**April Bunnies 2015**

Congratulations on :blue: bump Tove. I feel like I have no instinct now about what this baby is. Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow - if baby is co-operative. I am probably still leaning towards :pink:
Omg my uniform is not fitting me v.well this morning! I think my bump has grown loads in the last week think I may well be in my maternity top quicker than last time :wacko:. Never mind - had to do an 80 mile round trip just to have my bloods done yesterday. It is wierd I spend nearly a week at the hospital after having ds 18 months ago and I had totally forgotten where everything was! It was very strange being back there though. Next appointment is the scan 3 weeks today woohoo!

We are going up to Yorkshire next week for a few days and then pram shopping in Manchester the week after so hopefully will be my scan before we know it.

As for the sleeping I went through a few nights last week struggling to sleep but think it is when oh is on a late shift and comes in at 1-2am. I alwyas wake up no matter how quiet he is and then just can't seem to get back to sleep. Last few nights have been fine though he is back on evenings over the weekend so we shall see. May need to start wearing ear plugs!x
Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I replied here, but, every time I log in to this thread, I get lost in just catching up with the thread.

Congrats to all those who have found out baby's gender. For us, we have to stay on team yellow as it's illegal to find out here in India. But, hearing all those announcements just make me so eager to get at least some clue on the gender.

We had a scan yesterday at 18 weeks. it went good. But, the baby was so stubborn and didn't co-operate at all. Initially, it was just in a curled up position, not budging even when the sonographer tried to shake my tummy a bit. So, she asked me to take some drink, walk for a bit and come back in 30 mins. Then, when we get to saw the baby, it was moving around so much but with his/her face always hidden - either facing my back or hiding the face with hands - that little monkey. The sonographer couldn't complete the scan to her satisfaction even after taking around 90+ pics. So, I would have to go again in 2-3 weeks for the same anomaly scan. so, I couldn't take a guess on any gender too.

And, apart from that, the sonographer told me that I have an anterior high placenta So, while she confirmed that those small spasms that I feel occasionally at night and morning is baby movement, It will still take at least 3-4 weeks to feel the proper movements, may be even a little longer.

Any body here with anterior placenta in their previous pregnancy? Would like to get some reassurance on when will I start feeling those precious kicks and will there be any issues later on, especially during birth, because of this.
I had an anterior placenta last time but it's posterior now. Last time it was 18 weeks+ when I felt baby this time I think I started feeling last night at 17 weeks.
Amelie- Good luck on your scan tomorrow! Exciting!! I love seeing everyone's gender reveals. It's so much fun.

Christina- I know what you mean. I had lots of trouble sleeping last night as well. It's not fun. This time there was no other real reason for it than just me not being able to fall asleep.

StripeyCat- That is a very long trip! Wow!
My husband gets up in the morning at like 5:30 for PT. And then he comes back home at around 7 or so to get showered, dressed, and go back in at around 8. I don't know the time for sure because I'm usually trying to sleep. But every little sound and movement wakes me up. He is very considerate, but I still always wake up. I've been considering investing in ear plugs and a sleeping mask. I think it's more tiring to wake up and go back to sleep.

SanJan- I had an anterior placenta last time. I didn't feel anything until about 20 weeks or maybe a little after. I don't remember the exact time of it. I hope you can find some way of figuring out gender. That would be good esp. since it looks like you'd really like to know.

I think pregnancy hormones are starting to get me annoyed about some things. I have this cousin who has a son 2 months younger than my son. And she is also pregnant with a girl right now due at the end of the January. Well, she and I have always been polar opposites when it comes to our views on pregnancy and parenting. And it doesn't really bother me usually. My viewpoint is normally that the world is diverse and I want other people to accept me for how I am, and so I accept others for how they are even if they think nothing like me. But for some reason, some of the things she has been saying recently, are really upsetting me. She recently said outright that she hopes her baby comes 3 weeks early. Her son came 3 weeks early when her water broke. He was born at 5 lbs, and she had to do some sort of extra intensive program for him that is done with premature babies to help him thrive. And now she wants to go through that all over again. It bothers me a lot. I guess it's because I know it's not fun to be at the end of your pregnancy but there are things that need to develop in baby if you can help it. I know it's probably not a big deal. I don't know why it's so upsetting to me. And then she said she plans on staying in her room in her bed with the new baby for 30 days. And she expects her husband, mother, MIL to be there for the month to help make this possible. But she has another child, and that bothers me as well. Anyway, she is not me and she won't be and that's okay. I think I just needed to get all of that off my chest. I'm sure it's pregnancy hormones getting me worked up about something that isn't even my problem or my business.
I get wanting to be understanding but also wanting to slap the sh*t out of people. It happens to me a lot. Especially about things like the health of LOs.
It was like a chain reaction... First... I had to pee. Then I laid back down and since I have a cold right now (that I'm sure I got from one of the numerous classmates that I sit by that are sick and don't cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing) I can't breathe, my throat is sore, my ears hurt and I'm sure that's why I keep getting headaches. I must have also eaten too late last night when I was hungry and it didn't sit right. So I ended up burping with severe heartburn. My back hurt as the memory foam mattress has completely taken form of the way I lay. I wasn't comfortable on my sides or my back. I can lay on my stomach but it is extremely uncomfortable so I try to avoid it. I'm not sure it's because of my stomach..more because of my boobs. I eventually slept on the couch. :sleep:

