**April Bunnies 2015**

I'm going to pick up baking soda on my way home tomorrow. We only had baking powder. I wasn't planning on ordering an intelligender but I'm curious so I might get one.
Here is what I got...
Will it be a Boy or a Girl…. How Many Wives Tales are True!?

• Heart Rate- If the baby’s heart rate is above 140bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is lower than 140bmp, it is said that it will be a boy.
o 1st Ultrasound- 167bpm
o Doppler – 150bpm
o According to this we will have a GIRL

• Shape of Belly- If you’re carrying high with a big, round belly, you’re having a girl. If you’re carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy

I can’t really tell how I am carrying….

• Mayan Tale- The mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is an even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number than a boy is on the way.
o 2014+28 = 2042 (EVEN- GIRL)

• Baking Soda Test- Combines a tablespoon of baking soda and urine together. If the mixture doesn’t fizz it’s a girl. If it fizzles it’s a boy.
o (haven’t done yet)

• Acne- If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl
o Not a lot but I do- GIRL

• Cravings- If you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crae sweets, fruit and orange juice, you are having a girl.
o I like salty foods but have recently been craving sweets (a lot of Sweets) GIRL

• History of Parent’s Kids- If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child.
o GIRL (my parents had two girls)

• Moodiness – If you are really moody you are having a girl. If your pregnancy makes you smile you’re having a boy.

• Chinese Gender Chart

• Side you most Rest On- If a pregnant woman lays on her left side, she is having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she is having a girl

• Necklace over Hand- Have someone hold a necklace over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl
o (haven’t done yet)

• What do you think? – 71% of the time, the mom to be knows what she is having
o I have felt like it’s a GIRL from the very beginning

• Morning Sickness- IF you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl

• North or South- When you sleep, is your pillow north or south? If it’s north, then expect a boy, or south means a girl

I'm going to fill this out, one with the answers from my first pregnancy(my 16 month old son) and one with this pregnancy!
My answers from my first pregnancy, with my son, now 16 months!:

• Heart Rate- If the baby’s heart rate is above 140bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is lower than 140bmp, it is said that it will be a boy.

Between 135 and 145. No definitive answer.

• Shape of Belly- If you’re carrying high with a big, round belly, you’re having a girl. If you’re carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy

GIRL, belly was definitely big and round, but I did not carry super high.

• Mayan Tale- The mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is an even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number than a boy is on the way.
o 2012+24=2036 GIRL

• Baking Soda Test- Combines a tablespoon of baking soda and urine together. If the mixture doesn’t fizz it’s a girl. If it fizzles it’s a boy.

Did not do this

• Acne- If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl
So much acne. GIRL

• Cravings- If you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crae sweets, fruit and orange juice, you are having a girl.

More salty and spicy. BOY

• History of Parent’s Kids- If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child.

• Moodiness – If you are really moody you are having a girl. If your pregnancy makes you smile you’re having a boy.

• Chinese Gender Chart

• Side you most Rest On- If a pregnant woman lays on her left side, she is having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she is having a girl

• Necklace over Hand- Have someone hold a necklace over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl
Did not do this

• What do you think? – 71% of the time, the mom to be knows what she is having
No instinct/mild boy feelings

• Morning Sickness- IF you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl
I had HG. GIRL.

• North or South- When you sleep, is your pillow north or south? If it’s north, then expect a boy, or south means a girl
I have no idea. We have moved houses too.

7 for GIRL
2 for BOY

I had a beautiful baby boy!
For this pregnancy, baby due April 5th!:

• Heart Rate- If the baby’s heart rate is above 140bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is lower than 140bmp, it is said that it will be a boy.

Between 150-170. GIRL

• Shape of Belly- If you’re carrying high with a big, round belly, you’re having a girl. If you’re carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy

GIRL? Carrying very, very high but also kind of pointy!

• Mayan Tale- The mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is an even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number than a boy is on the way.
o 2014+26=2040 GIRL

• Baking Soda Test- Combines a tablespoon of baking soda and urine together. If the mixture doesn’t fizz it’s a girl. If it fizzles it’s a boy.

