doing sporadic monitoring 15mins apart. My waters had gone mid afternoon and at 8pm I was checked for the last time and I was 4cm. They then soon after let me get in the pool. I had g&a and laboured until just after midnight before I started pushing. I didn't realise I was pushing, the had to ask me...my body just took over in the water and clenched with each contraction. I pushed for 50 minutes and gave birth in the water.
I sat with her for half an hour before they cut the cord and then I had the injection as I still hadn't delivered the placenta. I hadn't tried bf yet as I think I'd totally forgot about it to be honest! Gutted looking back as I think that was our first mistake on our brief bf journey.
The placenta still didn't come, so in the end they had to pull it out, for me that was worse than the labour. I had someone pushing on my stomach and someone else pulling! Thankfully it came away and then I was stiched up -surreal and felt like a corset being done up :S
All in all I'd say it was a good birth. Yes, it hurt, but I didn't remember the pain within hours and was saying I'd do it again!
I'm hoping this time it'll be the same, except I'd like no tear, to try bf straight away, and the have the injection earlier (still with 10mins or so before cutting the cord) and I'd like to not have the placenta ripped out....I don't think I ask for much ;)
I'd be happy with the same duration again as it was only about 5 hours active labour and 9 after waters going.

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