I've been getting weird feelings today. Been laying down, on the couch, writing a paper (that I should have wrote a while ago). I'm not even sure how to describe it. It is like a strong flutter feeling that goes from my pubic bone up to right below my belly button. Though I'm not sure flutter is the word to use but I can't think of another way to describe it. It lasts about a second and stops. Happens randomly. Then I also get random pulse type feelings. They aren't strong but odd. It's my first so I can't tell if it is me feeling something from the baby. I don't think it's gas but it very well could be. :shrug:

I wish my next appt. was sooner. It's in 20 days. But I've been feeling doomed the last two days. I don't know why and the doom feeling came out of no where. DH has even been talking about nursery ideas and I can't bring myself to really look. I have bought nothing baby wise and have no urge to because I'm afraid. I don't know if I'm afraid because I fear something is wrong- which I have no reason to believe it is. Heck we heard the heart beat last week! Maybe I just need that comfort. Maybe I am becoming terrified that this is actually happening? :dohh::cry:

Sorry this was really long....
I'm struggling with sleeping at the moment as well. I'm going to go to bed shortly after LO tonight and try to catch up.
Christina- That sounds rough! I hope you can find a way to start getting some sleep. Those pulse feelings you describe sound like baby with hiccups to me. :)
The worry, I couldn't bring myself to get anything for my son until after the 20 week scan for my son, same with this baby. I want to start getting ready, but I feel like I can't until I know if everything is going to be ok. The movement sounds super positive though. You'll know when you feel ready to prepare for babe. I hope you are able to relax soon.
I have to meet with a county supervisor today. But when I get home I hope to take a lovely nap.

Yeah the worry is not good. I don't like being so anxious. it needs to stop and my Dh is not being very helpful despite his random acts of cooking me thanksgiving dinners. His rude comments are on my last nerve.

Here is the new picture for 15w4d
So I have decided that since we aren't finding out the gender until the baby is born I have to keep myself occupied in some way. I'm going to make a list of a bunch of all the wives tales for gender and do as many as I can. Let's see how many are accurate =) :pink::blue::baby:
Sounds fun Christina and great idea to keep your mind of it :)
Here is what I got...
Will it be a Boy or a Girl…. How Many Wives Tales are True!?

• Heart Rate- If the baby’s heart rate is above 140bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is lower than 140bmp, it is said that it will be a boy.
o 1st Ultrasound- 167bpm
o Doppler – 150bpm
o According to this we will have a GIRL

• Shape of Belly- If you’re carrying high with a big, round belly, you’re having a girl. If you’re carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy

I can’t really tell how I am carrying….

• Mayan Tale- The mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is an even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number than a boy is on the way.
o 2014+28 = 2042 (EVEN- GIRL)

• Baking Soda Test- Combines a tablespoon of baking soda and urine together. If the mixture doesn’t fizz it’s a girl. If it fizzles it’s a boy.
o (haven’t done yet)

• Acne- If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl
o Not a lot but I do- GIRL

• Cravings- If you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crae sweets, fruit and orange juice, you are having a girl.
o I like salty foods but have recently been craving sweets (a lot of Sweets) GIRL

• History of Parent’s Kids- If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child.
o GIRL (my parents had two girls)

• Moodiness – If you are really moody you are having a girl. If your pregnancy makes you smile you’re having a boy.

• Chinese Gender Chart

• Side you most Rest On- If a pregnant woman lays on her left side, she is having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she is having a girl

• Necklace over Hand- Have someone hold a necklace over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl
o (haven’t done yet)

• What do you think? – 71% of the time, the mom to be knows what she is having
o I have felt like it’s a GIRL from the very beginning

• Morning Sickness- IF you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl

• North or South- When you sleep, is your pillow north or south? If it’s north, then expect a boy, or south means a girl
Christina, how fun! I'm curious to see what the baking soda test says! Are you thinking of ordering an intelligender test?

Sadly, most of those came to girl for me as well (heart rate, Mayan, acne, sleeping side, cravings, moodiness, parents' kids!) so I can't speak to their accuracy!:p
Baking soda was right for me. So was the sickness and cravings. I haven't stopped eating sugar.
Baby soda didn't fizz when I tried it. I took a gender test off the internet and the result was pink (girl). So far I have made a banana cake, mango cheesecake and a trifle for no special reason lol.

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