For science I just stopped to do this test in the middle of writing this response. Science can thank me later. BOY. It fizzled like nobody's business.

• Acne- If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl
So much acne. GIRL

• Cravings- If you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crae sweets, fruit and orange juice, you are having a girl.

More salty and spicy. BOY

• History of Parent’s Kids- If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child.

• Moodiness – If you are really moody you are having a girl. If your pregnancy makes you smile you’re having a boy.

• Chinese Gender Chart

• Side you most Rest On- If a pregnant woman lays on her left side, she is having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she is having a girl

• Necklace over Hand- Have someone hold a necklace over your hand. If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy. If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl

• What do you think? – 71% of the time, the mom to be knows what she is having
No real instinct

• Morning Sickness- IF you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl
Nausea, not unbearable, and I never threw up. After my son I am considering that no morning sickness, LOL. BOY

• North or South- When you sleep, is your pillow north or south? If it’s north, then expect a boy, or south means a girl
I think north. BOY.

9 for GIRL
4 for BOY

We will find out on Thursday(Less than a week now, WOW!) one way or another, and of course I will update all y'all.
Hi girls. Took me forever to catch up!

Northern congrats on your girl!! So exciting and I am sure your dd will love a little sister!

To be congrats on your adorable baby boy!!

Rebecca I hope that headache doesn't come back for you. Sounds terrible.

Christina I am also struggling with sleep. Thanks to my sciatica I can't sleep on my left and my right hip is starting to bother me. I'm a side sleeper and don't like to be on my back but end up there and uncomfortable. Its so frustrating to not be able to sleep!!

I had lazy day today but have a lot to do tomorrow now. I work all weekend and am praying for a better couple days than the last few. Tuesday was awful. I was in so much pain with my back and hip I fought off tears all day long and on the way home. One of my patients was very sick and ended up coding and dying and my other went south as well but I managed to keep her alive. Wednesday was better but still stressful. Some days are so hard at my job but I do love what I do but I feel like I can't do as good a job as I'd like when I'm hurting so bad. Also I can't keep going 9-10 hours without eating.

I think I feel baby moving sometimes but really can't say for sure but I think that's what it is and I love it.

Oh and I'm like you counting I am waiting until my anomaly scan to buy anything. I'm too scared especially after my friend lost her baby. I have my private gender scan in less than two weeks and maybe I'll buy something on Black Friday but not much. My anomaly scan won't be until sometime after thanksgiving. I get the doom feeling off and on also but I think that's natural. At least I hope it is!

Sorry for the long post!
Sorry this post is going to be all about me! I will reply to everyone when I'm at the computer and not about to rush off to class.

None of the Chinese hospitals will accept me, they say I'm too far along. So I will just have to keep paying for the International one.

Dh got a job yesterday and he starts on Monday. He is going apartment hunting this weekend and will obviously move out as soon as he finds something. So I am now running around desperately trying to find a nanny. I am hoping to do interviews on Friday evening and Saturday and then have some trial hours on Sunday. I was getting so stressed out I eventually went to ask my boss for leave on Monday and Tuesday. I had myself all prepared and practiced what I wanted to say. And then I burst into tears as soon as I walked into his office. I was absolutely mortified. I had no choice but to tell him what's going on. Thankfully he was very understanding.
Dini, it's good to hear from you! I like your long post. ;) I'm so sorry you're struggling with pain and at work. Have you asked your doc about the pain? Surely you shouldn't have to suffer so much. Hey, we are almost 17 weeks! I haven't bought anything either, and have actually turned down a couple of free things. I'm just not ready. Soo excited for your gender scan though! Did I guess girl for you based on your 12-week us?

