**April Bunnies 2015**

Amelie I love that name!!!

Flutters here already as well!! I know it's baby because it's nearly the same spot every time! And it's mostly when I'm sitting up as if he's saying ok lay down please lol
I have a sick, sick toddler at home. Chest and ear infection that came on from a common cold. Now he is on a puffer and antibiotics. My poor boy. On the plus side baby is moving SO MUCH lately. I love it :cloud9:

:hugs: for your little one

Congrats on :pink: ladies :) :)
Congrats on a girl RayeAnn!

I am currently at the doctor. He told me they're going to do the anomaly scan today which really surprised me because I though that would only be next month! But now they've discovered that the tech can't do it so I have to come back on Monday. Otherwise I've lost weight and my blood pressure is on the pretty low side. Not surprised by any of that.

I have interviewed 2 nannies so far, one of which impressed me even though she can't speak English. I have another three this afternoon. Hopefully whoever I choose proves to be worthwhile!
it just occured to me how fast this pregnancy is passing by. In a few days I'll have reached 18 weeks.
Not long after that is my anomaly ultrasound. The next milestone is vday 24 weeks. Then a few weeks after that is 3rd tri. Generally 3rd tri or after 30 weeks is when I'm planning to start shopping for baby and it'll be quite busy. I'm not complaining about it passing by so fast, it's probably due to not being stuck on bed rest like before. It felt like it took forever to reach 18 weeks.

DH says he's proud of me for having not given up on bf so easily and it really took a lot for me to finally offer dd formula. But he added that he doesn't feel I should be as hard on myself this time. I think I'll prepare bottles to store breastmilk in before giving birth so I could start expressing early and building a freezer stash. maybe offer a bottle of expressed milk really early rather than worrying.
Hi ladies! I've decided to let my DH choose when we find out the gender as I want him to be connected to the pregnancy and I chose the first time around. He decided he wants to find out at the 20 week scan. So I'm really excited to get to see baby!! And if it's boy or girl. No feeling one way or another....I felt pretty strongly boy with my DS. I would truly be so excited with both so now I just want to know!

I've been keeping up on all the posts and congratulations on all the pink and blue bumps! I will have a look at he first page...I wonder what the ratio is!

Beanonorder I can't imagine what you're going through. Your DHs behavior is shocking. :hugs: to you and your daughter and I agree he should have absolutely no choice in the name!

Perplexed that's amazing to have such great support with bf! Luckily my DH was very supportive as well! I have decided to take a little more relaxed approach this time as well. I'm also planning on starting pumping much sooner. We never even gave our son a bottle to try until three months so I think this time around I will try at one month.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!!!
I'm going the opposite way this time. Last time I got on well with BFing and thinking I ought to pump and let OH feed him drove me nuts because I just couldn't get the hang of pumping. I threw the pump away and I won't be buying another one. Really hoping this one will be as easy to BF as DS and I can just get on with it.
Button I never got the hang of pumping either but I think I'll be less stressed overall if I'm able to leave LO at home with someone to go run a quick errand or go to pp appointments.
Beanonorder, good luck with the nanny!

Twenty weeks today! I never thought I would get here.
I never got pumping right last time but I want to try again this time. I am more informed about ways to keep your supply up so I'm hoping this will help. I had to start combi feeding from 6 weeks due to failure to thrive so I am hoping to wait a bit longer this time before introducing a bottle.

I interviewed three great nannies this afternoon and it was seriously tough choosing one. I eventually chose one whose English is really good and has lots of experience with expat families and newborns. So I really hope I made the right choice!

I also brought up the subject of names with dh. He wasn't completely sold at first but was very open to talking about and in the end agreed. So looks like we have our boys name of Logan William. He agrees with me that the girls name is going to be tough. We are so torn between Madison and Paige. Nevermind coming up with a second name!
My DH and I just had the conversation about bf and formula feeding. I've decided to not even try bf and go straight for formula.

I keep forgetting to take my prenatals =| oops.

I can't get my cold to go away and I've now started coughing. Not good. I usually end up with bronchitis every year no matter what. Last three years I had punemonia that took anywhere from 1-4 months to get rid of. That's the last thing I need to worry about right now. I hope it's not the beginning sign that I'm going to get really sick!

We are winterizing today. All our stuff needs to be put away and covered. They are calling for 3-6in of snow on Monday. Yuck!!

Almost to 16 weeks! It's going by really fast!!!!

Beanonorder- Im glad you found a nanny you like! I also like the name for a boy you picked out. And I like both girls names they are very pretty.
Beanonorder- I am so glad you found a nanny. She sounds good! :) I hope it turns out great for you. You really deserve it. You already know I like the name Paige. But I also love Madison. It isn't on my list of names because I know my husband wouldn't like it. But it's a great name and I knew the sweetest little girl named Madison. I'd even put both of those names together. Depending on which one you end up liking more as a first name.

When my MIL was here, she did not bring up names in front of my husband. And I wasn't going to tell her my names. But she brought it up one-on-one, and I told her I like Colleen Paige. I wish I hadn't. She made a terrible face about Colleen, but she said she liked Paige. Personally, I don't care what she likes or doesn't like; it isn't her child. She had the chance to name her own kids. But it's my husband I am concerned about caring. We'll see.

Northern- Happy 20 weeks! So exciting to be halfway!

Perplexed- I completely agree that this pregnancy feels like it is flying by! I can't believe that halfway mark is right around the corner.

I also feel once 30 weeks comes, then it's fast forward from there.