So girls, please tell me if I'm crazy. I know I'm feeling baby. But with DD this early it was all flutters and swimmy feelings. With this baby, I am feeling the sort of pushing pressure I felt from DD way later. Like, earlier today I felt him push up against the top of my uterus, a firm steady pressure. But isn't he too small to be doing that? How could something the size of a pickle (really? a pickle?) be causing such a firm steady pressure? But what else could it possibly be?

Had my last day of work today. Freaking out just a little, but happy. :)
Beanonorder I'm glad your boss was understanding, at least. You poor thing. You are going through so much and need a break. I'll be thinking of you and sending you strong & peaceful thoughts. :hugs:
Dini, I hope the pain in your back and hip goes away soon. Especially Woth all thoseong hours on busy work :flow:

Beanonorder I hop everything works out for you soon :hugs:

Tara you are not crazy haha. I'm getting full blown kicks. With dd, I didn't feel kicks until 20 weeks.
I'm even feeling them when I stand up :dance:
Tara I'm envious of you being finished work.

I'm hoping to work as long as I can but the likelihood is that I won't be there much longer after Xmas. My nerve issues in my leg are so bad I can barely stand long enough to shower now. The whole morning routine of getting DD out to school is impossible, I've started directing her from sitting down.
I woke up crying this morning and I have no idea why. That's just confusing.
I also just read a news article that came up on my FB that was written by my local news station saying someone (one person) in Iowa has been quarrientined for being in an Ebola stricken area in the last 21 days and has no symptoms but they won't say where in Iowa so of course all the comments are people freaking out and saying how stupid people are.
Beanonorder- I hope you can find someone to watch your daughter. I am sorry to hear of all the stress you are going through. And I actually kind of hope that your husband realizes that his decision is having a major impact on your and your daughter. I am not in your situation, but it seems like he isn't even thinking of any of that. I am also glad that your boss was so understanding. That is very nice.

Dini- I haven't had another headache (or even a sign of one) since I started making sure I'm drinking tons of water. I hope that you are feeling better at work. Have you told anyone that you work for that you are having these problems? Is there any way that they can work something out so that you aren't in so much pain? I don't know much about what your job requires. I know that my grandmother is in a home, and I am so appreciative for all they do for her. I am sure it is a very demanding job.

Christina- Those pregnancy hormones are something else! I just started crying out of nowhere last night. I was trying to hide it from my husband because I seriously had no reason to cry. But he picked up on it and wanted to talk about it. I kept telling him that it was just pregnancy hormones, but he insisted something must really be wrong. In the end we just dropped it. It is hard to just start crying for no reason, but it is mostly just crazy hormones. I also was emotional with my son, but being pregnant with a girl has me being way more hormonal.

Tara- I don't know what that is you are feeling. I guess it wouldn't be baby because of baby's size like you said. Maybe you are having some sort of braxton hicks contractions already. Either that or maybe the baby is pushing into the placenta and you feel the placenta creating that pressure.
Congrats on your last day at work!

I finally slept great last night after two nights of lousy sleep. I went to bed earlier than I usually do and I just slept all night. I ended up being stuck in a dream within a dream within a dream. Craziness!
I am going to the YMCA today, and I am going to try out their yoga class. I am hoping it will all go well. I hope to arrive a little early and speak with the instructor before the class starts if possible.
I can't believe tomorrow is the day I will see baby girl's face! :) This week did fly by.
Rebecca I do think it's baby pushing on the placenta, since it's anterior. If that sounds plausible to you then I'm going to go with it. :) When I had BH before they were across my uterus, and these are in one place and feel more like pushing than pulling. :shrug:

Northern I know, I am lucky. It's going to be hard financially (and I feel stupid bc I could probably get a great job if I were to look right now, because I had all kinds of people in the company and people I've worked with telling me how great I am and how lucky any employer would be to have me--cue me breaking eye contact and having no idea what to say!) but I need the time with this LO and to figure out my life. :p I hope when you're done working it's on your terms and not because pain got the best of you!

Christina, you probably had an emotional dream. I have cried like crazy for no reason so many times (especially when I was pregnant with DD).

16 (almost 17) week appointment today. Excited to hear baby's HB again. :)
Hi ladies- those having emotional dreams, I hope they go away. A few weeks ago I had a dream that my sister made me a pie for my birthday but made one she knew I wouldn't like. When I confronted her she said I shouldn't be selfish as I wasn't the only one eating the pie. I woke up so upset I had trouble breathing- it was really scary!

I don't think I'm going to buy anything for a while. Every time I get a little okay, something else comes up. At my last scan to check the SCH the tech said that even though the measurement of the amniotic fluid was similar to the last one, it looked smaller to her and that the umbilical cord looked off-center, but it would have to be confirmed at the 20 week scan in 2 weeks. Anyone ever had that before? The tech said it could interfere with baby's growth. Right now baby is growing at a good clip, but grew less than expected this week. Maybe just coming off of a growth spurt, I hope. Plus the SCH isn't getting smaller. Sorry about the pity party...
Hi ladies- those having emotional dreams, I hope they go away. A few weeks ago I had a dream that my sister made me a pie for my birthday but made one she knew I wouldn't like. When I confronted her she said I shouldn't be selfish as I wasn't the only one eating the pie. I woke up so upset I had trouble breathing- it was really scary!

I don't think I'm going to buy anything for a while. Every time I get a little okay, something else comes up. At my last scan to check the SCH the tech said that even though the measurement of the amniotic fluid was similar to the last one, it looked smaller to her and that the umbilical cord looked off-center, but it would have to be confirmed at the 20 week scan in 2 weeks. Anyone ever had that before? The tech said it could interfere with baby's growth. Right now baby is growing at a good clip, but grew less than expected this week. Maybe just coming off of a growth spurt, I hope. Plus the SCH isn't getting smaller. Sorry about the pity party...

Last pregnancy, I had a LOT of ultrasounds. I was told by the techs and doctors that to some degree the more you look, the more you find. Sometimes with a lot of ultrasounds and different measurements over shorter periods of time they start to see problems where there really are none. I hope that is the case for you!:hugs:
Xanzaba, I totally get that you are okay for a bit then something happens. I hope all is well and remember the techs don't know it all. At this stage babies grow at their own rate and could have a growth spurt out of nowhere! When is your next scan?

Tara I'm also envious of you not having to work now, and I sure your dd will be thrilled to have you around!! And yes, we are almost 17 weeks! 3 weeks and we will finally be half way!!

Northern I'm in the same boat, I am ony feet 12 hours a day and don't know how long I can work with this pain and the numbness in my leg but I'm gonna try to as long as possible. I've been told that sometimes when you get a bit further the baby shifts off the nerve and you get some relief. Let's pray for that!

Rebecca I'm so glad you got some sleep! Those crazy dreams are freaky aren't they? I seem to have one nightly now.

Beanonorder, you poor thing. You are just dealing with so much. I'm glad your boss was understanding. I'm sending you happy peaceful thoughts.

Afm, I checked on baby today with the doppler, strong heartbeat at the top of my uterus about 158. I can feel the top of my uterus really well now and it's getting closer to my belly button. Still can't see a bump really, just my usual fat but I can feel it and see it if I lay down. And I know I felt baby this morning. Felt like a ball rolling around. I think maggz described it like that and that's totally what it felt like!
I have a sick, sick toddler at home. Chest and ear infection that came on from a common cold. Now he is on a puffer and antibiotics. My poor boy. On the plus side baby is moving SO MUCH lately. I love it :cloud9:
Thanks for the well wishes, ladies. I'm getting weekly scans, so I have another one on Wednesday. It does seem like a little too often, it's making me more nervous than it is helping. Last week he was in a weird little position, with his arms around his legs, and he did look a little cramped. Still haven't gained a pound, which is starting to make me nervous. Just went and had a chicken sandwich with cheese and fries :wacko:
Counting, I hope your little one is on the mend soon. It's so hard to see little innocents not feeling well.
Amelie you must be having your scan just now? I just remembered eeek excited:D

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