Xanzaba- I think your baby just had a growth spurt and now is the same size for a little bit. I wish some medical professionals would not create so much worry sometimes. I understand how that could make frequent ultrasounds more of an additional worry than something you'd want. So, is your baby a boy? Maybe you said that and I forgot. I've been trying to keep track of everyone now with the front page because I'm starting to forget.

AFM- Yoga was GREAT yesterday!! I am so glad I went! It is so different than it used to be. Because I used to be one of those people who always went for the extra challenge that the instructor would offer. For example, when she would say, "If you want more of a challenge, you can do this.." And I would always be pushing myself to try the tough moves. Now, I'm the one looking for the modification. But I talked to the instructor beforehand, and I told her I was pregnant.
She said not to do any moves that will pull at my lower belly, groin, or thigh area. She said that can lead to an injury. So, for example, when other people are doing a move in a sort of squat position (like moonflower), only go as low as my body will allow. Good to know! I clearly couldn't do anything on my stomach and for all resting poses done on the back, I just moved to my side when it became uncomfortable. The good thing about pregnancy is that your body lets you know when you are pushing it too hard. My biggest indicator was round ligament pain. When that came on, I just made sure I took it easy. But I left feeling really good and stretched out and glad I went.

I have my just 1 and 1/2 hours until my ultrasound!!! :happydance: CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Christina, can I ask why you decided to forgo trying to breastfeed? It's a very personal decision, I'm just curious why you made that choice so early with this being your first.

Beanonorder, I'm so glad you found a nanny you're happy about. I'm looking forward to hearing how she does with your DD. :thumbup: One stress off of your plate, at least.

Happy twenty weeks, Northern!
Oh & Perplexed, my DD had awful sleep problems at 1 year as well. I think it's quite common. We had to completely change what we were doing (had to institute a routine during the day & for bedtime, introduce white noise, etc., etc.), but within a couple months she was sleeping well again. There are tons of books and Internet resources on different things you can try. It felt endless at the time, but it's just a stage; you'll get through it soon, I promise!
I am going to breastfeed this baby, and I am so glad this time I won't have to try and fuss with pumps so much. With my first I went back to work when he was six months old. I didn't cope well, and neither did he. He wouldn't take a bottle or sippy cup, so part of the time DH had to bring him up to my work to nurse and when he couldn't I wound up pumping just to keep my supply up for days I was home. I was able to donate the extra breast milk to ladies and babies in need which was lovely, but the stress and hate I have for the pump is huge, though I love the bond I have breastfeeding my son. This time I will be off for a complete year, and 12 months was when my son really started drinking from a straw cup, so hoping this baby will be more ready for me to go back(and that I will be more ready too).

The other difficult aspect is whether or not to attempt to wean my son before the new baby is born. He is still nursing and I am happy we have made it this far into pregnancy and still going strong. Breastfeeding is like sleeping pills and tantrum stopper all in one snugly package for toddlers. But he is still a frequent nurser and I am on a personal unpaid year off right now from work so he has had free reign to nurse whenever he pleases. He will be 21 months, my goal was 2 years. I hope to wean him down to one nursing session a day by the time the baby gets here, or allow him to self wean if he looses interest with milk supply drop. It breaks my heart thinking about him being so grown up and loosing that bond with my son, but I also think it might be the best thing all around. I guess I will see how it goes and let him take the lead :)
We had sleep problems with LO at a year old as well. I think that's when we moved his bedtime story to before his bath as he would get so over stimulated by it.

Beanonorder glad you found a nanny

Rebecca I'm going to start pregnancy yoga first weekend in December, all booked up until then with visiting relatives and birthday parties.

Northern happy halfway point!
I went back and forth for a while. At first I thought I would try but I could never get used to the thought. I still haven't been able to get used to the thought of breast feeding so it finally came to me deciding not to do it at all. I mean I guess I could change my mind I have 24 weeks left but I doubt I will.
Counting, lots of girls at my work tandem feed their older kids too :) I have one girl who breastfeed for 6 years straight through 3 pregnancies/babies.

I didn't get to breastfeed last time due to health issues and lack of support. This time I am damn well determined I am doing it. It isn't an option to not breastfeed for me this time around.
I went back and forth for a while. At first I thought I would try but I could never get used to the thought. I still haven't been able to get used to the thought of breast feeding so it finally came to me deciding not to do it at all. I mean I guess I could change my mind I have 24 weeks left but I doubt I will.

Just remember you can change your mind, I operate under the assumption that nobody is recording my choices and making note of if I do things differently, lol. I knew I wanted to breastfeed my son, but I had no idea what it would be like and was afraid it would feel weird. Once I had given birth nursing him for the first time felt very natural to soothe and feed him. The post baby hormones and actually feeding your own child can feel much, much different than the hypothetical idea of breastfeeding a baby, which can feel really strange to think about.

It is ok to make a decision now, but it is also ok to wait to make any concrete choice, even if the moment you do happens in the delivery room. You can also pump or nurse to give baby colostrum(very good for them) without committing yourself to breastfeeding beyond that, or even ever putting baby to the breast if you still feel uncomfortable with it. There are so many options. I would recommend going with the flow. If at that point if you think breastfeeding is not for you, you can always choose not to or to stop at any point. It is perfectly ok to tell hospital staff when they ask if you have plans for breastfeeding, or if you make a birth plan "I want to wait until after I give birth to make a choice, and would like my choice to formula feed or breastfeed to be supported no matter what I choose."

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